2007 - 2008 LEGISLATURE
January 17, 2007 - Offered by Representative Davis.
1To amend 66.0627 (1); and
to create 20.566 (2) (b) and 70.57 (4);
relating to:
2providing loans to persons who are paying more property taxes as a result of the
3Department of Revenue's error in calculating equalized value and making an
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB20-ASA1, s. 1
1. 20.005 (3) (schedule) of the statutes: at the appropriate place, insert
6the following amounts for the purposes indicated:
See PDF for table 
AB20-ASA1, s. 2
2. 20.566 (2) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
120.566 (2) (b)
Valuation error loans. The amounts in the schedule to make the
2payments under s. 70.57 (4) (a).
AB20-ASA1, s. 3
3. 66.0627 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) In this section, "service" includes snow and ice removal, weed
5elimination, street sprinkling, oiling and tarring, repair of sidewalks or curb and
6gutter, garbage and refuse disposal, recycling, storm water management, including
7construction of storm water management facilities, tree care, removal and
8disposition of dead animals under s. 60.23 (20),
loan repayment under s. 70.57 (4) (b), 9soil conservation work under s. 92.115, and snow removal under s. 86.105.
(4) (a) From the appropriation under s. 20.566 (2) (b), the department
12shall provide payments to any taxation district that certifies to the department, in
13the manner prescribed by the department, that the most recent valuation of the
14taxation district's property under this section is greater than it should be because of
15a clerical, arithmetic, transpositional, or similar error made by the department, as
16confirmed by the department, and that the amount of the overvaluation represents
1710 percent or more of the taxation district's valuation under this section in the year
18prior to the year in which the error occurred.
(b) A taxation district receiving payments under par. (a) shall use the payments
20to make loans to persons who own property located in the taxation district and who
21are paying more property taxes than they should be as a result of the error. A person
22may receive a loan by applying, in the manner prescribed by the department, to the
23taxation district in which the person's property is located no later than July 31 of the
24year following the error. The state shall collect the amount of any loan issued under
25this paragraph as a state special charge against the taxation district for the year
1after the year in which the error occurred and the special charge shall not be included
2in the taxation district's levy. The taxation district shall assess the loan amount as
3a special charge against the property for which the loan was made on the property
4tax bill succeeding the loan, as provided under ch. 74 and s. 66.0627 (1). Except for
5interest and penalties, as provided under s. 74.47, that apply to any delinquent
6special charge based on the loan amount, neither the department nor the taxation
7district may charge interest on any loan issued under this paragraph. The maximum
8loan amount that a person may receive under this paragraph shall be calculated by
9multiplying the assessed value of the person's property by a decimal determined by
10the department as follows:
1. For the year in which the error occurred, apportion county, school district,
12technical college district, and metropolitan sewerage district property taxes, and
13state forestation taxes under s. 70.58, to the taxation district using the taxation
14district's erroneous valuation.
2. For the year in which the error occurred, apportion county, school district,
16technical college district, and metropolitan sewerage district property taxes, and
17state forestation taxes under s. 70.58, to the taxation district using the taxation
18district's correct valuation.
3. Subtract the amount determined under subd. 2. from the amount
20determined under subd. 1.
4. Divide the amount determined under subd. 3. by the taxation district's
22assessed value for the year in which the error occurred and express the result as a
(c) The department shall make the payments under par. (a) monthly, based on
25the amounts requested in loan applications to the taxation district each month,
1except that the department shall make no payments to a taxation district after
2August 15 of the year following the year in which the error occurred.