(4) (a) The creditor shall tender the garnishee
fee fees under s. 812.33
2to the garnishee at the time that the earnings garnishment form is served.
4812.40 Stipulated extension. At any time while an earnings garnishment
5is in effect, the debtor and creditor may stipulate in writing to an extension of the
6earnings garnishment for additional pay periods. The extension may commence on
7the first day after the earnings garnishment ends and shall end within 13 weeks
8after the last day of the last pay period affected by the earnings garnishment. The
9garnishee shall be bound by the extension if a copy of the stipulation is delivered or
10mailed to the garnishee, together with
an the additional garnishee
fee fees under s.
11812.33, before the last day of the last pay period affected by the earnings
12garnishment or any prior stipulated extension of the earnings garnishment. A
13stipulated extension is void and the garnishee
fees shall be refunded if, prior to
14the last day of the last pay period affected by the earnings garnishment, the
15garnishee is served under s. 812.35 (3) by a creditor seeking to satisfy a different
16judgment against the debtor.
4613. 814.61 (1) (c) 1m. of the statutes is created to read:
(1) (c) 1m. An action under s. 767.805 (3) that is brought by the state
19or its delegate or commenced on behalf of the child by an attorney appointed under
20s. 767.407.
4616. 814.63 (3m) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
(3m) (a) Except as provided in par. (d), if a defendant is required to
23appear in court, in addition to any forfeiture, costs, fees, or surcharges it imposes, the
24court shall impose and collect from the defendant any costs charged to or paid by a
25law enforcement agency for the withdrawal of the defendant's blood if the court finds
1that the defendant violated s. 23.33 (4c), 30.681,
114.09, 346.63, or 350.101, or a local
2ordinance in conformity therewith.
4618. 814.65 (4m) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
(4m) (a) Except as provided in par. (d), if a defendant is required to
5appear in municipal court, in addition to any forfeiture, costs, fees, or surcharges it
6imposes, the municipal court shall impose and collect from the defendant any costs
7charged to or paid by a law enforcement agency for the withdrawal of the defendant's
8blood if the court finds that the defendant violated a local ordinance in conformity
9with s. 23.33 (4c), 30.681,
114.09, 346.63, or 350.101.
4619. 814.75 (8r) of the statutes is created to read:
(8r) The crime prevention funding board surcharge under s. 973.0455.
12Section 4619p. 814.75 (9g) of the statutes is created to read:
(9g) The safe ride program surcharge under s. 346.657.
4620. 814.76 (4m) of the statutes is created to read:
(4m) The crime prevention funding board surcharge under s. 973.0455.
16Section 4620g. 814.76 (7g) of the statutes is created to read:
(7g) The safe ride program surcharge under s. 346.657.
18Section 4620m. 814.78 (7g) of the statutes is created to read:
(7g) The safe ride program surcharge under s. 346.657.
20Section 4620r. 814.79 (4p) of the statutes is created to read:
(4p) The safe ride program surcharge under s. 346.657.
4622. 815.29 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) No execution sale of personal property shall be made unless 20 days
24previous notice of such sale has been given by posting a notice thereof in one public
25place of the town or municipality where such sale is to be had and, if the county where
1such sale is to be had maintains a Web site, by posting a notice on the Web site. If
2the town or municipality where such sale is to be had maintains a Web site, the town
3or municipality may also post a notice on its Web site. The notice shall specify the
4time and place of sale but when any property seized is likely to perish or depreciate
5in value before the expiration of the 20 days the court or a judge may order the same
6to be sold in such manner and upon such terms as the best interests of the parties
7demand. Every such sale shall be made at auction between the
hour hours of 9 a.m.
8and 5 p.m. and no property shall be sold unless it is in view of those attending the
9sale, except
as provided in s. 71.91 (5) (c) 2. and in the case of the sale of the interest
10of the judgment debtor in property in the possession of a secured party. It shall be
11offered for sale in such lots and parcels as is calculated to bring the highest price.
4623. 859.07 (2) (a) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) (a) 3. The decedent or the decedent's spouse received services
14provided as a benefit under a long-term care program, as defined in s. 49.496 (1) (bk),
15medical assistance under subch. IV of ch. 49, long-term community support services
16funded under s. 46.27 (7), or aid under s. 49.68, 49.683,
or 49.685
, or 49.785.
4624. 867.01 (3) (am) 4. of the statutes is amended to read:
(3) (am) 4. Whether the decedent or the decedent's spouse received
19services provided as a benefit under a long-term care program, as defined in s. 49.496
20(1) (bk), medical assistance under subch. IV of ch. 49, long-term community support
21services funded under s. 46.27 (7)
, or aid under s. 49.68, 49.683
or, 49.685
, or 49.785.
4625. 867.01 (3) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
(3) (d)
Notice. The court may hear the matter without notice or order
24notice to be given under s. 879.03. If the decedent or the decedent's spouse received
25services provided as a benefit under a long-term care program, as defined in s. 49.496
1(1) (bk), medical assistance under subch. IV of ch. 49, long-term community support
2services funded under s. 46.27 (7), or aid under s. 49.68, 49.683,
or 49.685,
or 49.785, 3the petitioner shall give notice by certified mail to the department of health services
4as soon as practicable after filing the petition with the court.
4626. 867.02 (2) (am) 6. of the statutes is amended to read:
(2) (am) 6. Whether the decedent or the decedent's spouse received
7services provided as a benefit under a long-term care program, as defined in s. 49.496
8(1) (bk), medical assistance under subch. IV of ch. 49, long-term community support
9services funded under s. 46.27 (7), or aid under s. 49.68, 49.683,
or 49.685
, or 49.785.
4627. 867.03 (1g) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1g) (c) Whether the decedent or the decedent's spouse ever received
12services provided as a benefit under a long-term care program, as defined in s. 49.496
13(1) (bk), medical assistance under subch. IV of ch. 49, long-term community support
14services funded under s. 46.27 (7)
, or aid under s. 49.68, 49.683
or, 49.685
, or 49.875.
4628. 867.03 (1m) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1m) (a) Whenever an heir, trustee, or person who was guardian of the
17decedent at the time of the decedent's death intends to transfer a decedent's property
18by affidavit under sub. (1g) and the decedent or the decedent's spouse ever received
19services provided as a benefit under a long-term care program, as defined in s. 49.496
20(1) (bk), medical assistance under subch. IV of ch. 49, long-term community support
21services funded under s. 46.27 (7), or aid under s. 49.68, 49.683,
or 49.685,
or 49.785, 22the heir, trustee, or person who was guardian of the decedent at the time of the
23decedent's death shall give notice to the department of health services of his or her
24intent. The notice shall include the information in the affidavit under sub. (1g) and
1the heir, trustee, or person who was guardian of the decedent at the time of the
2decedent's death shall give the notice by certified mail, return receipt requested.
4629. 867.03 (1m) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1m) (b) An heir, trustee, or person who was guardian of the decedent
5at the time of the decedent's death who files an affidavit under sub. (1g) that states
6that the decedent or the decedent's spouse received services provided as a benefit
7under a long-term care program, as defined in s. 49.496 (1) (bk), medical assistance
8under subch. IV of ch. 49, long-term community support services funded under s.
946.27 (7), or aid under s. 49.68, 49.683,
or 49.685
, or 49.785 shall attach to the
10affidavit the proof of mail delivery of the notice required under par. (a) showing the
11delivery date.
4630. 867.03 (2g) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
(2g) (b) Property transferred under this section to or by an heir, trustee,
14or guardian is subject to the right of the department of health services to recover
15under s. 46.27 (7g), 49.496, 49.682, or 49.849 an amount equal to the medical
16assistance that is recoverable under s. 49.496 (3) (a), an amount equal to aid under
17s. 49.68, 49.683,
or 49.685
, or 49.785 that is recoverable under s. 49.682 (2) (a)
or (am),
18or an amount equal to long-term community support services under s. 46.27 that is
19recoverable under s. 46.27 (7g) (c) 1. and that was paid on behalf of the decedent or
20the decedent's spouse. Upon request, the heir, trustee, or guardian shall provide to
21the department of health services information about any of the decedent's property
22that the heir, trustee, or guardian has distributed and information about the persons
23to whom the property was distributed.
4631. 885.38 (8) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
(8) (a) 1. The county in which the circuit court is located shall pay the
2expenses in all proceedings before a circuit court and when the clerk of circuit court
3uses a qualified interpreter under sub. (3) (d). The county shall be reimbursed
as 4provided in
the manner determined by the director of state courts under s. 758.19
(8) 5for expenses paid under this subdivision.
7Section 4639m. 895.035 (2m) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
(2m) (c) The court assigned to exercise jurisdiction under chs. 48 and
9938 may order that the juvenile perform community service work for a public agency
10or nonprofit charitable organization that is designated by the court in lieu of making
11restitution or paying the forfeiture or surcharge. If the parent agrees to perform
12community service work in lieu of making restitution or paying the forfeiture or
13surcharge, the court may order that the parent perform community service work for
14a public agency or a nonprofit charitable organization that is designated by the court.
15Community service work may be in lieu of restitution only if also agreed to by the
16public agency or nonprofit charitable organization and by the person to whom
17restitution is owed. The court may utilize any available resources, including any
18community service work program, in ordering the juvenile or parent to perform
19community service work. The number of hours of community service work required
20may not exceed the number determined by dividing the amount owed on the
21restitution, forfeiture
, or surcharge by the minimum wage established under
ch. 104
22for adults in nonagriculture, nontipped employment s. 104.035 (1). The court shall
23ensure that the juvenile or parent is provided with a written statement of the terms
24of the community service order and that the community service order is monitored.
4642. 895.514 (3) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
(3) (b) All of the expenses incurred by the authority, or the
2commissioner, or any agent, employee, or representative of the commissioner, in
3exercising its duties and powers under ch. 149, 2011 stats., under
2013 Wisconsin Act
420, section
9122 (1L), or under
2013 Wisconsin Act 116, section
32 (1) (b), shall be
5payable only from funds of the authority
or from the appropriation under s. 20.145
6(5) (g) or (k), or from any combination of those payment sources.
7Section 4642m. 895.523 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (a) "Governing body of a charter school" means the person that
9operates a charter school established under s. 118.40 (2) or (2m) or the entity that
10operates a charter school established under s. 118.40 (2r)
or (2x).
11Section 4644s. 905.17 of the statutes is created to read:
12905.17 Communications involving legislators and legislative staff;
13records. (1) Definitions. As used in this section:
(a) "Clerk staff" means all of the following:
1. The assembly chief clerk and employees assigned to the assembly chief
16clerk's office.
2. The senate chief clerk and employees assigned to the senate chief clerk's
(b) "Employee" includes paid and unpaid interns.
(c) 1. "Legislative business" means all aspects of the legislative process, shall
21be broadly construed, and includes all of the following:
a. Researching, drafting, circulating, discussing, introducing, and amending
23legislative proposals.
b. The development of public policy, including research, analysis,
25consideration, and discussion of issues relevant to public policy.
1c. All aspects of legislative proceedings.
d. All matters related to the policies, practices, and procedures of the legislative
e. All matters related to the work of a legislative committee.
f. Investigations and oversight.
g. Constituent relations.
h. All other powers, duties, and functions assigned by law, rule, custom, policy,
8or practice to the legislature, one house of the legislature, a committee of the
9legislature, or a member of the legislature.
2. "Legislative business" does not include criminal conduct or political
(d) "Legislative staff member" means a member of the clerk staff, sergeant
13staff, nonpartisan staff, or personal staff.
(e) "Legislator" means a current or former member of the legislature or a
15legislator-elect. For purposes of the privileges under this section, a legislator's term
16of office shall be considered to begin on the date of certification of the legislator's
17election to that office.
(f) "Nonpartisan staff" means the heads and employees of the nonpartisan
19legislative service agencies under ss. 13.91, 13.92, 13.94, 13.95, and 13.96.
(g) "Personal staff" means the employees assigned to or interning in the office
21of a legislator.
(h) "Record" means information that is inscribed on a tangible medium or that
23is stored in an electronic or other medium and is retrievable in perceivable form.
(i) "Sergeant staff" means all of the following:
11. The assembly sergeant at arms and employees assigned to the assembly
2sergeant at arms' office.
2. The senate sergeant at arms and employees assigned to the senate sergeant
4at arms' office.
5(2) General rule of privilege. (a) A legislator has a privilege to refuse to
6disclose and to prevent a legislative staff member from disclosing all of the following
7communications, if made within the course of legislative business during the
8legislator's term of office:
1. A communication between the legislator or a member of the legislator's
10personal staff, or another person acting on behalf of the legislator, and a member of
11the nonpartisan staff, clerk staff, or sergeant staff.
2. A communication between the legislator or a person acting on behalf of the
13legislator and a member of the legislator's personal staff.
3. A communication between 2 or more members of the nonpartisan staff, clerk
15staff, or sergeant staff related to the legislative business of a legislator.
4. A communication between 2 or more members of the legislator's personal
5. A communication between the legislator or a member of the legislator's
19personal staff, or another person acting on behalf of the legislator, and any other
(b) A legislator has a privilege to refuse to disclose and to prevent a legislative
22staff member from disclosing all records relating to a communication made under
23par. (a) 1. to 5.
(c) A legislator has a privilege to refuse to disclose and to prevent a legislative
25staff member from disclosing information from which can be ascertained the identity
1of any person who communicates with the legislator within the course of legislative
2business during the legislator's term of office.
(d) Any privilege that may be claimed by a legislator under pars. (a) to (c)
4continues to apply with respect to a former legislative staff member to the same
5extent the privilege applied with respect to that legislative staff member when he or
6she was a legislative staff member.
(e) A legislator's privilege to prevent a personal staff member from disclosing
8a communication, record, or information under pars. (a) to (c) only applies with
9respect to the personal staff of that legislator.
10(3) Express waiver required. (a) A privilege under this section may be waived
11only by the express personal waiver of each legislator who may claim the privilege.
(b) Disclosure of a communication, record, or information that is privileged
13under this section by any person to any other person, regardless of whether that
14disclosure is authorized by the legislator and including a disclosure under s. 13.97
15(2), shall not constitute a waiver.
(c) A legislative staff member or former legislative staff member shall assert
17and may not waive a privilege under this section on behalf of a legislator who may
18claim the privilege.
19(4) Construction. Nothing in this section shall be construed to limit or restrict
20in any way a privilege or other protection available to a legislator under common law
21or any other law.
22Section 4645b. 938.02 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
(4) "Department" means
the department of children and families,
24except that with respect to a juvenile who is under the supervision of the department
1of corrections under s. 938.183, 938.34 (2), (4h), (4m), (4n) (a), or (7g), or 938.357 (4),
2"department" means the department of corrections.
3Section 4646b. 938.02 (4) of the statutes, as affected by 2015 Wisconsin Act
4.... (this act), is amended to read: