AB40-SA1,19,2322 (a) "Community development financial institution" means an entity that
23satisfies all of the following:
11. The entity is certified by the fund under 12 CFR 1805.201 as meeting the
2eligibility requirements for a community development financial institution under 12
3CFR 1805.200
and 1805.201 (b).
AB40-SA1,20,44 2. The entity is organized under the laws of this state.
AB40-SA1,20,65 3. The entity uses qualified investments for which a person may be certified for
6tax credits under sub. (2) (a) for projects that are based in this state.
AB40-SA1,20,87 (b) "Fund" means the Community Development Financial Institutions Fund
8established under 12 USC 4703 (a).
AB40-SA1,20,119 (c) 1. Subject to subd. 2., "qualified investment" means a deposit or loan that
10pays no interest to the person who made the deposit or loan, if the deposit or loan has
11a value of at least $10,000 and is made for a period of at least 60 months.
AB40-SA1,20,1812 2. A community development financial institution that receives an investment
13described under subd. 1. shall have complete control over the entire investment
14amount, including any interest earned on the investment, for the duration of the
15investment period, but the investment may be subject to any additional terms and
16conditions of the investment agreement between the community development
17financial institution and the investor which are not inconsistent with the
18requirements of this section.
AB40-SA1,20,24 19(2) Certification; registration and reporting required. (a) Subject to the
20limits under sub. (4), the corporation may certify a person under this section to claim
21tax credits under s. 71.07 (5p), 71.28 (5p), 71.47 (5p), or 76.634 if the person applies
22to the corporation on a form prepared by the corporation and submits evidence
23satisfactory to the corporation that the person has made a qualified investment in
24a community development financial institution that is registered under par. (b).
1(b) 1. The corporation may register a community development financial
2institution if the community development financial institution applies to the
3corporation on a form prepared by the corporation. The corporation may revoke the
4registration of a community development financial institution if the entity no longer
5meets the eligibility requirements for certification as a community development
6financial institution by the fund or fails to comply with the requirements of this
AB40-SA1,21,138 2. A community development financial institution registered under this section
9shall annually, within 90 days after the last day of the preceding calendar year,
10submit a report containing financial statements of the community development
11financial institution, prepared according to generally accepted accounting principles
12and including all of the following information for the preceding calendar year, to the
AB40-SA1,21,1514 a. The material events certification form required by the federal department
15of the treasury.
AB40-SA1,21,1816 b. Certification, in the form and manner prescribed by the corporation, that the
17community development financial institution satisfies the criteria under sub. (1) (a)
181. to 3.
AB40-SA1,21,1919 c. Any other information the corporation considers relevant.
AB40-SA1,21,22 20(3) Eligibility. (a) Except as provided in par. (b), a person certified under sub.
21(2) (a) is eligible to claim tax credits under s. 71.07 (5p), 71.28 (5p), 71.47 (5p), or
AB40-SA1,22,423 (b) If the registration of a community development financial institution in
24which a person certified under sub. (2) (a) has made a qualified investment is revoked
25by the corporation, and not reinstated by the corporation within 120 days following

1the revocation, or if the entity fails to meet the eligibility requirements for more than
2120 consecutive days for certification as a community development financial
3institution by the fund, the person certified under sub. (2) (a) may do any of the
AB40-SA1,22,65 1. Subject to s. 71.07 (5p) (c) 3., 71.28 (5p) (c) 3., 71.47 (5p) (c) 3., or 76.634 (4),
6withdraw the qualified investment.
AB40-SA1,22,97 2. Immediately reinvest the proceeds of the qualified investment as a qualified
8investment in another community development financial institution for the duration
9of the investment period.
AB40-SA1,22,11 10(4) Limits. No more than $1,000,000 in tax benefits may be claimed under this
11section in any calendar year.
AB40-SA1,22,12 12(5) Duties of the corporation. The corporation shall do all of the following:
AB40-SA1,22,1713 (a) Notify the department of revenue of every certification issued under sub.
14(2) (a) and include the dates on which any such certification is granted and the date
15on which the applicant may withdraw a qualified investment made in a community
16development financial institution, which date shall be no earlier than the first day
17of the 61st month after the qualified investment was made.
AB40-SA1,22,2218 (b) Provide to each applicant for certification under sub. (2) (a) a dated written
19notice indicating the corporation's decision to grant or deny certification. If
20certification is granted, the notice shall include the date on which the applicant may
21withdraw the qualified investment, which date shall be no earlier than the first day
22of the 61st month after the qualified investment was made.
AB40-SA1,22,2423 (c) Notify the department of revenue of each community development financial
24institution registered under sub. (2) (b).
1(cm) Determine whether to certify persons to claim tax credits under ss. 71.07
2(5p), 71.28 (5p), 71.47 (5p), and 76.634 for taxable years beginning after December
331, 2014, and to notify the department of revenue of that determination.
AB40-SA1,23,44 (d) Establish policies to administer this section.".
AB40-SA1,23,5 546. Page 1277, line 1: delete lines 1 to 11.
AB40-SA1,23,6 647. Page 1363, line 26: after that line insert:
AB40-SA1,23,7 7"(1f) Procurement preference for materials manufactured in United States.
AB40-SA1,23,12 8(a) The treatment of sections 16.754 (3) (intro.) and (a) and 66.0901 (1m) (b) and
9(10) of the statutes, the renumbering and amendment of section 16.754 (2) of the
10statutes, and the creation of section 16.754 (2) (a) and (c) of the statutes first apply
11to contracts entered into in the fiscal year that begins in the year after this subsection
12takes effect.
AB40-SA1,23,15 13(b) The treatment of section 16.754 (2m) of the statutes first applies to
14responses made and bids submitted in the fiscal year that begins in the year after
15this subsection takes effect.".
AB40-SA1,23,16 1648. Page 1366, line 19: delete lines 19 to 21.
AB40-SA1,23,17 1749. Page 1371, line 12: after that line insert:
AB40-SA1,23,20 18"(2h) Procurement preferences. The treatment of section 66.0145 of the
19statutes first applies to purchases made in the fiscal year that begins in the year after
20this subsection takes effect.".