14Section 28
. 16.865 (8) of the statutes is amended to read:
(8) Annually in each fiscal year, allocate as a charge to each agency a
16proportionate share of the estimated costs attributable to programs administered by
17the agency to be paid from the appropriation under s. 20.505 (2) (k). The department
18may charge premiums to agencies to finance costs under this subsection and pay the
19costs from the appropriation on an actual basis. The department shall deposit all
20collections under this subsection in the appropriation account under s. 20.505 (2) (k).
21Costs assessed under this subsection may include judgments, investigative and
22adjustment fees, data processing and staff support costs, program administration
23costs, litigation costs, and the cost of insurance contracts under sub. (5). In this
24subsection, “agency" means an office, department, independent agency, institution
25of higher education, association, society, or other body in state government created
1or authorized to be created by the constitution or any law, that is entitled to expend
2moneys appropriated by law, including the legislature and the courts, but not
3including an authority created in subch. II of ch. 114 or in ch. 231, 232, 233, 234, 237,
239, or 279.
5Section 29
. 19.42 (10) (t) of the statutes is created to read:
(10) (t) The chief executive officer and members of the board of directors
7of the Wisconsin Student Loan Refinancing Authority.
8Section 30
. 19.42 (13) (q) of the statutes is created to read:
(13) (q) The chief executive officer and members of the board of directors
10of the Wisconsin Student Loan Refinancing Authority.
31. 20.005 (3) (schedule) of the statutes: at the appropriate place,
12insert the following amounts for the purposes indicated:
See PDF for table 
13Section 32
. 20.192 (1) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
(1) (b)
Talent attraction and retention initiatives. As a continuing
2appropriation, the amounts in the schedule for the talent attraction and retention
3initiatives under s. 238.155.
4Section 33
. 20.195 of the statutes is created to read:
520.195 Wisconsin Student Loan Refinancing Authority. There is
6appropriated to the Wisconsin Student Loan Refinancing Authority for the following
8(1) Student loan refinancing program. (a)
Initial funding. Biennially, the
9amounts in the schedule to fund the initial costs of operating the Wisconsin Student
10Loan Refinancing Authority and to start the student loan refinancing program under
11ch. 239.
12Section 34
. 39.28 (7) of the statutes is created to read:
(7) The board shall create on its Internet site a link to that portion of the
14department of financial institutions' Internet site created under s. 224.30 (6) (c) and
16Section 35
. 39.52 of the statutes is created to read:
1739.52 Student loan debt reports.
(1) By January 1 of each year, the Board
18of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System shall provide to the board the
19average amount of student loan incurred in the previous year by resident
20undergraduate students enrolled in each institution within that system, the
21technical college system board shall provide to the board the average amount of
22student loan debt incurred in the previous year by resident undergraduate students
23enrolled in each technical college within that system, each tribally controlled college
24in this state shall provide to the board the average amount of student loan debt
25incurred in the previous year by resident undergraduate students enrolled in that
1tribally controlled college, and the Wisconsin Association of Independent Colleges
2and Universities or a successor organization shall provide to the board the average
3amount of student loan debt incurred in the previous year by resident undergraduate
4students enrolled in each of the private, nonprofit accredited institutions of higher
5education in this state.
6(2) By March 1 of each year, the board shall do all of the following:
(a) Compile the information provided to the board under sub. (1) and, from that
8information, compute the statewide average amount of student loan debt incurred
9in the previous year by resident undergraduate students enrolled in the institutions
10specified in sub. (1).
(b) Compare the amount computed under par. (a) to the national average
12amount of student loan debt incurred in the previous year by undergraduate
13students enrolled in institutions of higher education in the United States.
(c) Compare the amount computed under par. (a) to the statewide average
15amount of student loan debt incurred in the previous year by undergraduate
16students in the state with the lowest ratio of statewide average student loan debt to
17the lowest quintile of state per capita income.
(d) Submit to the joint committee on finance a report regarding student loan
19debt incurred in the previous year by resident undergraduate students at the
20institutions specified in sub. (1). The report shall include the information provided
21to the board under sub. (1), the statewide average amount of student loan debt
22computed under par. (a), and the comparisons described in pars. (b) and (c).
23Section 36
. 39.54 of the statutes is created to read:
2439.54 Student lending transparency.
(1) In this section, “institution of
25higher education" means an institution or college campus within the University of
1Wisconsin System, a technical college within the technical college system, a tribally
2controlled college, or a private, nonprofit institution of higher education located in
3this state that provides an educational program for which the institution awards an
4associate degree or higher or provides a program that is acceptable toward such a
6(2) Each institution of higher education shall provide to a prospective or newly
7accepted student and to the student's parents clearly outlined and
8easy-to-understand information pertaining to all of the following:
(a) The total cost of attendance at the institution of higher education.
(b) The approximate or, if known, the actual total amount of financial aid that
11the student would receive from the institution of higher education, and the
12approximate or, if known, the actual total amount of student loan debt that the
13student would accumulate, over the course of 4 years if the student were to attend
14the institution of higher education for 4 years.
(c) Student loan rates, repayment plans, default rates, and the actual monthly
16payment that would be required to pay the student loan debt described in par. (b)
17when the loan becomes due.
18(3) Each institution of higher education shall create on its Internet site a link
19to that portion of the department of financial institutions' Internet site created under
20s. 224.30 (6) (c) and (d).
21Section 37
. 39.56 of the statutes is created to read:
2239.56 Loan counseling. (1) Definition. In this section, “institution of higher
23education" means an institution or college campus within the University of
24Wisconsin System, a technical college under ch. 38, or any private, nonprofit,
1educational institution located in this state that provides an educational program for
2which it awards an associate degree or higher.
3(2) Applicability. This section applies to any student loan offered by an
4institution of higher education or a private lender or recommended to a student by
5an institution of higher education, other than a federally funded, federally insured,
6or federally guaranteed loan for which counseling is required by
20 USC 1092.
7(3) Entrance counseling. (a) Before a student enters into a student loan
8agreement, an institution of higher education shall provide the student with
9comprehensive information on the terms and conditions of a loan and the
10responsibilities the student has with respect to the loan. The institution shall
11provide the information during a counseling session conducted in person, on a
12written form provided to the student that the student signs and returns, or online,
13with the student acknowledging receipt of the information. The information
14provided shall include all of the following:
1. To the extent practicable, the effect of accepting the loan to be disbursed on
16the eligibility of the borrower for other forms of student financial assistance.
2. How interest accrues and is capitalized during periods when the interest is
18not paid by the borrower.
3. The definitions of full-time and half-time enrollment at the institution of
20higher education, during regular terms and intersession terms, if applicable, and the
21consequences of not maintaining full-time or half-time enrollment.
4. The importance of contacting the appropriate office at the institution of
23higher education if the borrower withdraws before completing his or her program of
24study so that the institution can provide counseling under sub. (4).
15. Sample monthly repayment amounts, based on a range of levels of
6. The obligation of the borrower to repay the full amount of the loan,
4irrespective of whether the borrower completes his or her program of study at the
7. The likely consequences of default on the loan, including adverse credit
7reports, delinquent debt collection procedures, and litigation.
8. Whether the student has reached the limit on his or her federal student loan
9. The name of, and contact information for, an individual the borrower may
11contact if he or she has any questions about the borrower's rights and responsibilities
12or the terms and conditions of the loan.
10. How a student or any member of the public may file a complaint about a
14lender with the federal Consumer Financial Protection Bureau by calling a toll-free
15telephone number, or by completing a complaint form, which may be obtained on the
16bureau's Internet site. The institution of higher education shall also include the
17toll-free telephone number and Internet site address of the bureau.
(b) In conjunction with providing information under par. (a), the institution of
19higher education shall also do all of the following:
1. Clearly distinguish private loans from federal loans in individual financial
21aid awards by stating, for any private loans included by the institution as part of the
22institution's award package, all of the following:
a. Whether the rate is fixed or variable.
b. An explanation that private student loan lenders can offer variable interest
25rates that can increase or decrease over time, depending on market conditions.
1c. An explanation that private student loans have a range of interest rates and
2fees and students should determine the interest rate of, and any fees associated with,
3the private student loan included in their financial aid award package before
4accepting the loan.
d. An explanation that students should contact the lender of the private
6student loan or their institution's financial aid office if they have any questions about
7a private student loan.
e. An explanation that the interest rate on a private student loan may depend
9on the borrower's credit rating.
2. If the institution of higher education provides a private loan lender list,
11provide general information about the loans available through the lender and
12disclose the basis for each lender's inclusion on the list. The institution shall also
13disclose with the list that the student may choose any lender.
(c) 1. A lender may not accept a final and complete application for a private
15student loan from an applicant, or assess any fees upon an applicant, without first
16receiving certification from the applicant's institution of higher education that the
17applicant has received counseling from the institution under pars. (a) and (b) and
18that the counseling was conducted in person, unless the certification specified that
19the applicant elected to receive the counseling in a manner other than in person.
2. The certification required by subd. 1. shall be signed by the applicant and
21the institutional counselor, and shall include the date of the counseling and the
22name, address, and telephone number of both the counselor and the applicant. An
23electronic facsimile copy of the counseling certification satisfies the requirement
24under this subdivision. The lender shall maintain the certification in an accurate,
25reproducible, and accessible format for the term of the student loan.
1(4) Exit counseling. (a) As close as practicable to the date that a student
2graduates from, transfers from, withdraws from, or otherwise completes his or her
3program of study at the institution of higher education, the institution shall provide
4the student with information relating to all of the following:
1. Repayment plans that are available, including a description of the different
6features of each plan and sample information showing the average anticipated
7monthly payments, and the difference in interest paid and total payments, under
8each plan.
2. Debt management strategies designed to facilitate the repayment of
3. The options to prepay each loan, pay each loan on a shorter schedule, or
12change repayment plans.
4. The likely consequences of default on the loan, including adverse credit
14reports, delinquent debt collection procedures, and litigation.
5. The effects of consolidation on a borrower's underlying loan benefits.
6. Grace periods, loan forgiveness, cancellation, and deferment opportunities.
7. The borrower benefit programs of different lenders.
8. The tax benefits that may be available to borrowers.
9. How to enroll in income-based repayment.
(b) With respect to a student who leaves an institution of higher education
21without the knowledge of the institution, the institution shall attempt to provide the
22information described in par. (a) to the student in writing.
23(5) Fee. An institution of higher education may assess a reasonable fee to the
24lender to defray the cost of counseling under this section in an amount not exceeding
1$50. The higher educational aids board and the department of financial institutions
2shall jointly promulgate rules to implement and administer this subsection.
3Section 38
. 40.02 (54) (n) of the statutes is created to read:
(54) (n) The Wisconsin Student Loan Refinancing Authority.
5Section 39
. 70.11 (38v) of the statutes is created to read:
(38v) Wisconsin Student Loan Refinancing Authority. All property
7owned by the Wisconsin Student Loan Refinancing Authority, provided that use of
8the property is primarily related to the purposes of the Wisconsin Student Loan
9Refinancing Authority.
(6) (b) 28. (intro.) An amount paid by a claimant for tuition expenses
13including any amount paid by a claimant in the year to which the claim relates on
14a loan, the proceeds of which were used by the claimant to pay the claimant's
15expenses for tuition, fees, books, room and board, and educational supplies that were
16directly related to the claimant's attendance at an eligible educational institution,
17as defined in s. 18.81 (2), and mandatory student fees for a student who is the
18claimant or who is the claimant's child and the claimant's dependent who is claimed
19under section
151 (c) of the Internal Revenue Code, to attend any university, college,
20technical college or a school approved under s. 440.52, that is located in Wisconsin
21or to attend a public vocational school or public institution of higher education in
22Minnesota under the Minnesota-Wisconsin reciprocity agreement under s. 39.47,
23calculated as follows:
h. No modification may be claimed under this subdivision for an amount paid
25for tuition expenses
, including any amount paid by a claimant in the year to which
1the claim relates on a loan, the proceeds of which were used by the claimant to pay
2the claimant's expenses for tuition, fees, books, room and board, and educational
3supplies that were directly related to the claimant's attendance at an eligible
4educational institution, as defined in s. 18.81 (2), and mandatory student fees, as
5described under this subdivision, if the source of the payment is an amount
6withdrawn from a college savings account, as described in s. 224.50 or from a college
7tuition and expenses program, as described in s. 224.48, and if the owner of the
8account or a parent, grandparent, great-grandparent, aunt, or uncle of the
9beneficiary, who contributed to the account, has claimed a deduction under subd. 32.
10or 33. that relates to such an amount.
41. 71.05 (6) (b) 28. am. of the statutes is amended to read:
(6) (b) 28. am. Notwithstanding subd. 28. a., for taxable years beginning
13after December 31, 2008, the department of revenue and the Board of Regents of the
14University of Wisconsin System shall continue making the calculation described
15under subd. 28. a. Notwithstanding subd. 28. a., once this calculation exceeds
16$6,000, the deduction for tuition expenses
, including any amount paid by a claimant
17in the year to which the claim relates on a loan, the proceeds of which were used by
18the claimant to pay the claimant's expenses for tuition, fees, books, room and board,
19and educational supplies that were directly related to the claimant's attendance at
20an eligible educational institution, as defined in s. 18.81 (2), and mandatory student
21fees, as described in subd. 28. (intro.), shall be based on an amount equal to not more
22than twice the average amount charged by the Board of Regents of the University
23of Wisconsin System at 4-year institutions for resident undergraduate academic fees
24for the most recent fall semester, as determined by the Board of Regents by
25September 1 of that semester, per student for each year to which the claim relates,
1and the deduction that may be claimed under this subd. 28. am. first applies to
2taxable years beginning on the January 1 after the calculation of the Board of
3Regents, that must occur by September 1, exceeds $6,000.
4Section 42
. 71.05 (6) (b) 28. j. of the statutes is created to read:
(6) (b) 28. j. The provisions of subd. 28. b., c., d., and g. do not apply to
6a taxable year that begins after December 31, 2017.
7Section 43
. 77.54 (9a) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
(9a) (a) This state or any agency thereof, the University of Wisconsin
9Hospitals and Clinics Authority, the Wisconsin Aerospace Authority, the Wisconsin
10Economic Development Corporation,
the Wisconsin Student Loan Refinancing
11Authority, and the Fox River Navigational System Authority.
12Section 44
. 100.45 (1) (dm) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1) (dm) “State agency" means any office, department, agency,
14institution of higher education, association, society, or other body in state
15government created or authorized to be created by the constitution or any law which
16is entitled to expend moneys appropriated by law, including the legislature and the
17courts, the Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority, the Bradley
18Center Sports and Entertainment Corporation, the University of Wisconsin
19Hospitals and Clinics Authority, the Wisconsin Health and Educational Facilities
20Authority, the Wisconsin Aerospace Authority, the Wisconsin Economic
21Development Corporation,
the Wisconsin Student Loan Refinancing Authority, and
22the Fox River Navigational System Authority.
23Section 45
. 224.30 (6) of the statutes is created to read:
(6) Student lending transparency. (a) In this subsection:
1. “Higher education expenses" includes all of the following:
1a. Tuition and fees.
b. Books and supplies
c. Room and board.
2. “Private student loan" means a loan issued by a private lending institution
5for the purpose of paying for or financing higher education expenses.
3. “Private lending institution" means any private entity that itself or through
7an affiliate makes available student loans to pay for or finance higher education
4. “Student borrower" means any individual who borrows money from a private
10lending institution to finance higher education expenses.
(b) The department shall compile data related to private student loans for the
12purpose of comparing private lending institutions' student loan interest rates and
13repayment plans, including all of the following: