1973.031 Risk reduction sentence. Whenever a court imposes a sentence for
2a felony under s. 973.01, the court may order the person it sentences to serve a risk
3reduction sentence if the court determines that a risk reduction sentence is
4appropriate and the person agrees to cooperate in an assessment of his or her
5criminogenic factors and his or her risk of reoffending, and to participate in
6programming or treatment the department develops for the person under s. 302.042
8Section 3388. 973.045 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
9 973.045 (1) (a) For each misdemeanor offense or count, $60 $67.
10Section 3389. 973.045 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
11 973.045 (1) (b) For each felony offense or count, $85 $92.
12Section 3390. 973.045 (1r) (a) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
13 973.045 (1r) (a) 2. Part B equals $20 $27 for each misdemeanor offense or count
14and $20 $27 for each felony offense or count.
15Section 3391. 973.045 (2m) of the statutes is amended to read:
16 973.045 (2m) The secretary of administration shall credit part A and 26
17percent of part B
of the crime victim and witness surcharge to the appropriation
18account under s. 20.455 (5) (g) and 74 percent of part B to the appropriation account
19under s. 20.455 (5) (gc).
20Section 3392. 973.05 (2m) (r) of the statutes is amended to read:
21 973.05 (2m) (r) To payment of the enforcement surcharge under s. 49.17 253.06
22(4) (c) until paid in full.
23Section 3392b. 973.06 (1) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
24 973.06 (1) (e) Attorney fees payable to the defense attorney by the county or
25the state. If the court determines at the time of sentencing that the defendant's

1financial circumstances are changed, the court may adjust the amount in accordance
2with s. 977.07 (1) (a) and (2) rules promulgated under s. 977.02 (3).
3Section 3392d. 973.09 (3) (d) of the statutes is created to read:
4 973.09 (3) (d) The department may petition the sentencing court to modify a
5person's period of probation and to discharge the person from probation if the person
6has completed less than 50 percent of his or her period of probation. The court may
7modify the person's period of probation and order the person discharged from
8probation if the person has complied with the conditions of his or her probation, has
9paid restitution ordered under s. 973.20, and has paid all ordered court costs, fines
10or forfeitures, and supervision fees.
11Section 3392s. 973.09 (5) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
12 973.09 (5) (intro.) When the period of probation for a probationer has expired
13or a court has modified a probationer's period of probation under sub. (3) (d), the
14probationer shall be discharged from probation and the department shall do all of the
16Section 3395g. 973.195 (1r) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
17 973.195 (1r) (a) An inmate who is serving a sentence imposed under s. 973.01
18before the effective date of this paragraph .... [LRB inserts date], for a crime other
19than a Class B felony may petition the sentencing court to adjust the sentence if the
20inmate has served at least the applicable percentage of the term of confinement in
21prison portion of the sentence. If an inmate is subject to more than one sentence
22imposed under this section, the sentences shall be treated individually for purposes
23of sentence adjustment under this subsection.
24Section 3395r. 973.195 (1r) (j) of the statutes is created to read:

1973.195 (1r) (j) An inmate who submits a petition under this subsection may
2not apply under s. 304.06 (1) (bg) 3. or 4. for release to extended supervision for any
3crime committed prior to the effective date of this paragraph .... [LRB inserts date].
4Section 3395t. 973.20 (9m) of the statutes is repealed.
5Section 3396. 974.07 (4) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
6 974.07 (4) (b) Notwithstanding the limitation on the disclosure of mailing
7addresses from completed information cards submitted by victims under ss. 51.37
8(10) (dx), 301.046 (4) (d), 301.048 (4m) (d), 301.38 (4), 302.105 (4), 304.06 (1) (f),
9304.063 (4), 938.51 (2), 971.17 (6m) (d), and 980.11 (4), the department of corrections,
10the parole earned release review commission, and the department of health services
11shall, upon request, assist clerks of court in obtaining information regarding the
12mailing address of victims for the purpose of sending copies of motions and notices
13of hearings under par. (a).
14Section 3397. 976.03 (23) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
15 976.03 (23) (c) The application shall be verified by affidavit, shall be executed
16in duplicate and shall be accompanied by 2 certified copies of the indictment
17returned, or information and affidavit filed, or of the complaint made to a judge,
18stating the offense with which the accused is charged, or of the judgment of
19conviction or of the sentence. The prosecuting officer, parole earned release review
20commission, warden or sheriff may also attach such further affidavits and other
21documents in duplicate as he, she or it deems proper to be submitted with the
22application. One copy of the application, with the action of the governor indicated
23by endorsement thereon, and one of the certified copies of the indictment, complaint,
24information and affidavits, or of the judgment of conviction or of the sentence shall

1be filed in the office of the governor to remain of record in that office. The other copies
2of all papers shall be forwarded with the governor's requisition.
3Section 3398r. 977.02 (3) of the statutes is renumbered 977.02 (3) (intro.) and
4amended to read:
5 977.02 (3) (intro.) Promulgate rules regarding the determination of indigency
6of persons entitled to be represented by counsel, other than persons who are entitled
7to be represented by counsel under s. 48.23, 51.60, 55.105, or 938.23, including the
8time period in which the determination must be made and the criteria to be used to
9determine indigency and partial indigency. The rules shall specify that, in
10determining indigency, the representative of the state public defender shall do all of
11the following:
12Section 3398t. 977.02 (3) (a) to (d) of the statutes are created to read:
13 977.02 (3) (a) Consider the anticipated costs of effective representation for the
14type of case in which the person seeks representation.
15 (b) Subject to par. (d), consider assets in the manner described in s. 49.145 (3)
16(a) and treat assets as available to the person to pay the costs of legal representation
17if they exceed the resource limitation under s. 49.145 (3) (a), except that the
18representative of the state public defender shall exclude only the first $30,000 of the
19equity value of the home that serves as the person's homestead.
20 (c) Subject to par. (d), treat income as available to pay the costs of legal
21representation to the person only if it exceeds the income limitations in s. 49.145 (3)
23 (d) Treat assets or income of the person's spouse as the person's assets or
24income, unless the spouse was the victim of a crime that the person allegedly

1Section 3399. 977.02 (9) of the statutes is created to read:
2 977.02 (9) Promulgate rules establishing the maximum fees that the state
3public defender may pay for copies, in any format, of materials that are subject to
4discovery in cases in which the state public defender or counsel assigned under s.
5977.08 provides legal representation. In promulgating the rules under this
6subsection, the board shall consider information regarding the actual, necessary, and
7direct cost of producing copies of materials that are subject to discovery.
8Section 3400. 977.05 (4) (jm) of the statutes is amended to read:
9 977.05 (4) (jm) At the request of an inmate determined by the state public
10defender to be indigent or upon referral of a court the department of corrections
11under s. 302.113 (9g) (j) 302.1135 (10), represent the inmate in proceedings for
12modification of a bifurcated sentence under s. 302.113 (9g) before a program review
13committee and the sentencing court
302.1135 before the earned release review
, if the state public defender determines the case should be pursued.
15Section 3400g. 977.06 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
16 977.06 (1) (a) Verify the information necessary to determine indigency under
17s. 977.07 (2) rules promulgated under s. 977.02 (3). The information provided by a
18person seeking assigned counsel that is subject to verification shall include any
19social security numbers provided on an application under sub. (1m), income records,
20value of assets, eligibility for public assistance, and claims of expenses.
21Section 3400i. 977.06 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
22 977.06 (2) (a) A person seeking to have counsel assigned for him or her under
23s. 977.08, other than a person who is entitled to be represented by counsel under s.
2448.23, 51.60, 55.105, or 938.23, shall sign a statement declaring that he or she has
25not disposed of any assets for the purpose of qualifying for that assignment of

1counsel. If the representative or authority making the indigency determination
2finds that any asset was disposed of for less than its fair market value for the purpose
3of obtaining that assignment of counsel, the asset shall be counted under s. 977.07
rules promulgated under s. 977.02 (3) at its fair market value at the time it was
5disposed of, minus the amount of compensation received for the asset.
6Section 3400k. 977.07 (2) of the statutes is repealed.
7Section 3400n. 977.085 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
8 977.085 (3) The board shall provide quarterly reports to the joint committee
9on finance on the status of reimbursement for or recoupment of payments under ss.
1048.275, 51.605, 55.107, 757.66, 938.275, 977.06, 977.07 (2), 977.075 and 977.076,
11including the amount of revenue generated by reimbursement and recoupment. The
12quarterly reports shall include any alternative means suggested by the board to
13improve reimbursement and recoupment procedures and to increase the amount of
14revenue generated. The department of justice, district attorneys, circuit courts and
15applicable county agencies shall cooperate by providing any necessary information
16to the state public defender.
17Section 3400p. 977.10 of the statutes is created to read:
18977.10 Assistant state public defender retention pay. (1) Each fiscal
19year, the state public defender shall report to the attorney general the number of
20full-time equivalent assistant state public defender positions that are filled as of
21June 30th of that year.
22(2) (a) In this subsection "amount per full-time equivalent position" means the
23amount transferred from by the attorney general under s. 165.03 (2) (c) in a fiscal
24year divided by the number of full-time equivalent assistant state public defender
25positions that are filled as of June 30th of that year.

1(b) From the appropriation under s. 20.550 (1) (kb), the state public defender
2shall pay each individual who is a full-time equivalent assistant state public
3defender on June 30th the amount per full-time equivalent position and shall pay
4each individual who is less than a full-time equivalent assistant state public
5defender on June 30th a prorated amount of the amount per full-time equivalent
7Section 3400s. 978.12 (1) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
8 978.12 (1) (c) Assistant district attorneys. Assistant district attorneys shall be
9employed outside the classified service. For purposes of salary administration, the
10director of the office of state employment relations shall establish one or more
11classifications for assistant district attorneys in accordance with the classification
12or classifications allocated to assistant attorneys general. Except as provided in sub.
13(7) (b) and
s. 111.93 (3), the salaries of assistant district attorneys shall be established
14and adjusted in accordance with the state compensation plan for assistant attorneys
15general whose positions are allocated to the classification or classifications
16established by the director of the office of state employment relations.
17Section 3400v. 978.12 (7) of the statutes is created to read:
18 978.12 (7) Assistant district attorney retention pay. (a) Each fiscal year, the
19secretary of administration shall report to the attorney general the number of
20full-time equivalent assistant district attorney positions that are filled as of June
2130th of that year.
22 (b) 1. In this paragraph, "amount per full-time equivalent position" means the
23amount transferred by the attorney general under s. 165.03 (2) (b) in a fiscal year
24divided by the number of full-time equivalent assistant district attorney positions
25that are filled as of June 30th of that year.

12. Subject to sub. (5) (c), from the appropriation under s. 20.475 (1) (kb), the
2secretary of administration shall pay each individual who is a full-time equivalent
3assistant district attorney on June 30th the amount per full-time equivalent
4position and shall pay each individual who is less than a full-time equivalent
5assistant district attorney on June 30th a prorated amount of the amount per
6full-time equivalent position.
7Section 3401. 980.036 (10) of the statutes is amended to read:
8 980.036 (10) Payment of copying costs in cases involving indigent
When the state public defender or a private attorney appointed under
10s. 977.08 requests copies, in any format, of any item that is discoverable under this
11section, the state public defender shall pay any fee charged for the copies from the
12appropriation account under s. 20.550 (1) (a). If the person providing copies under
13this section charges the state public defender a fee for the copies, the fee may not
14exceed the actual, necessary, and, direct cost of providing the copies applicable
15maximum fee for copies of discoverable materials that is established by rule under
16s. 977.02 (9)
17Section 3405. 980.11 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
18 980.11 (1) (b) "Member of the family" means spouse, domestic partner under
19ch. 770,
child, sibling, parent or legal guardian.
20Section 3405b. 985.03 (1) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
21 985.03 (1) (c) A newspaper, under this chapter, is a publication appearing at
22regular intervals and at least once a week, containing reports of happenings of recent
23occurrence of a varied character, such as political, social, moral and religious
24subjects, designed to inform the general reader. The definition includes a daily
25newspaper published in a county having a population of 500,000 or more, devoted

1principally to business news and publishing of records, which has been designated
2by the courts of record of the county for publication of legal notices for a period of 6
3months or more. The definition also includes a daily or weekly newspaper that is
4published at least 50 weeks of each year in a county having a population of 500,000
5or more, has been published continuously for the past 10 years, has had a continuous
6circulation of at least 40,000 copies within the county for the past 10 years, as
7documented by a nationally recognized auditing company, and has the majority of its
8distribution within the county for which the legal notice is to be distributed.
9Section 3405d. 985.04 of the statutes is repealed.
10Section 3405f. 985.12 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 985.12 (1) (a).
11Section 3405h. 985.12 (1) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
12 985.12 (1) (b) If a legal notice is published on a state agency, bureau,
13commission, department, or office Web site, the person that publishes that notice
14shall prepare an affidavit stating what Web site the notice was published on, when
15the notice was first published on the Web site, and how long the notice was published
16on the Web site if the notice has been removed from the Web site.
17Section 3405k. 985.12 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
18 985.12 (2) Time of filing. Such The affidavit of printing may be filed with the
19proper officer at any time after the last day of the publication of such notice, unless
20the filing time is otherwise specified. The affidavit of publication of a notice on a Web
21site shall be filed with the proper authority in the state agency, bureau, commission,
22department, or office that published the notice within 30 days after the last day of
23publication or within 30 days of the first day of publication of the notice if the
24publication is to be on the Web site for an indefinite period of time.
25Section 3405m. 985.12 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:

1985.12 (4) Fee. The fee for an affidavit of publication printing shall be $1.
2Section 3405s. 992.14 of the statutes is amended to read:
3992.14 Revenue limit agreement. Notwithstanding s. 121.91, if a school
4district held a referendum before February 5, 2001, to exceed its revenue limit under
5s. 121.91 (2m) (e), and the resolution adopted by the school board and referred to in
6the question submitted to the electors specified a mill rate to be used to calculate the
7revenue limit increase, the amount by which the school district's revenue limit is
8increased as a result of the referendum for each year specified in the referendum is
9the dollar amount agreed to by the department of public instruction and the school
10board of that school district.
11Section 3406. 2005 Wisconsin Act 25, section 9101 (4) (b) and (c), as last
12amended by 2007 Wisconsin Act 20, section 3936, is amended to read:
13 [2005 Wisconsin Act 25] Section 9101 (4) (b) The department of administration
14may offer any parcel of state-owned real property for sale in accordance with section
1516.848 of the statutes, as created by this act, if the property is eligible for sale under
16that section and this subsection. If the department of administration receives an
17offer to purchase the property, the secretary of administration may submit a report
18to the secretary of the building commission recommending acceptance of the offer.
19The report shall contain a description of the property and the reasons for the
20recommendation. The secretary of administration may recommend the sale of a
21property with or without approval of the state agency having jurisdiction of the
22property. If, during the period on or before June 30, 2007, or the period beginning
23on the effective date of this paragraph October 27, 2007, and ending on June 30, 2009,
24or the period beginning on the effective date of this paragraph and ending on June

130, 2011,
the building commission votes to approve the offer to purchase the property,
2the department of administration may sell the property.
3 (c) This subsection does not apply during the period beginning after June 30,
42007 and ending the day before the effective date of this paragraph on October 26,
, nor during the period beginning after June 30, 2009, and ending before the
6effective date of this paragraph, nor during the period after June 30, 2011
7Section 3406m. 2005 Wisconsin Act 25, section 9105 (1) (h) 1. is amended to
8read: - See PDF for table PDF
1Section 3406p. 2005 Wisconsin Act 25, section 9105 (9), as last affected by
22007 Wisconsin Act 20, section 3936m, is repealed.
3Section 3407. 2005 Wisconsin Act 25, section 9152 (5), as last affected by 2007
4Wisconsin Act 20
, section 3937, is renumbered 36.335 of the statutes and amended
5to read:
636.335 Sale of real property other land; buildings and structures. If
7Except as provided in s. 36.33, if the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin
8System sells any real property under its jurisdiction during the period prior to July
91, 2007, and
the period beginning on the effective date of this subsection October 27,

and ending on June 30, 2009, and the period beginning on the effective date
2of this section .... [LRB inserts date],
the board shall credit the net proceeds of the
3sale to the appropriation account under section s. 20.285 (1) (iz) of the statutes, as
4affected by this act
, except that if there is any outstanding public debt used to finance
5the acquisition, construction, or improvement of any property that is sold, the board
6shall deposit a sufficient amount of the net proceeds from the sale of the property in
7the bond security and redemption fund under section s. 18.09 of the statutes to repay
8the principal and pay the interest on the debt, and any premium due upon refunding
9any of the debt. If the property was acquired, constructed, or improved with federal
10financial assistance, the board shall pay to the federal government any of the net
11proceeds required by federal law. If the property was acquired by gift or grant or
12acquired with gift or grant funds, the board shall adhere to any restriction governing
13use of the proceeds.
14Section 3408 . 2005 Wisconsin Act 25, section 9155 (1w) (b), as last affected by
152007 Wisconsin Act 5, is amended to read:
16 [2005 Wisconsin Act 25] Section 9155 (1w) (b) On June 30, 2009, 2011, the
17secretary of administration shall eliminate up to
13.0 FTE attorney positions in all
18state agencies that are vacant on that date are eliminated. If fewer than 13.0 FTE
19attorney positions in all state agencies are vacant on June 30, 2009, there are
20eliminated the requisite number of FTE attorney positions, as identified by the
21secretary of administration, so that a total of 13.0 FTE attorney positions are
23Section 3409. 2007 Wisconsin Act 20, section 1878d is repealed.
24Section 3409n. 2007 Wisconsin Act 20, section 9105 (1) (a) 1. and 2. and (d)
251. are amended to read:
6Section 3409p. 2007 Wisconsin Act 20, section 9105 (1) (j) 1., 3. and 7. are
7amended to read:
1Section 3410. 2007 Wisconsin Act 20, section 9121 (6d) is renumbered 253.16
2of the statutes, and 253.16 (2), (3) (intro.), (c) and (e) and (4) (intro.), (b) and (c), as
3renumbered, are amended to read:
4 253.16 (2) In a county with a population of at least 190,000 but less than
5230,000, from the appropriation account under section s. 20.435 (5) (1) (eu) of the
6statues, as created by this act
, the department of health and family services shall
7distribute $250,000 award a grant in each state fiscal years year to the city health

1department to provide a program of services to reduce fetal and infant mortality and
3(3) (intro.) Notwithstanding section s. 251.08 of the statutes, in implementing
4the program under paragraph (b) sub. (2), the city health department shall, directly
5or by contract, do all of the following in or on behalf of areas of the county that are
6encompassed by the zip codes 53402 to 53406 and that are at risk for high fetal and
7infant mortality and morbidity, as determined by the department of health and
9 (c) Develop and implement models of care for all women in the areas who meet
10risk criteria, as specified by the department of health and family services, and
11provide comprehensive prenatal and postnatal care coordination and other services,
12including home visits, by registered nurses who are public health nurses or who meet
13the qualifications of public health nurses, as specified in section s. 250.06 (1) of the
, or by social workers, as defined in section s. 252.15 (1) (er) of the statutes.
15 (e) Evaluate the quality and effectiveness of the services provided under
16subdivisions 3. and 4 pars. (c) and (d).