SB158-AA1,35 14Section 35. 446.01 (1v) (m) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB158-AA1,10,1915 446.01 (1v) (m) Marriage and family therapy, professional counseling, and
16social work examining board under subch. I of ch. 457. “Health care professional"
17also includes an individual who is exercising a multistate authorization to practice,
18as defined in s. 457.70 (2) (q), under any category of social worker multistate license,
19as defined in s. 457.70 (2) (r), in this state.
SB158-AA1,36 20Section 36. 448.08 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB158-AA1,11,521 448.08 (4) Professional partnerships and corporations permitted.
22Notwithstanding any other provision in this section, it is lawful for 2 or more
23physicians, who have entered into a bona fide partnership for the practice of
24medicine, to render a single bill for such services in the name of such partnership,

1and it also is lawful for a service corporation to render a single bill for services in the
2name of the corporation, provided that each individual licensed, registered or
3certified under this chapter, subch. I of ch. 457, or ch. 446, 449, 450, 455, 457 or 459
4that renders billed services is individually identified as having rendered such
SB158-AA1,37 6Section 37. 448.67 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB158-AA1,11,137 448.67 (4) Billing by professional partnerships and corporations. If 2 or
8more podiatrists have entered into a bona fide partnership or formed a service
9corporation for the practice of podiatry, the partnership or corporation may not
10render a single bill for podiatry services provided in the name of the partnership or
11corporation unless each individual licensed, registered or certified under this
12chapter, subch. I of ch. 457, or ch. 446, 449, 450, 455, 457 or 459, who provided
13services is individually identified on the bill as having rendered those services.
SB158-AA1,38 14Section 38. 450.10 (3) (a) 10. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB158-AA1,11,1715 450.10 (3) (a) 10. A social worker, marriage and family therapist, or
16professional counselor certified or licensed under ch. 457, as those terms are defined
17under subch. I of ch. 457
SB158-AA1,39 18Section 39. Chapter 457 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB158-AA1,11,2219 CHAPTER 457
SB158-AA1,40 23Section 40. Subchapter I (title) of chapter 457 [precedes 457.01] of the statutes
24is created to read:
SB158-AA1,11,2525 chapter 457
1Subchapter I
SB158-AA1,41 5Section 41. 457.01 (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB158-AA1,12,6 6457.01 Definitions. (intro.) In this chapter subchapter:
SB158-AA1,42 7Section 42. 457.01 (1c) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB158-AA1,12,118 457.01 (1c) “Advanced practice social worker" means an individual who holds
9an advanced practice social worker certificate granted by the social worker section
10or who is exercising a multistate authorization to practice under a master's-category
11multistate license
SB158-AA1,43 12Section 43. 457.01 (1g) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB158-AA1,12,1413 457.01 (1g) “Certificate holder" means an individual who is certified under this
14chapter subchapter.
SB158-AA1,44 15Section 44. 457.01 (1r) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB158-AA1,12,1916 457.01 (1r) “Clinical social worker" means an individual who holds a license
17to practice clinical social work granted by the social worker section or who is
18exercising a multistate authorization to practice under a clinical-category
19multistate license
SB158-AA1,45 20Section 45. 457.01 (1w) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB158-AA1,12,2221 457.01 (1w) “Credential" means a license or certificate granted under this
22chapter subchapter.
SB158-AA1,46 23Section 46. 457.01 (2r) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB158-AA1,12,2524 457.01 (2r) “Licensee" means a person who is licensed under this chapter
1Section 47. 457.01 (5g) of the statutes is created to read:
SB158-AA1,13,52 457.01 (5g) “Multistate authorization to practice” means the multistate
3authorization to practice, as defined in s. 457.70 (2) (q), of an individual to practice
4the appropriate category of social work in this state under a multistate license
5granted by another state that is a party to the social work licensure compact.
SB158-AA1,48 6Section 48. 457.01 (5r) of the statutes is created to read:
SB158-AA1,13,77 457.01 (5r) “Multistate license” has the meaning given in s. 457.70 (2) (r).
SB158-AA1,49 8Section 49. 457.01 (10) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB158-AA1,13,119 457.01 (10) “Social worker" means an individual who holds a social worker
10certificate granted by the social worker section or who is exercising a multistate
11authorization to practice under a bachelor's-category multistate license
SB158-AA1,50 12Section 50. 457.01 (12) of the statutes is created to read:
SB158-AA1,13,1413 457.01 (12) “Social work licensure compact” means the social work licensure
14compact under s. 457.70.
SB158-AA1,51 15Section 51. 457.02 (intro.), (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (5m) and (6) (c) of the statutes
16are amended to read:
SB158-AA1,13,18 17457.02 Applicability. (intro.) This chapter subchapter does not do any of the
SB158-AA1,14,2 19(1) Require any individual to be certified or licensed under this chapter
20subchapter in order to use the title “pastoral counselor," “investment counselor,"
21“vocational counselor," “career counselor," “alcohol and drug counselor," “chemical
22dependency counselor," or “employee assistance counselor," or to engage in such
23counseling, if the individual does not use any other title or designation that
24represents or may tend to represent that he or she is certified or licensed under this
25chapter subchapter, and does not represent himself or herself as an individual who

1engages in social work, advanced practice social work, independent social work,
2clinical social work, marriage and family therapy, or professional counseling.
SB158-AA1,14,6 3(2) Require any individual who is licensed as a school social worker or school
4counselor by the department of public instruction to be certified or licensed under
5this chapter subchapter in order to use the title “school social worker" or “school
SB158-AA1,14,12 7(3) Require a person who is a psychologist or a psychiatrist to be licensed under
8this chapter subchapter in order to use the title “marriage and family therapist,"
9“marriage and family counselor," or “professional counselor" if the psychologist or
10psychiatrist does not use the term “licensed," “certified," or “registered" or any
11similar term in connection with the title “marriage and family therapist," “marriage
12and family counselor," or “professional counselor."
SB158-AA1,14,16 13(4) Authorize any individual who is certified or licensed under this chapter
14subchapter to use the title “school social worker" or “school counselor" unless the
15individual is licensed as a school social worker or school counselor by the department
16of public instruction.
SB158-AA1,14,21 17(5) Authorize any individual who is certified under s. 457.08 (1), 457.09 (1), or
18457.14 (1) (a) to (c) or who is exercising a multistate authorization to practice to use
19the title “alcohol and drug counselor" or “chemical dependency counselor" unless the
20individual is certified as an alcohol and drug counselor or as a chemical dependency
21counselor through a process recognized by the department.
SB158-AA1,15,5 22(5m) Authorize any individual who is certified under s. 457.08 (1), 457.09 (1),
23or 457.14 (1) (a) to (c) or who is exercising a multistate authorization to practice to
24treat substance use disorder as a specialty unless the individual is a certified
25substance abuse counselor, clinical supervisor, or prevention specialist under s.

1440.88, or unless the individual satisfies educational and supervised training
2requirements established in rules promulgated by the examining board. In
3promulgating rules under this subsection, the examining board shall consider the
4requirements for qualifying as a certified substance abuse counselor, clinical
5supervisor, or prevention specialist under s. 440.88.
SB158-AA1,15,9 6(6) (c) Provide a consultation or demonstration with an individual licensed
7under this chapter subchapter if the person providing the consultation or
8demonstration is licensed to practice marriage and family therapy, professional
9counseling, or clinical social work in another state or territory of the United States.
SB158-AA1,52 10Section 52. 457.03 (1), (1m) and (2) of the statutes are amended to read:
SB158-AA1,15,1811 457.03 (1) Upon the advice of the social worker section, marriage and family
12therapist section, and professional counselor section, promulgate rules establishing
13minimum standards for educational programs that must be completed for
14certification or licensure under this chapter subchapter and for supervised clinical
15training that must be completed for licensure as a clinical social worker, marriage
16and family therapist, or professional counselor under this chapter subchapter and
17approve educational programs and supervised clinical training programs in
18accordance with those standards.
SB158-AA1,15,22 19(1m) Upon the advice of the social worker section, marriage and family
20therapist section, and professional counselor section, and consistent with s. 457.16,
21promulgate rules establishing examination requirements for certification and
22licensure under this chapter subchapter.
SB158-AA1,16,6 23(2) Upon the advice of the social worker section, marriage and family therapist
24section, and professional counselor section, promulgate rules establishing a code of
25ethics to govern the professional conduct of certificate holders and, licensees, and

1individuals exercising a multistate authorization to practice
. The rules shall specify
2the services included within the practice of social work, advanced practice social
3work, or independent social work that an individual who is certified under this
4chapter as
a social worker, advanced practice social worker, or independent social
5worker may perform and the degree of supervision, if any, required to perform those
SB158-AA1,53 7Section 53. 457.033 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB158-AA1,16,17 8457.033 Psychometric testing. The marriage and family therapy,
9professional counseling, and social work examining board and the psychology
10examining board shall jointly promulgate rules that specify the different levels of
11psychometric testing that an individual who is certified or licensed under this
12chapter subchapter, or an individual who is exercising a multistate authorization to
is qualified to perform. Such rules shall be consistent with the guidelines
14of the American Psychological Association, or other nationally recognized guidelines,
15for performing psychometric testing. A certificate holder or, licensee, or holder of a
16multistate license
may not engage in psychometric testing except as provided under
17the rules promulgated under this section.
SB158-AA1,54 18Section 54. 457.035 (1) and (2) of the statutes are amended to read:
SB158-AA1,16,2019 457.035 (1) The individual is licensed under this chapter as a clinical social
20worker, marriage and family therapist, or professional counselor.
SB158-AA1,16,23 21(2) The individual is certified as an advanced practice or independent social
22worker and the individual engages in psychotherapy only under the supervision of
23an individual specified in s. 457.08 (4) (c) 1., 2., 3., or 4.
SB158-AA1,55 24Section 55. 457.04 (1), (2), (3), (4), (5) (a) and (b), (6) and (7) of the statutes are
25amended to read:
1457.04 (1) Use the title “social worker" unless the person is certified as a social
2worker under this chapter subchapter or holds a bachelor's-category multistate
3license granted in another state that is a party to the social work licensure compact
SB158-AA1,17,7 4(2) Use the title “advanced practice social worker" unless the person is certified
5as an advanced practice social worker under this chapter subchapter or holds a
6master's-category multistate license granted in another state that is a party to the
7social work licensure compact
SB158-AA1,17,9 8(3) Use the title “independent social worker" unless the person is certified as
9an independent social worker under this chapter subchapter.
SB158-AA1,17,20 10(4) Practice clinical social work or designate himself or herself as a clinical
11social worker or use or assume the title “clinical social worker" or any other title or
12designation that represents or may tend to represent the person as a clinical social
13worker unless the person is licensed as a clinical social worker under this chapter
14subchapter or holds a clinical-category multistate license granted in another state
15that is a party to the social work licensure compact
or unless the person is certified
16under this chapter subchapter as an advanced practice social worker or independent
17social worker or holds a master's-category multistate license granted in another
18state that is a party to the social work licensure compact,
and the person practices
19clinical social work under the supervision of a person who is licensed as a clinical
20social worker under this chapter.
SB158-AA1,17,22 21(5) (a) The person is licensed as a marriage and family therapist under this
22chapter subchapter.
SB158-AA1,17,2523 (b) The person is licensed as a clinical social worker under this chapter
24subchapter and initially became certified as an independent clinical social worker
25under ch. 457, 1999 stats., on or before May 31, 1995.
1(6) Practice professional counseling or designate himself or herself as a
2professional counselor or use or assume the title “professional counselor,"
3“professional rehabilitation counselor," “vocational rehabilitation counselor,"
4“rehabilitation counselor," or any other title or designation that represents or may
5tend to represent the person as a professional counselor unless the person is licensed
6as a professional counselor under this chapter subchapter.
SB158-AA1,18,9 7(7) Practice psychotherapy unless the person is licensed under this chapter or
8unless the person is a certificate holder who may practice psychotherapy under

9except in accordance with the rules promulgated under ss. 457.03 and 457.035.
SB158-AA1,56 10Section 56. 457.06 (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB158-AA1,18,14 11457.06 General requirements for certification or licensure. (intro.) The
12social worker section, marriage and family therapist section, or professional
13counselor section may not grant any certificate or license under this chapter
14subchapter unless the applicant does all of the following:
SB158-AA1,57 15Section 57. 457.08 (4m) of the statutes is created to read:
SB158-AA1,18,1716 457.08 (4m) Multistate social work licenses. (a) The social worker section
17shall grant a clinical-category multistate license to any of the following:
SB158-AA1,18,2018 1. An individual who holds or is eligible for a clinical social worker license under
19sub. (4), satisfies the requirements under s. 457.70 (4) (a) and (b), and pays the fee
20specified in s. 440.05 (1).
SB158-AA1,18,2421 2. An individual who holds a clinical-category multistate license in another
22state that is a party to the social work licensure compact, has changed his or her state
23of primary domicile to this state, satisfies the requirements under s. 457.70 (7) (b),
24and pays the fee specified in s. 440.05 (1).
1(b) The social worker section shall grant a master's-category multistate license
2to any of the following:
SB158-AA1,19,53 1. An individual who holds or is eligible for an advanced practice social worker
4certificate under sub. (2), satisfies the requirements under s. 457.70 (4) (a) and (c),
5and pays the fee specified in s. 440.05 (1).
SB158-AA1,19,96 2. An individual who holds a master's-category multistate license in another
7state that is a party to the social work licensure compact, has changed his or her state
8of primary domicile to this state, satisfies the requirements under s. 457.70 (7) (b),
9and pays the fee specified in s. 440.05 (1).
SB158-AA1,19,1110 (c) The social worker section shall grant a bachelor's-category multistate
11license to any of the following:
SB158-AA1,19,1412 1. An individual who holds or is eligible for a social worker certificate under
13sub. (1), satisfies the requirements under s. 457.70 (4) (a) and (d), and pays the fee
14specified in s. 440.05 (1).
SB158-AA1,19,1815 2. An individual who holds a bachelor's-category multistate license in another
16state that is a party to the social work licensure compact, has changed his or her state
17of primary domicile to this state, satisfies the requirements under s. 457.70 (7) (b)
18and pays the fee specified in s. 440.05 (1).
SB158-AA1,58 19Section 58. 457.09 (2) (b) and (4) (b) 1. and 2. of the statutes are amended to
SB158-AA1,19,2321 457.09 (2) (b) A social worker training certificate holder is a social worker
22certified under this chapter subchapter for purposes of any law governing social
23workers certified under this chapter subchapter.
1(4) (b) 1. A human services internship that involves direct practice with clients
2and that is supervised by a social worker certified under this chapter who has a
3bachelor's or master's degree in social work.
SB158-AA1,20,64 2. One year of social work employment that involves direct practice with clients
5and that is supervised by a social worker certified under this chapter who has a
6bachelor's or master's degree in social work.
SB158-AA1,59 7Section 59. 457.20 (1) and (2) of the statutes are amended to read:
SB158-AA1,20,98 457.20 (1) The department shall issue a certificate of certification or licensure
9to each individual who is certified or licensed under this chapter subchapter.
SB158-AA1,20,12 10(2) The renewal dates for certificates and licenses granted under this chapter
11subchapter, other than training certificates and licenses or temporary certificates or
12licenses, are specified under s. 440.08 (2) (a).
SB158-AA1,60 13Section 60. 457.24 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB158-AA1,20,1914 457.24 (1) Except as provided in sub. (2), a person licensed as a clinical social
15worker, marriage and family therapist, or professional counselor under this chapter
16may not practice clinical social work, marriage and family therapy, or professional
17counseling unless he or she has in effect professional liability insurance. The
18examining board shall promulgate rules establishing the minimum amount of
19insurance required under this subsection.
SB158-AA1,61 20Section 61. 457.25 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 457.25 (1r).
SB158-AA1,62 21Section 62. 457.25 (1g) of the statutes is created to read:
SB158-AA1,20,2322 457.25 (1g) In this section, “credential holder” also includes an individual
23practicing under a multistate authorization to practice.
SB158-AA1,63 24Section 63. 457.26 (1) and (2) (intro.) and (h) of the statutes are amended to
1457.26 (1) Subject to the rules promulgated under s. 440.03 (1), the appropriate
2section of the examining board may make investigations and conduct hearings to
3determine whether a violation of this chapter subchapter or any rule promulgated
4under this chapter subchapter has occurred.
SB158-AA1,21,10 5(2) (intro.) Subject to the rules promulgated under s. 440.03 (1), the appropriate
6section of the examining board may reprimand a credential holder or an individual
7practicing under a multistate authorization to practice
or deny, limit, suspend, or
8revoke a credential under this chapter subchapter or a multistate authorization to
if it finds that the applicant or credential holder individual has done any of
10the following:
SB158-AA1,21,1211 (h) Violated this chapter subchapter or any rule promulgated under this
12chapter subchapter.