April 24, 2007 - Offered by Representative Montgomery.
AB207-ASA1-AA9,1,11 At the locations indicated, amend the substitute amendment as follows:
AB207-ASA1-AA9,1,3 21. Page 5, line 9: delete ""Department"" and substitute "Except as provided in
3sub. (8) (ag), "department"".
AB207-ASA1-AA9,1,4 42. Page 8, line 4: delete "has provided" and substitute "has been providing".
AB207-ASA1-AA9,1,9 53. Page 8, line 9: delete lines 9 to 11 and substitute "individually or together
6with its affiliates or parent company, is one of the 10 largest cable operators in the
7United States as determined by data collected and reported by the FCC or
8determined by information available to the public through a national trade
9association representing cable operators.".
AB207-ASA1-AA9,1,10 104. Page 8, line 20: delete lines 20 to 22 and substitute:
1"(w) "Video franchise area" means the area or areas described in an application
2for a video service franchise under sub. (3) (d) 2.".
AB207-ASA1-AA9,2,3 35. Page 9, line 22: after "par. (c)" insert "and sub. (11)".
AB207-ASA1-AA9,2,6 46. Page 12, line 1: delete "$1,000" and substitute "$2,000, or, if the applicant
5is applying for a modified video service franchise as required under par. (j), an
6application fee of $100".
AB207-ASA1-AA9,2,8 77. Page 13, line 10: delete "telecommunications utility" and substitute "large
8telecommunications video service provider".
AB207-ASA1-AA9,2,10 98. Page 13, line 14: delete "telecommunications utility" and substitute "large
10telecommunications video service provider".
AB207-ASA1-AA9,2,11 119. Page 14, line 6: delete "willfully and knowingly".
AB207-ASA1-AA9,2,20 1210. Page 14, line 12: delete the material beginning with "A revocation" and
13ending with "ch. 227." on line 13 and substitute "The department must, before
14revoking any video service franchise, afford a video service provider full due process
15that, at a minimum, must include a proceeding before a hearing officer during which
16the video service provider must be afforded the opportunity for full participation,
17including the right to be represented by counsel, to introduce evidence, to require the
18production of evidence, and to question or cross-examine witnesses under oath. A
19transcript shall be made of any such hearing. A video service provider may bring an
20action to appeal the decision of the department.".
AB207-ASA1-AA9,2,23 2111. Page 14, line 19: delete lines 19 to 21 and substitute "video service, the
22video service provider shall apply to the department for a modified video service
23franchise under par. (d). A video service".
AB207-ASA1-AA9,3,3 213. Page 18, line 22: delete the material beginning with that line and ending
3with page 19, line 3, and substitute:
AB207-ASA1-AA9,3,23 4"(d) Duties of interim cable providers and video service providers. 1. If a
5municipality requires an interim cable operator or video service provider to provide
6capacity for PEG channels under par. (a), the interim cable operator or video service
7provider shall be required to provide transmission capacity sufficient to connect the
8interim cable operator's or video service provider's headend or video hub office to the
9municipality's PEG access channel origination points existing as of the effective date
10of this subdivision .... [revisor inserts date]. A municipality shall permit the interim
11cable operator or video service provider to determine the most economically and
12technologically efficient means of providing such transmission capacity. If a
13municipality requests that such a PEG access channel origination point be relocated,
14the interim cable operator or video service provider shall be required to provide only
15the first 200 feet of transmission line that is necessary to connect the interim cable
16operator or video service provider's headend or video hub office to such origination
17point. A municipality shall be liable for the costs of construction of such a
18transmission line beyond the first 200 feet and for any construction costs associated
19with additional origination points, but not for the costs associated with the
20transmission of PEG programming over such line. The interim cable operator or
21video service provider may recover its costs to provide transmission capacity under
22this subdivision by identifying and collecting a "PEG Transport Fee" as a separate
23line item on customer bills.".
AB207-ASA1-AA9,3,24 2414. Page 22, line 8: delete that line and substitute:
1"(8) Discrimination; access to services. (ag) Definition. In this subsection,
2"department" means the department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection.
AB207-ASA1-AA9,4,33 (am) Discrimination prohibited. 1. No".
AB207-ASA1-AA9,4,4 415. Page 23, line 10: delete "(a) 2." and substitute "(am) 2.".
AB207-ASA1-AA9,4,9 516. Page 26, line 9: delete lines 9 to 15 and substitute "No later than 15 days
6after the transfer is complete, the successor-in-interest shall apply for a video
7service franchise under sub. (3) (d) and comply with sub. (3) (e) 1. The
8successor-in-interest may provide video service in the video franchise area during
9the period that the department reviews the application.".
AB207-ASA1-AA9,4,11 1017. Page 26, line 17: delete "department" and substitute "department of
11financial institutions".
AB207-ASA1-AA9,4,14 1218. Page 26, line 18: before the period insert "and the department of
13agriculture, trade and consumer protection may not promulgate rules interpreting
14or establishing procedures for sub. (8)".
AB207-ASA1-AA9,4,15 1519. Page 27, line 1: delete lines 1 and 2 and substitute:
AB207-ASA1-AA9,4,20 16"(c) The department shall enforce this section, except sub. (8). The department
17may bring an action to recover any fees that are due and owing under this section or
18to enjoin a violation of this section, except sub. (8), or any rule promulgated under
19sub. (3) (f) 4. An action shall be commenced under this paragraph within 3 years after
20the occurrence of the unlawful act or practice or be barred.".