3(8t) Burlington storm water study. In the 2017-18 fiscal year, from the
4appropriation under section 20.370 (6) (dq) of the statutes, the department of natural
5resources shall provide a grant of $50,000 to the Southeastern Wisconsin Regional
6Planning Commission to conduct a storm water management study for the city of
7Burlington. The study shall identify the location and destination of current storm
8water flows, identify city and private property owners that have storm water
9capacity issues, and provide recommendations for eliminating flooding at the city's
10major businesses.
11Section 9134.
Nonstatutory provisions; Public Defender Board.
12Section 9135.
Nonstatutory provisions; Public Instruction.
13(1p) Implementation of early college credit program for the fall semester
14of the 2018-19 school year.
15(a) In this subsection:
161. “Early college credit program” means the program under section 118.55 of
17the statutes, as affected by this act.
182. “Institution of higher education” means all of the following:
19a. An institution within the University of Wisconsin System or a tribally
20controlled college.
21b. A private, nonprofit institution of higher education located in this state.
223. “Participating private school” means a private school attended by a pupil
23who is enrolled in any of the grades 8 to 12.
24(b) Beginning on the effective date of this paragraph, the department of public
25instruction shall take whatever steps are necessary to implement the early college
1credit program under this act, including providing information to a school board, a
2participating private school, an institution of higher education, and a high school
3pupil who may be interested in enrolling in an institution of higher education in the
4fall semester of the 2018-19 school year for the purpose of taking one or more
5nonsectarian courses at the institution of higher education under the early college
6credit program.
7(1t) Virtual charter school funding study. The department of public
8instruction shall, no later than January 1, 2019, prepare a report that compares the
9amount spent by the state for each pupil attending a virtual charter school under the
10program under section 118.51 of the statutes to the actual cost incurred by the virtual
11charter school to provide instruction to each such pupil. The department shall
12submit the report required under this subsection to the joint committee on finance
13and to the appropriate standing committees of the legislature under section 13.172
14(3) of the statutes.
15(4f) School-based mental health services grant program; advisory
17(a) The state superintendent of public instruction shall establish an advisory
18committee under sections 15.04 (1) (c) and 227.13 of the statutes to make
19recommendations to the department of public instruction about the criteria the
20department is required to establish by rule under section 115.367 (2) of the statutes.
21The state superintendent of public instruction shall include on the committee
22established under this paragraph at least all of the following:
231. A current or retired school administrator.
12. An individual who holds a license to teach issued by the department of public
2instruction or a license in a pupil services category under section PI 34.31 of the
3Wisconsin Administrative Code issued by the department of public instruction.
43. A provider of mental health services or a representative of an association
5that represents mental health service providers.
64. A family member of a pupil who is receiving or who may receive mental
7health services.
85. A representative of a school board or a charter school established under
9under section 118.40 (2r) or (2x) of the statutes.
10(b) The advisory committee established under paragraph (a) terminates upon
11the publication of the permanent rules required to be promulgated by the
12department under section 115.367 of the statutes, unless the state superintendent
13of public instruction elects to maintain the committee established under paragraph
14(a) after the permanent rules are published.
15(c) The department of public instruction may promulgate emergency rules
16under section 227.24 of the statutes to implement section 115.367 of the statutes,
17including establishing criteria under section 115.367 (2) of the statutes.
18Notwithstanding section 227.24 (1) (e) 1d. of the statutes, the department of public
19instruction is not required to prepare a statement of the scope if emergency rules are
20promulgated under this paragraph. Notwithstanding section 227.24 (1) (c) and (2)
21of the statutes, emergency rules promulgated under this paragraph remain in effect
22until July 1, 2019, or the date on which permanent rules take effect, whichever is
23sooner. Notwithstanding section 227.24 (1) (a) and (3) of the statutes, the
24department is not required to provide evidence that promulgating a rule under this
25paragraph as an emergency rule is necessary for the preservation of the public peace,
1health, safety, or welfare and is not required to provide a finding of emergency for a
2rule promulgated under this paragraph.
3(4p) Whole grade sharing agreement; aid. By February 1, 2019, the
4department of public instruction shall submit a report to the joint committee on
5finance that includes all of the following:
6(a) The number of school boards that applied for aid under section 118.50 (5m)
7of the statutes for the 2018-19 school year.
8(b) The number of school boards approved to receive aid under section 118.50
9(5m) of the statutes for the 2018-19 school year.
10(c) For each school board approved to receive aid under section 118.50 (5m) of
11the statutes for the 2018-19 school year, all of the following:
121. The name of the school board.
132. The number of grade levels that are subject to the whole grade sharing
153. The specific grade levels that are subject to the whole grade sharing
174. As of January 1, 2019, how much of the aid the school board is entitled to
18receive under section 118.50 (5m) of the statutes during the 2018-19 school year has
19been encumbered and how much has been expended.
Reorganization of a low performing school district; study.
Definition. In this subsection, “eligible school district” means a school
22district that satisfied all of the following in the 2015-16 and 2016-17 school years:
1. The school district was assigned to the lowest performance category on the
24accountability reports published under section 115.385 (1) of the statutes.
12. The school district received intradistrict transfer aid under section 121.85
2(6) (a) of the statutes.
Contract. The department of public instruction shall contract with an entity
4to study the effect of reorganizing an eligible school district to create one or more new
5school districts that consists of one or more villages located within the eligible school
6district and to report the results of the study to the department of public instruction
7by no later than 120 days after the contract is awarded to the entity. The contract
8shall require the entity to evaluate at least all of the following:
1. The estimated general and categorical school aid that the eligible school
10district and new school district or districts would be eligible to receive following the
2. The impact the reorganization would have on the amount of property taxes
13paid by residents of the eligible school district and the new school district or districts.
3. An inventory of school buildings located in the eligible school district.
4. The assets and liabilities of the eligible school district.
Request for proposal. By no later than 30 days after the effective date of this
17paragraph, the department of public instruction shall issue a request for proposals
18for the study and report under paragraph (b).
Distribution of the report. The department of public instruction shall
20distribute the report submitted to the department under paragraph (b) to the village
21board of each village located in an eligible school district and to the school board of
22an eligible school district.
23(5p) Teacher licensure; rules.
24(a) The department of public instruction shall promulgate rules to revise
25chapter PI 34 of the administrative code. In promulgating rules under this
1paragraph, the department of public instruction shall simplify the teacher licensure
2system, to the extent practicable, by doing at least all of the following:
31. Simplifying the grade levels that a licensee is authorized to teach under his
4or her license.
52. Creating broad field subject licenses.
63. Allowing school boards to increase the number of teachers in a school district
7by offering internships and residency opportunities.
84. Creating a permit that authorizes an individual who is enrolled in a teacher
9preparatory program to teach in public schools as part of an internship, residency
10program, or other equivalent training program.
115. Simplifying licensure reciprocity for individuals who hold a license in
12another state.
136. Expanding pathways for individuals who hold a license issued by the
14department to obtain additional licenses to fill positions in geographic areas and
15subject areas that are in need of educational personnel.
16(b) The department of public instruction may not promulgate rules required
17under paragraph (a) in a manner that decreases the quality standards for obtaining
18a license to teach from the department.
19(c) The department of public instruction shall submit in proposed form the
20rules required under paragraph (a) to the legislative council staff under section
21227.15 (1) of the statutes no later than January 1, 2018.
22Section 9136.
Nonstatutory provisions; Public Lands, Board of
23Commissioners of.
24Section 9137.
Nonstatutory provisions; Public Service Commission.
Forestation state tax. For the property tax assessments as of January 1,
22017, the department of revenue shall prescribe a form for the property tax bills
3prepared under section 74.09 of the statutes that indicates that the state no longer
4imposes the forestation state tax. The form shall also indicate the amount of the
5forestation state tax that the taxpayer paid in the previous year.
Sales and use tax audits; statistical sampling. Using the procedure under
7section 227.24 of the statutes, the department of revenue shall promulgate the rules
8required under section 77.59 (2g) of the statutes for the period before the effective
9date of the permanent rule promulgated under section 77.59 (2g) of the statutes but
10not to exceed the period authorized under section 227.24 (1) (c) of the statutes, subject
11to extension under section 227.24 (2) of the statutes. Notwithstanding section 227.24
12(1) (a), (2) (b), and (3) of the statutes, the department is not required to provide
13evidence that promulgating a rule under this subsection as an emergency rule is
14necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, safety, or welfare and is
15not required to provide a finding of emergency for a rule promulgated under this
17Section 9139.
Nonstatutory provisions; Safety and Professional
Professional assistance procedures; emergency rules. The department
20may use the procedure under section 227.24 of the statutes to promulgate rules
21under section 440.03 (1c) of the statutes for the period before the effective date of the
22permanent rule promulgated under section 440.03 (1c) of the statutes but not to
23exceed the period authorized under section 227.24 (1) (c) of the statutes, subject to
24one extension of 60 days under section 227.24 (2) of the statutes. If the department
25uses this procedure to promulgate these rules, the department shall promulgate the
1rules no later than the 60th day after the effective date of this subsection.
2Notwithstanding section 227.24 (1) (a), (2) (b), and (3) of the statutes, the department
3is not required to provide evidence that promulgating a rule under this subsection
4as an emergency rule is necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health,
5safety, or welfare and is not required to provide a finding of emergency for a rule
6promulgated under this subsection.
7(17w) Occupational license study.
Definitions. In this subsection:
1. “Department” means the department of safety and professional services.
2. “Occupational license” means any of the following:
a. A license, permit, certification, registration, or other approval granted under
12section 167.10 (6m) or chapters 101, 145, or 440 to 480 of the statutes.
b. A license, permit, certification, registration, or other approval not included
14under subdivision 2. a. if granted to a person by this state in order that the person
15may engage in a profession, occupation, or trade in this state or in order that the
16person may use one or more titles in association with his or her profession,
17occupation, or trade.
Report. No later than December 31, 2018, the department shall submit a
19report to the governor and the chief clerk of each house of the legislature for
20distribution to the legislature under section 13.172 (2) of the statutes. The report
21shall include the department's recommendations for the elimination of occupational
22licenses based on all of the following:
1. The department's evaluation of whether the unregulated practice of the
24profession, occupation, or trade can clearly harm or endanger the health, safety, or
1welfare of the public, and whether the potential for the harm is recognizable and not
2remote or speculative.
2. The department's evaluation of whether the public reasonably benefits from
4the occupational license requirement.
3. The department's evaluation of whether the public can be effectively
6protected by any means other than requiring an occupational license.
4. The department's analysis of whether licensure requirements for the
8regulated profession, occupation, or trade exist in other states.
5. The department's estimate of the number of individuals or entities that are
10affected by the occupational license requirement.
6. The department's estimate of the total financial burden imposed on
12individuals or entities as a result of the occupational licensure requirement,
13including education or training costs, examination fees, private credential fees,
14occupational license fees imposed by the state, and other costs individuals or entities
15incur in order to obtain the required occupational license.
7. Any statement or analysis provided by the agency or board administering
17the occupational license.
8. The department's evaluation of the tangible or intangible barriers people
19may face in obtaining an occupational license.
20Section 9140.
Nonstatutory provisions; Secretary of State.
21Section 9141.
Nonstatutory provisions; State Fair Park Board.
23(5f) Decisions of labor and industry review commission. The chief justice of
24the supreme court is requested to do all of the following:
1(a) Conduct a survey of decisions and orders of the labor and industry review
2commission under chapters 102 and 108 and sections 106.52 (4), 106.56 (4), and
3111.39 of the statutes, citing the statutes interpreted by the commission and whether
4the decisions and orders were the subjects of actions for judicial review filed in circuit
6(b) Submit a report of the survey's findings to the governor and to the joint
7committee on finance by July 1, 2018.
8Section 9143.
Nonstatutory provisions; Technical College System.
Financial management position transfer.
Employee transfer. On the effective date of this paragraph, 1.0 FTE position
12and the incumbent employee holding the position in the department of tourism who
13performs duties relating to financial management, as determined by the secretary
14of administration, is transferred to the department of administration.
Employee status. The employee transferred under paragraph (a
) has all the
16rights and the same status under chapter 230 of the statutes in the department of
17administration that he or she enjoyed in the department of tourism immediately
18before the transfer. Notwithstanding section 230.28 (4) of the statutes, no employee
19so transferred who has attained permanent status in class is required to serve a
20probationary period.
21(2t) Marketing campaign for the city of Pittsville. From the appropriation
22under section 20.380 (1) (b) of the statutes, in fiscal year 2017-18, the department
23of tourism shall award a grant of $7,500 to the city of Pittsville for, as determined by
24the city, signage and a landmark to market the city of Pittsville as the geographical
25center of Wisconsin.
Improvement of property used for ski jumping competitions.
2(a) From the appropriation under section 20.380 (1) (b) of the statutes, in fiscal
3year 2017-18, the department of tourism shall award a grant of $75,000 to Vernon
4County for the purpose of improving structures and other property in Vernon County
5that are used to facilitate a national or international ski jumping competition.
6(b) Vernon County shall distribute all of the grant moneys under paragraph (a)
7within 2 years after its receipt of the grant moneys.
8(c) Each person receiving a distribution of grant moneys from Vernon County
9under paragraph (b) shall contribute to the improvements specified under
10paragraph (a) an amount from nonstate revenue sources that is equal to at least 33
11percent of the amount of the distribution the person receives.
12Section 9145.
Nonstatutory provisions; Transportation.