AB463-AA1,2,6 66. Page 23, line 9: after that line insert:
AB463-AA1,2,12 7"2m. If adverse weather conditions prevent the department from conducting
8an accurate on-site inspection during this 30-day period specified in subd. 1., the
9department shall give notice to the person wishing to proceed with the discharge that
10adverse weather conditions will prevent the department from complying with the
1130-day deadline and shall complete the inspection as soon as weather conditions
AB463-AA1,2,14 137. Page 23, line 20: after "authorized" insert "or until the discharge is
14completed, whichever occurs first".
AB463-AA1,2,16 158. Page 27, line 22: delete "industrial or commercial" and substitute
16"industrial, commercial, or agricultural".
AB463-AA1,2,19 179. Page 29, line 3: after "subsection." insert "This subsection does not entitle
18an applicant to a wetland individual permit or any other approval in exchange for
19conducting mitigation.".
AB463-AA1,2,21 2010. Page 29, line 7: after "(3m)" insert "and notices of administrative hearings
21under sub. (3q)".
AB463-AA1,2,22 2211. Page 29, line 10: substitute "provided" for "mailed".
112. Page 29, line 15: after "(3m)" insert "and notices of administrative
2hearings under sub. (3q)".
AB463-AA1,3,3 313. Page 30, line 21: after that line insert:
AB463-AA1,3,4 4" Section 86m. 281.36 (3q) of the statutes is created to read:
AB463-AA1,3,85 281.36 (3q) Administrative and judicial review. (a) Definition. In this
6subsection, "applicant" means any person applying for a wetland individual permit
7under this section or any person who has been issued such a permit under this
AB463-AA1,3,119 (b) Request for administrative review. Any interested person may file a petition
10with the department for administrative review within 30 days after any of the
11following decisions given by the department:
AB463-AA1,3,1312 1. The issuance, denial, or modification of any wetland individual permit issued
13under this section
AB463-AA1,3,1514 2. The imposition of, or failure to impose, a condition on any wetland individual
15permit issued under this section.
AB463-AA1,3,1816 (c) Content of the petition. If the petitioner is not the applicant, the petition
17shall describe the petitioner's objection to the wetland individual permit and shall
18contain all of the following:
AB463-AA1,3,2119 1. A description of the objection that is sufficiently specific to allow the
20department to determine which provisions of this section may be violated if the
21proposed discharge under the wetland individual permit is allowed to proceed.
AB463-AA1,3,2422 2. A description of the facts supporting the petition that is sufficiently specific
23to determine how the petitioner believes the discharge, as proposed, may result in
24a violation of the provisions of this section.
13. A commitment by the petitioner to appear at the administrative hearing and
2present information supporting the petitioner's objection.
AB463-AA1,4,63 (d) Stays. 1. The discharge shall be stayed pending an administrative hearing
4under this subsection if the petition contains a request for the stay showing that a
5stay is necessary to prevent significant adverse impacts or irreversible harm to the
AB463-AA1,4,97 2. If a stay is requested under subd. 1., the stay shall be in effect until either
8the department denies the request for an administrative hearing or the hearing
9examiner determines that the stay is not necessary.
AB463-AA1,4,1410 (e) Filings. The petitioner shall file a copy of the petition with the department.
11If the petitioner is not the applicant, the petitioner shall simultaneously provide a
12copy of the petition to the applicant. The applicant may file a response to the petition
13with the department. If the applicant files a response under this paragraph, it shall
14be filed within 15 days after the petition is filed.
AB463-AA1,4,1815 (f) Action on petition. The department shall grant or deny the petition within
1630 days after the petition is filed. The failure of the department to dispose of the
17petition within this 30-day period is a denial. The department shall deny the
18petition if any of the following applies:
AB463-AA1,4,2019 1. The petitioner is not the applicant, and the petition does not comply with the
20requirements of par. (c).
AB463-AA1,4,2521 2. The objection contained in the petition is not substantive. The department
22shall determine that an objection is substantive if the supporting facts contained in
23the objection appear to be substantially true and raise reasonable grounds to believe
24that the provisions of this section may be violated if the activity or project is
13. If the department denies the petition, the department shall send the
2petitioner the denial in writing, stating the reasons for the denial.
AB463-AA1,5,63 4. If the department grants a petition under this subsection, the department
4shall refer the matter to the division of hearings and appeals in the department of
5administration within 15 days after granting the petition unless the petitioner and
6the applicant agree to an extension.
AB463-AA1,5,87 (g) Administrative hearing. 1. An administrative hearing under this
8subsection shall be treated as a contested case under ch. 227.
AB463-AA1,5,159 2. If a stay under par. (d) 1. is in effect, the hearing examiner shall, within 30
10days after receipt of the referral under par. (f) 4., determine whether continuation
11of the stay is necessary to prevent significant adverse impacts or irreversible harm
12to the environment pending completion of the administrative hearing. The hearing
13examiner shall make the determination based on the request under par. (d) 1., any
14response from the applicant under par. (e), and any testimony at a public hearing or
15any public comments. The determination shall be made without a hearing.
AB463-AA1,5,2116 3. An administrative hearing under this subsection shall be completed within
1790 days after receipt of the referral of the petition under par. (f) 4., unless all parties
18agree to an extension of that period. In addition, a hearing examiner may grant a
19one-time extension for the completion of the hearing of up to 60 days on the motion
20of any party and a showing of good cause demonstrating extraordinary
21circumstances justifying an extension.
AB463-AA1,5,2422 4. Notwithstanding s. 227.44 (1), the department shall provide a notice of the
23administrative hearing at least 30 days before the date of the hearing to all of the
AB463-AA1,5,2525 a. The applicant.
1b. Each petitioner, if other than the applicant.
AB463-AA1,6,22 c. Any other persons required to receive notice as provided under sub. (3p).
AB463-AA1,6,43 5. In an administrative hearing under this subsection, the petitioner shall
4proceed first with the presentation of evidence and shall have the burden of proof.
AB463-AA1,6,75 (h) Judicial review. 1. Any person whose substantial interest is affected by a
6decision of the department under par. (b) 1. or 2. may commence an action in circuit
7court to review that decision.
AB463-AA1,6,98 2. Any party aggrieved by a decision of the hearing examiner under par. (g) may
9commence an action in circuit court to review that decision.".
AB463-AA1,6,11 1014. Page 38, line 11: delete "enhanced or created" and substitute " enhanced
11or, created, or preserved".
AB463-AA1,6,13 1215. Page 38, line 22: delete "or created" and substitute "or created, or
AB463-AA1,6,15 1416. Page 39, line 3: delete "enhancing, or creating" and substitute "
15enhancing, or creating, or preserving".
AB463-AA1,6,17 1617. Page 41, line 6: delete "or created" and substitute "or created, or
AB463-AA1,6,18 1818. Page 43, line 13: after "(3p)," insert "(3q),".