SB432-SA1,1,11 At the locations indicated, amend the bill as follows:
SB432-SA1,1,2 21. Page 1, line 4: after "companies" insert ", imposing a tax on water utilities,".
SB432-SA1,1,3 32. Page 1, line 5: delete "to investor-owned public utilities".
SB432-SA1,1,4 43. Page 4, line 3: delete "to an investor-owned public utility".
SB432-SA1,1,5 54. Page 4, line 19: after that line insert:
SB432-SA1,1,6 6" Section 3b. 70.112 (4) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB432-SA1,2,77 70.112 (4) (a) All special property assessed under ss. 76.01 to 76.26 and
8property of any light, heat, and power company taxed under s. 76.28, water utility
9taxed under s. 76.95,
car line company, and electric cooperative association that is
10used and useful in the operation of the business of such company or association. If
11a general structure for which an exemption is sought under this section is used and
12useful in part in the operation of any public utility assessed under ss. 76.01 to 76.26
13or of the business of any light, heat, and power company taxed under s. 76.28, water

1utility taxed under s. 76.95,
car line company, or electric cooperative association and
2in part for nonoperating purposes of the public utility or company or association, that
3general structure shall be assessed for taxation under this chapter at the percentage
4of its full market value that fairly measures and represents the extent of its use for
5nonoperating purposes. Nothing provided in this paragraph shall exclude any real
6estate or any property which is separately accounted for under s. 196.59 from special
7assessments for local improvements under s. 66.0705.
SB432-SA1,3d 8Section 3d. 76.28 (1) (e) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB432-SA1,2,179 76.28 (1) (e) (intro.) "Light, heat and power companies" means any person,
10association, company, or corporation, including corporations described in s. 66.0813,
11qualified wholesale electric companies, and transmission companies and except only
12business enterprises carried on exclusively either for the private use of the person,
13association, company, or corporation engaged in them, or for the private use of a
14person, association, company, or corporation owning a majority of all outstanding
15capital stock or who control the operation of business enterprises and except electric
16cooperatives taxed under s. 76.48 and water utilities taxed under s. 76.95 that
17engage in any of the following businesses:
SB432-SA1,3f 18Section 3f. Subchapter VI (title) of chapter 76 [precedes 76.94] of the statutes
19is created to read:
SB432-SA1,2,2020 chapter 76
SB432-SA1,2,2121 water utility tax
SB432-SA1,3g 22Section 3g. 76.94 of the statutes is created to read:
SB432-SA1,2,23 2376.94 Definitions. In this subchapter:
SB432-SA1,3,4 24(1) "Assessment ratio" means the decimal fraction rounded to the nearest ten
25thousandth obtained by dividing the assessed value of all taxable nonmanufacturing

1property, as specified in the clerk's statement of assessment file with the department
2of revenue, by the value of all taxable nonmanufacturing property in the taxation
3district as determined by the department of revenue prior to adjustments under s.
SB432-SA1,3,6 5(2) "Gross book value for the calender year" means the gross book value as of
6January 1 of the calendar year.
SB432-SA1,3,7 7(3) "Municipality" means a city, village, or town.
SB432-SA1,3,12 8(4) "Water utility" means a public utility, as defined under s. 196.01 (5), not
9including a municipal public utility as defined under s. 66.0801 (1) (a), that produces,
10delivers, or furnishes water either directly or indirectly to or for the public and that
11is authorized to render service under s. 196.49 (1) (am) after the effective date of this
12subsection .... [LRB inserts date].
SB432-SA1,3,15 13(5) "Local and school tax rates for the calendar year" means the local and school
14tax rates determined by the taxing jurisdictions of the taxation district where the
15utility is located for the same calendar year.
SB432-SA1,3h 16Section 3h. 76.95 of the statutes is created to read:
SB432-SA1,3,22 1776.95 Imposition. There is imposed on each water utility an annual tax which
18shall be levied and collected no later than May 1 by the municipality in which the
19water utility is located in an amount determined by applying the local and school tax
20rates for the calendar year to the water utility's gross book value for the calendar
21year, plus the value of the utility's materials and supplies multiplied by the
22assessment ratio for the taxation district where the utility is located.
SB432-SA1,3i 23Section 3i. 76.96 of the statutes is created to read:
SB432-SA1,3,25 2476.96 Reduced tax. A municipality may levy and collect a tax imposed under
25s. 76.95 in an amount less than the amount determined under s. 76.95.
1Section 3j. 76.97 of the statutes is created to read:
SB432-SA1,4,4 276.97 Increased tax. A municipality may levy and collect a tax imposed under
3s. 76.95 in an amount greater than the amount determined under s. 76.95 only with
4the approval of the public service commission.
SB432-SA1,3k 5Section 3k. 76.98 of the statutes is created to read:
SB432-SA1,4,8 676.98 Excluded property. A municipality shall exclude from the calculation
7of the tax imposed under s. 76.95 the value of any water utility property that is
8outside the boundaries of the municipality.
SB432-SA1,3L 9Section 3L. 76.99 of the statutes is created to read:
SB432-SA1,4,13 1076.99 Administration. A municipality that levies and collects the tax
11imposed under s. 76.95 shall provide notice on or before April 1 of each year to each
12water utility located in the municipality that is subject to the tax of the amount of
13the tax owed.".