SB70-AA3,230,4 4252. Page 374, line 11: after that line insert:
SB70-AA3,230,5 5 Section 292. 49.79 (7s) of the statutes is created to read:
SB70-AA3,230,146 49.79 (7s) Payment processing program. From the appropriation under s.
720.435 (4) (bu), the department shall administer a payment processing program to
8provide to farmers' markets and farmers who sell directly to consumers electronic
9benefit transfer and credit and debit card processing equipment and services,
10including electronic benefit transfer for the food stamp program. To participate in
11the payment processing program, the vendor that is under contract to process the
12electronic benefit transfer and credit and debit card transactions shall also process
13any local purchasing incentives, even if those local purchasing incentives are funded
14by a local 3rd-party entity.
SB70-AA3,9219 15Section 9219. Fiscal changes; Health Services.
SB70-AA3,230,19 16(1) Payment processing program. In the schedule under s. 20.005 (3) for the
17appropriation to the department of health services under s. 20.435 (4) (bu), the dollar
18amount for fiscal year 2023-24 is increased by $735,000 and the dollar amount for
19fiscal year 2024-25 is increased by $735,000 for the program under s. 49.79 (7s).”.
SB70-AA3,230,20 20253. Page 374, line 11: after that line insert:
SB70-AA3,230,22 21 Section 293. 20.005 (3) (schedule) of the statutes: at the appropriate place,
22insert the following amounts for the purposes indicated: - See PDF for table PDF - See PDF for table PDF
SB70-AA3,294 1Section 294. 20.435 (5) (cm) of the statutes is created to read:
SB70-AA3,231,32 20.435 (5) (cm) Service dog training grants. The amounts in the schedule for
3awarding grants to organizations for service dog training under s. 46.250.
SB70-AA3,295 4Section 295. 46.250 of the statutes is created to read:
SB70-AA3,231,8 546.250 Service dog training grants. (1) From the appropriation under s.
620.435 (5) (cm), the department shall award grants to organizations that train
7service dogs for the purpose of assisting providers in attaining accreditation specific
8to post-traumatic stress disorder training from Assistance Dog International.
SB70-AA3,231,10 9(2) The department shall promulgate rules to establish a process and criteria
10for organizations to apply for the grants under this section.”.
SB70-AA3,231,11 11254. Page 374, line 11: after that line insert:
SB70-AA3,231,12 12 Section 245m. 46.48 (34) of the statutes is created to read:
SB70-AA3,231,1513 46.48 (34) Stimulant prevention and treatment response programs. The
14department may distribute not more than $1,644,000 in each fiscal year to support
15stimulant use prevention and treatment programs and services.”.
SB70-AA3,231,16 16255. Page 374, line 11: after that line insert:
SB70-AA3,231,17 17 Section 296. 20.435 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB70-AA3,232,518 20.435 (1) (b) General aids and local assistance. The amounts in the schedule
19for aids and local assistance relating to public health services , for grants for the
20suicide prevention program under s. 255.20 (4),
and for grants for community

1programs under s. 46.48. Notwithstanding ss. 20.001 (3) (a) and 20.002 (1), the
2department may transfer funds between fiscal years under this paragraph. Except
3as otherwise provided in this paragraph, all funds allocated but not encumbered by
4December 31 of each year lapse to the general fund on the next January 1 unless
5carried forward to the next calendar year by the joint committee on finance.
SB70-AA3,297 6Section 297. 255.20 (4) of the statutes is created to read:
SB70-AA3,232,117 255.20 (4) (a) Implement a suicide prevention program that creates public
8awareness for issues relating to suicide prevention, builds community networks, and
9conducts training programs on suicide prevention for law enforcement personnel,
10health care providers, school employees, and other persons who have contact with
11persons at risk of suicide.
SB70-AA3,232,1312 (b) As part of the suicide prevention program under this subsection, the
13department shall do all of the following:
SB70-AA3,232,1414 1. Coordinate suicide prevention activities with other state agencies.
SB70-AA3,232,1615 2. Provide educational activities to the general public relating to suicide
SB70-AA3,232,1917 3. Provide training to persons who routinely interact with persons at risk of
18suicide, including training on recognizing persons at risk of suicide and referring
19those persons for appropriate treatment or support services.
SB70-AA3,232,2120 4. Develop and carry out public awareness and media campaigns in each county
21targeting groups of persons who are at risk of suicide.
SB70-AA3,232,2222 5. Enhance crisis services relating to suicide prevention.
SB70-AA3,232,2523 6. Link persons trained in the assessment of and intervention in suicide with
24schools, public community centers, nursing homes, and other facilities serving
25persons most at risk of suicide.
17. Coordinate the establishment of local advisory groups in each county to
2support the efforts of the suicide prevention program under this subsection.
SB70-AA3,233,73 8. Work with groups advocating suicide prevention, community coalitions,
4managers of existing crisis hotlines that are nationally accredited or certified, and
5staff members of mental health agencies in this state to identify and address the
6barriers that interfere with providing services to groups of persons who are at risk
7of suicide.
SB70-AA3,233,118 9. Develop and maintain a website with links to appropriate resource
9documents, suicide hotlines that are nationally accredited or certified, credentialed
10professional personnel, state and local mental health agencies, and appropriate
11national organizations.
SB70-AA3,233,1412 10. Review current research on data collection for factors related to suicide and
13develop recommendations for improved systems of surveillance for suicide and
14uniform collection of data related to suicide.
SB70-AA3,233,1615 11. Develop and submit proposals for funding from federal government
16agencies and nongovernmental organizations.
SB70-AA3,233,1717 12. Administer grant programs involving suicide prevention.
SB70-AA3,233,2018 (c) 1. The department shall award grants to organizations or coalitions of
19organizations, which may include a city, village, town, county, or federally recognized
20American Indian tribe or band in this state for any of the following purposes:
SB70-AA3,233,2221 a. To train staff at a firearm retailer or firearm range on how to recognize a
22person that may be considering suicide.
SB70-AA3,233,2423 b. To provide suicide prevention materials for distribution at a firearm retailer
24or firearm range.
SB70-AA3,233,2525 c. To provide voluntary, temporary firearm storage.
12. The department may not award a grant under subd. 1. unless the recipient
2contributes matching funds or in-kind services having a value equal to at least 20
3percent of the grant.
SB70-AA3,234,114 3. The department may not award a grant to a recipient under subd. 1. for an
5amount that exceeds $5,000. The department may not award a grant under subd.
61. having a duration of more than one year and may not automatically renew a grant
7awarded under subd. 1. This subdivision shall not be construed to prevent an
8organization or coalition of organizations from reapplying for a grant in consecutive
9years. In awarding grants under subd. 1., the department shall give preference to
10organizations or coalitions of organizations that have not previously received a grant
11under this paragraph.
SB70-AA3,234,1412 (d) From the appropriation under s. 20.435 (1) (b), the department may
13distribute up to $500,000 in grants each fiscal year for grants under this subsection,
14up to $75,000 of which may be distributed each fiscal year for grants under par. (c).”.
SB70-AA3,234,15 15256. Page 374, line 11: after that line insert:
SB70-AA3,234,16 16 Section 298. 254.11 (5m) of the statutes is repealed.
SB70-AA3,299 17Section 299. 254.11 (9) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB70-AA3,234,1918 254.11 (9) “Lead poisoning or lead exposure" means a level of lead in the blood
19of 5 3.5 or more micrograms per 100 milliliters of blood.
SB70-AA3,300 20Section 300. 254.166 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB70-AA3,235,1921 254.166 (1) The department may shall, after being notified that an occupant
22of a dwelling or premises who is under 6 years of age has blood lead poisoning or lead
23exposure, present official credentials to the owner or occupant of the dwelling or
24premises, or to a representative of the owner, and request admission to conduct a lead

1investigation of the dwelling or premises. If the department is notified that an
2occupant of a dwelling or premises who is a child under 6 years of age has an elevated
3blood lead level
blood lead poisoning or lead exposure, the department shall conduct
4a lead investigation of the dwelling or premises or ensure that a lead investigation
5of the dwelling or premises is conducted. The lead investigation shall be conducted
6during business hours, unless the owner or occupant of the dwelling or premises
7consents to an investigation during nonbusiness hours or unless the department
8determines that the dwelling or premises presents an imminent lead hazard. The
9department shall use reasonable efforts to provide prior notice of the lead
10investigation to the owner of the dwelling or premises. The department may remove
11samples or objects necessary for laboratory analysis to determine the presence of a
12lead hazard in the dwelling or premises. The department shall prepare and file
13written reports of all lead investigations conducted under this section and shall make
14the contents of these reports available for inspection by the public, except for medical
15information, which may be disclosed only to the extent that patient health care
16records may be disclosed under ss. 146.82 to 146.835. If the owner or occupant
17refuses admission, the department may seek a warrant to investigate the dwelling
18or premises. The warrant shall advise the owner or occupant of the scope of the lead
SB70-AA3,235,20 20257. Page 374, line 11: after that line insert:
SB70-AA3,235,22 21 Section 301. 49.45 (41) (a) of the statutes is renumbered 49.45 (41) (a) (intro.)
22and amended to read:
149.45 (41) (a) (intro.) In this subsection, “crisis intervention services" means
2crisis intervention services for the treatment of mental illness, intellectual disability,
3substance abuse, and dementia that are provided by a any of the following:
SB70-AA3,236,5 42. A crisis intervention program operated by, or under contract with, a county,
5if the county is certified as a medical assistance provider.
SB70-AA3,302 6Section 302. 49.45 (41) (a) 1. of the statutes is created to read:
SB70-AA3,236,87 49.45 (41) (a) 1. A crisis urgent care and observation facility certified under s.
SB70-AA3,303 9Section 303. 49.45 (41) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB70-AA3,236,1810 49.45 (41) (b) If a county elects to become certified as a provider of crisis
11intervention services under par. (a) 2., the county may provide crisis intervention
12services under this subsection in the county to medical assistance recipients through
13the medical assistance program. A county that elects to provide the services shall
14pay the amount of the allowable charges for the services under the medical
15assistance program that is not provided by the federal government. The department
16shall reimburse the county under this subsection only for the amount of the allowable
17charges for those services under the medical assistance program that is provided by
18the federal government.
SB70-AA3,304 19Section 304. 49.45 (41) (c) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB70-AA3,236,2320 49.45 (41) (c) (intro.) Notwithstanding par. (b), if a county elects, pursuant to
21par. (a) 2.,
to deliver crisis intervention services under the Medical Assistance
22program on a regional basis according to criteria established by the department, all
23of the following apply:
SB70-AA3,305 24Section 305. 49.45 (41) (d) of the statutes is created to read:
149.45 (41) (d) The department shall request any necessary federal approval
2required to provide reimbursement to crisis urgent care and observation facilities
3certified under s. 51.036 for crisis intervention services under this subsection. If
4federal approval is granted or no federal approval is required, the department shall
5provide reimbursement under s. 49.46 (2) (b) 15. If federal approval is necessary but
6is not granted, the department may not provide reimbursement for crisis
7intervention services provided by crisis urgent care and observation facilities.
SB70-AA3,306 8Section 306. 51.036 of the statutes is created to read:
SB70-AA3,237,10 951.036 Crisis urgent care and observation facilities. (1) Definitions. In
10this section:
SB70-AA3,237,1511 (a) “Crisis” means a situation caused by an individual's apparent mental or
12substance use disorder that results in a high level of stress or anxiety for the
13individual, persons providing care for the individual, or the public and that is not
14resolved by the available coping methods of the individual or by the efforts of those
15providing ordinary care or support for the individual.
SB70-AA3,237,1916 (b) “Crisis urgent care and observation facility” means a treatment facility that
17admits an individual to prevent, de-escalate, or treat the individual's mental health
18or substance use disorder and includes the necessary structure and staff to support
19the individual's needs relating to the mental health or substance use disorder.
SB70-AA3,238,4 20(2) Certification required; exemption. (a) The department shall establish a
21certification process for crisis urgent care and observation facilities and may
22establish criteria by rule for the certification of crisis urgent care and observation
23facilities. The department may limit the number of certifications it grants to operate
24crisis urgent care and observation facilities. No person may operate a crisis urgent
25care and observation facility without a certification under this section. The

1department shall establish by rule a process for crisis urgent care and observation
2facilities to apply to the department for certification of the facility for the receipt of
3funds for services provided as a benefit to a recipient under the Medical Assistance
SB70-AA3,238,95 (b) A crisis urgent care and observation facility certified under this section is
6not subject to facility regulation under ch. 50, unless otherwise required due to the
7facility's licensure or certification for other services or purposes. A crisis urgent care
8and observation facility is not a hospital under s. 50.32 and nothing in this paragraph
9limits services a hospital may provide under s. 50.32.
SB70-AA3,238,1110 (c) A crisis urgent care and observation facility certified under this section shall
11do all of the following:
SB70-AA3,238,1512 1. Accept referrals for crisis services for both youths and adults, including
13involuntary patients under emergency detention, voluntary patients, walk-ins, and
14individuals brought by law enforcement, emergency medical responders, and other
15emergency medical services practitioners.
SB70-AA3,238,1716 2. Abstain from having a requirement for medical clearance before admission
SB70-AA3,238,1918 3. Provide assessments for physical health, substance use disorder, and mental
SB70-AA3,238,2020 4. Provide screens for suicide and violence risk.
SB70-AA3,238,2121 5. Provide medication management and therapeutic counseling.
SB70-AA3,238,2222 6. Provide coordination of services for basic needs.
SB70-AA3,239,223 7. Have adequate staffing 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with a
24multidisciplinary team including, as needed, psychiatrists or psychiatric nurse
25practitioners, nurses, licensed clinicians capable of completing assessments and

1providing necessary treatment, peers with lived experience, and other appropriate
SB70-AA3,239,63 8. Allow for voluntary and involuntary treatment of individuals in crisis as a
4means to avoid unnecessary placement of those individuals in hospital inpatient
5beds and allow for an effective conversion to voluntary stabilization when warranted
6in the same setting.
SB70-AA3,239,11 7(3) Admission. (a) A crisis urgent care and observation facility certified under
8this section may accept individuals for voluntary stabilization, observation and
9treatment, including for assessments for mental health or substance use disorder,
10screening for suicide and violence risk, and medication management and therapeutic
SB70-AA3,239,1812 (b) A crisis urgent care and observation facility certified under this section may
13accept individuals for emergency detention under s. 51.15 if the facility agrees to
14accept the individual. A county crisis assessment under s. 51.15 (2) (c) is required
15prior to acceptance of an individual for purposes of emergency detention at a crisis
16urgent care and observation facility certified under this section. Medical clearance
17is not required before admission, but the facility shall provide necessary medical
18services on site.
SB70-AA3,239,21 19(4) Grants. From the appropriation under s. 20.435 (5) (ck), the department
20shall award grants to individuals and entities to develop and support crisis urgent
21care and observation facilities under this section.
SB70-AA3,240,6 22(5) Rules. The department may promulgate rules to implement this section,
23including requirements for admitting and holding individuals for purposes of
24emergency detention. The department may promulgate the rules under this section
25as emergency rules under s. 227.24. Notwithstanding s. 227.24 (1) (c) and (2), a rule

1promulgated under this subsection may remain in effect for not more than 24
2months. Notwithstanding s. 227.24 (1) (a) and (3), the department is not required
3to provide evidence that promulgating a rule under this subsection as an emergency
4rule is necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, safety, or welfare
5and is not required to provide a finding of emergency for a rule promulgated under
6this subsection.”.
SB70-AA3,240,7 7258. Page 374, line 11: after that line insert:
SB70-AA3,240,8 8 Section 307. 20.437 (1) (dd) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB70-AA3,240,209 20.437 (1) (dd) State out-of-home care, adoption services, and subsidized
The amounts in the schedule for foster care, institutional child care,
11and subsidized adoptions under ss. 48.48 (12) and 48.52, for the cost of care for
12children under s. 49.19 (10) (d), for the cost of placements of children 18 years of age
13or over in residential care centers for children and youth under voluntary
14agreements under s. 48.366 (3) or under orders that terminate as provided in s.
1548.355 (4) (b) 4., 48.357 (6) (a) 4., or 48.365 (5) (b) 4., for the cost of the foster care
16monitoring system, for the cost of reimbursing counties and Indian tribes for
17subsidized guardianship payments under s. 48.623 (3) (a), for the cost of services to
18children with special needs who are under the guardianship of the department to
19prepare those children for adoption, and for the cost of postadoption services to
20children with special needs.
SB70-AA3,308 21Section 308. 20.437 (1) (pd) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB70-AA3,241,1022 20.437 (1) (pd) Federal aid; state out-of-home care, adoption services, and
23subsidized guardianships.
All federal moneys received for meeting the costs of
24providing foster care, institutional child care, and subsidized adoptions under ss.

148.48 (12) and 48.52, the cost of care for children under s. 49.19 (10) (d), the cost of
2placements of children 18 years of age or over in residential care centers for children
3and youth under voluntary agreements under s. 48.366 (3) or under orders that
4terminate as provided in s. 48.355 (4) (b) 4., 48.357 (6) (a) 4., or 48.365 (5) (b) 4., the
5cost of reimbursing counties and Indian tribes for subsidized guardianship
6payments under s. 48.623 (3) (a), the cost of services to children with special needs
7who are under the guardianship of the department to prepare those children for
8adoption, and the cost of postadoption services to children with special needs.
9Disbursements for foster care under s. 49.32 (2) and for the purposes described under
10s. 48.627 may be made from this appropriation.
SB70-AA3,309 11Section 309. 48.48 (8r) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB70-AA3,241,1512 48.48 (8r) To reimburse county departments and Indian tribes, from the
13appropriations under s. 20.437 (1) (dd) and (pd), for subsidized guardianship
14payments made under s. 48.623 (1) or (6), including guardianships of Indian children
15ordered by tribal courts.
SB70-AA3,310 16Section 310. 48.623 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB70-AA3,242,517 48.623 (1) Eligibility. (intro.) A county department or, as provided in sub. (3)
18(a), an Indian tribe or the department shall provide monthly subsidized
19guardianship payments in the amount specified in sub. (3) (b) to a guardian of a child
20under s. 48.977 (2) or under a substantially similar tribal law if the county
21department, Indian tribe, or department determines that the conditions specified in
22pars. (a) to (d) have been met. A county department or, as provided in sub. (3) (a),
23a tribe or the department shall also provide those payments for the care of a sibling
24of such a child, regardless of whether the sibling meets the conditions specified in par.
25(a), if the county department, Indian tribe, or department and the guardian agree on

1the appropriateness of placing the sibling in the home of the guardian. A guardian
2of a child under s. 48.977 (2) or under a substantially similar tribal law is eligible for
3monthly subsidized guardianship payments under this subsection if the county
4department, Indian tribe, or the department, whichever will be providing those
5payments, determines that all of the following apply:
SB70-AA3,311 6Section 311. 48.623 (1) (b) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB70-AA3,242,137 48.623 (1) (b) 3. The guardian is licensed as the child's foster parent and the
8guardian and all adults residing in the guardian's home meet the requirements
9specified in s. 48.685 or, for a guardianship of a child ordered by a tribal court in
10which the background investigation is conducted by the Indian tribe, all adults
11residing in the guardian's home meet either the requirements specified in s. 48.685
12or the background check requirements for foster parent licensing under 42 USC 671
13(a) (20)
SB70-AA3,312 14Section 312. 48.623 (1) (c) of the statutes is amended to read: