3. Any credit enhancement, liquidity facility, or reserves, including an
13accounting of the costs and expenses incurred by the state.
4. A description of the counterparty to each agreement.
5. A description of the counterparty risk, the termination risk, and other risks
16associated with each agreement.
1818.74 Application of operating note proceeds. All moneys resulting from
19the contracting of operating notes
or any payment to be received under an agreement
20or ancillary arrangement entered into under s. 18.73 (5) with respect to any such
21operating notes shall be credited to the general fund, except that moneys which
22represent premium and accrued interest on operating notes, or moneys for purposes
23of funding or refunding operating notes pursuant to s. 18.72 (1) shall be credited to
24the operating note redemption fund.
(2) The operating note redemption fund shall be expended and all
2moneys from time to time on hand therein are irrevocably appropriated, in sums
3sufficient, only for the payment of principal and interest on operating notes giving
4rise to it and premium, if any, due upon refunding or early redemption of such
5operating notes
, and for the payment due, if any, under an agreement or ancillary
6arrangement entered into under s. 18.73 (5) with respect to such operating notes.
(4) There shall be transferred, under s. 20.855 (1) (a), a sum sufficient
9for the payment of the principal, interest and premium due, if any,
on the and for the
10payment due, if any, under an agreement or ancillary arrangement entered into
11pursuant to s. 18.73 (5) with respect to operating notes giving rise to it as the same
12falls due. Such transfers shall be so timed that there is at all times on hand in the
13fund an amount not less than the amount to be paid out of it during the ensuing 30
14days or such other period if so provided for in the authorizing resolution. The
15commission may pledge the deposit of additional amounts at periodic intervals and
16the secretary of the department may impound moneys of the general fund, including
17moneys temporarily reallocated from other funds under s. 20.002 (11), in accordance
18with the pledge of revenues in the authorizing resolution, and all such
19impoundments are deemed to be payments for purposes of s. 16.53 (10), but no such
20impoundment may be made until the amounts to be paid into the bond security and
21redemption fund under s. 18.09 during the ensuing 30 days have been deposited in
22the bond security and redemption fund.
(1) "Authority" means any of the following having custody of a record: a
25state or local office, elected official, agency, board, commission, committee, council,
1department or public body corporate and politic created by constitution, law,
2ordinance, rule or order; a governmental or quasi-governmental corporation except
3for the Bradley center sports and entertainment corporation; a local exposition
4district under subch. II of ch. 229; a
family long-term care district under s. 46.2895;
5any court of law; the assembly or senate; a nonprofit corporation which receives more
6than 50% of its funds from a county or a municipality, as defined in s. 59.001 (3), and
7which provides services related to public health or safety to the county or
a nonprofit corporation operating the Olympic ice training center 9under s. 42.11 (3); or a formally constituted subunit of any of the foregoing.
(10) (p) A member, the
staff director, or the deputy director of
sentencing commission bureau of criminal justice research.
(10) (r) The employees and members of the board of directors of the Lower
15Fox River Remediation Authority.
(13) (o) The position of member,
executive staff director, or deputy
18director of the
sentencing commission bureau of criminal justice research.
(2) (b) Records obtained or prepared by the board in connection with an
21investigation, except that the board shall permit inspection of records that are made
22public in the course of a hearing by the board to determine if a violation of this
23subchapter or subch. III of ch. 13 has occurred. Whenever the board refers such
24investigation and hearing records to a district attorney or to the attorney general,
25they may be made public in the course of a prosecution initiated under this
1subchapter. The board shall also provide information from investigation and hearing
2records that pertains to the location of individuals and assets of individuals as
3requested under s. 49.22 (2m) by the department of
workforce development children
4and families or by a county child support agency under s. 59.53 (5).
(2) (d) Records of the social security number of any individual who files
7an application for licensure as a lobbyist under s. 13.63 or who registers as a principal
8under s. 13.64, except to the department of
workforce development children and
9families for purposes of administration of s. 49.22 or to the department of revenue
10for purposes of administration of s. 73.0301.
(8) "State authority" means an authority that is a state elected official,
13agency, board, commission, committee, council, department or public body corporate
14and politic created by constitution, statute, rule or order; a state governmental or
15quasi-governmental corporation; the supreme court or court of appeals;
or the
16assembly or senate
; or a nonprofit corporation operating the Olympic Ice Training
17Center under s. 42.11 (3).
(1) "Governmental body" means a state or local agency, board,
20commission, committee, council, department or public body corporate and politic
21created by constitution, statute, ordinance, rule or order; a governmental or
22quasi-governmental corporation except for the Bradley center sports and
23entertainment corporation; a local exposition district under subch. II of ch. 229; a
24family long-term care district under s. 46.2895;
a nonprofit corporation operating
25the Olympic ice training center under s. 42.11 (3); or a formally constituted subunit
1of any of the foregoing, but excludes any such body or committee or subunit of such
2body which is formed for or meeting for the purpose of collective bargaining under
3subch. I, IV or V of ch. 111.
(5) Departments and their subunits in any University of Wisconsin
6System institution or campus
and a nonprofit corporation operating the Olympic Ice
7Training Center under s. 42.11 (3) are exempt from the requirements of subs. (1) to
8(4) but shall provide meeting notice which is reasonably likely to apprise interested
9persons, and news media who have filed written requests for such notice.
1219.86 Notice of collective bargaining negotiations. Notwithstanding s.
1319.82 (1), where notice has been given by either party to a collective bargaining
14agreement under subch. I, IV or V of ch. 111 to reopen such agreement at its
15expiration date, the employer shall give notice of such contract reopening as provided
16in s. 19.84 (1) (b). If the employer is not a governmental body, notice shall be given
17by the employer's chief officer or such person's designee.
This section does not apply
18to a nonprofit corporation operating the Olympic Ice Training Center under s. 42.11
(2) (e)
Federal revenues. "Federal revenues" consist of moneys received
22from the federal government, except that under s.
20.445 (3) 20.437 (2) (md) "federal
23revenues" also include moneys treated as refunds of expenditures, and under s.
2420.445 (3) 20.437 (2) (me) "federal revenues" consist only of moneys treated as
25received from the federal government. Federal revenues may be deposited as
1program revenues in the general fund or as segregated revenues in a segregated
2fund. In either case they are indicated in s. 20.005 by the addition of "-F" after the
3abbreviation assigned under pars. (b) and (d).
(5) Refunds of expenditures. Any amount not otherwise appropriated
6under this chapter that is received by a state agency as a result of an adjustment
7made to a previously recorded expenditure from a sum certain appropriation to that
8agency due to activities that are of a temporary nature or activities that could not be
9anticipated during budget development and which serves to reduce or eliminate the
10previously recorded expenditure in the same fiscal year in which the previously
11recorded expenditure was made, except as provided in s.
20.445 (3) 20.437 (2) (md),
12may, upon request of the agency, be designated by the secretary of administration as
13a refund of an expenditure. Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, the
14secretary of administration may designate an amount received by a state agency as
15a refund of an expenditure only if the agency submits to the secretary a written
16explanation of the circumstances under which the amount was received that
17includes a specific reference in a statutory or nonstatutory law to a function of the
18agency under which the amount was received and the appropriation from which the
19previously recorded expenditure was made. A refund of an expenditure shall be
20deposited by the receiving state agency in the appropriation account from which the
21previously recorded expenditure was made. Except as otherwise provided in this
22subsection, a state agency which proposes to make an expenditure from moneys
23designated as a refund of an expenditure shall submit to the secretary of
24administration a written explanation of the purpose of the expenditure, including a
25specific reference in a statutory or nonstatutory law to a function of the agency under
1which the expenditure is to be made and the appropriation from which the
2expenditure is to be made. After submission and approval of an estimate of the
3amount proposed to be expended under s. 16.50 (2), a state agency may expend the
4moneys received from the refund of the expenditure. The secretary of administration
5may waive submission of any explanation required by this subsection for categories
6of refunds of expenditures or proposed refunds of expenditures.
(2) Revisor's
Legislative reference bureau authority. All
9appropriations made by the legislature shall be listed in this chapter. The
revisor of
10statutes legislative reference bureau shall assign numbers in this chapter to any
11appropriation not so numbered and if appropriation laws are enacted which are not
12numbered to correspond with the numbering system of this chapter as outlined in
13sub. (3), the
revisor of statutes legislative reference bureau shall renumber such laws
(4) (ft) For fiscal year 2007-08,
$65,000,000 $130,000,000.
(4) (fv) For fiscal year 2008-09,
$65,000,000 $130,000,000.
(4) (fw) For fiscal year 2009-10, $130,000,000.
(4) (fx) For fiscal year 2010-11, $130,000,000.
(4) (g) For fiscal year
2009-10 2011-12 and each fiscal year thereafter,
(2) Immediately following the final adjournment of the legislature, or
5at convenient intervals prior thereto, the department of administration shall amend
6the schedule and summaries set forth in s. 20.005 to include all fiscal acts of the
7legislature, and submit the composite amended schedule and summaries to the joint
8committee on finance for approval. When approved, the department of
9administration shall then submit the schedule and summaries to the
revisor of
10statutes who legislative reference bureau, which shall print the revised schedules
11and summaries of all state funds in the ensuing issue of the statutes as part of s.
1220.005 and in lieu of the schedules and summaries printed in the preceding issue of
13the statutes. If any conflict exists between ss. 20.115 to 20.875 and s. 20.005, ss.
1420.115 to 20.875 shall control and s. 20.005 shall be changed to correspond with ss.
1520.115 to 20.875. All appropriations are to be rounded to the nearest $100 and if any
16appropriation is made which is not so rounded the department of administration,
17when preparing the composite amended schedule and summaries, shall show the
18appropriation increased to the next $100.
SB40-SSA1, s. 175
175. 20.005 (1) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
(1) Summary of all funds. The budget governing fiscal operations for
21the state of Wisconsin for all funds beginning on July 1, 2007, and ending on June
2230, 2009, is summarized as follows: [See Figure 20.005 (1) following]
Figure: 20.005 (1)
See PDF for table 
See PDF for table 
See PDF for table 
SB40-SSA1, s. 176
176. 20.005 (2) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
(2) State borrowing program summary. The following schedule sets
4forth the state borrowing program summary: [See Figures 20.005 (2) (a) and (b)
Figure: 20.005 (2) (a)
See PDF for table 
Figure: 20.005 (2) (b)
FISCAL YEARS 2007-08 AND 2008-09
See PDF for table 
SB40-SSA1, s. 177
177. 20.005 (3) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
(3) Appropriations. The following schedule sets forth all annual,
4biennial, and sum certain continuing appropriations and anticipated expenditures
5from other appropriations for the programs and other purposes indicated. All
6appropriations are made from the general fund unless otherwise indicated. The
1letter abbreviations shown designating the type of appropriation apply to both fiscal
2years in the schedule unless otherwise indicated. [See Figure 20.005 (3) following]
Figure: 20.005 (3)
(2) (d)
Principal repayment and interest. A sum sufficient to reimburse
5s. 20.866 (1) (u) for the payment of principal and interest costs incurred in financing
6the acquisition, construction, development, enlargement or improvement of
7department facilities
and, to make the payments determined by the building
8commission under s. 13.488 (1) (m) that are attributable to the proceeds of
9obligations incurred in financing this acquisition, construction, development,
, or improvement
, and to make payments under an agreement or
11ancillary arrangement entered into under s. 18.06 (8) (a).
SB40-SSA1, s. 181
181. 20.115 (3) (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
(3) (title)
Marketing Agricultural development services.
(3) (g)
Related services. The amounts in the schedule for the conduct of
marketing agricultural development services. All moneys received from
4authorized fees related to
marketing agricultural development services shall be
5credited to this appropriation account.
(3) (ja)
Agricultural development services and materials. All
8moneys received from publication sales and service fees authorized by law that are
9related to
marketing agricultural development, for the publication of informational
10materials and the provision of services related to
marketing agricultural