AB277-ASA1,4,1210 (b) A permit issued under this subsection authorizes the retail sale of
11fermented malt beverages on the premises covered by the permit, for consumption
12anywhere at the state fair park.
AB277-ASA1,4,1413 (c) A permit issued under this subsection may describe as premises under the
14permit multiple locations at the state fair park.
AB277-ASA1,4,1915 (d) A person holding a permit under this subsection is subject to any
16requirements or conditions imposed upon the person by the state fair park board in
17the permit or under a lease or vendor agreement. This agreement may require the
18person to remit to the state fair park board a percentage of gross sales of alcohol
19beverages as specified in the agreement.
AB277-ASA1,4,2220 (e) Persons holding a permit under this subsection may sell beverages
21containing less than 0.5 percent of alcohol by volume without obtaining a license
22under s. 66.0433.
AB277-ASA1,4,2423 (f) Sections 125.04 (3) (e), (f), and (g), (8), and (12), 125.045, 125.10, 125.12, and
24125.185 do not apply with respect to a permit issued under this subsection.
1(g) A permit issued under this subsection shall be valid for one year and expire
2on June 30. The state fair park board shall establish an annual fee for a permit
3issued under this subsection in the amount of 50 percent of the annual fee for a
4permit issued under sub. (1). All fees received under this paragraph shall be credited
5to the appropriation account under s. 20.190 (1) (h).
AB277-ASA1,5,76 (h) 1. The state fair park board shall establish standards, consistent with par.
7(a), and procedures for renewal of a permit issued under this subsection.
AB277-ASA1,5,118 2. The state fair park board shall establish standards and procedures for
9suspension, revocation, or refusal to renew a permit issued under this subsection.
10A suspension, revocation, or refusal to renew a permit under this subsection is a
11contested case under ch. 227.
AB277-ASA1,5,1312 (i) Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, all sections of this chapter
13relating to Class “B" licenses apply to Class “B" permits issued under this subsection.
AB277-ASA1,5,1514 (j) The state fair park board shall have the enforcement powers of s. 42.01 over
15a permittee under this subsection.
AB277-ASA1,5,2116 (k) A municipality may not issue a Class “B” license for premises within the
17state fair park. Except as provided in ss. 125.29 (3) (j) and 125.295 (1) (i), no person
18may sell fermented malt beverages at retail at the state fair park unless the person
19holds a permit issued under this subsection, and no brewer, brewpub, or wholesaler
20may sell fermented malt beverages to a person for resale at the state fair park unless
21the person holds a permit issued under this subsection.
AB277-ASA1,5 22Section 5. 125.29 (3) (j) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB277-ASA1,6,223 125.29 (3) (j) The ownership, maintenance, or operation of places for the sale
24of fermented malt beverages at the state fair park or on any county fairgrounds
25located in this state. A brewer may not make retail sales of fermented malt beverages

1at the state fair park unless the state fair park board has approved the brewer to
2make such sales.
AB277-ASA1,6 3Section 6. 125.295 (1) (i) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB277-ASA1,6,94 125.295 (1) (i) Notwithstanding s. 125.33 (1), the ownership, maintenance, and
5operation of places for the sale of fermented malt beverages at the state fair park or
6on any county fairgrounds located in this state if the fermented malt beverages have
7been manufactured by the brewpub. A brewpub may not make retail sales of
8fermented malt beverages at the state fair park unless the state fair park board has
9approved the brewpub to make such sales.
AB277-ASA1,7 10Section 7. 125.33 (14) of the statutes is created to read:
AB277-ASA1,6,1611 125.33 (14) Sponsorship payments to state fair park vendors. It is not a
12violation of this chapter for a brewer, brewpub, out-of-state shipper, or wholesaler
13to make a sponsorship payment or provide any other item of value to a vendor that
14has been issued a permit by the state fair park board. If the vendor also holds a retail
15Class “B” license, the sponsorship exception is strictly applied only to the state fair
16park location.
AB277-ASA1,8 17Section 8. 125.51 (5) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB277-ASA1,7,918 125.51 (5) (e) Additional sales authority for permittees. Notwithstanding pars.
19(a) 2., (b) 3., (c) 3., and (d) 3. and ss. 125.04 (3) (a) 3. and (9) and 125.09 (1), in addition
20to the authorization specified in par. (a), (b), (c), or (d), a “Class B" permit issued
21under this subsection also authorizes the permittee to provide intoxicating liquor,
22including its retail sale, at specific locations within the Ozaukee County fairgrounds
23for consumption at these locations during special events held at the fairgrounds, if
24the Ozaukee County board adopts a resolution approving the permittee and if the
25premises covered by the “Class B” permit are located in Ozaukee County.

1Notwithstanding pars. (a), (b), (c), and (d), a permittee may provide intoxicating
2liquor under this paragraph at the Ozaukee County fairgrounds even though the
3Ozaukee County fairgrounds are not part of the premises described in the permit.
4A permittee that provides intoxicating liquor under this paragraph is subject to s.
5125.68 (2) as if the intoxicating liquor were provided on the premises covered by the
6“Class B” permit. This paragraph does not authorize Ozaukee County or any person
7operating or managing the Ozaukee County fairgrounds to sell intoxicating liquor
8at retail or to procure or stock intoxicating liquor for purposes of retail sale. This
9paragraph does not apply to a permit issued under par. (g).
AB277-ASA1,9 10Section 9. 125.51 (5) (g) of the statutes is created to read:
AB277-ASA1,7,1911 125.51 (5) (g) Permits for state fair park. 1. The state fair park board may issue
12“Class B" permits for locations at the state fair park to any person who holds a valid
13certificate issued under s. 73.03 (50), meets the qualifications under s. 125.04 (5) (a),
14(b), and (c), and, if applicable, satisfies the requirements under s. 125.04 (6). The
15state fair park board may use the application forms under s. 125.04 (3) (b) and (d) 1.
16or may prepare its own application forms with application information tailored to the
17permits under this paragraph. The state fair park board's notice of meeting under
18s. 19.84 for a meeting at which a permit application will be considered shall be given
19at least 15 days prior to the meeting.
AB277-ASA1,7,2220 2. A permit issued under this paragraph authorizes the retail sale of
21intoxicating liquor, by the glass and not in the original package or container, on the
22premises covered by the permit, for consumption anywhere at the state fair park.
AB277-ASA1,7,2423 3. A permit issued under this paragraph may describe as premises under the
24permit multiple locations at the state fair park.
14. A permit issued under this paragraph to a person affiliated with a winery
2trade association may also authorize the permittee to make retail sales, in original
3packages or containers, for consumption away from the state fair park, of wine
4manufactured by members of the winery trade association.
AB277-ASA1,8,95 5. A person holding a permit under this paragraph is subject to any
6requirements or conditions imposed upon the person by the state fair park board in
7the permit or under a lease or vendor agreement. This agreement may require the
8person to remit to the state fair park board a percentage of gross sales of alcohol
9beverages as specified in the agreement.
AB277-ASA1,8,1110 6. Sections 125.04 (3) (e), (f), and (g), (8), and (12), 125.045, 125.10, 125.12, and
11125.185 do not apply with respect to a permit issued under this paragraph.
AB277-ASA1,8,1312 7. Permits issued under this paragraph are not subject to a quota under sub.
AB277-ASA1,8,1814 8. A permit issued under this paragraph shall be valid for one year and expire
15on June 30. The state fair park board shall establish an annual fee for a permit
16issued under this paragraph in the amount of 50 percent of the annual fee for a
17permit issued under par. (a). All fees received under this subdivision shall be
18credited to the appropriation account under s. 20.190 (1) (h).
AB277-ASA1,8,2019 9. a. The state fair park board shall establish standards, consistent with subd.
201., and procedures for renewal of a permit issued under this paragraph.
AB277-ASA1,8,2421 b. The state fair park board shall establish standards and procedures for
22suspension, revocation, or refusal to renew a permit issued under this paragraph.
23A suspension, revocation, or refusal to renew a permit under this paragraph is a
24contested case under ch. 227.
110. Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, all sections of this chapter
2relating to “Class B" licenses apply to “Class B" permits issued under this paragraph.
AB277-ASA1,9,43 11. The state fair park board shall have the enforcement powers of s. 42.01 over
4a permittee under this paragraph.
AB277-ASA1,9,75 12. A municipality may not issue a “Class B” license for premises within the
6state fair park. No person may sell intoxicating liquor at retail at the state fair park
7unless the person holds a permit issued under this paragraph.
AB277-ASA1,10 8Section 10. 125.69 (8) of the statutes is created to read:
AB277-ASA1,9,149 125.69 (8) Sponsorship payments to state fair park vendors. It is not a
10violation of this chapter for a manufacturer, rectifier, out-of-state shipper, or
11wholesaler to make a sponsorship payment or provide any other item of value to a
12vendor that has been issued a permit by the state fair park board. If the vendor also
13holds a retail “Class B” license, this subsection is strictly applied only to the state fair
14park location.