2007 - 2008 LEGISLATURE
March 25, 2008 - Offered by Senators Miller and Decker.
AB1-SA1-SA1,1,11 At the locations indicated, amend the amendment as follows:
AB1-SA1-SA1,1,2 21. Page 60, line 1: on lines 1, 3, 5 and 6, delete "or" and substitute "and".
AB1-SA1-SA1,1,3 32. Page 60, line 4: delete "or items" and substitute "and items".
AB1-SA1-SA1,1,4 43. Page 71, line 19: on lines 19, 21, 23 and 24, delete "or" and substitute "and".
AB1-SA1-SA1,1,5 54. Page 71, line 22: delete "or items" and substitute "and items".
AB1-SA1-SA1,1,6 65. Page 76, line 11: delete lines 11 to 22 and substitute:
AB1-SA1-SA1,1,8 7" Section 9jc. 77.51 (21m) of the statutes, as affected by 2007 Wisconsin Act
8.... (this act), is amended to read:
AB1-SA1-SA1,2,79 77.51 (21m) "Telecommunications and Internet access services" means
10sending messages and information transmitted through the use of local, toll and
11wide-area telephone service; channel services; telegraph services; teletypewriter;
12computer exchange services; cellular mobile telecommunications service; specialized

1mobile radio; stationary two-way radio; paging service; or any other form of mobile
2and portable one-way or two-way communications; or any other transmission of
3messages or information by electronic or similar means between or among points by
4wire, cable, fiber optics, laser, microwave, radio, satellite or similar facilities.
5"Telecommunications and Internet access services" does not include sending collect
6telecommunications that are received outside of the state
7services to the extent that such services are taxable under s. 77.52 (2) (a) 5. am
AB1-SA1-SA1,2,8 86. Page 81, line 10: delete lines 10 to 12 and substitute:
AB1-SA1-SA1,2,10 9" Section 9js. 77.52 (2) (a) 5. a. of the statutes, as affected by 2007 Wisconsin
10Act .... (this act), is amended to read:
AB1-SA1-SA1,2,1911 77.52 (2) (a) 5. a. The sale of telecommunications and Internet access services,
12except services subject to 4 USC 116 to 126, as amended by P.L. 106-252, that either
13originate or terminate in this state; except services that are obtained by means of a
14toll-free number, that originate outside this state and that terminate in this state;
15and are charged to a service address in this state, regardless of the location where
16that charge is billed or paid; and the sale of the rights to purchase
17telecommunications services, including purchasing reauthorization numbers, by
18paying in advance and by using an access number and authorization code, except
19sales that are subject to subd. 5. b.
AB1-SA1-SA1,2,20 207. Page 92, line 9: delete "items" and substitute "an item".
AB1-SA1-SA1,2,21 218. Page 92, line 11: delete "items" and substitute "item".
AB1-SA1-SA1,2,22 229. Page 151, line 19: delete "77.53 (1b),".
AB1-SA1-SA1,2,23 2310. Page 152, line 14: delete "77.53 (1b),".
AB1-SA1-SA1,2,24 2411. Page 153, line 21: delete "77.53 (1b),".
112. Page 154, line 22: delete "77.53 (1b),".
AB1-SA1-SA1,3,2 213. Page 160, line 14: after that line insert:
AB1-SA1-SA1,3,3 3"6s. Page 7, line 12: delete lines 12 to 17.".
AB1-SA1-SA1,3,4 414. Page 160, line 15: after that line insert:
AB1-SA1-SA1,3,5 5"7g. Page 7, line 20: after "general fund" insert "or transfer to the general fund".
AB1-SA1-SA1,3,6 67m. Page 7, line 21: delete "general purpose revenue".".
AB1-SA1-SA1,3,7 715. Page 160, line 19: after that line insert:
AB1-SA1-SA1,3,8 8"9t. Page 7, line 25: after "lapsed" insert "or transferred".".
AB1-SA1-SA1,3,9 916. Page 161, line 3: after that line insert:
AB1-SA1-SA1,3,10 10"11g. Page 8, line 11: on lines 11, 12 and 13, after "lapse" insert "or transfer".".
AB1-SA1-SA1,3,11 1117. Page 164, line 13: after "(21m)" insert "(by Section 9jc)".
AB1-SA1-SA1,3,12 1218. Page 164, line 14: after "5. a." insert "(by Section 9js)".
AB1-SA1-SA1,3,13 1319. Page 166, line 1: delete that line and substitute:
AB1-SA1-SA1,3,15 14"(b) The amendment of sections 77.51 (21m) (by Section 9jb) and 77.52 (2) (a)
155. a. (by Section 9jr) of".