April 20, 2010 - Offered by Representative Nass.
AR14-ASA5,1,2 1Relating to: the expulsion of Jeffrey Wood, a representative from the 67th Assembly
2District, from membership in the Wisconsin state assembly.
AR14-ASA5,1,53 Whereas, the Wisconsin Constitution, under article IV, section 8, envisions the
4need of each house of the legislature to address "contempt and disorderly behavior"
5of its membership by authorizing a process for expelling a member; and
AR14-ASA5,1,96 Whereas, the Wisconsin state assembly has adopted Assembly Rule 21,
7providing three options including expulsion for punishing members that have
8conducted themselves in a manner not conforming to reasonable standards of ethics
9or moral behavior; and
AR14-ASA5,1,1210 Whereas, Jeffrey Wood currently serves as the representative to the assembly
11from the 67th Assembly District for the term of the 2009-2010 legislative session;
1Whereas, on October 21, 2009, Representative Wood was arrested on the
2suspicion of operating a motor vehicle while under the influence and bail jumping in
3Monroe County, which could result in his fifth offense under Wisconsin law; and
AR14-ASA5,2,64 Whereas, Representative Wood's dangerous conduct on October 21, 2009, was
5reported by a citizen in the city of Tomah in Monroe County who witnessed his
6impaired driving; and
AR14-ASA5,2,97 Whereas, Representative Wood was arrested with 12 tablets of Amoxicillin in
8an Augmentin prescription bottle, 22 capsules of Fluoxetine, 55 tablets of Naproxen,
9and 13 additional tablets of Amoxicillin in its container on October 21, 2009; and
AR14-ASA5,2,1210 Whereas, on September 23, 2009, Representative Wood was arrested on the
11suspicion of driving under the influence in Marathon County, which could result in
12his fourth offense under Wisconsin law; and
AR14-ASA5,2,1513 Whereas, Representative Wood's dangerous conduct on September 23, 2009,
14was reported by a citizen driving in Marathon County who witnessed his erratic
15driving; and
AR14-ASA5,2,1816 Whereas, the Wisconsin state patrol reports finding a bottle of prescription
17medication, Lorazepam, with only seven of the 45 pills remaining in a prescription
18issued on September 22, 2009, and a partially consumed bottle of cough syrup; and
AR14-ASA5,2,2119 Whereas, Representative Wood told a Wisconsin state patrol trooper that he
20had taken double the prescribed dosage of Lorazepam and two doses of cough syrup
21on September 23, 2009; and
AR14-ASA5,2,2522 Whereas, on March 10, 2010, the Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene
23reported that a blood sample taken from Representative Wood on September 23,
242010, contained the following drugs: Lorazepam, Fluoxetine, Norfluoxetine,
25Doxylamine, and Dextromethorphan; and
1Whereas, the Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene reported that the level of
2Dextromethorphan was nearly nine times higher than the nonabusive therapeutic
3range; and
AR14-ASA5,3,84 Whereas, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration has identified
5Dextromethorphan, an ingredient in certain cold medicines, as a commonly abused
6medication to generate euphoria and hallucinations (both visual and auditory), and
7is also known as "the poor man's PCP" or "Robo-tripping," which is derived from the
8product Robitussin; and
AR14-ASA5,3,119 Whereas, on December 12, 2008, Representative Wood was arrested for driving
10under the influence, possession of 4.9 grams of marijuana, and possession of drug
11paraphernalia in Columbia County; and
AR14-ASA5,3,1512 Whereas, Representative Wood's dangerous conduct on December 12, 2008,
13was reported by citizens who witnessed his erratic driving, which included smashing
14through a highway sign, and he was found by a Wisconsin state patrol trooper
15urinating alongside of the highway; and
AR14-ASA5,3,1916 Whereas, on April 19, 2010, Representative Jeffrey Wood pled no contest and
17was found guilty in Columbia County Circuit Court of third offense operating under
18the influence and possession of drug paraphernalia, both misdemeanors, for his
19conduct on December 12, 2008; and
AR14-ASA5,3,2220 Whereas, on April 19, 2010, Columbia County Circuit Court Judge Daniel S.
21George sentenced Representative Wood to 45 days in jail, revoked his driver's license
22for 27 months, and ordered him to use an ignition interlock device for two years; and
AR14-ASA5,3,2423 Whereas, Representative Wood fully admitted his conduct of December 12,
242008, during a radio interview; and
1Whereas, on February 4, 2009, Representative Wood was ordered to maintain
2absolute sobriety as a condition of his bond for the December 12, 2008, arrest; and
AR14-ASA5,4,43 Whereas, Representative Wood had two previous convictions for drunk driving
4in 1990 and 1991; and
AR14-ASA5,4,95 Whereas, Representative Wood has been involved in three other instances of
6disorderly behavior as a result of his use of drugs and alcohol, the most serious
7occurring in 1989 when he was accused of having sex with an underage minor whom
8he met at a party, for which he eventually plead guilty to a lesser misdemeanor and
9served one year on probation; and
AR14-ASA5,4,1210 Whereas, after his arrest on September 23, 2009, Representative Wood issued
11a statement saying that he has had a lifelong battle with abusing alcohol and drugs;
AR14-ASA5,4,1513 Whereas, the people of Wisconsin have petitioned their elected state officials to
14aggressively respond to the ongoing carnage of death and destruction wrought by
15repeat drunk and drugged drivers; and
AR14-ASA5,4,1916 Whereas, on September 17, 2009, the Wisconsin assembly passed 2009
17Assembly Bill 283, by a vote of 95 to 0, which makes numerous changes to toughen
18Wisconsin law on drunk and drugged driving, including making certain fourth
19offenses a felony; and
AR14-ASA5,4,2120 Whereas, Representative Wood voted "aye" on passage of 2009 Assembly Bill
21283; and
AR14-ASA5,4,2422 Whereas, repeated disorderly behavior by Representative Wood, both before
23and during public service, has brought disrepute on the Wisconsin state assembly
24and severely damaged the institution's integrity with the public; and
1Whereas, continued service by Representative Wood is no longer compatible
2with his oath of office and the reasonable social norms of expected behavior for a
3member of the assembly, as he continues to deal with his personal conduct issues that
4frequently lead to dangerous behaviors that jeopardize his life and the life of innocent
5citizens; now, therefore, be it
AR14-ASA5,5,9 6Resolved by the assembly, That Representative Jeffrey Wood is hereby
7expelled from membership in the Wisconsin state assembly based on his repeated
8dangerous conduct resulting in his arrests and convictions enumerated in this