4Section 2406. 145.08 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
5 145.08 (1) (intro.) The department shall fix, by rule, the amount of the establish
6fees by rule for the examinations, licenses, and registrations specified in this section.
7The fees specified in this section are not returnable and may not exceed the amounts
8stated in this section as follows
established by the department shall as closely as
9possible equal the cost of providing the following services
10Section 2407. 145.08 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
11 145.08 (1) (a) For Administering a master plumber's examination, $50. For
12each subsequent examination, $30
13Section 2408. 145.08 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
14 145.08 (1) (b) For Issuing a master plumber's license, $500, and $500 for each
15renewal of the 4-year license if application is made prior to the date of expiration;
16after that date an additional fee of $20
17Section 2409. 145.08 (1) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
18 145.08 (1) (c) For Administering a journeyman plumber's examination, $30.
19For each subsequent examination, $20
20Section 2410. 145.08 (1) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
21 145.08 (1) (d) For Issuing a journeyman plumber's license, $180, and $180 for
22each renewal of the 4-year license if application is made prior to the date of
23expiration; after that date an additional fee of $10
24Section 2411. 145.08 (1) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:

1145.08 (1) (e) For Issuing a temporary permit pending examination and
2issuance of a license for master plumber, $400; for or journeyman $150 and which
3shall also cover the examination fee prescribed and the license fee for the 4-year
4period in which issued
5Section 2412. 145.08 (1) (f) of the statutes is amended to read:
6 145.08 (1) (f) For Administering a master plumber's (restricted) examination,
7$50. For each subsequent examination, $30
8Section 2413. 145.08 (1) (g) of the statutes is amended to read:
9 145.08 (1) (g) For Issuing a master plumber's license (restricted), $500, and
10$500 for each renewal of the 4-year license if application is made prior to the date
11of expiration; after that date an additional fee of $20
12Section 2414. 145.08 (1) (h) of the statutes is amended to read:
13 145.08 (1) (h) For Administering a journeyman plumber's (restricted)
14examination, $30. For each subsequent examination, $20.
15Section 2415. 145.08 (1) (i) of the statutes is amended to read:
16 145.08 (1) (i) For Issuing a journeyman plumber's license (restricted), $180,
17and $180 for each renewal of the 4-year license if application is made prior to the date
18of expiration; after that date an additional fee of $10
19Section 2416. 145.08 (1) (k) of the statutes is amended to read:
20 145.08 (1) (k) For Administering an automatic fire sprinkler contractor's
21examination, $100.
22Section 2417. 145.08 (1) (L) of the statutes is amended to read:
23 145.08 (1) (L) For Issuing an automatic fire sprinkler contractor's license,
24$2,000, and $2,000 for each renewal of the 4-year license if application is made prior
25to the date of expiration; after that date an additional fee of $25

1Section 2418. 145.08 (1) (Lm) of the statutes is amended to read:
2 145.08 (1) (Lm) For Issuing an automatic fire sprinkler - maintenance only
3registration, $400, and $400 for each renewal of the 4-year registration if application
4is made prior to the date of expiration; after that date an additional fee of $25
5Section 2419. 145.08 (1) (m) of the statutes is amended to read:
6 145.08 (1) (m) For Administering a journeyman automatic fire sprinkler
7fitter's examination, $20 and $20 for each subsequent examination.
8Section 2420. 145.08 (1) (n) of the statutes is amended to read:
9 145.08 (1) (n) For Issuing a journeyman automatic fire sprinkler fitter's
10license, $180, and $180 for each renewal of the 4-year license if application is made
11prior to the date of expiration; after that date an additional fee of $10
12Section 2421. 145.08 (1) (nm) of the statutes is amended to read:
13 145.08 (1) (nm) For Issuing an automatic fire sprinkler fitter - maintenance
14only registration certificate, $60, and $60 for each renewal of the 4-year registration
15if application is made prior to the date of expiration; after that date an additional fee
16of $10
17Section 2422. 145.08 (1) (o) of the statutes is amended to read:
18 145.08 (1) (o) For Issuing a utility contractor's license, $500 and $500 for each
19renewal of the 4-year license if application is made prior to the date of expiration;
20after that date an additional fee of $10
21Section 2423. 145.08 (1) (p) of the statutes is renumbered 145.08 (1g) and
22amended to read:
23 145.08 (1g) For The department may not charge a plumbing supervisor
24employed by the department in accord with s. 145.02 (3) (a), no cost a fee for the

1appropriate 4-year license for which the plumbing supervisor has previously
3Section 2424. 145.08 (1) (q) of the statutes is amended to read:
4 145.08 (1) (q) For Issuing a pipelayer's registration, $180 at the time of
5registration and $180 for each subsequent 4-year period of registration
6Section 2425. 145.08 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
7 145.08 (3) To establish a record of beginning an apprenticeship, as a plumber,
8as an automatic fire sprinkler system apprentice, or as a plumber learner
9(restricted), every plumbing and automatic fire sprinkler system apprentice and
10every plumbing learner (restricted) shall within 30 days after beginning an
11apprenticeship or learnership register with the department. A fee of $15 established
12by the department by rule
shall be paid at the time of registration and before January
131 of each subsequent calendar year during which the apprentice is engaged in the
14apprenticeship or learnership.
15Section 2426. 146.19 (2) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
16 146.19 (2) American Indian health project grants. (intro.) From the
17appropriation account under s. 20.435 (5) (1) (ke), the department shall award grants
18for American Indian health projects in order to address specific problem areas in the
19field of American Indian health. A tribe, tribal agency, or inter-tribal organization
20may apply, in the manner specified by the department, for a grant of up to $10,000
21to conduct an American Indian health project that is designed to do any of the
23Section 2427. 146.45 (4) of the statutes is created to read:
24 146.45 (4) In each fiscal year, there is transferred from the appropriation
25account under s. 20.435 (4) (jz) to the appropriation account under s. 20.435 (4) (jw)

1an amount, determined by the secretary, that is sufficient for the department to
2administer a contract with an entity to operate the purchasing pool established
3under sub. (2), but not more than 5 percent of the total amount paid by persons to
4purchase prescription drugs as members of the purchasing pool in the fiscal year.
5Section 2428. 146.65 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
6 146.65 (1) (intro.) From the appropriation account under s. 20.435 (5) (1) (dm),
7the department shall distribute moneys as follows:
8Section 2429. 146.68 (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
9146.68 Grant for colposcopies and other services. (intro.) From the
10appropriation account under s. 20.435 (5) (1) (dg), the department shall provide
11$100,000 in fiscal year 2007-08 and $75,000 in each subsequent fiscal year to an
12entity that satisfies the following criteria to provide colposcopic examinations and
13to provide services to medical assistance recipients or persons who are eligible for
14medical assistance:
15Section 2429b. 146.81 (1) (q) of the statutes is created to read:
16 146.81 (1) (q) An ambulance service provider, as defined in s. 256.01 (3).
17Section 2429c. 146.81 (1) (r) of the statutes is created to read:
18 146.81 (1) (r) An emergency medical technician, as defined in s. 256.01 (5).
19Section 2429d. 146.81 (1) (s) of the statutes is created to read:
20 146.81 (1) (s) A first responder, as defined in s. 256.01 (9).
21Section 2429e. 146.81 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
22 146.81 (4) "Patient health care records" means all records related to the health
23of a patient prepared by or under the supervision of a health care provider, but; and
24all records made by an ambulance service provider, as defined in s. 256.01 (3), an
25emergency medical technician, as defined in s. 256.01 (5), or a first responder, as

1defined in s. 256.01 (9), in administering emergency care procedures to and handling
2and transporting sick, disabled, or injured individuals. "Patient health care records"
3includes billing statements and invoices for treatment or services provided by a
4health care provider and includes health summary forms prepared under s. 302.388
5(2). "Patient health care records" does
not include those records subject to s. 51.30,
6reports collected under s. 69.186, records of tests administered under s. 252.15 (2)
7(a) 7., 343.305, 938.296 (4) or (5) or 968.38 (4) or (5), records related to sales of
8pseudoephedrine products, as defined in s. 961.01 (20c), that are maintained by
9pharmacies under s. 961.235, fetal monitor tracings, as defined under s. 146.817 (1),
10or a pupil's physical health records maintained by a school under s. 118.125. ``Patient
11health care records" also includes health summary forms prepared under s. 302.388
13Section 2430. 146.81 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
14 146.81 (5) "Person authorized by the patient" means the parent, guardian, or
15legal custodian of a minor patient, as defined in s. 48.02 (8) and (11), the person
16vested with supervision of the child under s. 938.183 or 938.34 (4d), (4h), (4m), or
17(4n), the guardian of a patient adjudicated incompetent in this state, the personal
18representative or, spouse, or domestic partner under ch. 770 of a deceased patient,
19any person authorized in writing by the patient or a health care agent designated by
20the patient as a principal under ch. 155 if the patient has been found to be
21incapacitated under s. 155.05 (2), except as limited by the power of attorney for
22health care instrument. If no spouse or domestic partner survives a deceased
23patient, "person authorized by the patient" also means an adult member of the
24deceased patient's immediate family, as defined in s. 632.895 (1) (d). A court may
25appoint a temporary guardian for a patient believed incompetent to consent to the

1release of records under this section as the person authorized by the patient to decide
2upon the release of records, if no guardian has been appointed for the patient.
3Section 2431. 146.82 (2) (a) 8. of the statutes is amended to read:
4 146.82 (2) (a) 8. To the department under s. 255.04 and to the persons specified
5under s. 255.04 (3)
. The release of a patient health care record under this subdivision
6shall be limited to the information prescribed by the department under s. 255.04 (2).
7Section 2432. 146.82 (2) (a) 18m. of the statutes is amended to read:
8 146.82 (2) (a) 18m. If the subject of the patient health care records is a child
9or juvenile who has been placed in a foster home, treatment foster home, group home,
10residential care center for children and youth, or juvenile correctional facility,
11including a placement under s. 48.205, 48.21, 938.205, or 938.21, or for whom
12placement in a foster home, treatment foster home, group home, residential care
13center for children and youth, or juvenile correctional facility is recommended under
14s. 48.33 (4), 48.425 (1) (g), 48.837 (4) (c), or 938.33 (3) or (4), to an agency directed by
15a court to prepare a court report under s. 48.33 (1), 48.424 (4) (b), 48.425 (3), 48.831
16(2), 48.837 (4) (c), or 938.33 (1), to an agency responsible for preparing a court report
17under s. 48.365 (2g), 48.425 (1), 48.831 (2), 48.837 (4) (c), or 938.365 (2g), to an agency
18responsible for preparing a permanency plan under s. 48.355 (2e), 48.38, 48.43 (1)
19(c) or (5) (c), 48.63 (4) or (5) (c), 48.831 (4) (e), 938.355 (2e), or 938.38 regarding the
20child or juvenile, or to an agency that placed the child or juvenile or arranged for the
21placement of the child or juvenile in any of those placements and, by any of those
22agencies, to any other of those agencies and, by the agency that placed the child or
23juvenile or arranged for the placement of the child or juvenile in any of those
24placements, to the foster parent or treatment foster parent of the child or juvenile
25or the operator of the group home, residential care center for children and youth, or

1juvenile correctional facility in which the child or juvenile is placed, as provided in
2s. 48.371 or 938.371.
3Section 2433b. 146.83 (1) (intro.) and (a) of the statutes are consolidated,
4renumbered 146.83 (1d) and amended to read:
5 146.83 (1d) Except as provided in s. 51.30 or 146.82 (2), any patient or other
6person authorized by the patient may, upon submitting a statement of informed
7consent: (a) Inspect, inspect the health care records of a health care provider
8pertaining to that patient at any time. The health care provider shall make the
9records available for inspection by the patient or person authorized by the patient

10during regular business hours, upon reasonable within 21 days after the health care
11provider receives
notice from the patient or person authorized by the patient. A
12health care provider may not charge a fee for inspection under this subsection.
13Section 2433c. 146.83 (1) (b) and (c) of the statutes are repealed.
14Section 2433d. 146.83 (1f) of the statutes is created to read:
15 146.83 (1f) (a) Except as provided in par. (b) or s. 51.30 or 146.82 (2), if a patient
16or a person authorized by the patient requests copies of the patient's health care
17records, provides informed consent, and pays the applicable fees under par. (c) or (d),
18the health care provider shall, subject to sub. (1k), provide the patient or person
19authorized by the patient copies of the requested records within 21 days after
20receiving the request.
21 (b) Except as provided in s. 51.30 or 146.82 (2), if a patient or a person
22authorized by the patient requests a copy of a health care provider's report regarding
23an X-ray of the patient, provides informed consent, and pays the applicable fees
24under par. (c) or (d), the health care provider shall, subject to sub. (1k), provide the
25patient or person authorized by the patient a copy of the report or provide the X-ray

1to another health care provider of the patient's choice within 30 days after receiving
2the request.
3 (c) Except as provided in par. (d), a health care provider may charge no more
4than the total of all of the following that apply for providing copies requested under
5par. (a) or (b):
6 1. For paper copies, 35 cents per page.
7 2. For microfiche or microfilm copies, $1.25 per page.
8 3. For a print of an X-ray, $10 per image.
9 4. Actual shipping costs.
10 5. If the patient or person authorized by the patient requests delivery of the
11copies within 7 or fewer days after making a request for copies, and the health care
12provider delivers the copies within that time, a fee equal to 10 percent of the total fees
13that may be charged under subds. 1. to 4.
14 (d) 1. If a patient or person authorized by the patient requests copies of the
15patient's health care records under this subsection for use in appealing a denial of
16social security disability insurance, under 42 USC 401 to 433, or supplemental
17security income, under 42 USC 1381 to 1385, the health care provider may charge
18the patient or person authorized by the patient no more than the amount that the
19federal social security administration reimburses the department for copies of
20patient health care records.
21 2. A health care provider may not charge a fee for providing one set of copies
22of a patient's health care records under this subsection if the patient is eligible for
23medical assistance, as defined in s. 49.43 (8). A health care provider may require that
24a patient or person authorized by the patient provide proof that the patient is eligible
25for medical assistance before providing copies under this subdivision without charge.

1A health care provider may charge the fees under par. (c) for providing a 2nd or
2additional set of copies of patient health care records for a patient who is eligible for
3medical assistance.
4Section 2433f. 146.83 (1h) of the statutes is created to read:
5 146.83 (1h) (a) Except as provided in s. 51.30 or 146.82 (2), if a person other
6than a patient and other than a person authorized by the patient requests copies of
7a patient's health care records, provides informed consent, and pays the applicable
8fees under par. (b) or (c), the health care provider shall, subject to sub. (1k), provide
9the person making the request copies of the requested records.
10 (b) Except as provided in par. (c), a health care provider may charge no more
11than the total of all of the following that apply for providing copies requested under
12par. (a):
13 1. For paper copies, 35 cents per page.
14 2. For microfiche or microfilm copies, $1.25 per page.
15 3. For a print of an X-ray, $10 per image.
16 4. For certification of copies, $5.
17 5. For processing and handling, a single $15 charge for all copies requested.
18 6. Actual shipping costs.
19 7. If the patient or person authorized by the patient requests delivery of the
20copies within 7 or fewer days after making a request for copies, and the health care
21provider delivers the copies within that time, a fee equal to 10 percent of the total fees
22that may be charged under subds. 1. to 6.
23 (c) If the department requests copies of a patient's health care records for use
24in determining eligibility for social security disability insurance, under 42 USC 401
25to 433, or supplemental security income, under 42 USC 1381 to 1385, the health care

1provider may charge no more than the amount that the federal social security
2administration reimburses the department for copies of patient health care records.
3Section 2433h. 146.83 (1k) of the statutes is created to read:
4 146.83 (1k) (a) Upon the request of the person requesting copies of patient
5health care records under sub. (1f) or (1h), the health care provider shall provide the
6copies in a digital or electronic format unless the health care provider's record system
7does not provide for the creation or transmission of records in a digital or electronic
8format, in which case the health care provider shall provide the person a written
9explanation for why the copies cannot be provided in a digital or electronic format.
10The health care provider may include the written explanation with the production
11of paper copies of the records if the person chooses to receive paper copies.