SB82-SSA1,666 6Section 666. 971.028 (1m) and (4) of the statutes are created to read:
SB82-SSA1,197,137 971.028 (1m) Probable cause determination. The court shall determine
8whether the facts alleged in the complaint establish probable cause to believe that
9the defendant committed the crime charged. In a misdemeanor case, if probable
10cause exists as to at least one count of the complaint, the court may set a date for
11further proceedings. Notwithstanding a finding of probable cause under this
12subsection, the defendant may move to dismiss a complaint or any count in a
13complaint based on lack of probable cause by filing a motion under s. 971.65.
SB82-SSA1,197,17 14(4) Request for and entry of plea. The court shall ask for the defendant's plea
15to the charges in the complaint. If the defendant stands mute or refuses to plead to
16any charge, the court shall direct the entry of a plea of not guilty on the defendant's
SB82-SSA1,667 18Section 667. 971.03 of the statutes is renumbered 971.053.
SB82-SSA1,668 19Section 668. 971.035 of the statutes is created to read:
SB82-SSA1,197,23 20971.035 Discovery at the initial appearance. (1) Material in the district
21attorney's possession.
At the initial appearance, the district attorney shall disclose,
22if in the district attorney's possession, law enforcement investigative reports relating
23to the case and a copy of the defendant's criminal record.
SB82-SSA1,197,25 24(2) Time of disclosure. Disclosure under this section shall be made after the
25defendant has obtained or waived legal representation.
1(3) Delay for good cause shown. The court may allow a delay in disclosure
2under this section for good cause shown, except that the court shall delay disclosure
3under this section if the court determines that providing the information under sub.
4(1) may endanger victims or witnesses.
SB82-SSA1,669 5Section 669. 971.038 of the statutes is created to read:
SB82-SSA1,198,9 6971.038 Time limits for motions and requests for substitution. No later
7than 10 days after the initial appearance, the defendant may file any motions that
8might otherwise be waived by the entry of the plea or a request for substitution of
9a judge under s. 967.16.
SB82-SSA1,670 10Section 670. 971.04 (title) of the statutes is renumbered 967.13 (title).
SB82-SSA1,671 11Section 671. 971.04 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is renumbered 967.13 (1) (intro.)
12and amended to read:
SB82-SSA1,198,1513 967.13 (1) (intro.) Except as provided in subs. (2) and (3), the or s. 967.14, or
14subch. III of ch. 885, a
defendant who is an individual shall be present for all of the
SB82-SSA1,672 16Section 672. 971.04 (1) (a) of the statutes is repealed.
SB82-SSA1,673 17Section 673. 971.04 (1) (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g) and (h) of the statutes are
18renumbered 967.13 (1) (c), (d), (e), (f), (g), (h) and (j) and amended to read:
SB82-SSA1,198,1919 967.13 (1) (c) At The trial;.
SB82-SSA1,198,2020 (d) During The voir dire of the trial jury;.
SB82-SSA1,198,2121 (e) At any Any evidentiary hearing;.
SB82-SSA1,198,2222 (f) At any Any view by the jury;.
SB82-SSA1,198,2323 (g) When the jury returns its The return of the jury's verdict;.
SB82-SSA1,198,2524 (h) At the pronouncement The granting of judgment and the imposition of
1(j) At any Any other proceeding when ordered by the court.
SB82-SSA1,674 2Section 674. 971.04 (2) of the statutes is renumbered 967.13 (2) and amended
3to read:
SB82-SSA1,199,84 967.13 (2) A defendant charged with a misdemeanor may authorize his or her
5attorney in writing to act on his or her the defendant's behalf in any manner and,
6with leave of the court, and may be excused from attendance at attending any or all
proceeding except entry of a plea of guilty or no contest, sentencing, or
8a proceeding at which a right personal to the defendant is waived
SB82-SSA1,675 9Section 675. 971.04 (3) of the statutes is renumbered 967.13 (3) and amended
10to read:
SB82-SSA1,200,211 967.13 (3) If the defendant is present at the beginning of the trial when
12jeopardy attaches
and thereafter, during the progress of the trial or before the verdict
13of the jury has been returned into court, voluntarily absents himself or herself from
14the presence of the court without leave of the court, the trial or return of verdict of
15the jury in the case shall not thereby be postponed or delayed, but and the trial or
16submission of said the case to the jury for verdict and the return of verdict thereon,
17if required, shall proceed in all respects as though the defendant were present in
18court at all times. A defendant need not be present at the pronouncement or entry
19of an order granting or denying relief under s. 974.02, 974.06, or 974.07. If the
20defendant is not present, the time for appeal from any order under ss. 974.02, 974.06,
21and 974.07 shall commence after a copy has been served upon the attorney
22representing the defendant, or upon the defendant if he or she appeared without
23counsel. Service of such an order shall be complete upon mailing. A defendant
24appearing without counsel shall supply the court with his or her current mailing
25address. If the defendant fails to supply the court with a current and accurate

1mailing address, failure to receive a copy of the order granting or denying relief shall
2not be a ground for tolling the time in which an appeal must be taken.
SB82-SSA1,676 3Section 676 . 971.042 (7) (intro.) of the statutes is created to read:
SB82-SSA1,200,54 971.042 (7) (intro.) At the preliminary examination, the court shall do one of
5the following:
SB82-SSA1,677 6Section 677. 971.05 of the statutes is renumbered 970.17, and 970.17 (2) and
7(4), as renumbered, are amended to read:
SB82-SSA1,200,108 970.17 (2) If the defendant appears for arraignment without counsel, the court
9shall advise the defendant of the defendant's right to counsel as provided in s. 970.02
10971.028 (1).
SB82-SSA1,200,13 11(4) The defendant then shall plead unless in accordance with s. 971.31 971.65
12the defendant has filed a motion which requires determination before the entry of
13a plea. The court may extend the time for the filing of such motion.
SB82-SSA1,678 14Section 678. Subchapter II (title) of chapter 971 [precedes 971.06] of the
15statutes is created to read:
SB82-SSA1,200,1616 chapter 971
SB82-SSA1,200,1717 Subchapter II
SB82-SSA1,679 19Section 679. 971.06 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 971.06, and 971.06 (1),
20(2), (3) and (4), as renumbered, are amended to read:
SB82-SSA1,200,2221 971.06 (1) Guilty, which means that the defendant admits the facts necessary
22to constitute the crime
SB82-SSA1,200,25 23(2) Not guilty, which means that the defendant denies the facts necessary to
24constitute the crime. A plea of not guilty requires the state to prove the facts
25necessary to constitute the crime beyond a reasonable doubt
1(3) No contest, subject to the approval of the court which means that the
2defendant does not contest the state's ability to prove the facts necessary to
3constitute the crime. The court may refuse to allow the entry of a no contest plea after
4consideration of the views of the parties and the public interest in the administration
5of justice
SB82-SSA1,201,9 6(4) Not guilty by reason of mental disease or defect. This plea may be joined
7with a plea of not guilty. If it is not so joined, this plea admits that but for lack of
8mental capacity the defendant committed all the essential elements of the offense
9charged in the indictment, information, or complaint.
SB82-SSA1,680 10Section 680. 971.06 (2) of the statutes is repealed.
SB82-SSA1,681 11Section 681. 971.06 (3) of the statutes is repealed.
SB82-SSA1,682 12Section 682. 971.065 of the statutes is created to read:
SB82-SSA1,201,16 13971.065 Plea agreements. (1) The district attorney and the defendant may
14participate in discussions to reach an agreement that if the defendant enters a plea
15of guilty or no contest the district attorney shall take or refrain from taking certain
16actions, including one or more of the following:
SB82-SSA1,201,1717 (a) Moving to dismiss or amend one or more charges.
SB82-SSA1,201,1918 (b) Reading in any crime that is uncharged or that is dismissed as part of the
SB82-SSA1,201,2120 (c) Recommending, or agreeing not to oppose the defendant's request for, a
21particular disposition.
SB82-SSA1,201,2222 (d) Agreeing that a specific disposition is appropriate.
SB82-SSA1,201,24 23(2) The court may not participate in discussions to reach an agreement under
24this section.
SB82-SSA1,683 25Section 683. 971.07 of the statutes is repealed.
1Section 684. 971.08 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB82-SSA1,202,3 2971.08 (title) Pleas Accepting pleas of guilty and or no contest;
3withdrawal thereof
SB82-SSA1,685 4Section 685. 971.08 (1) (a) of the statutes is renumbered 971.08 (1) (ar) and
5amended to read:
SB82-SSA1,202,96 971.08 (1) (ar) Address the defendant personally and determine that the
7defendant is making the plea is made knowingly, voluntarily, and with
8understanding of the meaning and effect of the plea, the nature of the charge crime
9to which the plea is entered,
and the potential punishment if convicted.
SB82-SSA1,686 10Section 686. 971.08 (1) (ag) of the statutes is created to read:
SB82-SSA1,202,1511 971.08 (1) (ag) Require the parties to disclose any plea agreement in open court
12or, on a showing of good cause, in camera. Before accepting the plea, the court may
13express any reservations it has concerning the appropriateness of any recommended
14disposition and shall advise the defendant personally that the court is not bound by
15the terms of the plea agreement.
SB82-SSA1,687 16Section 687. 971.08 (1) (am) of the statutes is created to read:
SB82-SSA1,202,1717 971.08 (1) (am) Ask the defendant to state his or her plea on the record.
SB82-SSA1,688 18Section 688. 971.08 (1) (b) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
SB82-SSA1,202,2019 971.08 (1) (b) Make an inquiry sufficient to satisfy the court that there is a
20factual basis for a judgment of conviction of the crime to which the plea is entered.
SB82-SSA1,689 21Section 689. 971.08 (1) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB82-SSA1,202,2322 971.08 (1) (d) Inquire of the district attorney whether he or she has complied
23with s. 971.095 (2) and (3).
SB82-SSA1,690 24Section 690. 971.08 (3) of the statutes is repealed.
SB82-SSA1,691 25Section 691. 971.09 of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
1971.09 Consolidation; plea to or read-in of crimes committed in several
(1) In general. Consolidation refers to the process by which charged or
3uncharged crimes pending in more than one county are resolved in a single
4proceeding in one county. Consolidation is a voluntary procedure, requiring the
5consent of the defendant and the district attorneys for all counties whose charges are
6resolved. Consolidated charged or uncharged crimes shall be resolved by the entry
7of a plea of guilty or no contest or by an agreement that charged or uncharged crimes
8be treated as read-in crimes. A defendant who has already been convicted of but not
9sentenced for a crime may apply for consolidation of any pending or uncharged crime
SB82-SSA1,203,17 11(2) Application for consolidation. A defendant may apply to the district
12attorney for a county in which a charge against the defendant is pending to resolve
13in a single proceeding in one county any pending cases. In the application, the
14defendant shall describe with particularity all the crimes that the defendant seeks
15to resolve in the single proceeding, indicate the county in which each of the crimes
16was committed, and indicate the county in which the defendant requests final
SB82-SSA1,203,25 18(3) Notice and consent. A district attorney who receives an application under
19sub. (2) shall send a copy of the application to the district attorney for each county
20in which a crime indicated in the application was committed. A district attorney who
21receives a copy of the application may execute a written consent to having any crime
22indicated in the application that is subject to disposition in his or her county resolved
23in a proceeding in another county. If a district attorney does not consent to having
24a crime that is subject to disposition in his or her county resolved in another county,
25the crime may not be resolved under this section.
1(4) Amending the charge; plea; read-in crimes. (a) If the district attorney to
2whom the defendant submitted the application under sub. (2) consents to resolving
3a case that is subject to disposition in his or her county in a single proceeding under
4this section, the district attorney shall file an amended complaint or information that
5charges the defendant with all crimes identified in consents executed under sub. (3)
6that are not to be treated as read-in crimes.
SB82-SSA1,204,117 (b) To resolve crimes charged in the amended complaint or information under
8par. (a) in a single proceeding, the defendant shall waive in writing or on the record
9any right to be tried in the county in which a crime charged in the amended complaint
10or information was committed and enter a plea of guilty or no contest to each crime
11charged in the amended complaint or information.
SB82-SSA1,204,1312 (c) To resolve read-in crimes under this section, the defendant shall affirm his
13or her agreement to having the crimes considered at sentencing.
SB82-SSA1,204,1614 (d) A district attorney who executed a consent under sub. (3) need not be
15present when the defendant enters his or her plea but the district attorney's written
16consent shall be filed with the court.
SB82-SSA1,204,1917 (e) A charge that originated in a county may not be amended or dismissed
18without prior written approval of the district attorney for the county in which the
19charge originated.
SB82-SSA1,205,4 20(5) Judgment. If it accepts the defendant's plea, the court shall enter judgment
21and sentence the defendant as though all crimes charged in the amended complaint
22or information were alleged to have been committed in the county where judgment
23is entered and may consider at sentencing any read-in crimes affirmed under sub.
24(4) (c). The clerk of the court for the county in which judgment is entered shall file
25a copy of the judgment of conviction with the clerk of the court for each other county

1in which charges addressed in the judgment or treated as read-in crimes originated.
2The district attorney for each of the other counties shall then move to dismiss any
3charges that are pending in his or her county against the defendant for charges
4addressed in the judgment or as treated as read-in crimes.
SB82-SSA1,205,7 5(6) Rights of crime victims. The duties of the district attorney under ch. 950
6and s. 971.095 shall be discharged by the district attorney for the county in which the
7crimes occurred, unless otherwise agreed to by the participating district attorneys.
SB82-SSA1,205,15 8(7) Prosecution costs. The county in which the plea is made shall pay the costs
9of prosecution if the defendant does not pay them, and is entitled to retain fees for
10receiving and paying to the state any fine that the defendant may pay. The clerk
11where the plea is made shall file a copy of the judgment of conviction with the clerk
12in each county where a crime covered by the plea was committed. The district
13attorney shall then move to dismiss any charges covered by the plea of guilty, which
14are pending against the defendant in the district attorney's county, and the charges
15shall be dismissed.
SB82-SSA1,692 16Section 692. 971.093 of the statutes is created to read:
SB82-SSA1,205,20 17971.093 Withdrawal of a plea of guilty or no contest. (1) Before
Unless the district attorney establishes substantial prejudice, the court
19shall grant a motion that is made before sentencing to withdraw a plea of guilty or
20no contest if a fair and just reason for doing so is established.
SB82-SSA1,205,24 21(2) After sentencing. The court shall grant a motion that is made after
22sentencing to withdraw a plea of guilty or no contest if the defendant did not
23knowingly, voluntarily, and understandingly enter the plea or if withdrawal is
24required to prevent manifest injustice.
1(3) Remedy. When the court grants a motion to withdraw a plea of guilty or no
2contest under this section, the judgment of conviction is vacated, the original charge
3or charges reinstated, and the parties are restored to the position they were in before
4the plea and any related plea agreement was accepted.
SB82-SSA1,693 5Section 693. 971.095 (2) and (3) of the statutes are amended to read:
SB82-SSA1,206,136 971.095 (2) In any case in which a defendant has been charged with a crime,
7the district attorney shall, as soon as practicable, offer all of the victims in the case
8who have so requested the opportunity an opportunity to confer with the district
9attorney concerning the prosecution of the case and the possible outcomes of the
10prosecution, including potential plea agreements and sentencing recommendations.
11The duty to confer under this subsection does not limit the obligation of the district
12attorney to exercise his or her discretion concerning the handling of any criminal
13charge against the defendant.
SB82-SSA1,206,20 14(3) At the request of a victim, a district attorney shall make a reasonable
15attempt to provide the victim with notice of the date, time, and place of scheduled
16court proceedings in a case involving relating to the prosecution of a crime of which
17he or she is a victim and any changes in the date, time, or place of a scheduled court
18proceeding for which the victim has received notice. This subsection does not apply
19to a proceeding held before the initial appearance to set conditions of release under
20ch. 969.
SB82-SSA1,694 21Section 694. Subchapter III (title) of chapter 971 [precedes 971.098] of the
22statutes is created to read:
SB82-SSA1,206,2323 chapter 971
SB82-SSA1,206,2424 Subchapter III
1scheduling and expedition
2 of proceedings
SB82-SSA1,695 3Section 695. 971.098 of the statutes is created to read:
SB82-SSA1,207,8 4971.098 Scheduling orders; pretrial conferences. After the defendant
5enters a plea, the court may issue a scheduling order and may amend it as
6circumstances require. The order shall be in writing and may specify times for
7discovery, pretrial motions, notices of intent to offer an alibi or another defense
8required to be disclosed, pretrial conferences, trial, or other proceedings.
SB82-SSA1,696 9Section 696. 971.105 of the statutes is amended to read: