(1m) Unrelated business income statement. Every corporation subject
7to a tax on unrelated business income under s. 71.26 (1) (a), if that corporation is
8required to file for federal income tax purposes, shall furnish to the department
9revenue a true and accurate statement on or before the date on
or before which
it the
10corporation is required to file for federal income tax purposes
, not including any
11extension, under the Internal Revenue Code. The requirements about manner, form
, 12and subscription under sub. (1) apply to statements under this subsection.”
(1m) Unrelated business income. Every corporation subject to a tax on
5unrelated business income under s. 71.26 (1) (a), if that corporation is required to file
6for federal income tax purposes, shall furnish to the department
of revenue a true
7and accurate statement on or before the date on
or before which
it the corporation 8is required to file for federal income tax purposes
, not including any extension, under
9the Internal Revenue Code. The requirements about manner, form
, and subscription
10under sub. (1) apply to statements under this subsection.”.