SB1-ASA1,26,1615 (b) Each employer shall withhold from the wages of its employees the amount
16determined by the department under this subsection.
SB1-ASA1,26,2217 (c) The department shall promulgate rules to establish procedures for filing
18wage reports and collecting the contributions withheld by employers and
19employer-required contributions under par. (a). The department may utilize the
20quarterly wage reports submitted under s. 108.205 in lieu of separate contribution
21reports and may utilize the procedures for collecting contributions that apply to the
22collection of contributions to the unemployment reserve fund under s. 108.17.
SB1-ASA1,27,223 (cm) The department shall promulgate rules providing for a right to a hearing
24in cases involving the liability of employers for contributions under this subsection.

1The department's decisions shall be subject to the rights and procedures for
2contested cases under ch. 227.
SB1-ASA1,27,43 (d) The department shall collect contributions from self-employed individuals
4pursuant to procedures established by the department under sub. (12) (b).
SB1-ASA1,27,65 (e) The department shall deposit contributions received under this subsection
6in the family and medical leave benefits insurance trust fund.
SB1-ASA1,27,117 (f) The department shall use moneys deposited in the family and medical leave
8benefits insurance trust fund to pay benefits under sub. (3), to refund amounts
9erroneously paid by employers, and to pay for the administration of the family and
10medical leave benefits insurance program under this section and for no other
SB1-ASA1,27,18 12(9) Denial of claims; overpayments. (a) The department shall promulgate
13rules providing for a right to a hearing in cases of disputes involving an individual's
14eligibility for benefits or status as a covered individual under this section. The
15department's decisions shall be subject to the rights and procedures for contested
16cases under ch. 227. To the extent necessary and practical, the department may
17prescribe procedures in conjunction with any rules promulgated for administrative
18proceedings under ss. 103.10 (12) and 103.11 (12).
SB1-ASA1,27,2319 (b) 1. If the department pays family or medical leave insurance benefits to an
20individual erroneously or as a result of willful misrepresentation, the individual's
21liability to reimburse the fund for the overpayment may be set forth in a
22determination that is subject to review under par. (a). The department may prescribe
23procedures for waiver of overpayments.
SB1-ASA1,28,324 2. To recover any overpayment to a covered individual that is not otherwise
25repaid or the recovery of which has not been waived, the department may recoup the

1amount of the overpayment by, in addition to its other remedies, deducting the
2amount of the overpayment from benefits the individual would otherwise be eligible
3to receive.
SB1-ASA1,28,74 3. The department may establish other procedures for recovering
5overpayments and may utilize procedures under ch. 108, including the department's
6remedies for collecting overpayments under ss. 108.22 and 108.225, subject to rules
7promulgated by the department.
SB1-ASA1,28,88 4. The department may not collect any interest on any benefit overpayment.
SB1-ASA1,28,10 9(10) Prohibited acts. (a) No person may interfere with, restrain, or deny the
10exercise of any right provided under this section.
SB1-ASA1,28,1511 (b) No person may discharge or otherwise discriminate against any person for
12exercising any right provided under this section, opposing a practice prohibited
13under this section, filing a complaint or attempting to enforce any right provided
14under this section, or testifying or assisting in any action or proceeding to enforce any
15right provided under this section.
SB1-ASA1,28,1916 (c) No collective bargaining agreement or employer policy may diminish or
17abridge an employee's rights under this section. Any agreement purporting to waive
18or modify an employee's rights under this section is void as against public policy and
SB1-ASA1,29,7 20(11) Enforcement. (a) Any person who believes that his or her rights under
21this section have been interfered with, restrained, or denied in violation of sub. (10)
22(a) or that he or she has been discharged or otherwise discriminated against in
23violation of sub. (10) (b) may, within 30 days after the violation occurs or the person
24should reasonably have known that the violation occurred, whichever is later, file a
25complaint with the department alleging the violation, and the department shall

1process the complaint in the same manner as complaints filed under s. 103.10 (12)
2(b) are processed. If the department finds that an employer has violated sub. (10) (a)
3to (c), the department may order the employer to take action to remedy the violation,
4including providing the requested family leave or medical leave, reinstating an
5employee, providing back pay accrued not more than 2 years before the complaint
6was filed, and, notwithstanding s. 814.04 (1), paying reasonable actual attorney fees
7to the complainant.
SB1-ASA1,29,128 (b) After the completion of an administrative proceeding under par. (a),
9including judicial review, an employee or the department may bring an action in
10circuit court against an employer to recover damages caused by a violation of sub.
11(10) (a) to (c). Section 103.10 (13) (b) applies to the commencement of an action under
12this paragraph.
SB1-ASA1,29,15 13(12) Administration. The department shall administer the family and medical
14leave benefits insurance program under this section. In administering the program,
15the department shall do all of the following:
SB1-ASA1,29,1716 (a) Establish procedures and forms for the filing of claims for benefits under
17this section.
SB1-ASA1,29,1918 (b) Establish procedures and forms for collecting contributions from
19self-employed individuals.
SB1-ASA1,29,2020 (c) Promulgate rules to implement this section.
SB1-ASA1,29,2321 (d) Use information sharing and integration technology to facilitate the
22exchange of information as necessary for the department to perform its duties under
23this section.
SB1-ASA1,30,424 (e) By September 1 of each year, submit a report to the governor, the joint
25committee on finance, and the appropriate standing committees of the legislature

1under s. 13.172 (3) on the family and medical leave benefits insurance program under
2this section. The report shall include the projected and actual rates of participation
3in the program, the premium rates for coverage under the program, and the balance
4in the family and medical leave benefits insurance trust fund under s. 25.52.
SB1-ASA1,30,10 5(13) Records. (a) The records made or maintained by the department in
6connection with the administration of this section are confidential and shall be open
7to public inspection or disclosure only to the extent that the department allows in the
8interest of the family and medical leave benefits insurance program. No person may
9allow inspection or disclosure of any record provided by the department unless the
10department authorizes the inspection or disclosure.
SB1-ASA1,30,1611 (b) The department may provide records made or maintained by the
12department in connection with the administration of this section to any
13governmental unit, corresponding unit in the government of another state, or any
14unit of the federal government. No such unit may allow inspection or disclosure of
15any record provided by the department unless the department authorizes the
16inspection or disclosure.
SB1-ASA1,30,2417 (c) Upon request of the department of revenue, the department may provide
18information, including social security numbers, concerning covered individuals to
19the department of revenue for the purpose of administering state taxes, identifying
20fraudulent tax returns, providing information for tax-related prosecutions, or
21locating persons or the assets of persons who have failed to file tax returns, who have
22underreported their taxable income, or who are delinquent debtors. The department
23of revenue shall adhere to the limitation on inspection and disclosure of the
24information under par. (b).
1(14) Benefit amount adjustment. On April 1 of each year, the department may
2adjust the maximum weekly benefit payment to 90 percent of the state average
3weekly earnings, which becomes effective on October 1 of that year. The department
4shall annually have the adjusted amount of the maximum weekly benefit payment
5published in the Wisconsin Administrative Register.
SB1-ASA1,31,10 6(15) Notice posted. Each employer shall post, on its website and in one or more
7conspicuous places where notices to employees are customarily posted, a notice in a
8form approved by the department setting forth employees' rights under this section
9and any adjustment to benefits as provided in sub. (14). Any employer that violates
10this subsection shall forfeit not more than $100 for each violation.
SB1-ASA1,81 11Section 81 . 106.29 of the statutes is created to read:
SB1-ASA1,31,17 12106.29 Health care workforce innovation grant program. (1) Health
13care workforce innovation grants.
The department shall, from the appropriation
14under s. 20.445 (1) (bw), establish and operate a program to provide grants to
15regional organizations to design and implement plans to address their region's
16health care-related workforce challenges that arose during or were exacerbated by
17the COVID-19 pandemic.
SB1-ASA1,31,21 18(2) Implementation. (a) Duties. To implement this section, the department
19shall receive and review applications for grants under sub. (1) and prescribe the
20form, nature, and extent of the information that must be contained in an application
21for a grant under sub. (1).
SB1-ASA1,31,2422 (b) Powers. In addition to the duties described in par. (a), the department shall
23have all other powers necessary and convenient to implement this section, including
24the power to audit and inspect the records of grant recipients.
SB1-ASA1,82 25Section 82 . 106.295 of the statutes is created to read:
1106.295 Health care workforce opportunity grants. The department
2shall, from the appropriation under s. 20.445 (1) (bx), establish and operate a
3program to provide grants to local workforce development boards established under
429 USC 3122 to assist individuals whose employment status was negatively affected
5by the COVID-19 pandemic and whose employment status has not improved. The
6department shall target individuals employed or seeking employment in health
7care-related fields and individuals who are currently ineligible for services under
8the federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, 29 USC 3101 to 3361.
SB1-ASA1,83 9Section 83 . 111.322 (2m) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB1-ASA1,32,1310 111.322 (2m) (a) The individual files a complaint or attempts to enforce any
11right under s. 103.02, 103.10, 103.105, 103.11, 103.13, 103.28, 103.32, 103.34,
12103.455, 104.12, 109.03, 109.07, 109.075, 146.997, or 995.55, or ss. 101.58 to 101.599
13or 103.64 to 103.82.
SB1-ASA1,84 14Section 84 . 111.322 (2m) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB1-ASA1,32,1815 111.322 (2m) (b) The individual testifies or assists in any action or proceeding
16held under or to enforce any right under s. 103.02, 103.10, 103.105, 103.11, 103.13,
17103.28, 103.32, 103.34, 103.455, 104.12, 109.03, 109.07, 109.075, 146.997, or 995.55,
18or ss. 101.58 to 101.599 or 103.64 to 103.82.
SB1-ASA1,85 19Section 85 . 115.41 of the statutes is renumbered 115.41 (1).
SB1-ASA1,86 20Section 86 . 115.41 (2) of the statutes is created to read:
SB1-ASA1,32,2521 115.41 (2) From the appropriation under s. 20.255 (3) (ci), beginning in the
222024-25 school year, the department shall provide payments, in the amount of
23$9,600 per individual per semester, to prospective teachers who are participating in
24the program under sub. (1). The department may promulgate rules to implement
25this subsection.
1Section 87. 115.421 of the statutes is created to read:
SB1-ASA1,33,7 2115.421 Student teacher stipends. From the appropriation under s. 20.255
3(3) (cs), beginning in the 2024-25 school year, the department shall provide
4payments, in the amount of $2,500 per individual per semester, to an individual who
5is completing student teaching as part of a teacher preparatory program approved
6by the state superintendent under s. 115.28 (7) (a). The department may promulgate
7rules to implement this section.
SB1-ASA1,88 8Section 88 . 115.422 of the statutes is created to read:
SB1-ASA1,33,16 9115.422 Grow your own programs; teacher pipeline capacity building.
10(1) In this section, “grow your own program” means a program to encourage
11individuals to pursue a career in teaching or to facilitate teacher licensure. “Grow
12your own program” includes high school clubs that encourage careers in teaching,
13payment of costs associated with current staff acquiring education needed for
14licensure, support for career pathways using dual enrollment, support for
15partnerships focused on attracting or developing new teachers, or incentives for
16paraprofessionals to gain licensure.
SB1-ASA1,33,20 17(2) Beginning in the 2024-25 school year, from the appropriation under s.
1820.255 (2) (ch), the department shall award grants to a school district or the operator
19of a charter school under s. 118.40 (2r) or (2x) to reimburse the school district or
20charter school for costs associated with grow your own programs.
SB1-ASA1,33,22 21(3) The department shall promulgate rules to implement and administer this
22section, including criteria for awarding a grant.
SB1-ASA1,89 23Section 89 . 115.424 of the statutes is created to read:
SB1-ASA1,34,3 24115.424 Cooperating teacher stipends. From the appropriation under s.
2520.255 (3) (ct), beginning in the 2024-25 school year, the department shall provide

1payments, in the amount of $1,000 per teacher per semester, to a cooperating teacher
2who is overseeing an individual who is completing student teaching. The
3department may promulgate rules to implement this section.
SB1-ASA1,90 4Section 90 . 119.04 (1) of the statutes, as affected by 2023 Wisconsin Act 12,
5is amended to read:
SB1-ASA1,34,186 119.04 (1) Subchapters IV, V and VII of ch. 115, ch. 121 and ss. 66.0235 (3) (c),
766.0603 (1m) to (3), 115.01 (1) and (2), 115.28, 115.31, 115.33, 115.34, 115.343,
8115.345, 115.363, 115.364, 115.365 (3), 115.366, 115.367, 115.38 (2), 115.415, 115.422,
9115.445, 118.001 to 118.04, 118.045, 118.06, 118.07, 118.075, 118.076, 118.10, 118.12,
10118.124, 118.125 to 118.14, 118.145 (4), 118.15, 118.153, 118.16, 118.162, 118.163,
11118.164, 118.18, 118.19, 118.196, 118.20, 118.223, 118.225, 118.24 (1), (2) (c) to (f), (6),
12(8), and (10), 118.245, 118.25, 118.255, 118.258, 118.291, 118.292, 118.293, 118.2935,
13118.30 to 118.43, 118.46, 118.50, 118.51, 118.52, 118.53, 118.55, 118.56, 120.12 (2m),
14(4m), (5), and (15) to (27), 120.125, 120.13 (1), (2) (b) to (g), (3), (14), (17) to (19), (26),
15(34), (35), (37), (37m), and (38), 120.137, 120.14, 120.20, 120.21 (3), and 120.25 are
16applicable to a 1st class city school district and board but not, unless explicitly
17provided in this chapter or in the terms of a contract, to the commissioner or to any
18school transferred to an opportunity schools and partnership program.
SB1-ASA1,91 19Section 91 . 146.618 of the statutes is amended to read:
SB1-ASA1,34,24 20146.618 Treatment program grants. From s. 20.435 (5) (bg) or any available
21federal moneys, the department shall distribute a total of $750,000 in grants in each
22fiscal year to support treatment programs. Grant recipients shall use moneys
23awarded under this section for supervision, training, and resources, including
24salaries, benefits, and other related costs.
SB1-ASA1,92 25Section 92 . 146.64 (2) (c) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
1146.64 (2) (c) 1. The department shall distribute funds for grants under par.
2(a) from the appropriation under s. 20.435 (4) (bf). The department may not
3distribute more than $225,000 $450,000 from the appropriation under s. 20.435 (4)
4(bf) to a particular hospital in a given state fiscal year and may not distribute more
5than $75,000 $150,000 from the appropriation under s. 20.435 (4) (bf) to fund a given
6position in a graduate medical training program in a given state fiscal year.
SB1-ASA1,93 7Section 93 . 165.68 (1) (a) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB1-ASA1,35,88 165.68 (1) (a) 3. Sexual abuse, as defined in s. 103.10 (1m) (b) 6 (1) (gd).
SB1-ASA1,94 9Section 94 . 230.12 (9m) of the statutes is created to read:
SB1-ASA1,35,1010 230.12 (9m) Paid family and medical leave. (a) Definitions. In this subsection:
SB1-ASA1,35,1211 1. “Family leave” means leave from employment for a reason specified in s.
12103.10 (3) (b) 1. to 7.
SB1-ASA1,35,1713 2. “Medical leave” means leave from employment when an employee has a
14serious health condition that makes the employee unable to perform his or her
15employment duties, or makes the employee unable to perform the duties of any
16suitable employment, or because the employee is in medical isolation, as defined in
17s. 103.10 (1) (em).
SB1-ASA1,35,1818 3. “Serious health condition” has the meaning given in s. 103.10 (1) (g).
SB1-ASA1,36,219 (b) Program. The administrator shall develop and recommend to the joint
20committee on employment relations a program, administered by the division, that
21provides paid family and medical leave for 12 weeks per year to employees whose
22compensation is established under this section or s. 20.923 (2) or (3) but does not
23include employees of the Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System.
24The approval process for the program is the same as that provided under sub. (3) (b),

1and, if approved, the program shall be incorporated into the compensation plan
2under sub. (1).
SB1-ASA1,36,43 (c) Rules. The administrator may promulgate rules to implement the family
4and medical leave program under par. (b).
SB1-ASA1,95 5Section 95 . 323.19 (3) and (4) of the statutes are repealed.
SB1-ASA1,96 6Section 96 . 2023 Wisconsin Act 19, section 9104 (1) (i) 3. em. and 4m. a. are
7created to read:
SB1-ASA1,97 9Section 97 . Nonstatutory provisions.
1(1) In the 2023-25 Authorized State Building Program, the appropriate totals
2are adjusted to reflect the changes made by Section 96 of this act.
SB1-ASA1,37,83 (2) Positions for administration of family and medical leave benefits
4insurance program.
The authorized FTE positions for the department of workforce
5development are increased by 45.0 SEG positions in fiscal year 2023-24 and by 198.0
6SEG positions in fiscal year 2024-25, to be funded from the appropriation under s.
720.445 (6) (r), for the purpose of administering the family and medical leave benefits
8insurance program.
SB1-ASA1,37,139 (3) Proposed permanent rules. The department of workforce development
10shall submit in proposed form the rules required under s. 103.105 (8) (c) and (cm),
11(9) (a) and (b) 3., and (12) (c) to the legislative council staff under s. 227.15 (1) no later
12than the first day of the 4th month beginning after the effective date of this
SB1-ASA1,37,1414 (4) Rule-making exceptions for permanent rules.
SB1-ASA1,37,1915 (a) Notwithstanding s. 227.135 (2), the department of workforce development
16is not required to present the statement of the scope of the rules required under s.
17103.105 (8) (c) and (cm), (9) (a) and (b) 3., and (12) (c) to the department of
18administration for review by the department of administration and approval by the
SB1-ASA1,37,2220 (b) Notwithstanding s. 227.185, the department of workforce development is
21not required to present the rules required under s. 103.105 (8) (c) and (cm), (9) (a) and
22(b) 3., and (12) (c) in final draft form to the governor for approval.
SB1-ASA1,37,2523 (c) Notwithstanding s. 227.137 (2), the department of workforce development
24is not required to prepare an economic impact analysis for the rules required under
25s. 103.105 (8) (c) and (cm), (9) (a) and (b) 3., and (12) (c).
1(d) Notwithstanding ss. 227.14 (2g) and 227.19 (3) (e), the department of
2workforce development is not required to submit the proposed rules required under
3s. 103.105 (8) (c) and (cm), (9) (a) and (b) 3., and (12) (c) to the small business
4regulatory review board and is not required to prepare a final regulatory flexibility
5analysis for those rules.
SB1-ASA1,38,176 (5) Emergency rules. Using the procedure under s. 227.24, the department of
7workforce development shall promulgate the rules required under s. 103.105 (8) (c)
8and (cm), (9) (a) and (b) 3., and (12) (c) for the period before the effective date of the
9permanent rules promulgated under s. 103.105 (8) (c) and (cm), (9) (a) and (b) 3., and
10(12) (c) but not to exceed the period authorized under s. 227.24 (1) (c), subject to
11extension under s. 227.24 (2). Notwithstanding s. 227.24 (1) (a), (2) (b), and (3), the
12department is not required to provide evidence that promulgating a rule under this
13subsection as an emergency rule is necessary for the preservation of public peace,
14health, safety, or welfare and is not required to provide a finding of an emergency for
15a rule promulgated under this subsection. Notwithstanding s. 227.24 (1) (e) 1d. and
161g., the department is not required to prepare a statement of the scope of the rules
17promulgated under this subsection or present the rules to the governor for approval.
SB1-ASA1,38,2118 (6) Paid family and medical leave. If the paid family and medical leave program
19under s. 230.12 (9m) is approved by the joint committee on employment relations, it
20shall go into effect immediately upon approval by the joint committee on employment
SB1-ASA1,38,2222 (7) Child care quality improvement program.
SB1-ASA1,39,423 (a) Using the procedure under s. 227.24, the department of children and
24families may promulgate the rules authorized under s. 49.133 (2) as emergency
25rules. Notwithstanding s. 227.24 (1) (a) and (3), the department of children and

1families is not required to provide evidence that promulgating a rule under this
2subsection as an emergency rule is necessary for the preservation of the public peace,
3health, safety, or welfare and is not required to provide a finding of emergency for a
4rule promulgated under this subsection.
SB1-ASA1,39,85 (b) The authorized FTE positions for the department of children and families
6are increased by 4.0 GPR positions, to be funded from the appropriation under s.
720.437 (2) (c), for the purpose of administering the child care quality improvement
8program under s. 49.133.
SB1-ASA1,39,159 (8) Election to continue annuity suspension. No later than 60 days after the
10effective date of this subsection, if an individual who is employed by a covered
11employer under the Wisconsin Retirement System has his or her annuity suspended
12under s. 40.26 (1m), 2021 stats., on the effective date of this subsection and wants
13to continue the suspension, the individual shall notify the department of employee
14trust funds on a form provided by the department. An election to continue the
15suspension is irrevocable.
SB1-ASA1,39,1916 (9) Health care provider innovation grants. Notwithstanding s. 46.48 (22),
17the department of health services may, from the appropriation under s. 20.435 (7)
18(bc), distribute not more than $7,225,000 in fiscal year 2023-24 as grants to health
19care providers and long-term care providers under s. 46.48 (22).
SB1-ASA1,39,2020 (10) Paid family and medical leave.
SB1-ASA1,39,2121 (a) Definitions. In this subsection:
SB1-ASA1,39,23 221. “Family leave” means leave from employment for a reason specified in s.
23103.10 (3) (b) 1. to 7.
SB1-ASA1,40,2 242. “Medical leave” means leave from employment when an employee has a
25serious health condition that makes the employee unable to perform his or her

1employment duties, or makes the employee unable to perform the duties of any
2suitable employment or who is in medical isolation, as defined in s. 103.10 (1) (em).
SB1-ASA1,40,3 33. “Serious health condition” has the meaning given in s. 103.10 (1) (g).
SB1-ASA1,40,94 (b) Program plan. The Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System
5shall submit to the administrator of the division of personnel management in the
6department of administration, with its recommendations for adjustments to
7compensation and employee benefits for employees of the system under s. 230.12 (3)
8(e) 1. for 2023-25, a plan for a program to provide paid family and medical leave for
912 weeks annually to employees of the system.
SB1-ASA1,40,1010 (11) Tax rebate for 2023.