SB30-SSA1,1077,1412 (1) Juvenile correctional services daily rates. The treatment of section
13301.26 (4) (d) 2. and 3. of the statutes takes effect on July 1, 2017, or on the 2nd day
14after publication, whichever is later.
SB30-SSA1,1077,1715 (3t) Rate-based service contracts. The treatment of section 301.08 (2) (e) and
16(em) of the statutes and Section 9308 (1t) of this act take effect on the January 1 after
SB30-SSA1,9409 18Section 9409. Effective dates; Court of Appeals.
SB30-SSA1,9410 19Section 9410. Effective dates; District Attorneys.
SB30-SSA1,9411 20Section 9411. Effective dates; Educational Approval Board.
SB30-SSA1,1078,9 21(1p) Temporary attachment of educational approval board to department of
22safety and professional services.
The repeal of sections 15.945 (title) and 20.292
23(2) (title) of the statutes, the renumbering of section 38.50 (title), (1) (intro.), (b), (c),
24(d), (e), (f), and (g), (2), (3), (7), (8), (10) (title), (b), (c), (cm), (d), (e), and (f), (11) (title),
25(a), (b), and (c), (12), and (13) (title), (a), (b), and (c) of the statutes, the renumbering

1and amendment of sections 15.945 (1), 20.292 (2) (g), (gm), and (i), and 38.50 (1) (a),
2(5), (10) (a), (11) (d), and (13) (d) of the statutes, the amendment of sections 15.406
3(6) (a) 1. (by Section 52m), 45.20 (1) (d) and (2) (a) 1. and 2. (intro.), (c) 1., and (d) 1.
4(intro.), 45.21 (2) (a) (by Section 738h), 71.05 (6) (b) 28. (intro.), 71.07 (5r) (a) 2. and
56. b., 71.28 (5r) (a) 2. and 6. b., 71.47 (5r) (a) 2. and 6. b., 102.07 (12m) (a) 1., 111.335
6(1) (cx), 182.028, subchapter V (title) of chapter 440, 460.05 (1) (e) 1. (by Section
72149m), 944.21 (8) (b) 3. a. (by Section 2248m), 948.11 (4) (b) 3. a. (by Section
82250m), and 995.55 (1) (b) of the statutes, and Section 9111 (1p) of this act take effect
9on January 1, 2018, or on the day after publication, whichever is later.
SB30-SSA1,1078,20 10(1q) Elimination of educational approval board and transfer of functions.
11The repeal of sections 15.07 (5) (i), 15.405 (18), and 440.52 (1) (a) and (5) of the
12statutes, the amendment of sections 15.406 (6) (a) 1. (by Section 52o), 29.506 (7m)
13(a), 45.21 (2) (a) (by Section 738j), 125.04 (5) (a) 5., 125.17 (6) (a) (intro.), 134.66 (2m)
14(b), 440.52 (1) (e) 8. and (g), (2), (3), (7) (intro.), (g), (h), and (i), (8) (a), (b), (c) (intro.),
151., 2., 4., and 5., (d), and (e), (10) (a), (b), (c) (intro.) and 1., and (cm), (11) (b) 1., (c),
16and (d), (12) (a) (intro.) and 1. and (b), and (13) (a) 2. a., b., and e. and (d), 460.05 (1)
17(e) 1. (by Section 2149p), 944.21 (8) (b) 3. a. (by Section 2248p), and 948.11 (4) (b)
183. a. (by Section 2250p) of the statutes, the repeal and recreation of sections 15.675
19(1) (d) and 440.52 (title) of the statutes, and Section 9111 (1q) of this act take effect
20on July 1, 2018, or on the day after publication, whichever is later.
SB30-SSA1,9412 21Section 9412. Effective dates; Educational Communications Board.
SB30-SSA1,9413 22Section 9413. Effective dates; Elections Commission.
SB30-SSA1,9414 23Section 9414. Effective dates; Employee Trust Funds.
SB30-SSA1,1079,224 (1) Duty disability survivorship benefits and deferred compensation plans;
25domestic partners.
The treatment of sections 40.02 (8) (b) 3., 40.65 (7) (am) 1., 1g.,

11m., and 3. and (ar) 1. a., ag., and am., and 40.80 (2r) (a) 2. of the statutes takes effect
2on January 1, 2018.
SB30-SSA1,9415 3Section 9415. Effective dates; Employment Relations Commission.
SB30-SSA1,9416 4Section 9416. Effective dates; Ethics Commission.
SB30-SSA1,9417 5Section 9417. Effective dates; Financial Institutions.
SB30-SSA1,9418 6Section 9418. Effective dates; Governor.
SB30-SSA1,9419 7Section 9419. Effective dates; Health and Educational Facilities
SB30-SSA1,9420 9Section 9420. Effective dates; Health Services.
SB30-SSA1,1079,1310 (1) Medical Assistance income; Medical Assistance Purchase Plan. The
11treatment of sections 46.269, 49.46 (1) (em), 49.47 (4) (c) 1., and 49.472 (3) (a), (b), (f),
12and (g), (4) (a) (intro.), 1., 2., 2m., and 3., (b), (bm), (cm), (dm), and (em), (5), and (6)
13(a) of the statutes and Section 9320 (1) of this act take effect on July 1, 2018.
SB30-SSA1,1079,1514 (2) FoodShare asset requirement. The treatment of section 49.79 (1r) of the
15statutes and Section 9320 (2p) of this act take effect on July 1, 2018.
SB30-SSA1,1079,18 16(3f) Children's long-term support waiver program. The treatment of sections
1720.435 (4) (x), 25.77 (14), and 49.45 (39) (bm) of the statutes takes effect on December
1831, 2017.
SB30-SSA1,1080,2 19(3k) Graduate medical training support grants. If January 2017 Special
20Session Assembly Bill 7 is enacted into law, the treatment of 2017 Wisconsin Act ....
21(January 2017 Special Session Assembly Bill 7), Section 1 (1) (by Section 2265t) and
22Section 9220 (1m) of this act take effect on the 2nd day after publication of this act
23or of 2017 Wisconsin Act .... (January 2017 Special Session Assembly Bill 7),
24whichever is later. If January 2017 Special Session Assembly Bill 7 is not enacted
25into law in the 2017-18 legislative session, the treatment of 2017 Wisconsin Act ....

1(January 2017 Special Session Assembly Bill 7), Section 1 (1) (by Section 2265t) and
2Section 9220 (1m) of this act are void.
SB30-SSA1,1080,4 3(3t) Youth crisis stabilization facility. The repeal of section 20.435 (5) (kd)
4of the statutes takes effect on July 1, 2019.
SB30-SSA1,1080,75 (3u) Rate-based service contracts. The treatment of section 46.036 (4) (c) and
6(5m) (b) 1., 2., 3., and 4., (e), and (em) of the statutes and Section 9320 (2t) of this act
7take effect on the January 1 after publication.
SB30-SSA1,1080,88 (4b) Medical assistance audit of family planning services.
SB30-SSA1,1080,10 9(a) The treatment of section 20.435 (4) (L) (by Section 379ar) of the statutes
10takes effect on July 1, 2019.
SB30-SSA1,1080,12 11(b) The treatment of section 20.435 (4) (L) (by Section 379as) of the statutes
12takes effect on July 1, 2021.
SB30-SSA1,1080,15 13(4f) Peer-run respite center for veterans. The treatment of sections 20.435
14(2) (gk) (by Section 377b) and 46.48 (32) (by Section 752b) of the statutes and the
15repeal of section 20.435 (5) (kp) of the statutes take effect on July 1, 2019.
SB30-SSA1,1080,17 16(6d) Critical access hospital grant. The treatment of section 20.435 (5) (bc)
17(by Section 379g) of the statutes takes effect on July 1, 2019.
SB30-SSA1,9421 18Section 9421. Effective dates; Higher Educational Aids Board.
SB30-SSA1,9422 19Section 9422. Effective dates; Historical Society.
SB30-SSA1,9423 20Section 9423. Effective dates; Housing and Economic Development
SB30-SSA1,9424 22Section 9424. Effective dates; Insurance.
SB30-SSA1,1080,2423 (1) Transfer of information technology functions. Section 9124 (1) of this
24act takes effect on October 1, 2017.
1(3f) Nonresident agent appointment fees. The treatment of section 601.31 (1)
2(n) of the statutes takes effect on January 1, 2019.
SB30-SSA1,9425 3Section 9425. Effective dates; Investment Board.
SB30-SSA1,9426 4Section 9426. Effective dates; Joint Committee on Finance.
SB30-SSA1,9427 5Section 9427. Effective dates; Judicial Commission.
SB30-SSA1,9428 6Section 9428. Effective dates; Justice.
SB30-SSA1,1081,87 (1q) Community institution security cost reimbursement grants. The repeal
8of section 165.989 of the statutes takes effect on July 1, 2019.
SB30-SSA1,1081,99 (1r) Court appointed special advocate association grants.
SB30-SSA1,1081,11 10(a) The repeal of section 20.455 (5) (kr) of the statutes takes effect on July 1,
SB30-SSA1,1081,12 12(b) Section 2265p of this act takes effect on June 29, 2017.
SB30-SSA1,9429 13Section 9429. Effective dates; Legislature.
SB30-SSA1,9430 14Section 9430. Effective dates; Lieutenant Governor.
SB30-SSA1,9431 15Section 9431. Effective dates; Local Government.
SB30-SSA1,1081,21 16(1i) Quarry regulation; ordinance in conflict with statute. The treatment
17of sections 59.69 (10) (ap) and (10s), 60.61 (5) (as) and (5s), 62.23 (7) (hd) and (19),
18and 101.02 (7w) of the statutes, the renumbering and amendment of sections 59.69
19(10) (ab), 60.61 (5) (ab), and 62.23 (7) (ab) of the statutes, and the creation of sections
2059.69 (10) (ab) 1., 2., 4., and 5., 60.61 (5) (ab) 1., 3., and 4., 62.23 (7) (ab) 1., 3., and
214., and 66.0414 of the statutes take effect on April 1, 2018.
SB30-SSA1,1081,23 22(2i) Regulation of quarry noise. The amendment of section 66.0414 (3) (f) of
23the statutes takes effect on April 1, 2019.
SB30-SSA1,9432 24Section 9432. Effective dates; Military Affairs.
SB30-SSA1,9433 25Section 9433. Effective dates; Natural Resources.
1(1) Vehicle admission receipts. The treatment of section 27.01 (7) (f) 2., 3., and
24. and (g) 2., 3., and 4. of the statutes takes effect on January 1, 2018.
SB30-SSA1,1082,43 (2) Camping fees. The treatment of section 27.01 (10) (d) 1. and 2. and (g) 5. and
46. of the statutes takes effect on January 1, 2018.
SB30-SSA1,1082,6 5(4w) Village of Plover grant. The repeal of section 20.370 (6) (gs) of the
6statutes takes effect on July 1, 2019.
SB30-SSA1,9434 7Section 9434. Effective dates; Public Defender Board.
SB30-SSA1,9435 8Section 9435. Effective dates; Public Instruction.
SB30-SSA1,1082,10 9(1f) Consolidation aid. The treatment of section 20.255 (2) (br) of the statutes
10takes effect on July 1, 2019.
SB30-SSA1,1082,17 11(1p) Part time open enrollment. The repeal of sections 20.255 (2) (cw) and
12118.52 (1) (am), (6) (c), and (12) (b) of the statutes, the renumbering and amendment
13of section 118.52 (12) (a) of the statutes, the amendment of sections 20.255 (2) (cy),
14115.28 (54m), 115.38 (1) (d), 115.385 (4), 118.52 (2), (3) (a), (b), (c), (d) 1., and (e), (6)
15(a), (8), (9), (10), and (11) (a) and (b), 118.57 (1), and 121.05 (1) (a) 5. of the statutes,
16the repeal and recreation of section 118.52 (title) of the statutes, and the creation of
17section 118.52 (6) (b) of the statutes take effect on July 1, 2018.
SB30-SSA1,1082,24 18(1q) Early college credit program. The repeal of section 118.55 (5) (c) of the
19statutes, the renumbering and amendment of section 118.55 (1), (4) (a), (6) (c), (7t)
20(b), and (8) of the statutes, the amendment of section 118.55 (title), (2) (a), (3), (4) (b)
21and (c), (5) (intro.) and (a), (6) (a) and (b), (7g), (7t) (a) and (c), and (8) (title) of the
22statutes, and the creation of sections 20.445 (1) (d), 106.125, and 118.55 (1) (b), (c),
23and (d), (3) (c), (4) (a) 1., (5) (b), (d) 1m. and 2., and (e), (6) (c) 2., and (8) (b) of the
24statutes take effect on July 1, 2018.
1(1w) Scheduling school district referendums. The treatment of sections 7.52
2(8), 8.06, 67.05 (6a) (a) 2. (intro.), a., and c. and (am) 1., and 121.91 (3) (c) of the
3statutes, the renumbering and amendment of section 121.91 (3) (a) of the statutes,
4the creation of section 121.91 (3) (a) 2. and 3. of the statutes, and Section 9335 (1f)
5and (1g) of this act take effect on January 1, 2018.
SB30-SSA1,1083,76 (1x) Reorganization of a low performing school district; study funding. The
7repeal of section 20.255 (1) (fp) of the statutes takes effect on July 1, 2019.
SB30-SSA1,9436 8Section 9436. Effective dates; Public Lands, Board of Commissioners
SB30-SSA1,9437 10Section 9437. Effective dates; Public Service Commission.
SB30-SSA1,1083,12 11(1t) Public utility definition. The treatment of section 196.01 (5) (b) 7. of the
12statutes takes effect on the first day of the 13th month beginning after publication.
SB30-SSA1,9438 13Section 9438. Effective dates; Revenue.
SB30-SSA1,1083,1514 (2) Bad debt adjustments. The treatment of 2013 Wisconsin Act 229, section
156 (1) takes effect retroactively to June 30, 2017.
SB30-SSA1,1083,18 16(2i) Sales tax on broadcast equipment. The renumbering and amendment of
17section 77.54 (23n) of the statutes and the creation of section 77.54 (23n) (a) and (b)
182. to 5. of the statutes take effect on July 1, 2019.
SB30-SSA1,1083,21 19(2p) Amusement devices and tournament or entrance fees. The treatment of
20section 77.54 (65) of the statutes takes effect on the first day of the 3rd month
21beginning after publication.
SB30-SSA1,1084,222 (3) Lump sum contract sales tax exemption. The treatment of sections 77.52
23(2m) (b) and 77.54 (60) (b) and (bm) of the statutes, the renumbering and amendment
24of section 77.54 (60) (a) and (c) of the statutes, the creation of section 77.54 (60) (c)

12. and (d) 2. and 3. of the statutes, and Section 9338 (18) take effect on the first day
2of the 3rd month beginning after publication.
SB30-SSA1,1084,4 3(3d) Building materials sales tax exemption. The treatment of section 77.54
4(9m) of the statutes takes effect on July 1, 2018.
SB30-SSA1,1084,7 5(3f) Sales and use tax audits; statistical sampling. The treatment of section
677.59 (2) and (2g) of the statutes takes effect on the first day of the 6th month
7beginning after publication.
SB30-SSA1,1084,9 8(3m) Recreational motorboats. The treatment of section 78.01 (2m) (f) of the
9statutes takes effect retroactively on July 1, 2013.
SB30-SSA1,1084,12 10(4f) Tax stamp discount for manufacturers, bonded direct marketers, and
The treatment of section 139.32 (5) of the statutes takes effect on the
12first day of the 3rd month beginning after publication.
SB30-SSA1,1084,16 13(4i) Sales and use tax exemptions for beekeeping. The treatment of sections
1477.51 (1bm) and (13) (o) and 77.54 (3) (a), (3m) (intro.), (hm), and (L), (30) (a) 3. and
155., and (33) of the statutes takes effect on the first day of the 3rd month beginning
16after publication.
SB30-SSA1,1084,18 17(4w) Sales tax treatment of Internet access services. The treatment of
18sections 77.52 (2) (a) 5. a. and 77.522 (4) (h) of the statutes takes effect on July 1, 2020.
SB30-SSA1,9439 19Section 9439. Effective dates; Safety and Professional Services.
SB30-SSA1,1084,2420 (1) Rental unit energy efficiency. The treatment of sections 77.22 (2) (c) and
21(d), 101.02 (20) (a), (21) (a), and (24) (a) 2., 101.122, 101.19 (1g) (i) and (1r), 706.05
22(12), 778.25 (1) (a) 7., (b), and (c), and 846.167 (2) (a), (b) 2. b., and (c) and (3) of the
23statutes and Section 9339 (1 ), (2), (3), (4 ), and (5) of this act take effect on the first
24day of the 4th month beginning after publication.
1(4t) Private on-site wastewater treatment system replacement or
2rehabilitation grant program; sunset.
The treatment of sections 20.165 (2) (j) and
3(ke), 145.20 (5) (a) and (am), 145.245 (by Section 1655j), and 281.57 (7) (c) 1. of the
4statutes, the renumbering and amendment of section 145.01 (4m) of the statutes,
5and the creation of section 145.01 (4m) (a), (b), (c), (d), and (e) of the statutes take
6effect on June 30, 2021.
SB30-SSA1,9440 7Section 9440. Effective dates; Secretary of State.
SB30-SSA1,9441 8Section 9441. Effective dates; State Fair Park Board.
SB30-SSA1,9442 9Section 9442. Effective dates; Supreme Court.
SB30-SSA1,9443 10Section 9443. Effective dates; Technical College System.
SB30-SSA1,9444 11Section 9444. Effective dates; Tourism.
SB30-SSA1,1085,14 12(1t) Improvement of property used for ski jumping competitions. The
13treatment of section 20.380 (1) (b) (by Section 359n) of the statutes takes effect on
14July 1, 2018.
SB30-SSA1,9445 15Section 9445. Effective dates; Transportation.
SB30-SSA1,1085,17 16(1f) Transportation projects commission membership. The treatment of
17section 13.489 (1g) of the statutes takes effect on January 1, 2018.
SB30-SSA1,1085,2018 (1i) Recreational vehicle dealer service fees. Notwithstanding section
19227.265 of the statutes, the repeal of section Trans 142.04 (7), Wisconsin
20Administrative Code, takes effect on the day after publication.
SB30-SSA1,1085,23 21(1p) Registration fee for hybrid electric and nonhybrid electric vehicles.
22The treatment of section 341.25 (1) (L) of the statutes and Section 9345 (4p) of this
23act take effect on January 1, 2018.
SB30-SSA1,9446 24Section 9446. Effective dates; Treasurer.
1Section 9447. Effective dates; University of Wisconsin Hospitals and
2Clinics Authority; Medical College of Wisconsin.
SB30-SSA1,9448 3Section 9448. Effective dates; University of Wisconsin System.