2009 - 2010 LEGISLATURE
March 23, 2010 - Offered by Special Committee on Ethics and Standards of
AR14-ASA2,1,3 1Relating to: the reprimand of Jeffrey Wood, a representative from the 67th
2Assembly District, in accordance with article IV, section 8, of the Wisconsin
3Constitution and Assembly Rule 21.
AR14-ASA2,1,4 4Resolved by the assembly, That:
AR14-ASA2,1,75 Whereas, article IV, section 8, of the Wisconsin Constitution provides that each
6house may punish for contempt and disorderly behavior, and with the concurrence
7of two-thirds of all the members elected, expel a member; and
AR14-ASA2,1,118 Whereas, Assembly Rule 43 (3) provides that any resolution to reprimand,
9censure, or expel a member of the assembly shall identify the charges against the
10member cited and shall be referred to the committee on ethics and standards of
11conduct for review; and
AR14-ASA2,2,312 Whereas, the Wisconsin state assembly has adopted Assembly Rule 21,
13providing for the appointment of a special committee on ethics and standards of

1conduct to consider any resolution to reprimand, censure, or expel a member of the
2assembly for the purpose of holding one or more public hearings on the resolution and
3to make a recommendation for action on the resolution; and
AR14-ASA2,2,54 Whereas, under Assembly Rule 21 (2), a duty of the special committee is to
5ascertain the facts of the controversy, which are summarized below; and
AR14-ASA2,2,86 Whereas, Jeffrey Wood currently serves as the representative to the assembly
7from the 67th Assembly District for the term of the 2009-2010 legislative session;
AR14-ASA2,2,119 Whereas, on December 12, 2008, Representative Wood was arrested for
10operating while intoxicated in Columbia County, which could result in his third,
11fourth, or fifth offense under Wisconsin law; and
AR14-ASA2,2,1412 Whereas, law enforcement and eye witness accounts regarding Representative
13Wood's driving on December 12, 2008, indicate that his driving was erratic and
14dangerous; and
AR14-ASA2,2,1915 Whereas, Representative Wood was charged with operating a motor vehicle
16while under the influence of an intoxicant (third offense), operating a motor vehicle
17with a prohibited alcohol concentration (PAC) (third offense), possession of
18tetrahydrocannabinols (THC), and possession of drug paraphernalia as a result of
19his arrest on December 12, 2008; and
AR14-ASA2,2,2220 Whereas, as a condition of release relating to the case resulting from his
21December 12, 2008, arrest, Representative Wood was ordered by the court to
22maintain absolute sobriety at all times; and
AR14-ASA2,2,2523 Whereas, on December 1, 2009, a motion to suppress evidence of THC and drug
24paraphernalia from Representative Wood's December 12, 2008, arrest was denied by
25the circuit court; and
1Whereas, a plea hearing in the case resulting from Representative Wood's
2December 12, 2008, arrest has been scheduled for April 19, 2010; and
AR14-ASA2,3,53 Whereas, on September 23, 2009, Representative Wood was arrested for
4operating while under the influence in Marathon County, which could result in his
5third, fourth, or fifth offense under Wisconsin law; and
AR14-ASA2,3,86 Whereas, law enforcement and eye witness accounts regarding Representative
7Wood's driving on September 23, 2009, indicate that his driving was erratic and
8dangerous; and
AR14-ASA2,3,119 Whereas, Representative Wood was charged with operating while under the
10influence of a controlled substance (third offense) and inattentive driving as a result
11of his arrest on September 23, 2009; and
AR14-ASA2,3,1512 Whereas, as a condition of release relating to the case resulting from his
13September 23, 2009, arrest, Representative Wood was ordered by the court to take
14no controlled substances without a prescription and, if prescribed, to take controlled
15substances only in doses as prescribed; and
AR14-ASA2,3,1816 Whereas, on October 21, 2009, Representative Wood was arrested for operating
17a motor vehicle while impaired in Monroe County, which could result in his third,
18fourth, or fifth offense under Wisconsin law; and
AR14-ASA2,3,2119 Whereas, law enforcement and eye witness accounts regarding Representative
20Wood's driving on October 21, 2009, indicate that his driving was erratic and
21dangerous; and
AR14-ASA2,3,2422 Whereas, Representative Wood was charged with operating while under the
23influence of an intoxicant or other drug (third offense) and misdemeanor bail
24jumping as a result of his arrest on October 21, 2009; and
1Whereas, based on the facts of this controversy, the special committee on ethics
2and standards of conduct makes the following charges against Representative Wood:
AR14-ASA2,4,73 First, the conduct cited above by Representative Wood since his election to the
4assembly for the 2009-2010 legislative term jeopardized his life and the lives of
5innocent citizens, does not reflect the norms of behavior expected of a member of the
6assembly and, therefore, has brought disrepute on the Wisconsin state assembly by
7damaging the institution's integrity with the public; and
AR14-ASA2,4,108 Second, while it is recognized that addiction is a serious health problem, any
9attempts by Representative Wood to deal with his addiction were not successful in
10preventing the dangerous incidents cited in this resolution; and
AR14-ASA2,4,1311 Whereas, the special committee, following a public hearing on this resolution,
12is directed by Assembly Rule 21 (5) to make a recommendation for action on the
13resolution; now, therefore, be it
AR14-ASA2,4,16 14Resolved by the assembly, That Representative Jeffrey Wood is hereby
15reprimanded by the Wisconsin state assembly, in accordance with article IV, section
168, of the Wisconsin Constitution and Assembly Rule 21.