AB64-ASA1-AA8,76,10 10(8) Procure liability insurance.
AB64-ASA1-AA8,76,11 11(9) Sue and be sued in its own name and plead and be impleaded.
AB64-ASA1-AA8,76,14 12(10) Execute contracts and other instruments, including contracts for
13professional or technical services required for the authority or the operation of an
14exchange under subch. II.
AB64-ASA1-AA8,76,19 15636.76 Contracting for professional services. (1) Whenever contracting
16for professional services, the authority shall solicit competitive sealed bids or
17competitive sealed proposals, whichever is appropriate. Each request for
18competitive sealed proposals shall state the relative importance of price and other
19evaluation factors.
AB64-ASA1-AA8,77,2 20(2) (a) When the estimated cost exceeds $25,000, the authority may invite
21competitive sealed bids or proposals by publishing a class 2 notice under ch. 985 or
22by posting notice on the Internet at a site determined or approved by the authority.
23The notice shall describe the contractual services to be purchased, the intent to make
24the procurement by solicitation of bids or proposals, any requirement for surety, and
25the date the bids or proposals will be opened, which shall be at least 7 days after the

1date of the last insertion of the notice or at least 7 days after the date of posting on
2the Internet.
AB64-ASA1-AA8,77,53 (b) When the estimated cost is $25,000 or less, the authority may award the
4contract in accordance with simplified procedures established by the authority for
5such transactions.
AB64-ASA1-AA8,77,96 (c) For purposes of clarification, the authority may discuss the requirements
7of the proposed contract with any person who submits a bid or proposal and shall
8permit any offerer to revise his or her bid or proposal to ensure its responsiveness to
9those requirements.
AB64-ASA1-AA8,77,17 10(3) (a) The authority shall determine which bids or proposals are reasonably
11likely to be awarded the contract and shall provide each offerer of such a bid or
12proposal a fair and equal opportunity to discuss the bid or proposal. The authority
13may negotiate with each offerer in order to obtain terms that are advantageous to
14the authority. Prior to the award of the contract, any offerer may revise his or her
15bid or proposal. The authority shall keep a written record of all meetings,
16conferences, oral presentations, discussions, negotiations, and evaluations of bids or
17proposals under this section.
AB64-ASA1-AA8,77,2018 (b) In opening, discussing, and negotiating bids or proposals, the authority may
19not disclose any information that would reveal the terms of a competing bid or
AB64-ASA1-AA8,78,2 21(4) (a) After receiving each offerer's best and final offer, the authority shall
22determine which proposal is most advantageous and shall award the contract to the
23person who offered it. The authority's determination shall be based only on price and
24the other evaluation factors specified in the request for bids or proposals. The

1authority shall state in writing the reason for the award and shall place the
2statement in the contract file.
AB64-ASA1-AA8,78,43 (b) Following the award of the contract, the authority shall prepare a register
4of all bids or proposals.
AB64-ASA1-AA8,78,14 5636.78 Political activities. (1) No employee of the authority may directly
6or indirectly solicit or receive subscriptions or contributions for any partisan political
7party or any political purpose while engaged in his or her official duties as an
8employee. No employee of the authority may engage in any form of political activity
9calculated to favor or improve the chances of any political party or any person seeking
10or attempting to hold partisan political office while engaged in his or her official
11duties as an employee or engage in any political activity while not engaged in his or
12her official duties as an employee to such an extent that the person's efficiency during
13working hours will be impaired or that he or she will be tardy or absent from work.
14Any violation of this section is adequate grounds for dismissal.
AB64-ASA1-AA8,78,18 15(2) If an employee of the authority declares an intention to run for partisan
16political office, the employee shall be placed on a leave of absence for the duration
17of the election campaign and if elected shall no longer be employed by the authority
18on assuming the duties and responsibilities of such office.
AB64-ASA1-AA8,78,20 19(3) An employee of the authority may be granted, by the executive director, a
20leave of absence to participate in partisan political campaigning.
AB64-ASA1-AA8,78,23 21(4) Persons on leave of absence under sub. (2) or (3) shall not be subject to the
22restrictions of sub. (1), except as they apply to the solicitation of assistance,
23subscription, or support from any other employee in the authority.
1636.80 Financial disclosure. (1) In this section, “individual required to file"
2means a person who is a member of the board of the authority or the executive
3director of the authority.
AB64-ASA1-AA8,79,8 4(2) Each individual who in January of any year is an individual required to file
5shall file with the ethics commission no later than April 30 of that year a statement
6of economic interests meeting each of the requirements of s. 19.44 (1). The
7information contained on the statement shall be current as of December 31 of the
8preceding year.
AB64-ASA1-AA8,79,15 9(3) An individual required to file shall file with the ethics commission a
10statement of economic interests meeting each of the requirements of s. 19.44 (1) no
11later than 21 days following the date he or she assumes a position on the board or
12the position of executive director if the individual required to file has not previously
13filed a statement of economic interests with the ethics commission during that year.
14The information on the statement shall be current as per the date he or she assumes
15the position.
AB64-ASA1-AA8,79,24 16(4) If an individual required to file fails to make a timely filing, the ethics
17commission shall promptly provide notice of the delinquency to the secretary of
18administration, and to the executive director of the authority, or the chairperson of
19the board if the executive director's filing is untimely. Upon such notification, both
20the secretary of administration and the executive director, or chairperson, shall
21withhold all payments for compensation, reimbursement of expenses, and other
22obligations to the individual until the ethics commission notifies those to whom
23notice of the delinquency was provided that the individual has complied with this
1(5) On its own motion or at the request of any individual required to file a
2statement of economic interests, the ethics commission may extend the time for filing
3or waive any filing requirement if the ethics commission determines that the literal
4application of the filing requirements of this subchapter would work an
5unreasonable hardship on that individual or that the extension of the time for filing
6or waiver is in the public interest. The ethics commission shall set forth in writing
7as a matter of public record its reason for the extension or waiver.
AB64-ASA1-AA8,80,14 8(6) (a) Any person who violates this section may be required to forfeit not more
9than $500 for each violation. If the court determines that the accused has realized
10economic gain as a result of the violation, the court may, in addition, order the
11accused to forfeit the amount gained as a result of the violation. The attorney
12general, when so requested by the ethics commission, shall institute proceedings to
13recover any forfeiture incurred under this subsection that is not paid by the person
14against whom it is assessed.
AB64-ASA1-AA8,80,1715 (b) Any person who intentionally violates this section shall be fined not less
16than $100 nor more than $5,000 or imprisoned not more than one year in the county
17jail or both.
AB64-ASA1-AA8,80,21 18636.82 Conflict of interest prohibited; exception. (1) Except in
19accordance with the ethics commission's advice under s. 19.46 (2) (a) and except as
20otherwise provided in sub. (2), a member of the board and the executive director may
21not do any of the following:
AB64-ASA1-AA8,80,2522 (a) Take any official action substantially affecting a matter in which the board
23member or executive director, a member of his or her immediate family, or an
24organization with which the board member or director is associated has a substantial
25financial interest.
1(b) Use his or her office or position in a way that produces or assists in the
2production of a substantial benefit, direct or indirect, for the board member or
3executive director, one or more members of his or her immediate family either
4separately or together, or an organization with which the board member or executive
5director is associated.
AB64-ASA1-AA8,81,8 6(2) This section does not prohibit a board member or the executive director from
7taking any action concerning the lawful payment of salaries or employee benefits or
8reimbursement of actual and necessary expenses.
AB64-ASA1-AA8,81,15 9(3) (a) Any person who violates this section may be required to forfeit not more
10than $5,000 for each violation. If the court determines that the accused has realized
11economic gain as a result of the violation, the court may, in addition, order the
12accused to forfeit the amount gained as a result of the violation. The attorney
13general, when so requested by the ethics commission, shall institute proceedings to
14recover any forfeiture incurred under this subsection that is not paid by the person
15against whom it is assessed.
AB64-ASA1-AA8,81,1816 (b) Any person who intentionally violates this section shall be fined not less
17than $100 nor more than $5,000 or imprisoned not more than one year in the county
18jail or both.
AB64-ASA1-AA8,81,22 19636.84 Liability; expenses; limitations. (1) Neither the state, nor any
20political subdivision of the state, nor any officer, employee, or agent of the state or
21a political subdivision who is acting within the scope of employment or agency is
22liable for any debt, obligation, act, or omission of the authority.
AB64-ASA1-AA8,81,24 23(2) All of the expenses incurred by the authority in exercising its duties and
24powers under this chapter shall be payable only from funds of the authority.
1(3) A cause of action may arise against and civil liability may be imposed on
2the authority for its acts or omissions or for any act or omission of a member of the
3board, the executive director, or an employee of the authority in the performance of
4his or her powers and duties under this chapter.
AB64-ASA1-AA8,82,13 5(4) A cause of action may not arise against and civil liability may not be imposed
6on a member of the board, the executive director, or an employee of the authority for
7any act or omission in the performance of his or her powers and duties under this
8chapter, unless the person asserting liability proves that the act or omission
9constitutes willful misconduct or intentional violation of the law. The member of the
10board, executive director, or employee who performed the act or omission that formed
11the basis of liability shall be jointly liable with the authority if that board member,
12executive director, or employee fails to cooperate with the authority in defense of the
13claim and if the failure to cooperate affects the defense of the action.
AB64-ASA1-AA8,82,16 14(5) The amount recoverable by any person for any damages, injuries, or death
15in any civil action or civil proceeding against the authority, including any such action
16or proceeding based on contribution or indemnification, shall not exceed $100,000.
AB64-ASA1-AA8,9424 17Section 9424. Effective dates; Insurance.
AB64-ASA1-AA8,82,19 18(1) Health benefit exchange. The treatment of section 635.18 (1) of the
19statutes takes effect on January 1, 2018.”.