SB30-SSA1,9121 21Section 9121. Nonstatutory provisions; Higher Educational Aids
SB30-SSA1,1017,5 23(1f) Minority teacher loan program. Notwithstanding section 16.42 (1) (e) of
24the statutes, in submitting information under section 16.42 of the statutes for
25purposes of the 2019 biennial budget act, the higher educational aids board shall

1submit information concerning the appropriation under section 20.235 (1) (cr) of the
2statutes as though the total amount appropriated under section 20.235 (1) (cr) of the
3statutes for the 2018-19 fiscal year was $125,000 more than the total amount that
4was actually appropriated under section 20.235 (1) (cr) of the statutes for the
52018-19 fiscal year.
SB30-SSA1,1017,13 6(2f) Teacher loan program. Notwithstanding section 16.42 (1) (e) of the
7statutes, in submitting information under section 16.42 of the statutes for purposes
8of the 2019 biennial budget act, the higher educational aids board shall submit
9information concerning the appropriation under section 20.235 (1) (ct) of the statutes
10as though the total amount appropriated under section 20.235 (1) (ct) of the statutes
11for the 2018-19 fiscal year was $125,000 more than the total amount that was
12actually appropriated under section 20.235 (1) (ct) of the statutes for the 2018-19
13fiscal year.
SB30-SSA1,9122 14Section 9122. Nonstatutory provisions; Historical Society
SB30-SSA1,1017,1515 (1) Circus world museum.
SB30-SSA1,1017,1616 (a) Definitions. In this subsection:
SB30-SSA1,1017,17 171. “Foundation” means the Circus World Museum Foundation, Inc.
SB30-SSA1,1017,19 182. “Lease termination date” means the termination date of the lease agreement
19that is specified in section 44.16 (3) of the statutes.
SB30-SSA1,1017,2520 (b) Employees. If a lease agreement under section 44.16 (1) of the statutes is
21in effect on the effective date of this paragraph, the historical society shall offer
22employment to each individual who is employed by the foundation on the lease
23termination date, but only if vacant authorized or limited term positions are
24available for the individuals to fill and the historical society has funding for the
1(c) Contracts. If a lease agreement under section 44.16 (1) of the statutes is in
2effect on the effective date of this paragraph, all contracts entered into by the
3foundation that are in effect on the lease termination date remain in effect and are
4transferred to the historical society on the lease termination date. The historical
5society shall carry out any contractual obligations under such a contract until the
6contract is modified or rescinded by the historical society to the extent allowed under
7the contract.
SB30-SSA1,9123 8Section 9123. Nonstatutory provisions; Housing and Economic
9Development Authority.
SB30-SSA1,9124 10Section 9124. Nonstatutory provisions; Insurance.
SB30-SSA1,1018,1111 (1) Transfer of information technology functions.
SB30-SSA1,1018,1612 (a) Assets and liabilities. On the effective date of this paragraph, the assets and
13liabilities of the office of the commissioner of insurance that are primarily related to
14information technology functions, as determined by the secretary of administration,
15become the assets and liabilities of the division of enterprise technology in the
16department of administration.
SB30-SSA1,1018,2217 (b) Positions and employees. On the effective date of this paragraph, 12.5 FTE
18positions and the incumbent employees holding those positions in the office of the
19commissioner of insurance who are performing duties that are primarily related to
20information technology functions, as determined by the secretary of administration,
21are transferred to the division of enterprise technology in the department of
SB30-SSA1,1019,423 (c) Employee status. Employees transferred under paragraph (b) have all the
24rights and the same status under chapter 230 of the statutes in the division of
25enterprise technology in the department of administration that they enjoyed in the

1office of the commissioner of insurance immediately before the transfer.
2Notwithstanding section 230.28 (4) of the statutes, no employee transferred under
3paragraph (b) who has attained permanent status in class is required to serve a
4probationary period.
SB30-SSA1,1019,95 (d) Tangible personal property. On the effective date of this paragraph, all
6tangible personal property, including records, of the office of the commissioner of
7insurance that is primarily related to information technology functions, as
8determined by the secretary of administration, is transferred to the division of
9enterprise technology in the department of administration.
SB30-SSA1,1019,1710 (e) Contracts. All contracts entered into by the office of the commissioner of
11insurance in effect on the effective date of this paragraph that are primarily related
12to information technology functions, as determined by the secretary of
13administration, remain in effect and are transferred to the division of enterprise
14technology in the department of administration. The division of enterprise
15technology in the department of administration shall carry out any obligations under
16those contracts unless modified or rescinded by the division of enterprise technology
17in the department of administration to the extent allowed under the contract.
SB30-SSA1,1020,218 (f) Rules and orders. All rules promulgated by the office of the commissioner
19of insurance in effect on the effective date of this paragraph that are primarily
20related to information technology functions remain in effect until their specified
21expiration dates or until amended or repealed by the division of enterprise
22technology in the department of administration. All orders issued by the office of the
23commissioner of insurance in effect on the effective date of this paragraph that are
24primarily related to information technology functions remain in effect until their

1specified expiration dates or until modified or rescinded by the division of enterprise
2technology in the department of administration.
SB30-SSA1,1020,103 (g) Pending matters. Any matter pending with the office of the commissioner
4of insurance on the effective date of this paragraph that is primarily related to
5information technology functions, as determined by the secretary of administration,
6is transferred to the division of enterprise technology in the department of
7administration. All materials submitted to or actions taken by the office of the
8commissioner of insurance with respect to the pending matter are considered as
9having been submitted to or taken by the division of enterprise technology in the
10department of administration.
SB30-SSA1,9125 11Section 9125. Nonstatutory provisions; Investment Board.
SB30-SSA1,9126 12Section 9126. Nonstatutory provisions; Joint Committee on Finance.
SB30-SSA1,9127 13Section 9127. Nonstatutory provisions; Judicial Commission.
SB30-SSA1,9128 14Section 9128. Nonstatutory provisions; Justice.
SB30-SSA1,1020,2015 (1q) Drug law enforcement activities. Of the moneys in the appropriation
16account under section 20.455 (3) (g) of the statutes that have been received from a
17settlement and that are not committed to a specific purpose under the terms of the
18settlement, the department of justice shall allocate $500,000 in the 2017-19 fiscal
19biennium to the division of criminal investigation to support overtime, fleet costs,
20training, and other supplies and services related to drug law enforcement.
SB30-SSA1,1020,21 21(1w) Interoperable communications transfer.
SB30-SSA1,1020,25 22(a) Assets and liabilities. On the effective date of this paragraph, the assets and
23liabilities of the department of justice that are primarily related to interoperable
24communications, as determined by the secretary of administration, shall become the
25assets and liabilities of the department of military affairs.
1(b) Positions and employees. On the effective date of this paragraph, all
2positions and all incumbent employees holding those positions in the department of
3justice performing duties that are primarily related to interoperable
4communications, as determined by the secretary of administration, are transferred
5to the department of military affairs.
SB30-SSA1,1021,11 6(c) Employee status. Employees transferred under paragraph (b) have all the
7rights and the same status under chapter 230 of the statutes in the department of
8military affairs that they enjoyed in the department of justice immediately before the
9transfer. Notwithstanding section 230.28 (4) of the statutes, no employee so
10transferred who has attained permanent status in class is required to serve a
11probationary period.
SB30-SSA1,1021,15 12(d) Tangible personal property. On the effective date of this paragraph, all
13tangible personal property, including records, of the department of justice that is
14primarily related to interoperable communications, as determined by the secretary
15of administration, is transferred to the department military affairs.
SB30-SSA1,1021,21 16(e) Pending matters. Any matter pending with the department of justice on the
17effective date of this paragraph that is primarily related to interoperable
18communications, as determined by the secretary of administration, is transferred to
19the department of military affairs. All materials submitted to or actions taken by the
20department of justice with respect to the pending matter are considered as having
21been submitted to or taken by the department of military affairs.
SB30-SSA1,1022,3 22(f) Contracts. All contracts entered into by the department of justice in effect
23on the effective date of this paragraph that are primarily related to interoperable
24communications, as determined by the secretary of administration, remain in effect
25and are transferred to the department of military affairs. The department of military

1affairs shall carry out any obligations under those contracts unless modified or
2rescinded by the department of military affairs to the extent allowed under the
SB30-SSA1,1022,12 4(g) Rules and orders. All rules promulgated by the department of justice in
5effect on the effective date of this paragraph that are primarily related to
6interoperable communications, as determined by the secretary of administration,
7remain in effect until their specified expiration dates or until amended or repealed
8by the department of military affairs. All orders issued by the department of justice
9in effect on the effective date of this paragraph that are primarily related to
10interoperable communications, as determined by the secretary of administration,
11remain in effect until their specified expiration dates or until modified or rescinded
12by the department of military affairs.
SB30-SSA1,1022,1913 (2p) Study of the sale or transfer of crime laboratory supplies. By January
145, 2018, the department of justice shall submit to the joint committee on finance a
15study of the implications of a sale or transfer of ammunition in the possession of the
16state crime laboratories to state and local law enforcement agencies for training
17purposes. The study shall address the manner in which other states dispose of
18ammunition in their crime laboratories and suggest ways in which Wisconsin may
19dispose of ammunition in the state crime laboratories.
SB30-SSA1,9129 20Section 9129. Nonstatutory provisions; Legislature.
SB30-SSA1,1022,21 21(2i) WisconsinEye equipment.
SB30-SSA1,1022,23 22(a) Subject to paragraph (b), during the 2017-19 fiscal biennium, all of the
23following shall occur:
SB30-SSA1,1023,3 241. The assembly committee on organization shall authorize the expenditure of
25$206,300 from the appropriation account under section 20.765 (1) (a) of the statutes

1and the senate committee on organization shall authorize the expenditure of
2$206,300 from the appropriation account under section 20.765 (1) (b) of the statutes
3to assist in paying the costs of 21 WisconsinEye cameras in the state capitol building.
SB30-SSA1,1023,6 42. The chief justice of the supreme court shall authorize the expenditure of
5$37,800 from the appropriation account under section 20.680 (1) (a) of the statutes
6to assist in paying the costs of 2 WisconsinEye cameras in the supreme court.
SB30-SSA1,1023,8 7(b) No moneys may be expended under paragraph (a) until all of the following
8have occurred:
SB30-SSA1,1023,10 91. The joint committee on legislative organization determines that
10WisconsinEye has secured $226,200 in matching funds.
SB30-SSA1,1023,14 112. The joint committee on legislative organization has selected the location for
12the 21 WisconsinEye cameras in the state capitol building, and the chief justice of the
13supreme court has selected the location for the 2 WisconsinEye cameras in the
14supreme court.
SB30-SSA1,1023,16 153. The state capitol and executive residence board has approved the location
16and installation of all of the WisconsinEye cameras.
SB30-SSA1,1024,2 17(2w) Audit of state group health insurance programs. The joint legislative
18audit committee is requested to direct the legislative audit bureau to perform a
19financial and performance evaluation audit of the state group health insurance
20programs, including a review of the group insurance board's compliance with its
21reserves policy, a review of the appropriateness of the group insurance board's policy
22regarding fully insured program reserves, and the circumstances that have created
23ongoing, frequent accumulation and use of reserves. If the joint legislative audit
24committee directs the legislative audit bureau to perform an audit, the legislative

1audit bureau shall file its report as described under section 13.94 (1) (b) of the
SB30-SSA1,9130 3Section 9130. Nonstatutory provisions; Lieutenant Governor.
SB30-SSA1,9131 4Section 9131. Nonstatutory provisions; Local Government.
SB30-SSA1,9132 5Section 9132. Nonstatutory provisions; Military Affairs.
SB30-SSA1,1024,106 (1) Mobile field force grants. Notwithstanding section 16.42 (1) (e) of the
7statutes, in submitting information under section 16.42 of the statutes for purposes
8of the 2019-21 biennial budget bill, the department of military affairs shall submit
9information concerning the appropriation under section 20.465 (3) (dm) of the
10statutes as though that appropriation had not been made.
SB30-SSA1,1024,1211 (1w) Initial terms of 911 subcommittee members. Notwithstanding section
1215.315 (2) (a) of the statutes, as created by this act:
SB30-SSA1,1024,15 13(a) Of the initial members appointed to the 911 subcommittee by the governor,
14the terms of 6 of the members expire on July 1, 2019, the terms of 6 of the members
15expire on July 1, 2020, and the terms of 6 of the members expire on July 1, 2021.
SB30-SSA1,1024,17 16(b) The term of the initial member appointed to the 911 subcommittee by the
17adjutant general expires on July 1, 2021.
SB30-SSA1,1024,21 18(1x) Interoperability report. No later than January 1, 2019, the department
19of military affairs, in consultation with the interoperability council and the 911
20subcommittee, shall submit in the manner provided under section 13.172 (2) of the
21statutes a report to the legislature and governor that includes all of the following:
SB30-SSA1,1024,23 22(a) Recommendations for changing the statutory authority of the
23interoperability council.
SB30-SSA1,1024,25 24(b) A description of the progress made toward creating a statewide public safety
25interoperable communication system.
1(c) A description of the obstacles that hinder progress toward interoperability.
SB30-SSA1,1025,3 2(d) Recommendations for legislative or executive action to promote
SB30-SSA1,1025,5 4(1y) Consultation. In fiscal year 2017-18, the department of military affairs
5shall do all of the following:
SB30-SSA1,1025,9 6(a) Consult with the department of justice on how to effectively transfer from
7the department of justice to the department of military affairs resources and
8responsibilities relating to the interoperability council and the statewide public
9safety interoperable communication system.
SB30-SSA1,1025,13 10(b) Consult with the department of transportation and other state agencies on
11the effective use of staff at the department of transportation and other state agencies
12for the ongoing maintenance of a statewide public safety interoperable
13communication system.
SB30-SSA1,1025,18 14(1yy) Transfer request. In fiscal year 2017-18, the department of military
15affairs may request the joint committee on finance to take action under section 13.10
16of the statutes to transfer funding and positions from the department of
17transportation to the department of military affairs for the ongoing maintenance of
18a statewide public safety interoperable communication system.
SB30-SSA1,9133 19Section 9133. Nonstatutory provisions; Natural Resources.
SB30-SSA1,1025,2320 (1) Environmental fund. Of the moneys in the environmental fund that are
21received for the purpose of environmental management, $3,152,500 shall, in each
22fiscal year of the 2017-19 fiscal biennium, be considered to have been received for
23the purposes under section 20.370 (7) (cr) and (cs) of the statutes.
SB30-SSA1,1025,2424 (2) Relocation of chief state forester and division of forestry employees.
1(a) The department of natural resources shall relocate the headquarters for the
2chief state forester to an existing department facility north of STH 29 no later than
3January 1, 2018.
SB30-SSA1,1026,84 (b) The department of natural resources may allow individuals who are
5employed by the division of forestry on the effective date of this paragraph and
6located in the department office at 101 South Webster Street in the city of Madison
7to relocate to existing state-owned or state-leased facilities north of STH 29
8designated by the chief state forester.
SB30-SSA1,1026,119 (c) For the 2017-18 and 2018-19 fiscal years, for each employee who relocates
10under paragraph (b), the department of natural resources shall authorize payment
11of the moving expenses described under section 20.917 (1) (a) of the statutes.
SB30-SSA1,1026,1412 (d) By February 1, 2019, the department of natural resources shall submit a
13report to the governor and the cochairpersons of the joint committee on finance on
14the number of employees who have relocated under paragraph (b).
SB30-SSA1,1026,1815 (5) Wisconsin Natural Resources Magazine editor. The director of
16communications of the department of natural resources designated as a division
17administrator under section 230.08 (2) (e) 8. of the statutes shall serve as the editor
18of the Wisconsin Natural Resources Magazine.
SB30-SSA1,1026,2319 (6c) All-terrain vehicles. If the department of natural resources maintains
20an administrative account that allocates moneys appropriated from the conservation
21fund to programs relating to all-terrain vehicles, the department of natural
22resources shall treat the appropriation under section 20.370 (5) (cx) of the statutes
23as an allocation from the administrative all-terrain vehicle account.
SB30-SSA1,1027,3 24(6f) Snowmobile trail study. The snowmobile recreational council shall study
25options for ensuring adequate funding for development and maintenance of

1snowmobile trails in the state, especially currently unfunded trails, and shall report
2its findings, conclusions, and recommendations to the joint committee on finance by
3January 1, 2019.
SB30-SSA1,1027,14 4(6p) Payments to counties and municipalities. The department of natural
5resources shall determine whether the amount payable to each county and
6municipality in 2018 under section 77.84 (2) of the statutes is less than the amount
7received by the respective counties and municipalities in 2015 under sections 77.07
8and 77.87, 2013 stats. For each county and municipality for which the department
9of natural resources determines that the amount payable in 2018 is at least $2,000
10less than the amount received in 2015, the department of natural resources shall pay
11to each of those counties and municipalities an amount equal to the difference
12between the amount payable in 2018 and the amount received in 2015. The
13department of natural resources shall pay the amounts required under this
14subsection not later than March 1, 2018.
SB30-SSA1,1027,20 15(6q) Audit of moneys received for forestry activities. The joint legislative
16audit committee is requested to direct the legislative audit bureau to perform an
17audit of the moneys received by the department of natural resources for forestry
18activities and how those moneys are spent. If the committee directs the legislative
19audit bureau to perform an audit, the bureau shall file its report as described under
20section 13.94 (1) (b) of the statutes on or before June 30, 2019.
SB30-SSA1,1028,3 21(6r) Council on forestry report. The governor's council on forestry shall
22determine the relative priority of expenditures from the department of natural
23resources administrative account that allocates moneys appropriated from the
24conservation fund to programs relating to forestry. The governor's council on forestry
25shall report its determinations and recommendations for the 2019-21 biennial

1budget to the governor, the department of natural resources, and the senate and
2assembly standing committees having jurisdiction over forestry matters no later
3than July 1, 2018.
SB30-SSA1,1028,14 4(6u) Recreational passport. The department of natural resources and the
5department of transportation shall jointly develop a plan to authorize the purchase
6of a recreational passport when an individual initiates or renews his or her annual
7vehicle registration. In the plan, the departments shall provide in detail the costs of
8implementing the plan, a timeline for implementing the plan, and the estimated
9revenue to be collected when the plan is fully implemented. One option that the
10departments shall evaluate in the plan is the creation of the recreational passport
11as a special license plate registration sticker that shows both the vehicle registration
12expiration year and an indicator that the sticker is also a recreational passport. The
13departments shall complete the plan in time for the plan to be included in the
14department of natural resources' 2019-21 biennial budget request.
SB30-SSA1,1028,20 15(7p) Tainter Lake biomanipulation pilot. In the 2017-18 fiscal year, from the
16appropriation under section 20.370 (4) (mr) of the statutes, the department of
17natural resources shall expend not less than $65,000 to conduct a pilot project to
18improve the water quality and fish habitat of Tainter Lake in Dunn County. The
19project shall include a comprehensive fish study, the removal of zooplanktivorous
20and benthivorous fish, and the introduction of piscivorous game fish.
SB30-SSA1,1029,2 21(7w) Village of Plover grant. During the 2017-19 fiscal biennium, the
22department of natural resources shall award a grant of $100,000 from the
23appropriation under section 20.370 (6) (gs) of the statutes to the Village of Plover for
24the purpose of employing an engineering firm and other experts qualified in wetland

1restoration and watershed enhancement to design solutions to increase the flow of
2the Little Plover River.
SB30-SSA1,1029,10 3(8t) Burlington storm water study. In the 2017-18 fiscal year, from the
4appropriation under section 20.370 (6) (dq) of the statutes, the department of natural
5resources shall provide a grant of $50,000 to the Southeastern Wisconsin Regional
6Planning Commission to conduct a storm water management study for the city of
7Burlington. The study shall identify the location and destination of current storm
8water flows, identify city and private property owners that have storm water
9capacity issues, and provide recommendations for eliminating flooding at the city's
10major businesses.
SB30-SSA1,9134 11Section 9134. Nonstatutory provisions; Public Defender Board.
SB30-SSA1,9135 12Section 9135. Nonstatutory provisions; Public Instruction.
SB30-SSA1,1029,14 13(1p) Implementation of early college credit program for the fall semester
14of the 2018-19 school year.
SB30-SSA1,1029,15 15(a) In this subsection:
SB30-SSA1,1029,17 161. “Early college credit program” means the program under section 118.55 of
17the statutes, as affected by this act.
SB30-SSA1,1029,18 182. “Institution of higher education” means all of the following:
SB30-SSA1,1029,20 19a. An institution within the University of Wisconsin System or a tribally
20controlled college.
SB30-SSA1,1029,21 21b. A private, nonprofit institution of higher education located in this state.
SB30-SSA1,1029,23 223. “Participating private school” means a private school attended by a pupil
23who is enrolled in any of the grades 8 to 12.
SB30-SSA1,1030,6 24(b) Beginning on the effective date of this paragraph, the department of public
25instruction shall take whatever steps are necessary to implement the early college

1credit program under this act, including providing information to a school board, a
2participating private school, an institution of higher education, and a high school
3pupil who may be interested in enrolling in an institution of higher education in the
4fall semester of the 2018-19 school year for the purpose of taking one or more
5nonsectarian courses at the institution of higher education under the early college
6credit program.
SB30-SSA1,1030,14 7(1t) Virtual charter school funding study. The department of public
8instruction shall, no later than January 1, 2019, prepare a report that compares the
9amount spent by the state for each pupil attending a virtual charter school under the
10program under section 118.51 of the statutes to the actual cost incurred by the virtual
11charter school to provide instruction to each such pupil. The department shall
12submit the report required under this subsection to the joint committee on finance
13and to the appropriate standing committees of the legislature under section 13.172
14(3) of the statutes.
SB30-SSA1,1030,16 15(4f) School-based mental health services grant program; advisory