AB1-ASA2,27,137 6.26 (2) (b) The municipal clerk, board of election commissioners, or elections
8government accountability board may appoint any applicant who qualifies under
9this subsection, unless the applicant's appointment has been revoked by a
10municipality or by the board for cause. The municipal clerk, board of election
11commissioners, or elections government accountability board may revoke an
12appointment made by the clerk, board of election commissioners, or elections
13government accountability board for cause at any time.
AB1-ASA2, s. 29 14Section 29. 6.26 (2) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1-ASA2,27,1915 6.26 (2) (c) No individual may serve as a special registration deputy in a
16municipality unless the individual is appointed by the municipal clerk or board of
17election commissioners of the municipality or the individual is appointed by the
18elections government accountability board to serve all municipalities and the
19individual completes training required under s. 7.315.
AB1-ASA2, s. 30 20Section 30. 6.36 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1-ASA2,28,521 6.36 (2) (a) Except as provided in par. (b), each registration list prepared for use
22as a poll list at a polling place or for purposes of canvassing absentee ballots at an
23election shall contain the full name and address of each registered elector; a blank
24column for the entry of the serial number of the electors when they vote or the poll
25list number used by the municipal board of absentee ballot canvassers in canvassing

1absentee ballots; an indication next to the name of each elector for whom proof of
2residence under s. 6.34 is required; and a form of certificate bearing the certification
3of the executive director administrator of the elections division of the board stating
4that the list is a true and complete registration list of the municipality or the ward
5or wards for which the list is prepared.
AB1-ASA2, s. 31 6Section 31. 6.56 (3) to (5) of the statutes are amended to read:
AB1-ASA2,28,237 6.56 (3) Upon receipt of the list under sub. (1), the municipal clerk or board of
8election commissioners shall make an audit of all electors registering to vote at the
9polling place or other registration location under s. 6.55 (2) and all electors
10registering by agent on election day under s. 6.86 (3) (a) 2. unless the clerk or board
11of election commissioners receives notice from the board under sub. (7) that the board
12will perform the audit. The audit shall be made by 1st class postcard. The postcard
13shall be marked in accordance with postal regulations to ensure that it will be
14returned to the clerk, board of election commissioners, or elections government
board if the elector does not reside at the address given on the
16postcard. If any postcard is returned undelivered, or if the clerk, board of election
17commissioners, or elections government accountability board is informed of a
18different address than the one specified by the elector which was apparently
19improper on the day of the election, the clerk, board of election commissioners, or
20elections government accountability board shall change the status of the elector from
21eligible to ineligible on the registration list, mail the elector a notice of the change
22in status, and provide the name of the elector to the district attorney for the county
23where the polling place is located and the government accountability board.
AB1-ASA2,29,10 24(3m) As soon as possible after all information relating to registrations after the
25close of registration for an election is entered on the registration list following the

1election under s. 6.33 (5) (a), the board shall compare the list of new registrants
2whose names do not appear on the poll lists for the election because the names were
3added after the board certified the poll lists for use at the election with the list
4containing the names transmitted to the board by the department of corrections
5under s. 301.03 (20) s. 301.03 (20m) as of election day. If the board finds that the
6name of any person whose name appears on the list transmitted under s. 301.03 (20)
7s. 301.03 (20m) has been added to the registration list, the board shall enter on the
8list the information transmitted to the board under s. 301.03 (20) s. 301.03 (20m) and
9shall notify the district attorney for the county where the polling place is located that
10the person appears to have voted illegally at the election.
AB1-ASA2,29,21 11(4) After each election, the municipal clerk shall perform an audit to assure
12that no person has been allowed to vote more than once. Whenever the municipal
13clerk has good reason to believe that a person has voted more than once in an election,
14the clerk shall send the person a 1st class letter marked in accordance with postal
15regulations to ensure that it will be returned to the clerk if the elector does not reside
16at the address given on the letter. The letter shall inform the person that all
17registrations relating to that person may be changed from eligible to ineligible status
18within 7 days unless the person contacts the office of the clerk to clarify the matter.
19A copy of the letter and of any subsequent information received from or about the
20addressee shall be sent to the district attorney for the county where the person
21resides and the board
AB1-ASA2,30,4 22(5) Whenever any letter or postcard mailed under this section is returned
23undelivered, or whenever the U.S. postal service notifies the clerk of an improper
24address which was apparently improper on the day of the election or whenever it
25otherwise appears that a person has voted who is not qualified or has voted more

1than once in an election, and the person has been permitted to vote after
2corroboration was made under s. 6.55 (2) or 6.86 (3) (a) 2., the name of the
3corroborator shall also be provided to the district attorney for the county where the
4person resides and the board
AB1-ASA2, s. 32 5Section 32. 7.08 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1-ASA2,30,6 67.08 (title) Elections Government accountability board.
AB1-ASA2, s. 33 7Section 33. 7.08 (7) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1-ASA2,30,128 7.08 (7) Voting system transitional assistance. From the appropriation under
9s. 20.510 (1) (c) 20.511 (1) (c), provide assistance to municipalities that used punch
10card electronic voting systems at the 2001 spring election to enable the
11municipalities to employ another type of electronic voting system, and provide
12training for election officials in the use of replacement systems.
AB1-ASA2, s. 34 13Section 34. 7.15 (1) (g) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1-ASA2,30,1614 7.15 (1) (g) Report suspected election frauds, irregularities or violations of
15which the clerk has knowledge to the district attorney for the county where the
16suspected activity occurs and to the board
AB1-ASA2, s. 35 17Section 35. 7.21 (2m) of the statutes is repealed.
AB1-ASA2, s. 36 18Section 36. 7.31 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1-ASA2,30,2319 7.31 (5) The board shall conduct regular training programs to ensure that
20individuals who are certified by the board under this section are knowledgeable
21concerning their authority and responsibilities. The board shall pay all costs
22required to conduct the training programs from the appropriation under s. 20.510 (1)
20.511 (1) (bm).
AB1-ASA2, s. 37 24Section 37. 7.60 (4) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
17.60 (4) (a) The board of canvassers shall make separate duplicate statements
2showing the numbers of votes cast for the offices of president and vice president; state
3officials; U.S. senators and representatives in congress; state legislators; justice;
4court of appeals judge; circuit judges; district attorneys; and metropolitan sewerage
5commissioners, if the commissioners are elected under s. 200.09 (11) (am). If a
6municipal judge elected under s. 755.01 (4) serves a municipality that is located
7partially within the county and candidates for that judgeship file nomination papers
8in another county, the board of canvassers shall prepare a duplicate statement
9showing the numbers of votes cast for that judgeship in that county for transmittal
10to the other county. For partisan candidates, the statements shall include the
11political party or principle designation, if any, next to the name of each candidate.
12The board of canvassers shall also prepare a statement showing the results of any
13county, technical college district, or statewide referendum. Each statement shall
14state the total number of votes cast in the county for each office; the names of all
15persons for whom the votes were cast, as returned; the number of votes cast for each
16person; and the number of votes cast for and against any question submitted at a
17referendum. The board of canvassers shall use one copy of each duplicate statement
18to report to the elections government accountability board, technical college district
19board, or board of canvassers of any other county and shall file the other statement
20in the office of the county clerk or board of election commissioners.
AB1-ASA2, s. 38 21Section 38. 7.60 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1-ASA2,32,1522 7.60 (5) Reporting. (a) Immediately following the canvass, the county clerk
23shall deliver or send to the elections government accountability board, by 1st class
24mail, a certified copy of each statement of the county board of canvassers for
25president and vice president, state officials, senators and representatives in

1congress, state legislators, justice, court of appeals judge, circuit judge, district
2attorney, and metropolitan sewerage commissioners, if the commissioners are
3elected under s. 200.09 (11) (am). The statement shall record the returns for each
4office or referendum by ward, unless combined returns are authorized under s. 5.15
5(6) (b) in which case the statement shall record the returns for each group of
6combined wards. Following primaries the county clerk shall enclose on forms
7prescribed by the elections government accountability board the names, party or
8principle designation, if any, and number of votes received by each candidate
9recorded in the same manner. The county clerk shall deliver or transmit the certified
10statement to the elections government accountability board no later than 7 days
11after each primary except the September primary, no later than 10 days after the
12September primary and any other election except the general election, and no later
13than 14 days after the general election. The board of canvassers shall deliver or
14transmit a certified copy of each statement for any technical college district
15referendum to the secretary of the technical college district board.
AB1-ASA2,33,216 (b) If the board of canvassers becomes aware of a material mistake in the
17canvass of an election for state or national office or a statewide or technical college
18district referendum prior to the close of business on the day the elections government
board receives returns from the last county board of canvassers with
20respect to that canvass, the board of canvassers may petition the elections
21government accountability board to reopen and correct the canvass. The elections
22government accountability board shall direct the canvass to be reopened and
23corrected if it determines that the public interest so requires. If the elections
24government accountability board directs the canvass to be reopened, the board of
25canvassers shall reconvene and transmit a certified corrected copy of the canvass

1statement to the elections government accountability board or secretary of the
2technical college district board.
AB1-ASA2, s. 39 3Section 39. 7.70 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1-ASA2,33,64 7.70 (1) Recording and preserving returns. (a) Upon receipt of the certified
5statements from the county clerks, the elections board shall record the election
6results by counties and file and carefully preserve the statements.
AB1-ASA2,33,127 (b) If any county clerk fails or neglects to forward any statements, the elections
8board may require the clerk to do so immediately and if not received by the 8th day
9after a primary, or by the 11th day after any other election, the elections board may
10dispatch a special messenger to obtain them. Whenever it appears upon the face of
11any statement that an error has been made in reporting or computing, the elections
12board may return it to the county clerk for correction.
AB1-ASA2, s. 40 13Section 40. 7.70 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1-ASA2,34,514 7.70 (5) Certificates of election. (a) The board shall record in its office each
15certified statement and determination made by the chairperson of the board or the
16chairperson's designee. Immediately after the expiration of the time allowed to file
17a petition for recount, the board shall make and transmit to each person declared
18elected a certificate of election under the seal of the board. It shall also prepare
19similar certificates, attested by the executive director administrator of the elections
of the board, addressed to the U.S. house of representatives, stating the
21names of those persons elected as representatives to the congress from this state.
22In the case of U.S. senators, the board shall prepare a certificate of election for the
23governor's signature, and the governor shall sign and affix the great seal of the state
24and transmit the certificate to the president of the U.S. senate. The certificate shall
25be countersigned by the secretary of state. If a person elected was elected to fill a

1vacancy, the certificate shall so state. When a valid petition for recount is filed, the
2chairperson of the board or the chairperson's designee may not certify a nomination,
3and the governor or board may not issue a certificate of election until the recount has
4been completed and the time allowed for filing an appeal has passed, or if appealed
5until the appeal is decided.
AB1-ASA2,34,126 (b) For presidential electors, the elections board shall prepare a certificate
7showing the determination of the results of the canvass and the names of the persons
8elected, and the governor shall sign, affix the great seal of the state, and transmit the
9certificate by registered mail to the U.S. administrator of general services. The
10governor shall also prepare 6 duplicate originals of such certificate and deliver them
11to one of the presidential electors on or before the first Monday after the 2nd
12Wednesday in December.
AB1-ASA2, s. 41 13Section 41. 8.05 (1) (j) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1-ASA2,34,2014 8.05 (1) (j) 3. A candidate for municipal judge shall, in addition to making the
15filings required under subd. 2., file a statement of economic interests with the ethics
16board under s. 19.43 (4) no later than 4:30 p.m. on the 5th day after notification of
17nomination is mailed or personally delivered to the candidate, or no later than
184:30 p.m. on the next business day after the last day for filing a declaration of
19candidacy whenever that candidate is granted an extension of time for filing a
20declaration of candidacy under subd. 2.
AB1-ASA2, s. 42 21Section 42. 8.10 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1-ASA2,35,522 8.10 (5) Nomination papers shall be accompanied by a declaration of candidacy
23under s. 8.21. If a candidate has not filed a registration statement under s. 11.05 at
24the time he or she files nomination papers, the candidate shall file the statement
25with the papers. A candidate for state office or municipal judge shall also file a

1statement of economic interests with the ethics board under s. 19.43 (4) no later than
24:30 p.m. on the 3rd day following the last day for filing nomination papers under
3sub. (2) (a), or no later than 4:30 p.m. on the next business day after the last day
4whenever that candidate is granted an extension of time for filing nomination papers
5under sub. (2) (a).
AB1-ASA2, s. 43 6Section 43. 8.15 (4) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1-ASA2,35,157 8.15 (4) (b) Nomination papers shall be accompanied by a declaration of
8candidacy under s. 8.21. If a candidate for state or local office has not filed a
9registration statement under s. 11.05 at the time he or she files nomination papers,
10the candidate shall file the statement with the papers. A candidate for state office
11shall also file a statement of economic interests with the ethics board under s. 19.43
12(4) no later than 4:30 p.m. on the 3rd day following the last day for filing nomination
13papers under sub. (1), or no later than 4:30 p.m. on the next business day after the
14last day whenever that candidate is granted an extension of time for filing
15nomination papers under sub. (1).
AB1-ASA2, s. 44 16Section 44. 8.18 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1-ASA2,35,2017 8.18 (2) The purpose of the convention is to nominate one presidential elector
18from each congressional district and 2 electors from the state at large. The names
19of the nominees shall be certified immediately by the chairperson of the state
20committee of each party to the chairperson of the elections board.
AB1-ASA2, s. 45 21Section 45. 8.20 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1-ASA2,36,522 8.20 (6) Nomination papers shall be accompanied by a declaration of candidacy
23under s. 8.21. If a candidate for state or local office has not filed a registration
24statement under s. 11.05 at the time he or she files nomination papers, the candidate
25shall file the statement with the papers. A candidate for state office shall also file

1a statement of economic interests with the ethics board under s. 19.43 (4) no later
2than 4:30 p.m. on the 3rd day following the last day for filing nomination papers
3under sub. (8) (a), or no later than 4:30 p.m. on the next business day after the last
4day whenever that candidate is granted an extension of time for filing nomination
5papers under sub. (8) (a).
AB1-ASA2, s. 46 6Section 46. 8.30 (2m) of the statutes is created to read:
AB1-ASA2,36,107 8.30 (2m) The official or agency with whom nomination papers and
8declarations of candidacy are required to be filed shall not place a candidate's name
9on the ballot if the candidate's name is ineligible for ballot placement under s. 5.05
10(2m) (d) 2. or 15.60 (6).
AB1-ASA2, s. 47 11Section 47. 8.50 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1-ASA2,37,212 8.50 (3) (a) Nomination papers may be circulated no sooner than the day the
13order for the special election is filed and shall be filed not later than 5 p.m. 28 days
14before the day that the special primary will or would be held, if required, except when
15a special election is held concurrently with the spring election or general election, the
16deadline for filing nomination papers shall be specified in the order and the date shall
17be no earlier than the date provided in s. 8.10 (2) (a) or 8.15 (1), respectively, and no
18later than 35 days prior to the date of the spring or September primary. Nomination
19papers may be filed in the manner specified in s. 8.10, 8.15, or 8.20. Each candidate
20shall file a declaration of candidacy in the manner provided in s. 8.21 no later than
21the latest time provided in the order for filing nomination papers. If a candidate for
22state or local office has not filed a registration statement under s. 11.05 at the time
23he or she files nomination papers, the candidate shall file the statement with the
24papers. A candidate for state office shall also file a statement of economic interests

1with the ethics board no later than the end of the 3rd day following the last day for
2filing nomination papers specified in the order.
AB1-ASA2, s. 48 3Section 48. 8.50 (3) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1-ASA2,37,74 8.50 (3) (e) In a special election for a state or national office, the county clerk
5or board of election commissioners shall transmit the statement of the county board
6of canvassers to the elections government accountability board no later than 7 days
7after the special primary and 13 days after the special election.
AB1-ASA2, s. 49 8Section 49. 9.01 (1) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1-ASA2,37,259 9.01 (1) (a) 1. Any candidate voted for at any election or any elector who voted
10upon any referendum question at any election may petition for a recount. The
11petitioner shall file a verified petition or petitions with the proper clerk or body under
12par. (ar) not earlier than the time of completion of the canvass and not later than 5
13p.m. on the 3rd business day following the last meeting day of the municipal or
14county board of canvassers determining the election for that office or on that
15referendum question prior to issuance of any amended return under s. 6.221 (6) (b)
16or, if more than one board of canvassers makes the determination, not later than 5
17p.m. on the 3rd business day following the last meeting day of the last board of
18canvassers which makes a determination prior to issuance of any amended return
19under s. 6.221 (6) (b). If the chairperson of the board or chairperson's designee makes
20the determination for the office or the referendum question, the petitioner shall file
21the petition not earlier than the last meeting day of the last county board of
22canvassers to make a statement in the election or referendum and not later than 5
23p.m. on the 3rd business day following the day on which the elections government
board receives the last statement from a county board of canvassers
25for the election or referendum.
AB1-ASA2, s. 50
1Section 50. 9.01 (1) (ag) 4. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1-ASA2,38,62 9.01 (1) (ag) 4. The board shall deposit all moneys received by it into the account
3under s. 20.510 20.511 (1) (g), and shall pay the fees required for each recount to the
4county clerks of the counties in which the recount is to be held. The county clerk shall
5deposit fees received by him or her with the county treasurer. The municipal clerk
6shall deposit fees received by him or her with the municipal treasurer.
AB1-ASA2, s. 51 7Section 51. 9.01 (1) (ar) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1-ASA2,38,108 9.01 (1) (ar) 2. In the event of a recount for a referendum, the petition shall be
9filed with the clerk of the jurisdiction in which the referendum is called, and, in the
10case of the state, with the elections board.
AB1-ASA2, s. 52 11Section 52. 9.01 (10) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1-ASA2,38,1812 9.01 (10) Standard forms and methods. The elections government
board shall prescribe standard forms and procedures for the making
14of recounts under this section. The procedures prescribed by the elections
15government accountability board shall require the boards of canvassers in recounts
16involving more than one board of canvassers to consult with the elections
17government accountability board staff prior to beginning any recount in order to
18ensure that uniform procedures are used, to the extent practicable, in such recounts.
AB1-ASA2, s. 53 19Section 53. 10.06 (1) (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1-ASA2,38,2020 10.06 (1) (title) Elections Government accountability board.
AB1-ASA2, s. 54 21Section 54. 11.21 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1-ASA2,38,22 2211.21 (title) Duties of the elections government accountability board.
AB1-ASA2, s. 55 23Section 55. 11.21 (7) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1-ASA2,38,2524 11.21 (7) (intro.) Include in its biennial report under s. 5.05 (5) 15.04 (1) (d)
25compilations of any of the following in its discretion:
AB1-ASA2, s. 56
1Section 56. 11.22 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1-ASA2,39,102 11.22 (4) Notify the board and the district attorney, or the attorney general
3where appropriate under ss. 11.60 (4) and 11.61 (2) s. 5.05 (2m) (i), in writing, of any
4facts within the filing officer's knowledge or evidence in the officer's possession,
5including errors or discrepancies in reports or statements and delinquencies in filing
6which may be grounds for civil action or criminal prosecution. The filing officer shall
7transmit a copy of such notification to the board. The board and the district attorney
8or the attorney general shall advise the filing officer in writing at the end of each
930-day period of the status of such matter until the time of disposition. The district
10attorney or attorney general shall transmit a copy of each such notice to the board.
AB1-ASA2, s. 57 11Section 57. 11.38 (5) of the statutes is repealed.
AB1-ASA2, s. 58 12Section 58. 11.60 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1-ASA2,40,513 11.60 (4) Actions Except as otherwise provided in ss. 5.05 (2m) (c) 15. and 16.
14and (h), 5.08, and 5.081, actions
under this section arising out of an election for state
15office or a statewide referendum
may be brought by the board or by the district
16attorney of for the county where the defendant resides or, if the defendant is a
17nonresident, by the district attorney for
the county where the violation is alleged to
18have occurred, except as specified in s. 11.38. Actions under this section arising out
19of an election for local office or a local referendum may be brought by the district
20attorney of the county where the violation is alleged to have occurred. Actions under
21this section arising out of an election for county office or a county referendum may
22be brought by the county board of election commissioners of the county wherein the
23violation is alleged to have occurred. If a violation concerns a district attorney or
24circuit judge or candidate for such offices, the action shall be brought by the attorney
25general. If a violation concerns the attorney general or a candidate for such office,

1the governor may appoint special counsel under s. 14.11 (2)
to bring suit in behalf of
2the state. The counsel shall be independent of the attorney general and need not be
3a state employee at the time of appointment
. For purposes of this subsection, a
4person other than a natural person resides within a county if the person's principal
5place of operation is located within that county
AB1-ASA2, s. 59 6Section 59. 11.60 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1-ASA2,40,127 11.60 (5) Any elector may file a verified petition with the board, the county
8board of election commissioners
or the appropriate district attorney or with more
9than one of them where their authority is concurrent under sub. (4), requesting that
10civil action under this chapter be brought against any person, committee or group.
11The petition shall allege such facts as are within the knowledge of the petitioner to
12show probable cause that a violation of this chapter has occurred.
AB1-ASA2, s. 60 13Section 60. 11.61 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1-ASA2,41,314 11.61 (2) Except as otherwise provided in s. 11.38 (5) ss. 5.05 (2m) (c) 15. and
1516. and (i), 5.08, and 5.081
, all prosecutions under this section shall be conducted by
16the district attorney of for the county where the defendant resides or, if the defendant
17is a nonresident, by the district attorney for the county where
the violation is alleged
18to have occurred. If the district attorney refuses to act upon a sworn complaint, or
19fails to act upon such a complaint within 60 days of the date on which the complaint
20is received, the attorney general may then conduct the prosecution under this
21section. If a violation concerns a district attorney or circuit judge or candidate for
22such offices, the prosecution shall be conducted by the attorney general. If a violation
23concerns the attorney general or a candidate for such office, the governor may
24appoint a special prosecutor under s. 14.11 (2) to conduct the prosecution in behalf
25of the state. The prosecutor shall be independent of the attorney general and need

1not be a state employee at the time of appointment
For purposes of this subsection,
2a person other than a natural person resides within a county if the person's principal
3place of operation is located within that county
AB1-ASA2, s. 61 4Section 61. 12.13 (5) of the statutes is created to read:
AB1-ASA2,41,55 12.13 (5) Unauthorized release of records or investigatory information.
AB1-ASA2,41,146 (a) Except as specifically authorized by law and except as provided in par. (b),
7no investigator, prosecutor, employee of an investigator or prosecutor, or member or
8employee of the board may disclose information related to an investigation or
9prosecution under chs. 5 to 12, subch. III of ch. 13, or subch. III of ch. 19 or any other
10law specified in s. 978.05 (1) or (2) or provide access to any record of the investigator,
11prosecutor, or the board that is not subject to access under s. 5.05 (5s) to any person
12other than an employee or agent of the prosecutor or investigator or a member,
13employee, or agent of the board prior to presentation of the information or record in
14a court of law.
AB1-ASA2,41,1715 (b) This subsection does not apply to any of the following communications made
16by an investigator, prosecutor, employee of an investigator or prosecutor, or member
17or employee of the board:
AB1-ASA2,41,1918 1. Communications made in the normal course of an investigation or
AB1-ASA2,41,2120 2. Communications with a local, state, or federal law enforcement or
21prosecutorial authority.
AB1-ASA2,41,2422 3. Communications made to the attorney of an investigator, prosecutor,
23employee, or member of the board or to a person or the attorney of a person who is
24investigated or prosecuted by the board.
AB1-ASA2, s. 62 25Section 62. 12.60 (1) (bm) of the statutes is created to read:
112.60 (1) (bm) Whoever violates s. 12.13 (5) may be fined not more than $10,000
2or imprisoned for not more than 9 months or both.
AB1-ASA2, s. 63 3Section 63. 13.123 (3) (b) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1-ASA2,42,74 13.123 (3) (b) 2. In making the determination under subd. 1., the chief clerk is
5bound by the determination of the chairperson of the elections government
board or the chairperson's designee if such determination has been
AB1-ASA2, s. 64 8Section 64. 13.23 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1-ASA2,42,18 913.23 Election contests; notice. Any person wishing to contest the election
10of any senator or member of the assembly shall, within 30 days after the decision of
11the board of canvassers, serve a notice in writing on the person whose election the
12contestant intends to contest, stating briefly that the election will be contested and
13the cause of such contest, and shall file a copy thereof in the office of the elections
14government accountability board at least 10 days before the day fixed by law for the
15meeting of the legislature. The elections government accountability board shall then
16send a copy of s. 13.24 to both contestants. If any contestant fails to so file a copy of
17such notice, the contestant shall not be entitled to any mileage or salary in case
18payment has been made therefor to the sitting member.
AB1-ASA2, s. 65 19Section 65. 13.62 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1-ASA2,42,2020 13.62 (4) "Board" means the ethics government accountability board.
AB1-ASA2, s. 66 21Section 66. 13.685 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1-ASA2,42,22 2213.685 (title) Duties of the ethics government accountability board.
AB1-ASA2, s. 67 23Section 67. 13.69 (8) of the statutes is repealed.
AB1-ASA2, s. 68 24Section 68. 13.94 (1) (k) of the statutes is amended to read:
113.94 (1) (k) Provide auditing services at the direction of the elections
2government accountability board under s. 5.05 (2).