SB30-SSA1,1757e 5Section 1757e. 230.08 (2) (e) 4. of the statutes is repealed.
SB30-SSA1,1757m 6Section 1757m. 230.08 (2) (fq) of the statutes is created to read:
SB30-SSA1,865,77 230.08 (2) (fq) The director of the transportation projects commission.
SB30-SSA1,1758g 8Section 1758g. 230.08 (2) (qp) of the statutes is created to read:
SB30-SSA1,865,109 230.08 (2) (qp) The executive director and legislative liaison in the office of
10state prosecutors.
SB30-SSA1,1761 11Section 1761 . 230.08 (4) (d) of the statutes is repealed.
SB30-SSA1,1761p 12Section 1761p. 230.12 (1) (cm) of the statutes is created to read:
SB30-SSA1,865,1413 230.12 (1) (cm) Supplementary compensation; longevity awards for
14correctional officers and youth counselors.
1. In this paragraph:
SB30-SSA1,865,1915 a. “Correctional officer” means an individual classified as a correctional officer
16or a correctional sergeant who is employed by the state and whose principal duty is
17the supervision of inmates at a prison, as defined in s. 302.01, or the supervision of
18persons committed under s. 980.06 at the secure mental health facility established
19under s. 46.055 or the Wisconsin resource center established under s. 46.056.
SB30-SSA1,865,2320 b. “Youth counselor” means an individual classified as a youth counselor or a
21youth counselor-advanced who is employed by the state and whose principal duty
22is the supervision of juveniles held in a juvenile correctional facility, as defined in s.
23938.02 (10p).
SB30-SSA1,865,2524 2. The administrator shall include in the compensation plan the following
25length of service awards for correctional officers and youth counselors:
1a. On the employee's 10th anniversary of service, $250.
SB30-SSA1,866,22 b. On the employee's 15th anniversary of service, $500.
SB30-SSA1,866,33 c. On the employee's 20th anniversary of service, $750.
SB30-SSA1,866,54 d. On the employee's 25th anniversary of service, and each 5 year anniversary
5of service thereafter, $1,000.
SB30-SSA1,1762 6Section 1762 . 230.13 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB30-SSA1,866,97 230.13 (1) (intro.) Except as provided in sub. (3) and ss. 19.36 (10) to (12) and
and 103.13, the director and the administrator may keep records of the following
9personnel matters closed to the public:
SB30-SSA1,1762s 10Section 1762s. 230.33 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB30-SSA1,866,2111 230.33 (1) A person appointed to an unclassified position by the governor,
12elected officer, judicial body, or prosecutor board, or by a legislative body or
13committee shall be granted a leave of absence without pay for the duration of the
14appointment and for 3 months thereafter, during which time the person has
15restoration rights to the former position or equivalent position in the department in
16which last employed in a classified position without loss of seniority. The person
17shall also have reinstatement privileges for 5 years following appointment to the
18unclassified service or for one year after termination of the unclassified appointment
19whichever is longer. Restoration rights and reinstatement privileges shall be
20forfeited if the reason for termination of the unclassified appointment would also be
21reason for discharge from the former position in the classified service.
SB30-SSA1,1765 22Section 1765 . 230.44 (4) (bm) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB30-SSA1,867,1223 230.44 (4) (bm) Upon request of an employee who files an appeal of the decision
24of the administrator made under s. 230.09 (2) (a) or (d), the appeal shall be heard by
25 a the commissioner or an attorney employed by the commission serving as arbitrator

1under rules promulgated for this purpose by the commission. In such an arbitration,
2the arbitrator shall orally render a decision at the conclusion of the hearing
3affirming, modifying, or rejecting the decision of the administrator. The decision of
4the arbitrator is final and is not subject to review by the commission. An arbitrator's
5decision may not be cited as precedent in any other proceeding before the commission
6or before any court. The arbitrator shall promptly file his or her decision with the
7commission. The decision of the arbitrator shall stand as the decision of the
8commission. The decision of the commission is subject to review under ss. 227.53 to
9227.57 only on the ground that the decision was procured by corruption, fraud, or
10undue means or that the arbitrator or the commission exceeded the arbitrator's or
11the commission's power. The record of a proceeding under this paragraph shall be
12transcribed as provided in s. 227.44 (8).
SB30-SSA1,1766 13Section 1766 . 230.45 (1) (am) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB30-SSA1,867,1614 230.45 (1) (am) Designate a commissioner or Serve as an arbitrator, or
an attorney employed by the commission to serve as an arbitrator, in
16arbitrations under s. 230.44 (4) (bm).
SB30-SSA1,1767 17Section 1767 . 230.85 (3) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB30-SSA1,868,418 230.85 (3) (b) If, after hearing, the division of equal rights finds that the
19respondent did not engage in or threaten a retaliatory action it shall order the
20complaint dismissed. The division of equal rights shall order the employee's
21appointing authority to insert a copy of the findings and orders into the employee's
22personnel file and, if the respondent is a natural person, order the respondent's
23appointing authority to insert such a copy into the respondent's personnel file. If the
24division of equal rights finds by unanimous vote that the employee filed a frivolous
25complaint it may order payment of the respondent's reasonable actual attorney fees

1and actual costs. Payment may be assessed against either the employee or the
2employee's attorney, or assessed so that the employee and the employee's attorney
3each pay a portion. To find a complaint frivolous the division of equal rights must
4find that s. 802.05 (2) or 895.044 has been violated.
SB30-SSA1,1769 5Section 1769 . 233.13 (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB30-SSA1,868,8 6233.13 Closed records. (intro.) Except as provided in ss. 19.36 (10) to (12)
7and (11) and 103.13, the authority may keep records of the following personnel
8matters closed to the public:
SB30-SSA1,1769v 9Section 1769v. 238.115 (4) of the statutes is created to read:
SB30-SSA1,868,1110 238.115 (4) Exception. After March 31, 2018, this section does not apply to the
11tax credits under ss. 238.308, 238.396, and 238.399.
SB30-SSA1,1770 12Section 1770 . 238.123 of the statutes is repealed.
SB30-SSA1,1771 13Section 1771 . 238.124 of the statutes is created to read:
SB30-SSA1,868,16 14238.124 Loan limitations. (1) The corporation may not originate any loan
15that is forgivable in whole or in part upon the loan recipient's achievement of one or
16more conditions or goals.
SB30-SSA1,868,20 17(2) Each new lending program the corporation implements or administers
18shall adhere as closely as practicable to commonly accepted commercial lending
19practices. The corporation shall adopt policies and procedures implementing this
SB30-SSA1,1771s 21Section 1771s. 238.145 of the statutes is repealed.
SB30-SSA1,1774e 22Section 1774e. 238.15 (3) (d) (intro.) of the statutes is renumbered 238.15 (3)
23(d) and amended to read:
SB30-SSA1,869,1524 238.15 (3) (d) Administration. The corporation, in consultation with the
25department of revenue, shall establish policies and procedures to administer this

1section and shall further define “bona fide angel investment" for purposes of s. 71.07
2(5d) (a) 1. The aggregate amount of tax credits under s. 71.07 (5d) that may be
3claimed for investments in businesses certified under sub. (1) and of tax credits
4under ss. 71.07 (5b), 71.28 (5b), 71.47 (5b), and 76.638 that may be claimed for
5investments paid to fund managers certified under sub. (2) is $30,000,000 per
6calendar year. The policies and procedures shall provide that a person who receives
7a credit under s. 71.07 (5b) or (5d), 71.28 (5b), 71.47 (5b), or 76.638 must keep the
8investment in a certified business, or with a certified fund manager, for no less than
93 years, unless the person's investment becomes worthless, as determined by the
10corporation, during the 3-year period or the person has kept the investment for no
11less than 12 months and a bona fide liquidity event, as determined by the
12corporation, occurs during the 3-year period. The policies and procedures shall
13permit the corporation to reallocate credits under this section in any calendar year
14that are unused in that calendar year to a person eligible for tax benefits, as defined
15under s. 238.30 (7) (e), if all of the following apply:
SB30-SSA1,1774f 16Section 1774f. 238.15 (3) (d) 1. of the statutes is repealed.
SB30-SSA1,1774g 17Section 1774g. 238.15 (3) (d) 2. of the statutes is repealed.
SB30-SSA1,1774k 18Section 1774k. 238.16 (4) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB30-SSA1,869,2119 238.16 (4) (c) Subject to a reallocation by the corporation pursuant to policies
20and procedures adopted under s. 238.15 (3) (d), the
The corporation may allocate up
21to $10,000,000 in tax benefits under this section in any calendar year.
SB30-SSA1,1775 22Section 1775 . 238.17 of the statutes is renumbered 238.17 (1) and amended
23to read:
SB30-SSA1,870,424 238.17 (1) For taxable years beginning after December 31, 2013, the
25corporation may certify a person to claim a tax credit under s. 71.07 (9m), 71.28 (6),

1or 71.47 (6), if the corporation determines that the person is conducting an eligible
2activity under s. 71.07 (9m), 71.28 (6), or 71.47 (6). No person may claim a tax credit
3under s. 71.07 (9m), 71.28 (6), or 71.47 (6) without first being certified under this
4section subsection.
SB30-SSA1,1775g 5Section 1775g. 238.17 (2) of the statutes is created to read:
SB30-SSA1,870,86 238.17 (2) Beginning July 1, 2018, the corporation may not certify persons to
7claim more than a total of $5,000,000 in tax credits for all projects undertaken on the
8same parcel.
SB30-SSA1,1775m 9Section 1775m. 238.17 (3) of the statutes is created to read:
SB30-SSA1,870,1510 238.17 (3) (a) Except as provided in par. (b), the corporation may not certify a
11person for a tax credit under sub. (1) if the person is not subject to the taxes imposed
12under s. 71.02, 71.08, 71.23, or 71.43, except that the corporation may certify a
13nonprofit entity described under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code for
14a tax credit under sub. (1) if the entity intends to sell or otherwise transfer the credit,
15as provided under s. 71.07 (9m), 71.28 (6) (h), or 71.47 (6) (h).
SB30-SSA1,871,216 (b) The corporation may certify a nonprofit entity not described under section
17501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code for a tax credit under sub. (1) by submitting
18the proposal for the certification to the joint committee on finance for approval. If
19the cochairpersons of the joint committee on finance do not notify the corporation
20within 14 working days after the date of the corporation's submittal that the
21committee has scheduled a meeting for the purpose of reviewing the proposal, the
22proposal may be implemented as proposed by the corporation. If, within 14 working
23days after the corporation's submittal, the cochairpersons of the joint committee on
24finance notify the corporation that the committee has scheduled a meeting for the

1purpose of reviewing the proposal, the proposal may be implemented only upon
2approval of the committee.
SB30-SSA1,1779L 3Section 1779L. 238.28 of the statutes is created to read:
SB30-SSA1,871,7 4238.28 Refundable tax credits. (1) Policies and procedures. The
5corporation shall adopt policies and procedures implementing ss. 71.07 (3w) (c) 1. b.,
6(3wm) (d), and (3y) (d) 2. b., 71.28 (3w) (c) 1. b., (3wm) (d), and (3y) (d) 2. b., and 71.47
7(3w) (c) 1. b. and (3y) (d) 2. b.
SB30-SSA1,871,10 8(2) Use of credits. It is the intent of the legislature that all credits awarded
9under ss. 238.16, 238.308, 238.396, and 238.399 become a permanent part of the
10working capital structure of businesses claiming the credits.
SB30-SSA1,1779m 11Section 1779m. 238.308 (4) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB30-SSA1,871,1512 238.308 (4) (b) Subject to a reallocation by the corporation under s. 238.15 (3)
13(d), the
The corporation may allocate up to $17,000,000 in tax benefits under this
14section in 2016 and up to
$22,000,000 per in tax benefits under this section each year
15thereafter. Any unused allocation may be carried forward.
SB30-SSA1,1779n 16Section 1779n. 238.308 (4) (c) of the statutes is created to read:
SB30-SSA1,871,1817 238.308 (4) (c) In any year, the corporation may exceed the annual limit on tax
18benefits specified in par. (b) by up to $10,000,000 if all of the following apply:
SB30-SSA1,871,2019 1. The corporation notifies the joint committee on finance in writing of its
20proposal to exceed the annual limit on tax benefits specified in par. (b).
SB30-SSA1,871,2321 2. The corporation submits with its notification under subd. 1. evidence that
22shows the corporation's proposal is necessary to accomplish the corporation's
23statewide economic development objectives.
SB30-SSA1,871,2424 3. Any of the following is true:
1a. The cochairpersons of the joint committee on finance fail to notify the
2corporation, within 14 working days after the date of the corporation's notification
3under subd. 1., that the committee has scheduled a meeting for the purpose of
4reviewing the corporation's proposal.
SB30-SSA1,872,65 b. The cochairpersons of the joint committee on finance notify the corporation
6that the committee has approved the corporation's proposal.
SB30-SSA1,1783L 7Section 1783L. 238.399 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB30-SSA1,872,98 238.399 (3) (a) The corporation may designate not more than 30 areas in this
9state as
enterprise zones.
SB30-SSA1,1783o 10Section 1783o. 238.399 (5s) of the statutes is created to read:
SB30-SSA1,872,1311 238.399 (5s) Cap. (a) Except as provided in par. (b), the corporation may not
12authorize payments under ss. 71.07 (3w), 71.28 (3w), and 71.47 (3w) in any fiscal
13biennium that total more than $80,600,000 in the aggregate.
SB30-SSA1,873,214 (b) The corporation may submit a plan to exceed the aggregate amount
15specified under par. (a) to the cochairpersons of the joint committee on finance for
16review by the committee. If the cochairpersons of the committee do not notify the
17corporation that the committee has scheduled a meeting for the purpose of reviewing
18the proposed plan within 14 working days after the date of the corporation's
19submittal, the corporation may exceed the aggregate amount in accordance with its
20proposed plan. If, within 14 working days after the date of the corporation's
21submittal, the cochairpersons of the committee notify the corporation that the
22committee has scheduled a meeting for the purpose of reviewing the proposed plan,
23the corporation may not exceed the aggregate amount unless the committee
24approves the proposed plan. If the committee modifies and approves the proposed

1plan, the corporation may exceed the aggregate amount in accordance with the plan
2as modified by the committee.
SB30-SSA1,1783q 3Section 1783q. 238.399 (6) (e) of the statutes is repealed.
SB30-SSA1,1784 4Section 1784 . 250.16 of the statutes is renumbered 341.14 (8v) and amended
5to read:
SB30-SSA1,873,106 341.14 (8v) Payments to the Wisconsin Women's Health Foundation. (a)
7From the appropriation account under s. 20.435 (1) 20.395 (5) (gi), the department
8shall make payments to the Wisconsin Women's Health Foundation, Inc., to provide
9women's health outreach and education programs and support for women's health
10research that improves the quality of life for women and families in this state.
SB30-SSA1,873,1611 (b) The agreement under this section shall require that the The Wisconsin
12Women's Health Foundation, Inc., shall provide, without fee and as a condition of
13receiving payments specified under this section subsection, any license or other
14approval required for use of any logo, trademark, trade name, word, or symbol to be
15used on or in association with special group registration plates under s. 341.14 sub.
16(6r) (f) 57.
SB30-SSA1,873,2217 (c) The agreement under this section shall require that As a condition of
18receiving payments specified under this subsection,
the Wisconsin Women's Health
19Foundation, Inc., shall annually submit to the attorney general and the presiding
20officer of each house of the legislature an audited financial statement of its use of the
21payments under this section subsection, prepared in accordance with generally
22accepted accounting principles.
SB30-SSA1,874,223 (d) Payments to the Wisconsin Women's Health Foundation, Inc., under this
24section subsection shall be discontinued by the department if the Wisconsin Women's

1Health Foundation, Inc., dissolves or is no longer exempt from taxation under section
2501 (a) of the Internal Revenue Code.
SB30-SSA1,1785 3Section 1785 . 250.17 of the statutes is renumbered 341.14 (8w) and amended
4to read:
SB30-SSA1,874,135 341.14 (8w) Organ and tissue donation. (a) From the appropriation account
6under s. 20.435 (1) (g) 20.395 (5) (gj), the department shall make payments to Donate
7Life Wisconsin, or an organization designated under par. (d) if Donate Life Wisconsin
8ceases to exist
, to encourage organ and tissue donation by providing educational
9programs, promoting or advancing research and patient services, and, at the
10discretion of Donate Life Wisconsin, distributing portions of these payments to any
11other organ and tissue procurement and donation organization in this state that is
12exempt from taxation under section 501 (a) of the Internal Revenue Code, to be used
13for these same purposes.
SB30-SSA1,874,1814 (b) The agreement under this section shall require that Donate Life Wisconsin
15shall provide, without fee and as a condition of receiving payments specified under
16this section subsection, any license or other approval required for use of any logo,
17trademark, trade name, word, or symbol to be used on or in association with special
18group registration plates under s. 341.14 sub. (6r) (f) 58.
SB30-SSA1,875,419 (c) The agreement under this section shall require that As a condition of
20receiving payments specified under this subsection,
Donate Life Wisconsin shall
21annually submit to the attorney general and the presiding officer of each house of the
22legislature an audited financial statement of its use of the payments under this
23section subsection, prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting
24principles. The agreement under this section shall also require that As a condition
25of receiving payments specified under this subsection,
Donate Life Wisconsin shall

1enter into a contract with any organ and tissue donor organization to which it
2distributes funds under sub. (1) par. (a) requiring that organization to prepare and
3submit audited financial statements of that organization's use of funds received
4under sub. (1) par. (a).
SB30-SSA1,875,155 (d) The department shall discontinue payments to Donate Life Wisconsin
6under this section subsection if Donate Life Wisconsin dissolves or is no longer
7exempt from taxation under section 501 (a) of the Internal Revenue Code and the
8department, in consultation with the department of health services, shall designate
9a new recipient for payments under this section subsection. The new recipient must
10be a nonprofit organization that promotes organ and tissue donation and must
11comply with any requirement specified in this section subsection for Donate Life
12Wisconsin. Notwithstanding any other provision of this section subsection, the
13department shall not make any payments under this section subsection until Donate
14Life Wisconsin is properly formed and operational and is exempt from taxation under
15section 501 (a) of the Internal Revenue Code.
SB30-SSA1,1785r 16Section 1785r. 252.12 (2) (a) 8. (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB30-SSA1,876,317 252.12 (2) (a) 8. `Mike Johnson life care and early intervention services grants.'
18(intro.) The department shall award not more than $3,677,000 $4,000,000 in each
19fiscal year in grants to applying organizations for the provision of needs assessments;
20assistance in procuring financial, medical, legal, social and pastoral services;
21counseling and therapy; homecare services and supplies; advocacy; and case
22management services. These services shall include early intervention services. The
23department shall also award not more than $74,000 in each year from the
24appropriation account under s. 20.435 (5) (md) for the services under this
25subdivision. The state share of payment for case management services that are

1provided under s. 49.45 (25) (be) to recipients of medical assistance shall be paid from
2the appropriation account under s. 20.435 (1) (am). All of the following apply to
3grants awarded under this subdivision:
SB30-SSA1,1791c 4Section 1791c. 252.185 of the statutes is created to read:
SB30-SSA1,876,12 5252.185 Communicable disease control and prevention. (1) From the
6appropriation under s. 20.435 (1) (cf), the department shall distribute moneys to local
7health departments to use for disease surveillance, contact tracing, staff
8development and training, improving communication among health care
9professionals, public education and outreach, and other infection control measures
10as required under this chapter. The department shall consider the following factors
11to establish an equitable allocation formula for the distribution of moneys under this
SB30-SSA1,876,1413 (a) Base allocation, including at least some base amount for each local health
SB30-SSA1,876,1515 (b) General population.
SB30-SSA1,876,1616 (c) Target populations.
SB30-SSA1,876,1717 (d) Risk factors.
SB30-SSA1,876,1918 (e) Geographic area, including consideration of the size of the service area or
19the density of population, or both.
SB30-SSA1,876,22 20(2) By January 1, 2019, and biennially thereafter, each local health department
21shall submit to the division of the department that addresses public health issues a
22financial statement of its use of funds under this section.
SB30-SSA1,1791e 23Section 1791e. 253.12 (2) (a) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
1253.12 (2) (a) (intro.) Except as provided in par. (b), all of the following shall
2report in the manner prescribed by the department under sub. (3) (a) 3. a birth defect
3in an infant or child that is specified under sub. (3) (a) 2. or (d):
SB30-SSA1,1791g 4Section 1791g. 253.12 (2) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB30-SSA1,877,95 253.12 (2) (d) The department may not require a person specified under par.
6(a) 1. or 2. to report the name of an infant or child for whom a report is made under
7par. (a) if the parent or guardian of the infant or child refuses to consent states in
8writing that he or she refuses to the release of the name or address of the infant or