AB434-ASA1,11,2118 23.45 (1) (d) "Registration" means any registration documentation document,
19as defined in s. 23.33 (1) (jn) or s. 350.01 (10t), or any certification or registration
20documentation document, as defined in s. 30.50 (3b), that is issued by the
21department or its agents.
AB434-ASA1,31 22Section 31. 23.47 of the statutes is created to read:
AB434-ASA1,12,2 2323.47 Forms of proof; electronic retrieval of information; reprints. (1)
24Forms of proof. The department may designate, by rule, forms of acceptable proof

1of the following items and the locations at and times during which those forms of
2proof are valid:
AB434-ASA1,12,43 (a) A registration document, safety certificate, trail pass, or temporary trail use
4receipt under s. 23.33.
AB434-ASA1,12,55 (b) An approval under ch. 29.
AB434-ASA1,12,76 (c) A certification or registration document or safety certificate under subch.
7V of ch. 30.
AB434-ASA1,12,98 (d) A registration document, safety certificate, trail use sticker, or temporary
9trail use receipt under ch. 350.
AB434-ASA1,12,18 10(2) Electronic retrieval of information. If the department maintains a
11system under which the department stores information in an electronic format that
12relates to individuals who have been issued approvals under ch. 29 or safety
13certificates under s. 23.33, 30.74, or 350.055, the department may issue a
14conservation card to any individual who applies for the card for purposes of enabling
15the department to access information about that individual in the system. The
16department may authorize an individual to carry a conservation card or another
17form of identification, determined by the department, in lieu of carrying proof under
18sub. (1).
AB434-ASA1,12,22 19(3) Reprints. (a) Reprints of approvals and safety certificates. The department
20may maintain a system under which an individual may obtain a reprint of certain
21approvals under ch. 29 and safety certificates under s. 23.33 and chs. 29, 30, and 350.
22The department shall designate, by rule, all of the following:
AB434-ASA1,12,2323 1. Who may produce a reprint for approvals and safety certificates.
AB434-ASA1,12,2424 2. For which approvals and safety certificates a reprint may be produced.
13. The manner in which a reprint of an approval or safety certificate may be
AB434-ASA1,13,43 (b) Reprints; fees. 1. No fee may be charged for a reprint produced by a
AB434-ASA1,13,65 2. Except as provided under ss. 29.555, 29.563 (14) (c) 1., and 29.566 (1m), no
6fee may be charged for a reprint of an approval under ch. 29.
AB434-ASA1,13,127 3. The department may and an agent appointed under s. 23.33 (2) (i) 3., 30.52
8(1m) (a) 3., or 350.12 (3h) (a) 3. shall collect a reprint fee of $1.25 and an issuing fee
9of 75 cents for each reprint issued of a safety certificate under s. 23.33 or ch. 30 or
10350. An agent appointed under s. 23.33 (2) (i) 3., 30.52 (1m) (a) 3., or 350.12 (3h) (a)
113. may retain 50 cents of each issuing fee for each document reprinted to compensate
12for services in issuing the reprint.
AB434-ASA1,13,1513 (c) Reprints; issuance. If the department contracts with persons to operate a
14statewide automated system for issuing approvals under ch. 29, the department may
15also issue reprints of approvals and safety certificates through that system.
AB434-ASA1,13,2316 (d) Safety certificate reprints; transaction fee. The department shall establish
17a system under which the department pays each agent appointed under s. 23.33 (2)
18(i) 3., 30.52 (1m) (a) 3., or 350.12 (3h) (a) 3. a payment of 50 cents for each time that
19the agent processes a transaction through the statewide automated system under
20par. (c). This payment is in addition to any issuing fee, processing fee, or handling
21fee retained by the agent. The department shall make these payments by allowing
22the agent to retain an amount equal to the payments from the amounts that are
23collected by the agent and that would otherwise be remitted to the department.
AB434-ASA1,14,224 (e) Safety certificate reprints; deduction. Under a contract under par. (c), the
25department may deduct a portion of each fee collected for a reprint issued pursuant

1to the statewide automated system. The department shall credit all of the amounts
2deducted to the appropriation account under s. 20.370 (9) (hv).
AB434-ASA1,14,12 3(4) Emergency rule. Using the procedure under s. 227.24, the department may
4promulgate emergency rules related to forms of proof, the electronic retrieval of
5information, the issuance of conservation cards, and the issuance of reprints under
6this section. Notwithstanding s. 227.24 (1) (a) and (3), the department is not required
7to provide evidence that promulgating a rule under this subsection as an emergency
8rule is necessary for the preservation of public peace, health, safety, or welfare and
9is not required to provide a finding of emergency for a rule promulgated under this
10subsection. Notwithstanding s. 227.24 (1) (c) and (2), an emergency rule
11promulgated under this subsection remains in effect until whichever of the following
12occurs first:
AB434-ASA1,14,1413 (a) The first day of the 25th month beginning after the effective date of the
14emergency rule.
AB434-ASA1,14,1515 (b) The effective date of the repeal of the emergency rule.
AB434-ASA1,14,1616 (c) The date on which any corresponding permanent rule takes effect.
AB434-ASA1,32 17Section 32. 23.58 of the statutes is renumbered 23.58 (1).
AB434-ASA1,33 18Section 33. 23.58 (2) of the statutes is created to read:
AB434-ASA1,14,2319 23.58 (2) An enforcing officer has reasonable suspicion to perform a stop under
20sub. (1) if an all-terrain vehicle, utility terrain vehicle, boat, or snowmobile does not
21visibly display a registration plate or decal under s. 23.33 (2), a nonresident trail pass
22under s. 23.33 (2j), a registration or certification decal under s. 30.523 (2), or a
23registration decal or trail use sticker under s. 350.12 (5).
AB434-ASA1,34 24Section 34. 23.59 of the statutes is amended to read:
123.59 Search during temporary questioning. When an enforcing officer
2has stopped a person for temporary questioning pursuant to s. 23.58 (1) and
3reasonably suspects that he or she or another is in danger of physical injury, the
4officer may search such person for weapons or any instrument or article or substance
5readily capable of causing physical injury and of a sort not ordinarily carried in public
6places by law abiding persons. If the officer finds such a weapon or instrument, or
7any other property possession of which he or she reasonably believes may constitute
8the commission of a violation of those statutes enumerated in s. 23.50 (1) or which
9may constitute a threat to his or her safety, the officer may take it and keep it until
10the completion of the questioning, at which time he or she shall either return it, if
11lawfully possessed, or arrest the person so questioned for possession of the weapon,
12instrument, article or substance, if he or she has the authority to do so, or detain the
13person until a proper arrest can be made by appropriate authorities. Searches
14during temporary questioning as provided under this section shall only be conducted
15by those enforcing officers who have the authority to make arrests for crimes.
AB434-ASA1,35 16Section 35. 23.90 (6) of the statutes is created to read:
AB434-ASA1,15,2117 23.90 (6) If an offense results from the violation of a prohibition against
18breaking, removing, interfering with, altering, forging, or misrepresenting an
19approval or proof of an approval issued under ch. 29 or a prohibition under ch. 29
20against counterfeit approvals or illegally obtained approvals and the offense was
21committed outside of this state, the defendant may be tried in Dane County.
AB434-ASA1,36 22Section 36. 29.001 (12) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB434-ASA1,16,223 29.001 (12) "Approval" means any type of approval, privilege, or authorization
24issued or conferred by the department under this chapter including any license,
25permit, certificate, card, stamp, preference point, or tag unless the context requires

1a different meaning
. "Approval" does not include a conservation card issued under
2s. 23.47 (2)
AB434-ASA1,37 3Section 37. 29.001 (65) of the statutes is created to read:
AB434-ASA1,16,74 29.001 (65) "Proof," when used in reference to evidence of an approval, means
5the original approval document issued by the department or an agent appointed
6under s. 29.024 (6) (a) or any alternative form of proof designated by rule under s.
723.47 (1).
AB434-ASA1,38 8Section 38. 29.024 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB434-ASA1,16,169 29.024 (1) Approvals required. Except as specifically provided in this chapter,
10ch. 169, or s. 95.55 (5), no person may hunt or trap in this state, fish in the waters
11of this state or engage in any of the activities regulated under this chapter unless the
12appropriate approval is issued to the person. A person shall carry proof of the
13required approval with him or her at all times while hunting, trapping, or fishing or
14engaged in regulated activities unless otherwise required by this chapter or unless
15otherwise authorized or required by the department. A person shall exhibit the
this proof to the department or its wardens on demand.
AB434-ASA1,39 17Section 39. 29.024 (6) (ag) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB434-ASA1,16,2318 29.024 (6) (ag) Under a contract issued under par. (a) 4., the department may
19deduct a portion of each fee collected for a license issued pursuant to the statewide
20automated system and a portion of each reprint fee or issuing fee collected for a
21reprint issued pursuant to the statewide automated system
. The department shall
22credit all of the amounts deducted to the appropriation account under s. 20.370 (9)
AB434-ASA1,40 24Section 40. 29.024 (7) of the statutes is amended to read:
129.024 (7) Duplicates. If any license, permit, certificate, or card is lost, the
2person to whom the license, permit, certificate, or card was issued may apply to the
3department for a duplicate by submitting an affidavit proving loss. The department
4may accept information in a form other than an affidavit. The department shall
5make an inquiry and investigation as it considers necessary. If the department is
6satisfied that the loss has been proven, the department may issue a duplicate license,
7permit, certificate, or card to the applicant. Back tags and other tags issued with a
8license, permit, certificate, or card are parts of the license, permit, certificate, or card
9and loss of any part is considered to be loss of the entire license, permit, certificate,
10or card. Upon applying for a duplicate license, permit, certificate , or card, the
11original is no longer valid and
the applicant shall surrender all parts of the original
12remaining in his or her possession to the department. No person may possess any
13original license, permit, certificate, or card for which a duplicate has been issued.

14No duplicate stamp may be issued and, if a stamp is lost, the person to whom it was
15issued is required to apply for and pay the regular fee in order to receive a new stamp.
AB434-ASA1,41 16Section 41. 29.171 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB434-ASA1,17,1917 29.171 (3) (a) Except as provided under par. (b), the department shall issue to
18each person who is issued a resident archer hunting license a deer carcass tag and
19a back tag.
AB434-ASA1,42 20Section 42. 29.171 (3) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB434-ASA1,17,2321 29.171 (3) (b) The department may not issue a deer carcass tag or back tag to
22a person who is issued a resident archer hunting license at the reduced fee under s.
2329.563 (2g).
AB434-ASA1,43 24Section 43. 29.172 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
129.172 (3) (a) Except as provided under par. (b), the department shall issue to
2each person who is issued a resident crossbow hunting license a deer carcass tag and
3a back tag.
AB434-ASA1,18,54 (b) The department may not issue a deer carcass tag or back tag to a person who
5is issued a resident crossbow hunting license at the reduced fee under s. 29.563 (2g).
AB434-ASA1,44 6Section 44. 29.173 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB434-ASA1,18,97 29.173 (3) Deer carcass tag and back tag. The department shall issue to each
8person who is issued a resident deer hunting license a deer carcass tag and a back
AB434-ASA1,45 10Section 45. 29.179 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB434-ASA1,18,1511 29.179 (3) (a) If the holder of an approval is a resident and the holder applies
12to transfer the approval to a nonresident and if there is a fee for the issuance of the
13approval, the holder transferee shall pay, at the time of application, any difference
14between the fee for issuing the approval to a resident and the fee for the approval to
15a nonresident
the fee for the approval.
AB434-ASA1,46 16Section 46. 29.184 (8) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB434-ASA1,18,2217 29.184 (8) (a) The department shall issue a bear carcass tag to each person who
18is issued a Class A bear license. Except as provided under par. (b) and s. 29.349 (2),
19a person who kills a bear shall immediately validate and attach the carcass tag to
20the bear. The
No person may possess, control, store, or transport a bear carcass
21unless the
carcass tag shall be attached and has been validated according to rules
in the manner required by the department.
AB434-ASA1,47 23Section 47. 29.184 (8) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
129.184 (8) (b) A person who kills a bear under sub. (3) (br) 4. shall ensure that
2the person for whom the bear is killed attaches a current validated validates the bear
3carcass tag in the manner provided under par. (a) required by the department.
AB434-ASA1,48 4Section 48. 29.185 (4) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB434-ASA1,19,85 29.185 (4) (b) If the holder of the wolf harvesting license is a resident and the
applies to transfer the license to a nonresident, the holder transferee shall
7pay, at the time of application, any difference between the fee for issuing the license
8to a resident and the fee for issuing the license to a nonresident
the fee for the license.
AB434-ASA1,49 9Section 49. 29.185 (7) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB434-ASA1,19,2010 29.185 (7) (a) The department shall issue one wolf carcass tag to each person
11who is issued a wolf harvesting license under sub. (3). Each holder of a wolf
12harvesting license who kills a wolf shall immediately validate and attach the carcass
13tag to the wolf. No person may possess, control, store, or transport a wolf carcass
14unless it is tagged as required under this paragraph. The carcass tag shall be
15attached and
the carcass tag has been validated in the manner required by the
16department. A person who kills a wolf shall register the carcass with the department
17on a telephone registration system or through an electronic notification system
18established by the department, except as provided in par. (am). The carcass tag may
19not be removed before registration. The removal of a carcass tag from a wolf before
20registration results in the wolf being untagged.
AB434-ASA1,50 21Section 50. 29.192 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB434-ASA1,19,2422 29.192 (2) (a) Requiring hunters to validate a carcass tag in the manner
23required by the department for
each sharp-tailed grouse killed with a tag issued by
24the department
AB434-ASA1,51 25Section 51. 29.211 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
129.211 (3) Deer carcass tag and back tag. The department shall issue to each
2person who is issued a nonresident deer hunting license a deer tag and a back tag
3and the appropriate number of deer carcass tags.
AB434-ASA1,52 4Section 52. 29.216 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB434-ASA1,20,85 29.216 (3) Deer carcass tag and back tag. (a) Except as provided in par. (b),
6the department shall issue to each person who is issued a nonresident archer
7hunting license a deer tag and a back tag and the appropriate number of deer carcass
AB434-ASA1,20,119 (b) The department may not issue a deer carcass tag or back tag to a person who
10is issued a nonresident archer hunting license if the department issues the
11nonresident archer hunting license at the reduced fee under s. 29.563 (2g).
AB434-ASA1,53 12Section 53. 29.217 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB434-ASA1,20,1513 29.217 (3) Deer carcass tag and back tag. (a) The department shall issue to
14each person who is issued a nonresident crossbow hunting license a deer carcass tag
15and a back tag.
AB434-ASA1,20,1816 (b) The department may not issue a deer carcass tag or back tag to a person who
17is issued a nonresident crossbow hunting license at the reduced fee under s. 29.563
AB434-ASA1,54 19Section 54. 29.2285 (3) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB434-ASA1,20,2420 29.2285 (3) (b) Issuance. The department shall issue sturgeon hook and line
21tags to each person holding or applying for a fishing license or a sports license if the
22person intends to possess a lake sturgeon taken by hook and line in the waters of the
23state. Each sturgeon hook and line tag shall contain a unique number that is linked
24to the fishing license being issued.
AB434-ASA1,55 25Section 55. 29.2285 (3) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
129.2285 (3) (c) Tagging requirement. Any person having taken a lake sturgeon
2by means of a hook and line shall immediately attach a current, validated validate
sturgeon hook and line tag issued to that person to the tail of the sturgeon. No
4person may possess, control, store, or transport a lake sturgeon carcass unless it is
5tagged as
a hook and line tag has been validated in the manner required under this
by the department.
AB434-ASA1,56 7Section 56. 29.231 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB434-ASA1,21,98 29.231 (4) The department shall issue to each person who is issued a sports
9license a deer tag and back tag and the appropriate number of deer carcass tags.
AB434-ASA1,57 10Section 57. 29.235 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB434-ASA1,21,1311 29.235 (4) Deer carcass tag and back tag. The department shall issue to each
12person who is issued a conservation patron license a deer tag and back tag and the
13appropriate number of deer carcass tags
AB434-ASA1,58 14Section 58. 29.236 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB434-ASA1,21,2515 29.236 (2) An annual disabled veteran recreation card entitles the holder to
16exercise all of the combined rights and privileges conferred by a resident small game
17hunting license and a resident fishing license, subject to all duties, conditions,
18limitations, and restrictions of the licenses. A person may operate any motor vehicle,
19except a motor bus, as defined in s. 340.01 (31), subject to the admission
20requirements under s. 27.01 (7) in any vehicle admission area under s. 27.01 (7)
21without having an admission receipt affixed to the vehicle or otherwise displayed
22and without paying a fee if the vehicle has as an occupant a card holder who can
23present exhibit the card upon demand in the vehicle admission area. The card
24permits a card holder to enter Heritage Hill state park or a state trail without paying
25an admission fee.
1Section 59. 29.237 (1) (intro.) and (a) (intro.) of the statutes are consolidated,
2renumbered 29.237 (1b) (intro.) and amended to read:
AB434-ASA1,22,53 29.237 (1b) (intro.) In this section: (a), "Lake Winnebago and upper Fox and
4Wolf rivers system" means Buttes des Morts Lake, Winneconne Lake, Poygan Lake,
5Winnebago Lake, and all of the following:
AB434-ASA1,60 6Section 60. 29.237 (1) (a) 1. to 5. of the statutes are renumbered 29.237 (1b)
7(a) to (e).
AB434-ASA1,61 8Section 61. 29.237 (1) (b) of the statutes is repealed.
AB434-ASA1,62 9Section 62. 29.237 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB434-ASA1,22,1510 29.237 (2) The Each sturgeon spearing license issued under this section shall
11be accompanied by sturgeon carcass tags in the quantity to correspond with the
12season bag limit for spearing lake sturgeon established by the department. The
13serial numbers of these tags shall be entered on the license by the person issuing the
14license or by the department.
Each carcass tag shall contain a unique number that
15is assigned to the sturgeon spearing license being issued.
AB434-ASA1,63 16Section 63. 29.237 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB434-ASA1,22,2217 29.237 (3) A sturgeon spearing license authorizes the spearing of lake sturgeon
18subject to any limit imposed under s. 29.192 (3) and only during the open season for
19spearing these sturgeon established by the department. No person may fish for
20sturgeon by means of a spear unless the person is issued a sturgeon spearing license.
21The Proof of the sturgeon spearing license shall be carried on the person of the
22licensee at all times while fishing for sturgeon by means of a spear.
AB434-ASA1,64 23Section 64. 29.237 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB434-ASA1,23,324 29.237 (4) Any person having taken a lake sturgeon by means of a spear shall
25immediately attach a current, validated validate the sturgeon carcass tag issued to

1that person to the tail of the sturgeon. No person may possess, control, store, or
2transport a lake sturgeon carcass unless it is tagged as a sturgeon carcass tag has
3been validated in the manner
required under this section by the department.
AB434-ASA1,65 4Section 65. 29.324 (3) of the statutes is amended to read: