AB41-SSA1,1 5Section 1. 48.81 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB41-SSA1,1,66 48.81 (6) The child is being readopted adopted under s. 48.97 (3).
AB41-SSA1,2 7Section 2. 48.838 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB41-SSA1,1,118 48.838 (3) The department may also charge a fee of not more than $75 to the
9adoptive parents for the review and certification of adoption documents, and for the
10provision of departmental approval of placements as specified in s. 48.97,
11adoptions that occur in a foreign country.
1Section 3. 48.839 (2) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB41-SSA1,2,142 48.839 (2) (b) If the guardian files a judgment or order of a court under par. (a),
3the department shall review the judgment or order. If the department determines
4that the judgment or order has the effect of freeing the child for adoption, if the
5department has been furnished with a copy of a home study that was conducted as
6provided in s. 48.88 (2)
recommending the guardian as an adoptive parent, if a
7licensed child welfare agency has been identified to provide the services required
8under sub. (5), if the guardian has filed the bond required under sub. (1), and if the
9guardian has completed the preadoption preparation required under s. 48.84 (1) or
10the department has determined that the guardian is not required to complete that
11preparation, the department shall certify to the U.S. immigration and naturalization
citizenship and immigration services that all preadoptive requirements of
13this state that can be met before the child's arrival in the United States have been
AB41-SSA1,4 15Section 4. 48.839 (2) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB41-SSA1,3,316 48.839 (2) (c) If the guardian files an instrument other than a judgment or order
17of a court under par. (a), the department shall review the instrument. If the
18department determines that the instrument has the effect under the laws of the
19foreign jurisdiction of freeing the child for adoption, if the department has been
20furnished with a copy of a home study recommending the adoptive parents, if a
21licensed child welfare agency has been identified to provide the services required
22under sub. (5), if the guardian has filed the bond required under sub. (1), and if the
23guardian has completed the preadoption preparation required under s. 48.84 (1) or
24the department has determined that the guardian is not required to complete that
25preparation, the department shall certify to the U.S. immigration and naturalization

citizenship and immigration services that all preadoptive requirements of
2this state that can be met prior to the child's arrival in the United States have been
AB41-SSA1,5 4Section 5. 48.97 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB41-SSA1,3,5 548.97 (title) Adoption and guardianship orders of other jurisdictions.
AB41-SSA1,6 6Section 6. 48.97 of the statutes is renumbered 48.97 (1) and amended to read:
AB41-SSA1,3,157 48.97 (1) Effect and recognition of adoption decrees of other states. When
8the relationship of parent and child has been created by an order of adoption of a
9court of any other state or nation, the rights and obligations of the parties as to
10matters within the jurisdiction of this state shall be determined by s. 48.92. If the
11adoptive parents were residents of this state at the time of the foreign adoption, the
12preceding sentence applies only if the department has approved the placement. A
13child whose adoption would otherwise be valid under this section may be readopted
14in accordance with this chapter
under s. 48.92 as though the order of adoption was
15entered by a court of this state
AB41-SSA1,7 16Section 7. 48.97 (2) of the statutes is created to read:
AB41-SSA1,3,2217 48.97 (2) Effect and recognition of foreign adoption decrees. If the adoption
18of a child who was born in a foreign jurisdiction and who was not a citizen of the
19United States at the time of birth was finalized under the laws of the jurisdiction
20from which the child was adopted and if the child was admitted to the United States
21with an IR-3 or IH-3 visa issued by the U.S. citizenship and immigration services,
22all of the following apply:
AB41-SSA1,3,2523 (a) The adoption shall be recognized by this state and the rights and obligations
24of the adoptive parent and child shall be determined under s. 48.92 as though the
25order of adoption was entered by a court of this state.
1(b) The adoptive parent shall not be required to readopt the child in this state.
AB41-SSA1,4,42 (c) Within 365 days of a child being admitted to the United States, the adoptive
3parent shall submit a letter to the court requesting registration of the foreign
4adoption order. The parent shall include in the request all of the following:
AB41-SSA1,4,55 1. Evidence as to the date, place of birth, and parentage of the child.
AB41-SSA1,4,86 2. A certified or notarized copy of the final order of adoption entered by a court
7of the foreign jurisdiction and, if that final order is not in English, a certified
8translation or a notarized copy of a certified translation of that final order.
AB41-SSA1,4,99 3. A sworn statement by the adoptive parent including all of the following:
AB41-SSA1,4,1110 a. That a home study was completed as required or recognized by this state and
11the home study recommends the parent as an adoptive parent.
AB41-SSA1,4,1212 b. That the required preadoption training was completed.
AB41-SSA1,4,1613 c. That the adoptive parent is receiving and will receive supervision from a
14licensed child welfare agency in the United States until the court enters an order
15registering the foreign adoption order and has satisfied all preadoption training
AB41-SSA1,4,1717 4. The name and address of the adoptive parents and the child.
AB41-SSA1,4,1918 5. Any other information necessary for the state registrar to prepare a new
19birth certificate for the child.
AB41-SSA1,4,2320 (d) Upon receipt of the letter under par. (c), the court shall enter an order
21registering the foreign adoption order, and may change the name of the child to that
22requested by the adoptive parents. The court shall then transmit the order
23registering the foreign adoption order to the state registrar.
AB41-SSA1,4,2524 (e) An order registering the foreign adoption order shall have the same effect
25as an adoption order granted under s. 48.91.
1Section 8. 48.97 (3) of the statutes is created to read:
AB41-SSA1,5,72 48.97 (3) Effect and recognition of foreign guardianship decrees;
3additional requirements.
If a resident of this state has been appointed guardian of
4a child who was born in a foreign jurisdiction and who was not a citizen of the United
5States at the time of birth and the child was admitted to the United States with an
6IR-4 or IH-4 visa issued by the U.S. citizenship and immigration services, the
7guardian shall adopt the child under s. 48.839.
AB41-SSA1,9 8Section 9. 54.52 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB41-SSA1,5,159 54.52 (1) A person may at any time bring a petition for the appointment of a
10standby guardian of the person or estate of an individual who is determined under
11s. 54.10 to be incompetent, a minor, or a spendthrift, except that, as specified in s.
1248.97 48.978 a petition for the appointment of a standby guardian of the person or
13property or both of a minor to assume the duty and authority of guardianship on the
14incapacity, death, or debilitation and consent, of the minor's parent may be brought
15under s. 48.978.
AB41-SSA1,10 16Section 10. 69.14 (2) (c) of the statutes is created to read:
AB41-SSA1,5,1817 69.14 (2) (c) This subsection does not apply to a child who was adopted under
18the circumstances described in s. 48.97 (2).
AB41-SSA1,11 19Section 11. 69.15 (2) (e) of the statutes is created to read:
AB41-SSA1,5,2420 69.15 (2) (e) If the state registrar receives an order under s. 48.97 (2) (d)
21registering the foreign adoption of a child who was adopted under the circumstances
22described in s. 48.97 (2), the state registrar shall prepare a birth certificate for the
23child using the form in use at the time the court submits the information under s.
2448.97 (2) (d).