This substitute amendment requires the use of a new method for the selection
of a consultant by any city, village, town, or county (political subdivision), including
a first class city, which is presently only Milwaukee, special purpose district,
including a school district, or subunit (local governmental unit) if the consultant is
required for a project that relates to certain public works contracts including the
inspection of local bridges. Generally, under the substitute amendment, a local
governmental unit is required to hire a consultant for a project based only on the
consultant's qualifications.
A consultant is defined under the substitute amendment as a person who
provides architectural services, engineering services, land surveying services,
landscape architecture services, photogrammetric services, or professional geology
services for a project. A project under the substitute amendment is a project of a local
governmental unit that requires a consultant and relates to the planning, study,
design, or construction inspection or administration of the public work or building,
the total cost of which is estimated by a local governmental unit to be at least
$250,000 and that will be funded to some extent by the state government. A

consultant's services on a project are separate, however, from the contract for the
actual construction, repair, remodeling, or improvement of the public work or
building. The value estimate and state funding requirements do not apply to local
bridge inspections, however.
The substitute amendment requires a local governmental unit to create a
procedure to solicit proposals from consultants for projects, but the proposals may
not contain any information on proposed fees or costs. The local governmental unit
must rank the consultants based on the consultants' qualifications as described in
their proposals. The proposals must contain certain information about the
consultants, including their specialized experience, capabilities, and technical
competence; their quality of work and ability to meet schedules; and their proposed
method of project management.
After the local governmental unit ranks the consultants, it must enter into
negotiations with the highest ranked consultant to finalize the terms of the contract,
including the fees and costs. If the local governmental unit and consultant are
unable to reach an agreement, the local governmental unit must enter into
negotiations with the next highest ranked consultants, in order of their ranking,
until a contract is finalized. If no agreement is reached with any of the consultants,
the local governmental unit may solicit bids for the project under any other allowable
The provisions created in the substitute amendment do not apply to a project
that is needed to protect public health or welfare due to an emergency situation. Also
under the substitute amendment, a local governmental unit may enter into a
contract with a consultant with whom it has an established relationship, and who
has previously provided similar services, without evaluating proposals from other
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB553-ASA1, s. 1 1Section 1. 66.0902 of the statutes is created to read:
AB553-ASA1,2,3 266.0902 Qualifications-based selection; engineering, architecture,
3and land surveying contracts.
(1) Definitions. In this section:
AB553-ASA1,2,54 (a) "Architectural services" means the provision of services that consist of the
5practice of architecture, as defined in s. 443.01 (5).
AB553-ASA1,2,86 (b) "Consultant" means any person who provides architectural services,
7engineering services, land surveying services, landscape architecture services,
8photogrammetric services, or professional geology services.
1(c) "Engineering services" means the provision of services that consist of the
2practice of professional engineering, as defined in s. 443.01 (6).
AB553-ASA1,3,43 (d) "Landscape architecture services" means the provision of services that
4consist of landscape architecture, as defined in s. 443.01 (3r).
AB553-ASA1,3,65 (e) "Land surveying services" means the provision of services that consist of
6land surveying, as defined in s. 443.01 (4).
AB553-ASA1,3,107 (f) "Local governmental unit" means a political subdivision of this state, a
8special purpose district in this state, an agency or corporation of a political
9subdivision or special purpose district, or a combination or subunit of any of the
10foregoing charged with procuring the services of a consultant.
AB553-ASA1,3,1511 (g) "Photogrammetric services" means activities associated with measuring,
12locating, and preparing maps, charts, or other graphical or digital presentations
13depicting natural or man made features, phenomena, and legal boundaries of the
14earth including surveys, maps, charts, remote sensing data, and images, and aerial
15photographic services.
AB553-ASA1,3,1716 (h) "Professional geology services" means the provision of services that consist
17of the practice of professional geology, as defined in s. 470.01 (2).
AB553-ASA1,3,1918 (i) "Project" means any project of a local governmental unit that is related to
19a public work or building to which all of the following apply:
AB553-ASA1,3,2120 1. The total cost of the complete project is estimated by the governing body of
21the local governmental unit to be at least $250,000.
AB553-ASA1,3,2322 2. The state government provides some amount of financial assistance to the
AB553-ASA1,4,224 3. The services of a consultant are required for the planning, study, design, or
25construction inspection or administration of the public work or building, but are

1separate from the contract for the actual construction, repair, remodeling, or
2improvement of the public work or building.
AB553-ASA1,4,6 3(2) Qualifications-based selection. (a) Except as provided in sub. (4), for any
4project undertaken by a local governmental unit, the consultant that must be hired
5may be selected only on the basis of the consultant's qualifications, as determined
6under this subsection.
AB553-ASA1,4,117 (b) A local governmental unit shall develop a procedure to solicit proposals from
8consultants for projects, and shall rank the proposals according to the qualifications
9of the consultants. The proposals may not include any fees or costs for the proposed
10project, and the local governmental unit may not solicit fee or cost information from
11consultants except as provided in sub. (3).
AB553-ASA1,4,1412 (c) To determine the qualifications of a consultant, the local governmental unit
13shall require that a proposal submitted for a project contain at least all of the
14following information about the consultant:
AB553-ASA1,4,1615 1. Its specialized experience, capabilities, and technical competence to meet the
16project requirements.
AB553-ASA1,4,1817 2. Its resources that are available to perform the required work, including any
18specialized services, within the time limits specified by the local governmental unit.
AB553-ASA1,4,2019 3. Its proposed approach to meet the project requirements and its proposed
20methods of project management.
AB553-ASA1,4,2221 4. The quality of its past work, its ability to meet schedules, and its cost control
22and contract administration practices.
AB553-ASA1,4,2323 5. Its proximity to, and familiarity with, the project location.
1(3) Negotiation. (a) Following the receipt and ranking of the proposals, a local
2governmental unit shall negotiate with the highest ranked consultant to specify the
3terms of the contract, including costs and fees.
AB553-ASA1,5,94 (b) If the local governmental unit and the selected consultant are unable to
5negotiate a contract at a fee that is acceptable to the local governmental unit, the
6local governmental unit shall terminate negotiations with the consultant by written
7notification. Subject to sub. (4), the local governmental unit shall then commence
8negotiations with as many of the other consultants as necessary, as provided in this
9subsection and in the order of their ranking, until a contract is entered into.
AB553-ASA1,5,12 10(4) Exceptions. (a) If a local governmental unit is unable to enter into a
11contract with a consultant under sub. (3), it may solicit bids for the project under any
12other method that is authorized by law.
AB553-ASA1,5,2013 (b) The procedures and requirements for selecting consultants under this
14section do not apply for the repair and reconstruction of any public work or building
15when damage or threatened damage to the public work or building creates an
16emergency, as determined by resolution of the governing body of the local
17governmental unit, in which the public health or welfare of the local governmental
18unit is endangered. Whenever the governing body of the local governmental unit
19determines by majority vote at a regular or special meeting that an emergency no
20longer exists, this paragraph no longer applies.
AB553-ASA1,5,2421 (c) If a local governmental unit has an established relationship with a
22consultant who previously has provided similar services to the local governmental
23unit, the local governmental unit may solicit a proposal for another project directly
24from that consultant without soliciting proposals from other consultants.
1(5) Local bridge inspections. If a local authority hires a consultant for
2inspecting highway bridges under s. 84.17 (3) (b), the provisions of this section apply
3to the hiring of the consultant, except that the provisions specified in sub. (1) (i) 1.
4and 2. do not apply.
AB553-ASA1, s. 2 5Section 2. Initial applicability.
AB553-ASA1,6,76 (1) This act first applies to a project, the proposals for which are solicited on the
7effective date of this subsection.