AB470-ASA1,15,1716 1. Directly issue, transfer, or renew the registration documents with or without
17using the service specified in par. (g) 1. and directly issue the reprints.
AB470-ASA1,15,2018 2. Appoint persons who are not employees of the department as agents of the
19department to issue, transfer, or renew the registration documents using either or
20both of the services specified in par. (g) 1. and to issue the reprints.
AB470-ASA1,15,2421 (g) Methods of issuance. 1. For the issuance of original or duplicate registration
22documents and for the transfer or renewal of registration documents, the
23department may implement either or both of the following procedures to be provided
24by the department and any agents appointed under par. (f) 2.:
1a. A procedure under which the department or an agent appointed under par.
2(f) 2. accepts applications for registration documents and issues temporary operating
3receipts at the time applicants submit applications accompanied by the required
AB470-ASA1,16,85 b. A procedure under which the department or an agent appointed under par.
6(f) 2. accepts applications for registration documents and issues to each applicant all
7or some of the registration documents at the time the applicant submits the
8application accompanied by the required fees.
AB470-ASA1,16,139 2. Under either procedure under subd. 1., the department or agent shall issue
10to the applicant any remaining registration documents directly from the department
11at a later date. Any registration document issued under subd. 1. b. is sufficient to
12allow the vehicle for which the application is submitted to be operated in compliance
13with the registration requirements under this subsection.
AB470-ASA1,16,1914 (h) Registration; supplemental fee. In addition to the applicable fee under par.
15(d) 1., 2., or 3. or (e) 2., each agent appointed under par. (f) 2. who accepts an
16application to renew registration documents in person shall collect an issuing fee of
1750 cents and a transaction fee of 50 cents each time the agent issues renewal
18registration documents under par. (g) 1. or 2. The agent shall retain the entire
19amount of each issuing fee and transaction fee the agent collects.
AB470-ASA1,16,2120 (i) Junked motorcycles. If an off-highway motorcycle is junked, the owner shall
21return the certificate of registration to the department marked "junked."
AB470-ASA1,17,2 22(5) Registration of off-highway motorcycle dealers. (a) A person who is an
23off-highway motorcycle dealer shall register with the department and obtain from
24the department a commercial off-highway motorcycle certificate. Upon receipt of
25the required fee under par. (e) and an application form provided by the department,

1the department shall issue the applicant a commercial off-highway motorcycle
2certificate and 3 accompanying decals.
AB470-ASA1,17,33 (b) A commercial off-highway motorcycle certificate is valid for 2 years.
AB470-ASA1,17,94 (c) A person who is required to obtain a commercial off-highway motorcycle
5certificate under par. (a) shall attach in a clearly visible place a plate or sign that is
6removable and temporarily but firmly mounted to any off-highway motorcycle that
7the person offers for sale or otherwise allows to be used whenever the off-highway
8motorcycle is being operated. A decal issued by the department under par. (a) shall
9be affixed to the plate or sign.
AB470-ASA1,17,1310 (d) If a certificate or decal that was issued under par. (a) is lost or destroyed,
11the holder of the certificate or decal may apply for a duplicate on a form provided by
12the department. Upon receipt of the application and the required fee under par. (e),
13the department shall issue a duplicate certificate or decal to the applicant.
AB470-ASA1,17,1714 (e) The fee for the issuance or renewal of a commercial off-highway motorcycle
15certificate with 3 accompanying decals is $90. The fee for additional decals is $30 for
16each decal. The fee for the issuance of a duplicate commercial off-highway
17motorcycle certificate is $5. The fee for each duplicate decal is $2.
AB470-ASA1,17,1818 (f) A commercial off-highway motorcycle certificate may not be transferred.
AB470-ASA1,17,20 19(5m) Alterations and falsifications prohibited. (a) No person may
20intentionally do any of the following:
AB470-ASA1,17,2221 1. Make a false statement on an application for a registration issued under sub.
AB470-ASA1,17,2423 2. Alter, remove, or change any number or other character in an engine serial
13. Alter, remove or change any number or other character in a vehicle
2identification number.
AB470-ASA1,18,33 (b) No person may do any of the following:
AB470-ASA1,18,64 1. Manufacture a vehicle identification number tag that the person knows to
5contain false information to be placed on an off-highway motorcycle that is
6manufactured on or after the effective date of this subdivision .... [LRB inserts date].
AB470-ASA1,18,87 2. Place a vehicle identification number tag that the person knows to be false
8on an off-highway motorcycle.
AB470-ASA1,18,13 9(6) Nonresident trail passes. (a) In this subsection, "temporary trail use
10receipt" means a receipt issued by the department or an agent under this subsection
11that shows that an application and the required fees for a nonresident trail pass for
12off-highway motorcycle operation have been submitted to the department or an
13agent appointed under par. (e) 1.
AB470-ASA1,18,1914 (am) Except as provided in pars. (b) and (f), no person may operate an
15off-highway motorcycle on an off-highway motorcycle corridor unless a nonresident
16trail pass for off-highway motorcycle operation is issued by the department to the
17person and the pass is permanently affixed on the exterior of the motorcycle where
18it is clearly visible or the person is carrying proof of a valid temporary trail use
AB470-ASA1,19,420 (b) An off-highway motorcycle that is registered under sub. (3) or that is
21exempt from registration under sub. (2) (b) 2., 3., or 4. is exempt from having a
22nonresident trail pass or temporary trail use receipt. The department may
23promulgate a rule to provide additional exemptions from the requirement of being
24issued a nonresident trail pass or from having to pay a fee for the pass. The
25department may promulgate a rule to exempt off-highway motorcycles that are

1exempt from registration under sub. (2) (b) 5. from having nonresident trail passes
2or temporary trail use receipts displayed as required under par. (am) or may
3promulgate a rule to exempt owners of such vehicles from having to pay any
4applicable nonresident trail pass fee.
AB470-ASA1,19,105 (c) There is no fee for a nonresident trail pass issued for an off-highway
6motorcycle that is registered under s. 23.35. The department or Indian tribe or band
7shall issue a nonresident trail pass for such an off-highway motorcycle when it
8issues the registration certificate for the motorcycle. The department shall provide
9Indian tribes or bands that register off-highway motorcycles under s. 23.35 with a
10supply of trail passes.
AB470-ASA1,19,1211 (d) The fee for an annual nonresident trail pass is $34.25. The fee for a 5-day
12nonresident trail pass is $19.25. Annual trail passes expire on March 31 of each year.
AB470-ASA1,19,1513 (e) 1. The department may appoint any person who is not an employee of the
14department as the department's agent to issue temporary trail use receipts and
15collect the fees for these receipts.
AB470-ASA1,19,2016 2. Any person, including the department, who issues a nonresident trail pass
17or a temporary trail use receipt shall collect in addition to the fee under par. (d) an
18issuing fee of 75 cents. An agent appointed under subd. 1. may retain 50 cents of the
19issuing fee to compensate the agent for the agent's services in issuing the temporary
20trail use receipt.
AB470-ASA1,19,2421 3. The department shall establish, by rule, procedures for issuing nonresident
22trail passes and temporary trail use receipts, and the department may promulgate
23rules regulating the activities of persons who are appointed to be agents under this
1(f) A person may operate an off-highway motorcycle off the highways in this
2state during the first full weekend in June of each year without having a nonresident
3trail pass or temporary trail use receipt as required under par. (am).
AB470-ASA1,20,6 4(7) Rental of limited use off-highway motorcycles. (a) No person who is
5engaged in the rental or leasing of limited use off-highway motorcycles to the public
6may do any of the following:
AB470-ASA1,20,107 1. Rent or lease a limited use off-highway motorcycle for operation by a person
8who will be operating the limited use off-highway motorcycle for the first time unless
9the person engaged in the rental or leasing gives the person instruction on how to
10operate the limited use off-highway motorcycle.
AB470-ASA1,20,1211 2. Rent or lease a limited use off-highway motorcycle to a person under 12
12years of age.
AB470-ASA1,20,1513 3. Rent or lease a limited use off-highway motorcycle without first ascertaining
14that any person under the age of 18 who will be on the vehicle has protective
15headgear of the type required under s. 347.485 (1) (a).
AB470-ASA1,20,1916 (b) A person who is engaged in the rental or leasing of limited use off-highway
17motorcycles to the public shall have clean, usable protective headgear available for
18rent in sufficient quantity to provide headgear to all persons under the age of 18 who
19will be on the limited use off-highway motorcycles that the person rents or leases.
AB470-ASA1,20,2120 (c) The department may promulgate rules to establish minimum standards for
21the instruction given under par. (a) 1.
AB470-ASA1,21,2 22(8) Use of protective headgear. (a) Off highway. No person may operate an
23off-highway motorcycle on an off-highway motorcycle corridor, or be a passenger on
24an off-highway motorcycle that is being operated on an off-highway motorcycle

1corridor, without wearing protective headgear of the type required under s. 347.485
2(1) (a), with the chin strap properly fastened, unless one of the following applies:
AB470-ASA1,21,33 1. The person is at least 18 years of age.
AB470-ASA1,21,54 2. The person is traveling for the purpose of hunting or fishing and is at least
512 years of age.
AB470-ASA1,21,66 3. The off-highway motorcycle is being operated for an agricultural purpose.
AB470-ASA1,21,127 (b) On highway. No person may operate a limited use off-highway motorcycle
8on an off-highway motorcycle route or in an area where operation is authorized
9under sub. (10) (a) or (11) (a), or be a passenger on an off-highway motorcycle that
10is being operated on such a route or in such an area, without wearing protective
11headgear of the type required under s. 347.485 (1) (a), with the chin strap properly
12fastened, unless the person is at least 18 years of age.
AB470-ASA1,21,1713 (c) On corridors and routes. No person may operate or be a passenger on an
14off-highway motorcycle that is being operated on an off-highway motorcycle
15corridor or on an off-highway motorcycle route without wearing glasses, wearing
16goggles, or wearing a protective face shield that is attached to headgear approved by
17the department.
AB470-ASA1,21,19 18(9) Rules of operation. (a) No person who is operating an off-highway
19motorcycle off a highway may do any of the following:
AB470-ASA1,21,2120 1. Operate the off-highway motorcycle in any careless way so as to endanger
21another person or the property of another.
AB470-ASA1,21,2322 2. Operate the off-highway motorcycle at a rate of speed that is unreasonable
23under the circumstances.
13. Operate the off-highway motorcycle on private property without the consent
2of the owner or lessee. Failure to post private property does not imply consent for
3off-highway motorcycle use.
AB470-ASA1,22,64 4. Operate the off-highway motorcycle on public property that is posted as
5closed to off-highway motorcycle operation or on which the operation of an
6off-highway motorcycle is prohibited by law.
AB470-ASA1,22,97 5. Operate the off-highway motorcycle on Indian lands without the consent of
8the tribal governing body or Indian owner. Failure to post Indian lands does not
9imply consent for off-highway motorcycle use.
AB470-ASA1,22,1110 6. Operate the off-highway motorcycle at a speed exceeding 10 miles per hour,
11if the off-highway motorcycle is within 100 feet of a fishing shanty.
AB470-ASA1,22,1512 7. Operate the off-highway motorcycle at a speed exceeding 10 miles per hour,
13if the off-highway motorcycle is within 150 feet of a dwelling. The speed limit
14specified in this subsection does not apply to a person operating an off-highway
15motorcycle on a roadway that is designated as an off-highway motorcycle route.
AB470-ASA1,22,2016 8. Operate the off-highway motorcycle on the frozen surface of public waters
17or on an off-highway motorcycle trail at a speed exceeding 10 miles per hour or
18without yielding the right-of-way when within 100 feet of another person who is not
19operating a motor vehicle, an all-terrain vehicle, a utility terrain vehicle, an
20off-highway motorcycle, or a snowmobile.
AB470-ASA1,22,2221 9. Operate the off-highway motorcycle to drive or pursue any animal except as
22part of normal farming operations involving livestock.
AB470-ASA1,23,223 10. Operate the off-highway motorcycle in a manner which violates rules
24promulgated by the department. This subdivision does not authorize the

1department to promulgate or enforce a rule that imposes a speed restriction that is
2more stringent than a speed restriction specified under this paragraph.
AB470-ASA1,23,73 (b) The speed restrictions under par. (a) 6. and 8. do not apply to a race or derby
4sponsored by a local governmental unit, by an off-highway motorcycle association,
5or by a similar organization that is approved by a local governmental unit if the
6sponsor of the race or derby marks the race or derby route or track to warn spectators
7from entering the route or track.
AB470-ASA1,23,118 (c) 1. The distance restriction under par. (a) 8. does not apply to persons who
9are assisting in directing a race or derby sponsored by a local governmental unit, by
10an off-highway motorcycle association, or by a similar organization that is approved
11by a local governmental unit.
AB470-ASA1,23,1512 2. The distance restriction under par. (a) 8. does not apply if the person who is
13not operating the motor vehicle, all-terrain vehicle, utility terrain vehicle,
14off-highway motorcycle, or snowmobile gives his or her consent to have the person
15operating the off-highway motorcycle at a closer distance.
AB470-ASA1,23,18 16(10) Operation on highways; limited use motorcycles. (a) Generally. No
17person may operate a limited use off-highway motorcycle on the roadway portion of
18any highway unless one of the following applies:
AB470-ASA1,23,2519 1. Operation on the roadway is necessary to cross the roadway. The crossing
20of a roadway is authorized only if the crossing is done in the most direct manner
21practicable, if the crossing is made at a place where no obstruction prevents a quick
22and safe crossing, and if the operator stops the limited use off-highway motorcycle
23prior to entering the crossing and yields the right-of-way to any other vehicles,
24pedestrians, or electric personal assistive mobility devices that are using the
12. Operation on the roadway is necessary to cross a bridge, culvert, or railroad
2right-of-way. The crossing of a bridge, culvert, or railroad right-of-way is not
3authorized if the roadway is officially closed to off-highway motorcycle traffic. The
4crossing is authorized only if the crossing is done in the most direct manner
5practicable, if the crossing is made at a place where no obstruction prevents a quick
6and safe crossing, and if the operator stops the limited use off-highway motorcycle
7prior to entering the crossing and yields the right-of-way to any other vehicles,
8pedestrians, or electric personal assistive mobility devices that are using the
AB470-ASA1,24,1310 2m. Operation is on the roadway or shoulder for the purpose of crossing a bridge
11that is 1,000 feet in length or less if the operation is in compliance with a county
12ordinance adopted under sub. (21) (am) that applies to that bridge and a city, village,
13or town ordinance adopted under sub. (21) (am) that applies to that bridge.
AB470-ASA1,24,1714 3. Operation is on a roadway which is not maintained, or is only minimally
15maintained, on a seasonal basis for motor vehicle traffic. Such operation is
16authorized only during the seasons when no maintenance occurs and only if the
17roadway is not officially closed to off-highway motorcycle traffic.
AB470-ASA1,24,2118 4. Operation is on a roadway that is an off-highway motorcycle route. Such
19operation is authorized only for the extreme right side of the roadway except that left
20turns may be made from any part of the roadway which is safe given prevailing
AB470-ASA1,24,2422 5. The operator of the limited use off-highway motorcycle is a person who holds
23a Class A permit or a Class B permit under s. 29.193 (2) and who is traveling for the
24purpose of hunting or is otherwise engaging in an activity authorized by the permit.
16. The limited use off-highway motorcycle is registered for private use under
2sub. (3) and is being used exclusively as an implement of husbandry or for
3agricultural purposes. Such operation is authorized only for the extreme right side
4of the roadway except that left turns may be made from any part of the roadway
5which is safe given prevailing conditions.
AB470-ASA1,25,76 7. The roadway part of the highway is blocked off for a special off-highway
7motorcycle event as authorized under par. (b).
AB470-ASA1,25,158 (b) Off-highway motorcycle events. A local governmental unit may block off
9highways under its jurisdiction for the purpose of allowing special off-highway
10motorcycle events. No state trunk highway or connecting highway, or part thereof,
11may be blocked off by any local governmental unit for any off-highway motorcycle
12event. A local governmental unit shall notify the local police department and the
13county sheriff's office at least one week in advance of the time and place of any
14off-highway motorcycle event that may result in any street, or part thereof, of the
15local governmental unit being blocked off.
AB470-ASA1,25,2116 (c) Freeways. No person may operate a limited use off-highway motorcycle on
17any part of any freeway which is a part of the federal system of interstate and defense
18highways under any circumstances. No person may operate a limited use
19off-highway motorcycle on any part of any other freeway unless the department of
20transportation authorizes the use of limited use off-highway motorcycles on that
AB470-ASA1,26,2 22(11) Operation adjacent to roadway. (a) Location of operation. 1. A person
23may operate an off-highway motorcycle adjacent to a roadway of a city, village, or
24town highway that is designated as an off-highway motorcycle route or an

1off-highway motorcycle trail without any restriction on how close the off-highway
2motorcycle is to the roadway.
AB470-ASA1,26,83 2. A person may operate an off-highway motorcycle adjacent to a roadway of
4a U.S. numbered highway, a state highway, or a county highway that is designated
5an off-highway motorcycle route or an off-highway motorcycle trail provided that
6the operation occurs at a distance of 10 or more feet from the roadway or such greater
7distance as is reasonably necessary in order to avoid an obstruction. Travel on the
8median of a divided highway is prohibited except to cross.
AB470-ASA1,26,129 (b) Direction of operation. 1. Except as provided in subd. 2., a person may
10operate an off-highway motorcycle on an off-highway motorcycle route or
11off-highway motorcycle trail adjacent to a roadway only in the same direction as
12motor vehicle traffic in the nearest lane.
AB470-ASA1,26,1413 2. A person may operate the off-highway motorcycle in either direction if any
14of the following applies:
AB470-ASA1,26,1515 a. The off-highway motorcycle is being operated during hours of daylight.
AB470-ASA1,26,1816 b. The off-highway motorcycle is being operated during hours of darkness and
17the off-highway motorcycle route or off-highway motorcycle trail is located at least
1840 feet from the roadway or is separated from the roadway by a head lamp barrier.
AB470-ASA1,26,2219 (c) Other limitation. A person operating an off-highway motorcycle on an
20off-highway motorcycle route or off-highway motorcycle trail adjacent to a roadway
21shall comply with the speed limits of the adjacent roadway and with rules
22promulgated by the department and approved by the department of transportation.
AB470-ASA1,26,25 23(12) Intoxicated operation. (a) Operation. 1. No person may operate an
24off-highway motorcycle while under the influence of an intoxicant to a degree which
25renders him or her incapable of safe operation of the off-highway motorcycle.
12. No person may engage in the operation of an off-highway motorcycle while
2the person has an alcohol concentration of 0.08 or more.
AB470-ASA1,27,53 2m. No person may engage in the operation of an off-highway motorcycle while
4the person has a detectable amount of a restricted controlled substance in his or her
AB470-ASA1,27,86 3. If a person has not attained the age of 21, the person may not engage in the
7operation of an off-highway motorcycle while he or she has an alcohol concentration
8of more than 0.0 but not more than 0.08.
AB470-ASA1,27,179 4. A person may be charged with and a prosecutor may proceed upon a
10complaint based upon a violation of any combination of subd. 1., 2., or 2m. for acts
11arising out of the same incident or occurrence. If the person is charged with violating
12any combination of subd. 1., 2., or 2m., the offenses shall be joined. If the person is
13found guilty of any combination of subd. 1., 2., or 2m. for acts arising out of the same
14incident or occurrence, there shall be a single conviction for purposes of sentencing
15and for purposes of counting convictions under sub. (23) (c) 2. and 3. Subdivisions
161., 2., and 2m. each require proof of a fact for conviction which the others do not
AB470-ASA1,27,2418 5. In an action under subd. 2m. that is based on the defendant allegedly having
19a detectable amount of methamphetamine, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid, or
20delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol in his or her blood, the defendant has a defense if he
21or she proves by a preponderance of the evidence that at the time of the incident or
22occurrence he or she had a valid prescription for methamphetamine or one of its
23metabolic precursors, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid, or
1(b) Operation causing injury. 1. No person while under the influence of an
2intoxicant to a degree which renders him or her incapable of safe operation of an
3off-highway motorcycle may cause injury to another person by the operation of an
4off-highway motorcycle.
AB470-ASA1,28,65 2. No person who has an alcohol concentration of 0.08 or more may cause injury
6to another person by the operation of an off-highway motorcycle.
AB470-ASA1,28,97 2m. No person who has a detectable amount of a restricted controlled substance
8in his or her blood may cause injury to another person by the operation of an
9off-highway motorcycle.
AB470-ASA1,28,1810 3. A person may be charged with and a prosecutor may proceed upon a
11complaint based upon a violation of any combination of subd. 1., 2., or 2m. for acts
12arising out of the same incident or occurrence. If the person is charged with violating
13any combination of subd. 1., 2., or 2m. in the complaint, the crimes shall be joined
14under s. 971.12. If the person is found guilty of any combination of subd. 1., 2., or 2m.
15for acts arising out of the same incident or occurrence, there shall be a single
16conviction for purposes of sentencing and for purposes of counting convictions under
17sub. (23) (c) 2. and 3. Subdivisions 1., 2., and 2m. each require proof of a fact for
18conviction which the others do not require.
AB470-ASA1,28,2419 4. In an action under this paragraph, the defendant has a defense if he or she
20proves by a preponderance of the evidence that the injury would have occurred even
21if he or she had been exercising due care and even if he or she had not been under
22the influence of an intoxicant to a degree which rendered him or her incapable of safe
23operation, did not have an alcohol concentration of 0.08 or more, or did not have a
24detectable amount of a restricted controlled substance in his or her blood.
15. In an action under subd. 2m. that is based on the defendant allegedly having
2a detectable amount of methamphetamine, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid, or
3delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol in his or her blood, the defendant has a defense if he
4or she proves by a preponderance of the evidence that at the time of the incident or
5occurrence he or she had a valid prescription for methamphetamine or one of its
6metabolic precursors, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid, or
AB470-ASA1,29,158 (c) Implied consent. Any person who engages in the operation of an
9off-highway motorcycle upon the public highways of this state, or in those areas
10enumerated in par. (d), is considered to have given consent to provide one or more
11samples of his or her breath, blood, or urine for the purpose of authorized analysis
12as required under pars. (f) and (g). Any person who engages in the operation of an
13off-highway motorcycle within this state is considered to have given consent to
14submit to one or more chemical tests of his or her breath, blood, or urine for the
15purpose of authorized analysis as required under pars. (f) and (g).
AB470-ASA1,29,1716 (d) Applicability of law. The intoxicated operation of an off-highway
17motorcycle law applies to all of the following:
AB470-ASA1,29,1918 1. The operation of an off-highway motorcycle on any off-highway motorcycle
19corridor or any off-highway motorcycle route.