3. Multiply the property value of the county, as determined under s. 70.57, by
25the number determined in subd. 2.
1(b) For the payments in 2010, subject to par. (c) 2., the amount of the payment
2to each municipality from the county and municipal aid account shall be reduced by
3an amount determined as follows:
1. Multiply the amount paid to all municipalities in 2009 from the county and
5municipal aid account by 0.035.
2. Divide the amount determined in subd. 1. by the value of all property in the
7state, as determined under s. 70.57.
3. Multiply the property value of the municipality, as determined under s.
970.57, by the number determined in subd. 2.
(c) 1. No payment reduction under par. (a) shall exceed an amount equal to 15
11percent of the amount a county would have otherwise received under s. 79.035 in
122010. The department of revenue shall adjust, in proportion to the population of all
13such counties, the payments of all counties that have reductions of less than 15
14percent in order to ensure that no county's payment is reduced by more than 15
2. No payment reduction under par. (b) shall exceed an amount equal to 15
17percent of the amount a municipality would have otherwise received under s. 79.035
18in 2010. The department of revenue shall adjust, in proportion to the population of
19all such municipalities, the payments of all municipalities that have reductions of
20less than 15 percent in order to ensure that no municipality's payment is reduced by
21more than 15 percent.
(1) In 2004 and subsequent years,
except as provided under s. 79.02 (4), 24each county and municipality shall receive a payment from the county and municipal
1aid account
and, beginning with payments in November 2009, from the
2appropriation under s. 20.835 (1) (q) in an amount determined under sub. (2).
(1) (a) An amount from the shared revenue account or, for the
5distribution in 2003, from the appropriation under s. 20.835 (1) (t), 2003 stats.,
6determined by multiplying by 3 mills in the case of a town, and 6 mills in the case
7of a city or village, the first $125,000,000 of the amount shown in the account, plus
8leased property, of each public utility except qualified wholesale electric companies,
9as defined in s. 76.28 (1) (gm), on December 31 of the preceding year for "production
10plant, exclusive of land," "general structures," and "substations," in the case of light,
11heat and power companies, electric cooperatives or municipal electric companies, for
12all property within a municipality in accordance with the system of accounts
13established by the public service commission or rural electrification administration,
14less depreciation thereon as determined by the department of revenue and less the
15value of treatment plant and pollution abatement equipment, as defined under s.
1670.11 (21), as determined by the department of revenue plus an amount from the
17shared revenue account or, for the distribution in 2003, from the appropriation under
18s. 20.835 (1) (t), 2003 stats., determined by multiplying by 3 mills in the case of a
19town, and 6 mills in the case of a city or village, of the first $125,000,000 of the total
20original cost of production plant, general structures, and substations less
21depreciation, land and approved waste treatment facilities of each qualified
22wholesale electric company, as defined in s. 76.28 (1) (gm), as reported to the
23department of revenue of all property within the municipality. The total of amounts,
24as depreciated, from the accounts of all public utilities for the same production plant
25is also limited to not more than $125,000,000. The amount distributable to a
1municipality under this subsection and sub. (6) in any year shall not exceed $300
2times the population of the municipality,
increased annually by $125 per person
3beginning in 2009 except that, beginning with payments in 2009, the amount
4distributable to a municipality under this subsection and sub. (6) in any year shall
5not exceed $425 times the population of the municipality.
(2) (a) Annually, except for production plants that begin operation after
8December 31, 2003, or begin operation as a repowered production plant after
9December 31, 2003, and except as provided in sub. (4m), the department of
10administration, upon certification by the department of revenue, shall distribute
11from the shared revenue account or, for the distribution in 2003, from the
12appropriation under s. 20.835 (1) (t), 2003 stats., to any county having within its
13boundaries a production plant, general structure, or substation, used by a light, heat
14or power company assessed under s. 76.28 (2) or 76.29 (2), except property described
15in s. 66.0813 unless the production plant or substation is owned or operated by a local
16governmental unit that is located outside of the municipality in which the production
17plant or substation is located, or by an electric cooperative assessed under ss. 76.07
18and 76.48, respectively, or by a municipal electric company under s. 66.0825 an
19amount determined by multiplying by 6 mills in the case of property in a town and
20by 3 mills in the case of property in a city or village the first $125,000,000 of the
21amount shown in the account, plus leased property, of each public utility except
22qualified wholesale electric companies, as defined in s. 76.28 (1) (gm), on December
2331 of the preceding year for "production plant, exclusive of land," "general
24structures," and "substations," in the case of light, heat and power companies,
25electric cooperatives or municipal electric companies, for all property within the
1municipality in accordance with the system of accounts established by the public
2service commission or rural electrification administration, less depreciation thereon
3as determined by the department of revenue and less the value of treatment plant
4and pollution abatement equipment, as defined under s. 70.11 (21), as determined
5by the department of revenue plus an amount from the shared revenue account or,
6for the distribution in 2003, from the appropriation under s. 20.835 (1) (t), 2003
7stats., determined by multiplying by 6 mills in the case of property in a town, and 3
8mills in the case of property in a city or village, of the total original cost of production
9plant, general structures, and substations less depreciation, land and approved
10waste treatment facilities of each qualified wholesale electric company, as defined in
11s. 76.28 (1) (gm), as reported to the department of revenue of all property within the
12municipality. The total of amounts, as depreciated, from the accounts of all public
13utilities for the same production plant is also limited to not more than $125,000,000.
14The amount distributable to a county under this subsection and sub. (6) in any year
15shall not exceed $100 times the population of the county,
increased annually by $25
16per person beginning in 2009 except that, beginning with payments in 2009, the
17amount distributable to a county under this subsection and sub. (6) in any year shall
18not exceed $125 times the population of the county.
(4) Except as provided under s. 79.02 (3) (e)
and (4), beginning in 2004
21and ending in 2010, the total amount to be distributed each year to municipalities
22from the
aid account appropriation accounts under s. 20.835 (1) (db) and (q) is
(5) Except as provided under s. 79.02 (3) (e)
and (4), for the
distribution 2distributions beginning in 2005 and
subsequent years and ending in 2010, each
3county and municipality shall receive a payment under this section and s. 79.035
4that is equal to the amount of the payment determined for the county or municipality
5under this section and s. 79.035 in 2004.
(6) For the distribution in 2011 and subsequent years, each county and
8municipality shall receive a payment under this section and s. 79.035 that is equal
9to the amount of the payment determined for the county or municipality under s.
1079.02 (4) in 2010.
(1) (am) "Inflation factor" means a percentage equal to the average
13annual percentage change in the U.S. consumer price index for all urban consumers,
14U.S. city average, as determined by the U.S. department of labor, for the 12 months
15ending on September 30 of the year before the statement under s. 79.015
, except that
16the percentage under this paragraph shall not be less than zero.
(2) (c) Its municipal budget; exclusive of principal and interest on
20long-term debt and exclusive of revenue sharing payments under s. 66.0305,
21recycling fee payments under s. 289.645,
unreimbursed expenses related to an
22emergency declared under s. 166.03 (1) (b) 1., and expenditures from moneys
23received pursuant to P.L. 111-5; for the year of the statement under s. 79.015
24increased over its municipal budget as adjusted under sub. (6); exclusive of principal
25and interest on long-term debt and exclusive of revenue sharing payments under s.
166.0305, recycling fee payments under s. 289.645,
unreimbursed expenses related to
2an emergency declared under s. 166.03 (1) (b) 1., and expenditures from moneys
3received pursuant to P.L. 111-5; for the year before that year by less than the sum
4of the inflation factor and the valuation factor, rounded to the nearest 0.10%.
679.07 Expenditures for emergency services. (1) Except as provided in
7sub. (3), beginning in 2010, the amount that each county and municipality spends
8each year for emergency services, as defined by the department of revenue, shall be
9no less than the amount that the county or municipality spent in 2009 for emergency
10services, not including one-time expenses. Each county and municipality shall
11report the amount it spent for emergency services in 2009, and the amount of its
12one-time expenses, to the department of revenue at the time and in the manner
13prescribed by the department.
14(2) The department of revenue may adjust any amount reported under sub. (1)
15to more accurately reflect the amount that the county or municipality submitting the
16report spent for emergency services.
17(3) A county or municipality may decrease the amount it spends for emergency
18services below its 2009 amount, with the department of revenue's approval, if the
19decrease in expenditures is a result of operating more efficiently, as determined by
20the department. For purposes of this section, any decrease approved under this
21subsection shall permanently decrease the base amount of expenses for emergency
22services provided in the county or municipality requesting the decrease by the
23amount of the decrease.
1(4) If a county or municipality fails to comply with this section, the department
2of revenue may reduce the county's or municipality's payment under ss. 79.035 and
379.043, in an amount determined by the department.
(2) (a) On or before December 1 of the year preceding the distribution
6under sub. (7m) (a)
or (cm), the department of revenue shall notify the clerk of each
7town, village and city of the estimated fair market value, as determined under sub.
8(11) (c), to be used to calculate the lottery and gaming credit under sub. (5) and of the
9amount to be distributed to it under sub. (7m) (a)
on the following 4th Monday in July 10or (cm). The anticipated receipt of such distribution shall not be taken into
11consideration in determining the tax rate of the municipality but shall be applied as
12tax credits.
(2) (b) On or before December 1 of the year preceding the distribution
15under sub. (7m) (c)
or (cm), the department of revenue shall notify the clerk of each
16town, village, and city of the estimated fair market value, as determined under sub.
17(11) (d), used to calculate the first dollar credit under sub. (5m) and of the amount
18to be distributed to it under sub. (7m) (c)
on the following 4th Monday in July or (cm).
19The anticipated receipt of such distribution shall not be taken into consideration in
20determining the tax rate of the municipality but shall be applied as tax credits.
(4) School levy tax credit. Except as provided in sub. (5m), the
amount 23amounts appropriated under s. 20.835 (3) (b)
and (qb) shall be distributed to
24municipalities in proportion to their share of the sum of average school tax levies for
25all municipalities.
(7m) (a) 1. Except as provided in par.
(c) (cm), the amount determined
3under sub. (4) shall be distributed by the department of administration to the
4counties on the 4th Monday in July.
(7m) (a) 2. Except as provided in par.
(c) (cm), the county treasurer shall
7settle for the amounts distributed under this paragraph on the 4th Monday in July
8with each municipality and taxing jurisdiction in the county not later than August
920. Failure to settle timely under this subdivision subjects the county treasurer to
10the penalties under s. 74.31.
(7m) (b) 1. Except as provided in par.
(c) (cm), the amount determined
13under sub. (5) with respect to claims filed for which the municipality has furnished
14notice under sub. (1m) by March 1 shall be distributed from the appropriation under
15s. 20.835 (3) (q) by the department of administration to the county in which the
16municipality is located on the 4th Monday in March.
(7m) (b) 2. Except as provided in par.
(c) (cm), the county treasurer shall
19settle for the amounts distributed on the 4th Monday in March under this paragraph
20with each taxation district and each taxing jurisdiction within the taxation district
21not later than April 15. Failure to settle timely under this subdivision subjects the
22county treasurer to the penalties under s. 74.31.
(7m) (c) 1.
The Except as provided in par. (cm), the amount determined
2under sub. (5m) shall be distributed from the appropriation under s. 20.835 (3) (b)
3by the department of administration
to the counties on the 4th Monday in July.
(7m) (c) 2.
The town, village, or city Except as provided in par. (cm), the
6county treasurer shall settle for the amounts distributed on the 4th Monday in July
7under this paragraph with
the appropriate each municipality and taxing jurisdiction
8in the county
treasurer not later than August
15 20. Failure to settle timely under
9this subdivision subjects the
town, village, or city
county treasurer to the penalties
10under s. 74.31.
On or before August 20, the county treasurer shall settle with each
11taxing jurisdiction, including towns, villages, and cities except 1st class cities, in the
AB75-SSA1, s. 1913
1913. 79.10 (7m) (cm) 1. a. of the statutes is amended to read:
(7m) (cm) 1. a. If, in any year, the total of the amounts determined under
15subs. (4)
and, (5)
, and (5m) for any municipality is $3,000,000 or more, the
16municipality, with the approval of the majority of the members of the municipality's
17governing body, may notify the department of administration to distribute the
18amounts directly to the municipality and the department of administration shall
19distribute the amounts at the time and in the manner provided under pars. (a) 1.
and, 20(b) 1.
, and (c) 1.
AB75-SSA1, s. 1914
1914. 79.10 (7m) (cm) 1. b. of the statutes is amended to read:
(7m) (cm) 1. b. The treasurer of the municipality shall settle for the
23amounts distributed under
par. pars. (a) 1.
and (c) 1. on the 4th Monday in July with
24the appropriate county treasurer not later than August 15. Failure to settle timely
25under this subdivision subjects the treasurer of the municipality to the penalties
1under s. 74.31. On or before August 20, the county treasurer shall settle with each
2taxing jurisdiction, including towns, villages, and cities, except 1st class cities, in the
AB75-SSA1, s. 1915
1915. 79.10 (7m) (cm) 2. a. of the statutes is amended to read:
(7m) (cm) 2. a. The department of administration shall distribute the
6amounts determined under subs. (4)
and, (5)
, and (5m) directly to any municipality
7that enacts an ordinance under s. 74.12 at the time and in the manner provided
8under pars. (a) 1.
and, (b) 1.
, and (c) 1.
AB75-SSA1, s. 1916
1916. 79.10 (7m) (cm) 2. b. of the statutes is amended to read:
(7m) (cm) 2. b. The treasurer of the municipality shall settle for the
11amounts distributed under
par. pars. (a) 1.
and (c) 1. on the 4th Monday in July with
12the appropriate county treasurer not later than August 15. Failure to settle timely
13under this subdivision subjects the treasurer of the municipality to the penalties
14under s. 74.31. On or before August 20, the county treasurer shall settle with each
15taxing jurisdiction, including towns, villages, and cities, except 1st class cities, in the
1879.14 School levy tax credit. The appropriation under s. 20.835 (3) (b), for
19the payments under s. 79.10 (4), is $319,305,000 in 1994, 1995, and 1996;
20$469,305,000 beginning in 1997 and ending in 2006; $593,050,000 in 2007;
21$672,400,000 in 2008;
and $747,400,000 in 2009
; and $732,550,000 in 2010 and in
22each year thereafter.
2479.15 Improvements credit. Beginning in 2009, the The total amount paid
25each year to municipalities from the appropriation account under s. 20.835 (3) (b) for
1the payments under s. 79.10 (5m) is $75,000,000
in 2009 and $130,000,000 in 2010
2and in each year thereafter.
(26) (b) If the contract for a project involving the construction,
6reconstruction, or rehabilitation of a bridge that crosses a river forming a boundary
7of the state is awarded using a design-build procurement process, as defined in s.
884.115 (2) (a), the department may not encumber or expend any state or federal funds
9from the appropriations under s. 20.395 or 20.866 for the project.
(33) Highway project design inventory. By July 1, 2014, and
12continuously thereafter, the department shall maintain an inventory of completed
13designs for highway projects such that the estimated costs of the inventory of projects
14for each program is not less than the annual amount of funding provided to each
15program. The department shall maintain an inventory for each of the following:
(a) Major highway projects under s. 84.013 (2) (a).
(b) Reconditioning, reconstruction, and resurfacing projects under s. 84.013 (2)
(c) Southeast Wisconsin freeway rehabilitation projects under s. 84.014 (2).
(2) (a) Subject to ss. 84.555 and 86.255, major highway projects shall
22be funded from the appropriations under ss. 20.395 (3) (bq) to (bx)
and (t) and (4) (jq)
23and 20.866 (2) (ur) to (uum)
and (uus).
(2) (b) Except as provided in ss. 84.014, 84.03 (3), and 84.555, and
2subject to s. 86.255, reconditioning, reconstruction and resurfacing of highways shall
3be funded from the appropriations under ss. 20.395 (3) (cq) to (cx) and 20.866 (2) (uur)
4and (uut).
(3m) (f) The department shall construct an interchange on I 90/94/39
7at Cuba Valley Road in Dane County if the federal highway administration approves
8the location of an interchange at that location and if the department receives a
9commitment for funding the full construction cost of the project from sources other
10than state funds.
(3m) (g) Notwithstanding s. 13.489 (1m) (e), the department shall
13prepare an environmental impact statement, as defined in s. 13.489 (1c) (b), for a
14potential major highway project involving USH 12 from the city of Elkhorn to the city
15of Whitewater.
(3m) (h) The department shall prepare an environmental assessment,
18as defined in s. 13.489 (1c) (a), or an environmental impact statement, as defined in
19s. 13.489 (1c) (b), whichever is appropriate, for a highway project involving the
20construction of a new bridge across the Wisconsin River, connecting CTH "Z" south
21of the city of Wisconsin Rapids in Wood County to STH 54/73 in the village of Port
22Edwards in Wood County. This environmental assessment or environmental impact
23statement shall be funded from the appropriations under s. 20.395 (3) (cq), (cv), or
AB75-SSA1, s. 1919
1919. 84.014 (5m) (ag) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
(5m) (ag) 2. "Zoo interchange" means all freeways, including related
2interchange ramps, roadways, and shoulders, and all adjacent frontage roads and
3collector road systems, encompassing I 94, I 894, and USH 45 in Milwaukee County
4within the area bordered by I 894/USH 45 at
the Union Pacific railroad underpass
5near Burnham Street in Milwaukee County Lincoln Avenue to the south, I 94 at
76th 670th Street to the east, I 94 at
116th 124th Street to the west, and USH 45 at
Center 7Burleigh Street to the north.
(2m) (a) Notwithstanding s. 84.25 (11), the department may enter into
10agreements with private entities for the establishment of commercial enterprises at
11waysides or rest areas located along state trunk highways other than interstate
12highways designated under s. 84.29 (2). An agreement may allow the construction
13or remodeling of wayside or rest area facilities to allow commercial enterprises to
14serve travelers.
(b) An agreement may not permit the sale of alcohol beverages within the
16wayside or rest area facilities or the replacement of any existing vending machines
17located within the wayside or rest area.
(c) The department shall select each private entity with which it enters into an
19agreement under par. (a) on the basis of competitive bids.
(d) The department shall hold a public hearing for a proposed agreement under
21par. (a) for each affected wayside or rest area to allow public comments on the
22proposed agreement.
(e) 1. Except as provided in subd. 2., the department may enter into agreements
24under par. (a) establishing commercial enterprises at not more than a total of 6
25waysides or rest areas.
12. If, after 2 years from the establishment of the first commercial enterprise
2under par. (a), the department finds that establishing commercial enterprises at
3waysides or rest areas under authority of this paragraph promotes public safety by
4keeping waysides and rest areas open and well-maintained, the limitation in subd.
51. does not apply.
(f) The state traffic patrol and other law enforcement agencies shall have the
7same enforcement authority and responsibilities within commercial areas of
8waysides or rest areas as they do on the state trunk highway system.
(g) Not later than one year from the establishment of the first commercial
10enterprise under par. (a), and annually thereafter, the department shall submit a
11report as to the status of the agreements, including revenues generated and the use
12of those revenues, to the standing committees dealing with transportation matters
13in each house of the legislature under s. 13.172 (3).
(h) All moneys received from a private entity in connection with the leasing of
15a commercial area of a wayside or rest area under this subsection shall be credited
16to the appropriation account under s. 20.395 (3) (ev) and shall be used for wayside
17or rest area maintenance.