AB40-ASA1,397,423 23.0917 (5g) (b) If in a given fiscal year beginning with fiscal year 2013-14 the
24amount that the department obligates from the moneys appropriated under s. 20.866
25(2) (ta) to provide grants to nonprofit conservation organizations under s. 23.096 is

1less than the amount set aside for that purpose under sub. (3) (br) in that fiscal year,
2the department may obligate the unobligated amount in the next fiscal year but only
3for the purpose of awarding a grant under s. 23.0953 to a county for the acquisition
4of land for a county forest under s. 28.11.
AB40-ASA1,509u 5Section 509u. 23.0917 (6m) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB40-ASA1,397,86 23.0917 (6m) (c) The procedures under par. (a) apply only to an amount for a
7project or activity that exceeds $250,000, except as provided in pars. (d), (dg), and
AB40-ASA1,509v 9Section 509v. 23.0917 (6m) (dg) of the statutes is created to read:
AB40-ASA1,397,1110 23.0917 (6m) (dg) 1. Notwithstanding sub. (1) (d), in this paragraph, "land"
11means land in fee simple.
AB40-ASA1,397,1512 2. The procedures under par. (a) apply to any acquisition of land by the
13department under this section, regardless of the amount obligated for the
14acquisition, if at the time that the amount is obligated the amount of land owned by
15this state that is under the department's jurisdiction exceeds 1.9 million acres.
AB40-ASA1,509w 16Section 509w. 23.0917 (6m) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB40-ASA1,397,2117 23.0917 (6m) (e) This subsection does not apply to moneys obligated for the
18purpose of property development as described under sub. (4) or, to moneys obligated
19for land acquired by the department under s. 24.59 (1), or to moneys obligated for the
20acquisition of land for which the approval of the joint committee on finance is
21required under sub. (8) (g) 3
AB40-ASA1,509x 22Section 509x. 23.0917 (8) (f) of the statutes is created to read:
AB40-ASA1,397,2423 23.0917 (8) (f) 1. Notwithstanding sub. (1) (d), in this paragraph, "land" means
24land in fee simple.
12. Beginning with fiscal year 2013-14, of the amount set aside for a given fiscal
2year under sub. (3) (bt), not more than one-third of that amount may be obligated
3for the purpose of the acquisition of land by the department.
AB40-ASA1,509y 4Section 509y. 23.0917 (8) (g) of the statutes is created to read:
AB40-ASA1,398,65 23.0917 (8) (g) 1. In this paragraph, "project boundary" means the boundary
6of a project established by the department on or before May 1, 2013.
AB40-ASA1,398,97 2. Except as provided in subd. 3., beginning with fiscal year 2013-14, the
8department may not obligate any moneys from the appropriation under s. 20.866 (2)
9(ta) for the department to acquire land that is outside of a project boundary.
AB40-ASA1,398,1410 3. The department may obligate moneys from the appropriation under s. 20.866
11(2) (ta) for the department to acquire land that is outside of a project boundary if the
12joint committee on finance approves the land acquisition. A land acquisition is
13approved by the joint committee on finance under this subdivision if 12 members of
14the joint committee on finance vote to approve the land acquisition.
AB40-ASA1,509ye 15Section 509ye. 23.115 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB40-ASA1,398,2216 23.115 (1) The department shall designate trails, campgrounds, picnic areas,
17and other special use areas for located on property under its control. These The
18department may designate roads located on property under its control. The
19designated roads,
trails, campgrounds, picnic areas, and other special use areas shall
20be designated shown on maps available at the department's district office, on a sign
21outside the office on the property or on signs placed by the designated roads, trails,
22campgrounds, picnic areas or other use areas at the option of the department.
AB40-ASA1,509ym 23Section 509ym. 23.115 (4) of the statutes is created to read:
AB40-ASA1,398,2424 23.115 (4) Subsection (2) does not apply to roads designated under sub. (1).
AB40-ASA1,509ys 25Section 509ys. 23.116 of the statutes is created to read:
123.116 Department property; mapping and access to roads. (1)
2"Department property" means a property that is owned by the state, that is under
3the jurisdiction of the department, and that is used for one of the purposes specified
4in s. 23.09 (2) (d).
AB40-ASA1,399,8 5(2) The department shall inventory and map all roads that are located on each
6department property. Each map shall designate which roads are open to the public
7for the use of motorized vehicles and shall state when each road is open or closed for
8such use.
AB40-ASA1,399,15 9(3) For each department property, the department shall work with members
10of the public, governmental units, and other interested parties to prepare a plan for
11allowing the public to use motorized vehicles on the department property. Ecological,
12economic, and social criteria shall be considered in preparing each plan. Each plan
13shall include methods for implementing the plan, and each plan shall contain criteria
14to be used in determining when the use of motorized vehicles may be restricted or
15temporarily prohibited by the department due to logging or other activities.
AB40-ASA1,509z 16Section 509z. 23.145 of the statutes is created to read:
AB40-ASA1,399,18 1723.145 Certain land sales required. (1) The natural resources board shall
18do all of the following:
AB40-ASA1,399,2119 (a) On or before June 30, 2017, offer for sale at least 10,000 acres of land owned
20by the state, under the jurisdiction of the department, and outside of project
21boundaries that were established by the department on or before May 1, 2013.
AB40-ASA1,399,2522 (b) Sell at least 250 acres of productive agricultural land each fiscal year
23beginning with fiscal year 2013-14 and ending with fiscal year 2019-20. The
24department shall require as a condition of any sale under this paragraph that the
25land sold must remain in use as productive agricultural land in perpetuity.
1(2) If there is any outstanding public debt used to finance the acquisition of any
2land that is sold under sub. (1), the department shall deposit a sufficient amount of
3the net proceeds from the sale of the land in the bond security and redemption fund
4under s. 18.09 to repay the principal and pay the interest on the debt, and any
5premium due upon refunding any of the debt. If there is any outstanding public debt
6used to finance the acquisition of any land that is sold under sub. (1), the department
7shall then provide a sufficient amount of the net proceeds from the sale of the land
8for the costs of maintaining federal tax law compliance applicable to the debt. If the
9land was acquired with federal financial assistance, the department shall pay to the
10federal government any of the net proceeds required by federal law. If the land was
11acquired by gift or grant or acquired with gift or grant funds, the department shall
12adhere to any restriction governing use of the proceeds. If there is no such debt
13outstanding, there are no moneys payable to the federal government, and there is no
14restriction governing use of the proceeds, and if the net proceeds exceed the amount
15required to be deposited, paid, or used for another purpose under this subsection, the
16department shall use the net proceeds or remaining net proceeds from the sale of
17land under sub. (1) to pay principal on outstanding public debt under the Warren
18Knowles-Gaylord Nelson stewardship 2000 program under s. 23.0917.
AB40-ASA1,509zg 19Section 509zg. 23.15 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB40-ASA1,400,2120 23.15 (6) This section does not apply to property that is authorized to be sold
21under s. 16.848 or that is required to be sold or offered for sale under s. 23.145.
AB40-ASA1,509zm 22Section 509zm. 23.1981 of the statutes is created to read:
AB40-ASA1,401,5 2323.1981 Bearskin State Trail. (1)   Subject to sub. (2), the department shall
24provide the amount of funding that is necessary to surface a trail corridor that will
25extend the Bearskin State Trail so that it connects with the Hiawatha Trail in

1Lincoln County. The amount of $54,200 shall be paid from the appropriation account
2under s. 20.370 (7) (fy). Any remaining amount that is necessary shall be obligated
3from the appropriation account under s. 20.866 (2) (ta). The amount obligated from
4the appropriation account under s. 20.866 (2) (ta) shall be treated as moneys
5obligated for property development under s. 23.0917 (4) (c).
AB40-ASA1,401,7 6(2) The total amount of funding provided under sub. (1) may not exceed
AB40-ASA1,510 8Section 510. 23.1985 of the statutes is renumbered 23.1985 (1) (intro.) and
9amended to read:
AB40-ASA1,401,1410 23.1985 (1) (intro.) Beginning in fiscal year 2006-07 and ending in fiscal year
112019-20, from
From the appropriation under s. 20.866 (2) (ta), the department shall
12set aside $2,000,000 in each fiscal year the following amounts that may be obligated
13only to acquire land from the board of commissioners of public lands under s. 24.59
AB40-ASA1,401,17 15(2) For purposes of s. 23.0917, moneys provided from the appropriation under
16s. 20.866 (2) (ta) shall be treated as moneys obligated under the subprogram under
17s. 23.0917 (3).
AB40-ASA1,511 18Section 511. 23.1985 (1) (a) of the statutes is created to read:
AB40-ASA1,401,2019 23.1985 (1) (a) For each fiscal year beginning with 2006-07 and ending with
20fiscal year 2012-13, $2,000,000.
AB40-ASA1,513 21Section 513. 23.1985 (1) (c) of the statutes is created to read:
AB40-ASA1,401,2322 23.1985 (1) (c) For each fiscal year beginning with 2016-17 and ending with
23fiscal year 2019-20, $1,000,000.
AB40-ASA1,514 24Section 514. 23.1987 of the statutes is created to read:
123.1987 Fish hatchery infrastructure project. (1) From the moneys
2appropriated under s. 20.866 (2) (ta), the department shall set aside $7,000,000 in
3fiscal year 2014-15 and $7,000,000 in fiscal year 2015-16 that may be obligated only
4for infrastructure improvements to the Kettle Moraine Springs fish hatchery. For
5purposes of s. 23.0917, moneys obligated under this subsection shall be treated as
6moneys obligated under the property development and local assistance subprogram
7under s. 23.0917 (4). Section 23.0917 (5g) does not apply with respect to amounts
8obligated before July 1, 2017, under this subsection.
AB40-ASA1,402,12 9(2) The department may not obligate any moneys under sub. (1) without the
10approval of the joint committee on finance. The procedures under s. 13.10 shall apply
11to approvals by the joint committee on finance in lieu of the procedures under s.
1223.0917 (6m).
AB40-ASA1,514g 13Section 514g. 23.33 (9) (b) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB40-ASA1,402,1614 23.33 (9) (b) 2. An Development of all-terrain vehicle facility facilities such as
15 a parking area areas, riding area, shelter, areas, shelters, toilets or other
16improvement improvements.
AB40-ASA1,514m 17Section 514m. 23.33 (9) (bd) of the statutes is created to read:
AB40-ASA1,402,2118 23.33 (9) (bd) All-terrain and utility terrain vehicle projects; stewardship
1. The department may obligate from the appropriation account under s.
2020.866 (2) (ta) moneys for state projects and for aids to counties, cities, villages, or
21towns for nonstate projects. The projects may be any of the following:
AB40-ASA1,402,2222 a. Acquisitions of easements and land as specified in par. (b) 1.
AB40-ASA1,402,2323 b. Development of facilities, routes, and trails as specified in par. (b) 2. and 3.
AB40-ASA1,402,2524 c. Development of a snowmobile route or trail or an off-the-road motorcycle
25trail or facility if the route, trail or facility is open for use by all-terrain vehicles.
1d. Improvement of all-terrain vehicle trails for use by utility terrain vehicles.
AB40-ASA1,403,22 e. Placement of signs developed under sub. (4z) (a) 2.
AB40-ASA1,403,63 2. Moneys obligated from the appropriation account under s. 20.866 (2) (ta) for
4a project under subd. 1. shall be limited to no more than 80 percent of the cost of the
5project. The county, city, village, or town receiving the aid is responsible for the
6remainder of the project cost.
AB40-ASA1,514r 7Section 514r. 23.33 (9) (c) of the statutes is renumbered 23.33 (9) (bb) and
8amended to read:
AB40-ASA1,403,129 23.33 (9) (bb) Signs. In addition to the projects listed in par. (b), the department
10may provide aid under this subsection from the appropriation under s. 20.370 (5) (ct)
11or (cu)
to a town, village, city or county for up to 100% of the cost of placing signs
12developed under sub. (4z) (a) 2.
AB40-ASA1,514s 13Section 514s. 23.85 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB40-ASA1,403,25 1423.85 Statement to county board; payment to state. Every county
15treasurer shall, on the first day of the annual meeting of the county board of
16supervisors, submit to it a verified statement of all forfeitures, costs, fees, and
17surcharges imposed under ch. 814 and received during the previous year. The county
18clerk shall deduct all expenses incurred by the county in recovering those forfeitures,
19costs, fees, and surcharges from the aggregate amount so received, and shall
20immediately certify the amount of clear proceeds of those forfeitures, costs, fees, and
21surcharges to the county treasurer, who shall pay the proceeds to the state as
22provided in s. 59.25 (3). Jail surcharges imposed under ch. 814 shall be treated
23separately as provided in s. 302.46 and moneys collected from the crime prevention
24funding board surcharge under s. 973.0455 (2) shall be treated separately as
25provided in s. 973.0455 (2)
1Section 514u. 25.17 (1) (je) of the statutes is created to read:
AB40-ASA1,404,22 25.17 (1) (je) Land information fund (s. 25.55);
AB40-ASA1,515c 3Section 515c. 25.17 (63) of the statutes is repealed.
AB40-ASA1,515k 4Section 515k. 25.29 (1) (d) (intro.) of the statutes is renumbered 25.29 (1) (d)
51m. and amended to read:
AB40-ASA1,404,76 25.29 (1) (d) 1m. An amount equal to the estimated snowmobile gas tax
7payment. The
AB40-ASA1,404,9 82m. (intro.) For fiscal years before fiscal year 2013-14, the estimated
9snowmobile gas tax payment is the sum of the following amounts:
AB40-ASA1,515L 10Section 515L. 25.29 (1) (d) 1. of the statutes is renumbered 25.29 (1) (d) 2m.
AB40-ASA1,515m 12Section 515m. 25.29 (1) (d) 2. of the statutes is renumbered 25.29 (1) (d) 2m.
13b. and amended to read:
AB40-ASA1,404,1514 25.29 (1) (d) 2m. b. An amount equal to 40% of the amount calculated under
15subd. 1. 2m. a.
AB40-ASA1,515n 16Section 515n. 25.29 (1) (d) 3. of the statutes is created to read:
AB40-ASA1,404,1817 25.29 (1) (d) 3. For fiscal year 2013-14, and for each fiscal year thereafter, the
18estimated snowmobile gas tax payment is the sum of the following amounts:
AB40-ASA1,404,2219 a. An amount calculated by multiplying the number of snowmobiles registered
20under s. 350.12 or 350.122 on the last day of March of the previous fiscal year by 50
21gallons and multiplying that product by the excise tax imposed under s. 78.01 (1) on
22the last day of March of the previous fiscal year.
AB40-ASA1,404,2323 b. An amount equal to 55 percent of the amount calculated under subd. 3. a.
AB40-ASA1,516 24Section 516. 25.36 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
125.36 (1) Except as provided in sub. (2), all moneys appropriated or transferred
2by law shall constitute the veterans trust fund which shall be used for the lending
3of money to the mortgage loan repayment fund under s. 45.37 (5) (a) 12. and for the
4veterans programs under ss. 20.485 (2) (m), (tm), (u), (vy), (w), and (z), and (5) (mn),
5(v), (vo), and (zm), 45.03 (19), 45.07, 45.20, 45.21, 45.40 (1m), 45.41, 45.42, 45.43, and
645.82 and administered by the department of veterans affairs, including all moneys
7received from the federal government for the benefit of veterans or their dependents;
8all moneys paid as interest on and repayment of loans under the post-war
9rehabilitation fund; soldiers rehabilitation fund, veterans housing funds as they
10existed prior to July 1, 1961; all moneys paid as interest on and repayment of loans
11under this fund; all moneys paid as expenses for, interest on, and repayment of
12veterans trust fund stabilization loans under s. 45.356, 1995 stats.; all moneys paid
13as expenses for, interest on, and repayment of veterans personal loans; the net
14proceeds from the sale of mortgaged properties related to veterans personal loans;
15all mortgages issued with the proceeds of the 1981 veterans home loan revenue bond
16issuance purchased with moneys in the veterans trust fund; all moneys received from
17the state investment board under s. 45.42 (8) (b); all moneys received from the
18veterans mortgage loan repayment fund under s. 45.37 (7) (a) and (c); and all gifts
19of money received by the board of veterans affairs for the purposes of this fund.
AB40-ASA1,516m 20Section 516m. 25.40 (1) (a) 24. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB40-ASA1,405,2321 25.40 (1) (a) 24. Moneys received under s. ss. 341.14 (6r) (b) 11. and 343.21 (1)
that are deposited into the general fund and credited to the appropriation account
23under s. 20.435 (1) (g).
AB40-ASA1,517 24Section 517. 25.40 (1) (a) 30. of the statutes is created to read:
125.40 (1) (a) 30. Moneys received under s. 85.63 (2) that are deposited in the
2general fund and credited to the appropriation account under s. 20.395 (3) (jg).
AB40-ASA1,518 3Section 518. 25.40 (1) (a) 31. of the statutes is created to read:
AB40-ASA1,406,54 25.40 (1) (a) 31. Fees received under s. 84.01 (36) (d) that are deposited in the
5general fund and credited to the appropriation account under s. 20.395 (3) (eg).
AB40-ASA1,518m 6Section 518m. 25.40 (1) (ce) of the statutes is created to read:
AB40-ASA1,406,87 25.40 (1) (ce) All moneys transferred to the transportation fund from the
8appropriation account under s. 20.855 (4) (fr).
AB40-ASA1,519 9Section 519. 25.46 (1e) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB40-ASA1,406,1110 25.46 (1e) The moneys transferred under s. 20.370 (2) (mu) 20.855 (4) (wc) for
11environmental management.
AB40-ASA1,520 12Section 520. 25.46 (1g) of the statutes is repealed.
AB40-ASA1,522 13Section 522. 25.47 (1m) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB40-ASA1,406,1414 25.47 (1m) Any fees imposed under s. 101.143 292.63 (2) (em) 1.
AB40-ASA1,523 15Section 523. 25.47 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB40-ASA1,406,1616 25.47 (2) The payments under s. 101.143 292.63 (4) (h) 1m.
AB40-ASA1,524 17Section 524. 25.47 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB40-ASA1,406,1818 25.47 (3) The payments under s. 101.143 292.63 (5) (a).