Grants for school district consolidation.
Feasibility studies.
1. A consortium of 2 or more school districts may apply to the department of
18public instruction for a grant to conduct a school district consolidation feasibility
19study. The consortium shall submit a plan identifying the school districts engaged
20in the study, the issues the study will address, and how the grant funds will be
21expended. A school district may not be a member of more than one consortium.
2. In the 2009-11 fiscal biennium, the department of public instruction shall
23award grants to consortia from the appropriation under section 20.255 (2) (bs) of the
1statutes, as affected by this act. The department may not award more than $10,000
2to any consortium.
3. The department of public instruction shall give priority to applications that
4demonstrate prior attempts to address the underlying issues associated with
5management and operation of the school districts' programs.
4. A consortium awarded a grant under this paragraph shall submit the results
7of the study to the department of public instruction.
8(b) Consolidation award. Notwithstanding paragraph (a), if a school district
9in Barron County consolidates with a school district in Rusk County effective July
101, 2010, the department of public instruction shall award a grant in an amount equal
11to the amount remaining on July 1, 2010, in the appropriation account under section
1220.255 (2) (bs) of the statutes, as created by this act, to the consolidated school
14(3i) Open enrollment program; limits.
15(a) Notwithstanding section 118.51 of the statutes, no school district located in
16whole or in part in Milwaukee County may accept more pupils from the Milwaukee
17Public Schools under the open enrollment program in the 2009-10 school year than
18the school district accepted from the Milwaukee Public Schools under the open
19enrollment program in the 2008-09 school year.
20(b) Notwithstanding section 118.51 (16) (a) 3. and (b) of the statutes, the
21amount that a school district located in whole or in part in Milwaukee County
22receives for each pupil that it accepts from the Milwaukee Public Schools in the
232009-10 school year under the open enrollment program is the amount that the
24school district received for each pupil that it accepted from the Milwaukee Public
25Schools under the open enrollment program in the 2008-09 school year.".
(7u) First class city school district; construction projects. The board of
3school directors in charge of the public schools of a 1st class city shall ensure that at
4least 30 percent of the number of full-time equivalent employees hired to work on
5school district construction projects funded in whole or in part with federal economic
6stimulus funds, as defined in s. 16.705 (9) (a) of the statutes, as created by this act,
7or by a federal interest rate subsidy on bonds, reside within the community
8development block grant area located in the 1st class city, as determined by the board
9of school directors.
10(9i) School District Grants. From the appropriation under section 20.255 (2)
11(de) of the statutes, as created by this act, in the 2009-10 fiscal year the department
12of public instruction shall pay $60,000 to each of the following school districts for the
13specified purposes:
14(a) Pepin Area, for 4-year-old kindergarten, technology improvements, and
15technology to install a distance learning lab.
16(b) Cochrane-Fountain City, for transportation, class-size reduction, and
17comprehensive education.
18(c) Plum City, for transportation and specialized instruction.
19(9q) Four-year-old kindergarten. From the appropriation under section
2020.255 (2) (et) of the statutes, as created by this act, in the 2009-11 fiscal biennium
21the department of public instruction shall award a $500,000 grant to the Madison
22Metropolitan School District to establish a 4-year-old kindergarten program.".
(1q) Emergency rules concerning withholding and willful
2misclassification by certain contractors. The department of revenue may
3promulgate emergency rules under section 227.24 of the statutes relating to the
4withholding requirements under section 71.64 (6m) of the statutes, as created by this
5act, and to define "willful misclassification," as that concept is used in section 71.65
6(6) of the statutes, as created by this act. Notwithstanding section 227.24 (1) (a), (2)
7(b), and (3) of the statutes, the department of revenue is not required to provide
8evidence that promulgating a rule under this subsection as an emergency rule is
9necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, safety, or welfare and is
10not required to provide a finding of emergency for a rule promulgated under this
Initial terms of Chippewa Valley regional transit authority.
16Notwithstanding the length of terms specified for members of the board of directors
17of the Chippewa Valley regional transit authority under section 66.1039 (2) (c) and
18(3) (a) of the statutes, as created by this act, the initial terms shall be 2 years for each
19of the following:
201. One of the members appointed under section 66.1039 (3) (d) 1. b. of the
21statutes, as created by this act.
222. One of the members appointed under section 66.1039 (3) (d) 1. c. of the
23statutes, as created by this act, if applicable.
13. Each member appointed under section 66.1039 (3) (d) 1. d. of the statutes,
2as created by this act.
Initial terms of Fox Valley regional transit authority. Notwithstanding the
4length of terms specified for members of the board of directors of the Fox Valley
5regional transit authority under section 66.1039 (2) (d) and (3) (a) of the statutes, as
6created by this act, the initial terms shall be 2 years for each of the following:
1. One member from each county appointed under section 66.1039 (3) (e) 1. b.
8of the statutes, as created by this act.
2. One of the members appointed under section 66.1039 (3) (e) 1. c. of the
10statutes, as created by this act.".
15388. Page 1832, line 6: after "resources." insert "In preparing this discussion,
16the department of transportation shall allow and consider public comment on each
(10g) Eisner Avenue project in Sheboygan County. Notwithstanding
20limitations on the amount and use of aids provided under section 86.31 of the
21statutes, as affected by this act, or on eligibility requirements for receiving aids
22under section 86.31 of the statutes, as affected by this act, the department of
23transportation shall award a grant of $500,000 in the 2009-11 fiscal biennium to the
24city of Sheboygan in Sheboygan County for the rehabilitation of Eisner Avenue in
1Sheboygan County if the city of Sheboygan and the town of Sheboygan in Sheboygan
2County reach an agreement on the amount of funds to be contributed by each toward
3the total local share of the project costs. Payment of the grant under this subsection
4shall be made from the appropriation under section 20.395 (2) (ft) of the statutes
5equally from funds allocated under section 86.31 (3m) of the statutes, as affected by
6this act, and from funds allocated under section 86.31 (3r) of the statutes, as affected
7by this act, and is in addition to the city of Sheboygan's entitlement, as defined in
8section 86.31 (1) (ar) of the statutes, to aids under section 86.31 of the statutes, as
9affected by this act.
10(10x) Transportation enhancements grant to Douglas County. Prior to July
111, 2011, from the appropriation under section 20.395 (2) (nx) of the statutes, the
12department of transportation shall award a grant under section 85.026 (2) of the
13statutes to Douglas County for the addition of bicycle lanes to CTH "B." The amount
14of the grant awarded under this subsection shall be $400,000 or 80 percent of the
15total cost of the project, whichever is less. The department may not rescind the grant
16under this subsection unless Douglas County informs the department that it does not
17intend to go forward with the project.
18(11f) Grant to town of Stockton railroad crossing improvements. In the
192009-11 fiscal biennium, from the appropriation under section 20.395 (2) (gr) of the
20statutes, as affected by this act, the department of transportation shall award a grant
21of $175,000 to the town of Stockton in Portage County for railroad crossing
22improvements at the intersection of Old Highway 18 and the Canadian National
23Railroad tracks.
Shared use of administrative facilities in or near city of Tomah.
25During the 2009-11 fiscal biennium, the department of transportation shall consult
1with the department of natural resources concerning the shared use of
2administrative facilities used by the state traffic patrol and the department of
3natural resources in or near the city of Tomah.".
(3g) Director of Wisconsin Institute for Sustainable Technology. Of the
6moneys appropriated to the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System
7under section 20.285 (1) (s) of the statutes, as created by this act, for the 2009-10 and
82010-11 fiscal years, the board shall allocate $110,000 in each fiscal year to the
9Wisconsin Institute for Sustainable Technology at the University of
10Wisconsin-Stevens Point to provide funding for the position of the director of the
11institute, but only if federal funds are not available to provide the funding.".
(2q) Milwaukee Area Workforce Investment Board. From the appropriation
15account under section 20.445 (1) (fr) of the statutes, as created by this act, the
16department of workforce development shall provide a grant in the amount of
17$2,000,000 during the 2009-11 state fiscal biennium to the Milwaukee Area
18Workforce Investment Board, Inc., if during that biennium the city of Milwaukee also
19provides a grant in the amount of $1,500,000 to that board.
20(3i) Construction contractors; emergency rules. Using the procedures
21under section 227.24 of the statutes, the department of workforce development may
22promulgate the rules required under section 111.327 of the statutes, as created by
23this act, for the period before the effective date of the permanent rules promulgated
24under that section, but not to exceed the period authorized under section 227.24 (1)
1(c) and (2) of the statutes. Notwithstanding section 227.24 (1) (a) and (3) of the
2statutes, the department is not required to provide evidence that promulgating a rule
3under this subsection as an emergency rule is necessary for the preservation of the
4public peace, health, safety, or welfare and is not required to provide a finding of
5emergency for a rule promulgated under this subsection.".
(2i) Required general fund structural balance. Section 20.003 (4m) of the
10statutes shall not apply to the 2010-11 fiscal year.".
(1f) Petroleum inspection fund transfer to transportation fund. There is
13transferred from the petroleum inspection fund to the transportation fund
14$10,000,000 in fiscal year 2009-10 and $27,000,000 in fiscal year 2010-11.".
Development fund; lapse. Notwithstanding section 20.001 (3) (b) of the
17statutes, on July 1, 2010, there is lapsed to the general fund $14,850,000 from the
18appropriation account of the department of commerce under section 20.143 (1) (tm)
19of the statutes, as affected by the acts of 2009.".
8"(4c) The treatment of sections 802.03 (9) and 846.35 (1) (c), (4), and (5) of the
9statutes, the renumbering of section 799.41 of the statutes, and the creation of
10section 799.41 (2) of the statutes, first apply to actions commenced on the effective
11date of this subsection.".
(1q) Reimbursement of veterans and dependents. The treatment of sections
1520.235 (1) (fz), 36.27 (3n) (b) (intro.) and (bm) and (3p) (b) and (bm), 38.24 (7) (b)
16(intro.) and (bm) and (8) (b) and (bm), and 39.50 (3m) (title) and (4) of the statutes
17first applies to a student who is enrolled in the spring 2010 semester.".
Military family relief fund checkoff. The treatment of section 71.10 (5i)
22of the statutes first applies to taxable years beginning on January 1 of the year in
23which this subsection takes effect, except that if this subsection takes effect after
1July 31 the treatment of section 71.10 (5i) of the statutes first applies to taxable years
2beginning on January 1 of the year following the year in which this subsection takes
Second harvest food banks. The treatment of section 71.10 (5j) of the
8statutes first applies to taxable years beginning on January 1 of the year in which
9this subsection takes effect, except that if this subsection takes effect after July 31
10the treatment of section 71.10 (5j) of the statutes first applies to taxable years
11beginning on January 1 of the year following the year in which this subsection takes
Student housing facilities. The treatment of section 70.11 (3m) of the
19statutes first applies to the property tax assessments as of January 1, 2010.".
(1f) Low-income assistance. The repeal of section 16.957 (2) (d) 2g. and 2r. of
2the statutes and the repeal and recreation of section 16.957 (2) (a) of the statutes take
3effect on June 30, 2012.".
(4g) Restorative justice. The repeal of section 20.505 (6) (br) of the statutes
6takes effect on July 1, 2010.".
(3c) Retail tobacco stores. The treatment of section 101.123 (1) (gg) of the
10statutes takes effect on July 5, 2010.".