AB75-ASA1-AA64,2,44 2. Grants made by state agencies and contracts entered into by state agencies.
AB75-ASA1-AA64,2,55 (c) "State agency" has the meaning given in s. 20.001 (1).
AB75-ASA1-AA64,2,76 (d) "State operations" means all purposes except aids to individuals and
7organizations and local assistance.
AB75-ASA1-AA64,2,15 8(2) State agency expenditures for state operations. (a) Beginning on July
91, 2011, the department shall ensure that all state agency expenditures for state
10operations exceeding $25, including salaries and fringe benefits paid to state agency
11employees, are available for inspection on a searchable Internet Web site maintained
12by the department. The department shall also make available for inspection on the
13searchable Internet Web site the annual salary paid by a state agency to each state
14employee during the prior 4 years or the during the time that the state employee has
15been employed by a state agency, whichever is less.
AB75-ASA1-AA64,2,2216 (b) The department shall categorize the expenditure information under par. (a)
17by state agency, expenditure category, expenditure amount, and the person to whom
18the expenditure is made. If any of the expenditure information may be found on other
19Web sites, the department shall ensure that the information is accessible through the
20searchable Internet Web site under par. (a). The department shall also ensure that
21a person may request and receive electronic updates of expenditure information
22under par. (a).
AB75-ASA1-AA64,3,423 (c) Beginning with expenditures made on July 1, 2011, state agencies shall
24provide the department with all expenditure information required under par. (a) no
25later than 60 days after the expenditure is made. Each state agency shall also

1include in the expenditure information required under par. (a) the amount of the
2most recent pay adjustment, performance bonus, or lump sum payment paid to each
3of its employees. The department may specify the format in which state agencies
4provide the expenditure information.
AB75-ASA1-AA64,3,8 5(3) State agency contracts and grants. (a) Beginning on July 1, 2011, the
6department shall ensure that all of the following information relating to each grant
7made by a state agency or contract entered into by a state agency is available for
8inspection on a searchable Internet Web site maintained by the department:
AB75-ASA1-AA64,3,99 1. A copy of the contract and grant award or statement.
AB75-ASA1-AA64,3,1010 2. The state agency making the grant or entering into the contract.
AB75-ASA1-AA64,3,1211 3. The name and address of the person receiving the grant or entering into the
AB75-ASA1-AA64,3,1313 4. The purpose of the grant or contract.
AB75-ASA1-AA64,3,1614 5. The amount of the grant or the amount the state agency must expend under
15the contract and the name of the state fund from which the grant is paid or moneys
16are expended under the contract.
AB75-ASA1-AA64,3,2517 (b) Beginning with grants made and contracts entered into by state agencies
18on July 1, 2011, state agencies shall provide the department with all of the
19information required under par. (a) no later than 10 days after the state agency
20makes a grant or enters into a contract. The department may specify the format in
21which state agencies provide the information. The department shall make the
22information available on the searchable Internet Web site no later than 30 days after
23the state agency makes a grant or enters into a contract. The department shall also
24ensure that a person may request and receive electronic updates of all of the
25information under par. (a).
1(4) School district expenditures. The department shall include in the
2Internet Web site maintained under this section the information about school district
3expenditures and contracts reported to it by the department of public instruction
4under s. 115.32 (4).".
AB75-ASA1-AA64,4,5 52. Page 1233, line 5: after that line insert:
AB75-ASA1-AA64,4,6 6" Section 2255L. 115.32 of the statutes is created to read:
AB75-ASA1-AA64,4,8 7115.32 Reporting of expenditures relating to school district operations
8and school board contracts and payments.
(1) Definitions. In this section:
AB75-ASA1-AA64,4,129 (a) "Financial instrument" includes any check, draft, warrant, money order,
10note, certificate of deposit, letter of credit, bill of exchange, credit or credit card,
11transaction authorization mechanism, marketable security, and any computer
12representation of them.
AB75-ASA1-AA64,4,1513 (b) "Payment" means a payment made to a person, other than the payment of
14salaries and fringe benefits for school district employees and payments for goods and
15services pursuant to a contract.
AB75-ASA1-AA64,4,19 16(2) School district expenditures for operations. (a) Beginning on July 1,
172011, the department shall ensure that each school board reports to the department
18all school district expenditures for operations exceeding $25, including salaries and
19fringe benefits paid to school district employees.
AB75-ASA1-AA64,4,2220 (b) The department shall categorize the expenditure information under par. (a)
21by school district, expenditure category, expenditure amount, and the person to
22whom the expenditure is made.
AB75-ASA1-AA64,5,523 (c) Beginning with expenditures made on July 1, 2011, each school board shall
24provide the department with all expenditure information required under par. (a) no

1later than 60 days after the expenditure is made. Each school board shall also
2include in the expenditure information required under par. (a) the amount of the
3most recent pay adjustment, performance bonus, or lump sum paid to each of its
4employees. The department may specify the format in which school boards provide
5the expenditure information.
AB75-ASA1-AA64,5,8 6(3) School district contracts and payments. (a) 1. Beginning on July 1, 2011,
7the department shall ensure that each school board reports to the department all of
8the following information relating to each payment made by a school board:
AB75-ASA1-AA64,5,99 a. The school board making the payment or entering into the contract.
AB75-ASA1-AA64,5,1110 b. The name and address of the person receiving the payment or entering into
11the contract.
AB75-ASA1-AA64,5,1212 c. The purpose of the payment or contract.
AB75-ASA1-AA64,5,1513 d. The amount of the payment or the amount the school board must expend
14under the contract and the name of the fund from which the payment is made or
15moneys are expended under the contract.
AB75-ASA1-AA64,5,1716 2. The report under subd. 1. shall include a copy of the contract or financial
17instrument used to make the payment.
AB75-ASA1-AA64,5,2218 (b) Beginning with payments made and contracts entered into by school boards
19on July 1, 2011, each school board shall provide the department with all of the
20information required under par. (a) no later than 10 days after the school board
21makes a payment or enters into a contract. The department may specify the format
22in which school boards provide the information.
AB75-ASA1-AA64,6,2 23(4) Report to department of administration. The department shall format the
24information received under subs. (2) and (3) as specified by the department of
25administration and periodically transmit it to the department of administration for

1inclusion in the searchable Internet Web site maintained by the department of
2administration under s. 16.413.".