Dentistry: lab work authorization [Admin.Code DE 9.01, 9.015, 9.02] - CR 13–060
Dentistry: sedation permits and classes of permits [Admin.Code DE 11.02, 11.05, 11.06, 11.07] - CR 13–061
Dentistry: training of unlicensed persons [Admin.Code DE 12.01, 12.02, 120.03] - CR 13–074
Patient dental records [Admin.Code DE 8] - CR 14–011
dependent childrenDependent children, see Family -- Support
designerDesigner, see Architect
Firearms and other dangerous weapons for private security personnel, private detectives, and private investigators or special investigators [Admin.Code SPS 34.002, 34.01, 34.011, 34.015, 34.02, 34.03, 34.04, 34.05, 34.06, 34.07, 34.08, 34.10] - CR 14–014
Firearms instructors training for private security personnel, private detectives, and private investigators or special investigators; and affecting small business [Admin.Code SPS 34.04] - CR 13–047
dhsDHS, see Health Services, Department of -- specific subheading
digital signatureDigital signature, see Data processing
direct marketingDirect marketing, see Trade practice
diseaseDisease, see also Animal -- Disease
Fee for screening newborns for congenital and metabolic disorders and other services [Admin.Code DHS 115.05] - CR 12–025
Screening newborns for congenital and metabolic disorders [Admin.Code DHS 115.01, 115.02, 115.04, 115.05] - CR 14–074
dnrDNR, see Natural Resources, Department of -- specific subheading
do not call listDo not call list, see Telephone
doaDOA, see Administration, Department of -- specific subheading
Hunting, trapping, closed area, dog training, and the use of department land [Admin.Code NR 10.001, 10.01, 10.08, 10.09, 10.101, 10.13, 10.145, 10.15, 10.24, 11.011, 17.04, 17.08, 45.04, 45.09, 45.12] - CR 13–021
Wolf hunting and trapping season, regulations, a depradation program, training hunting dogs, and coyote hunting [Admin.Code NR 10.001, 10.01, 10.02, 10.06, 10.07, 10.09, 10.13, 10.145, 10.16, 10.295, 12.10, 12.15, 12.60, 12.63, 12.64, 12.65, 17.04, 19.25] - CR 12–049
dotDOT, see Transportation, Department of -- specific subheading
drillingDrilling, see Wells
drinking waterDrinking water, see Water supply
drivers_ educationDrivers' education
Driver education programs [Admin.Code PI 21.01, 21.04, 21.05] - CR 13–083
Definitions of ``patient" and ``prescription legend animal drugs" [Admin.Code VE 1.02] - CR 12–051
Drug residues in animals for human food and affecting small business [Admin.Code ATCP 55.07] - CR 14–024
Electronic prescriptions [Admin.Code Phar 7.08, 8.05, 8.07, 8.09] - CR 13–075
Juvenile correctional or detention facility: return or exchange of health items [Admin.Code Phar 7.04] - CR 13–076
Pharmacy: delivery of prescription drugs [Admin.Code Phar 7.01] - CR 13–018
Prescription drug monitoring program [Admin.Code Phar 18.02, 18.04, 18.05, 18.06, 18.07, 18.08, 18.09, 18.10, 18.11, 18.12, 18.14] - CR 14–003
Prescription drug monitoring program (PDMP) and the exclusion of veterinarians from reporting [Admin.Code Phar 18.02, 18.03, 18.04, 18.06] - CR 13–065
Training requirements for individuals administering nonprescription and prescription drug products to pupils [Admin.Code PI 46] - CR 10–141
dwelling or dwelling codeDwelling or dwelling code, see Housing
eggsEggs, see Poultry
Observers at a polling place or other location where votes are being cast, counted, canvassed, or recounted [Admin.Code GAB 4] - CR 10–130
elections _ campaign expenseElections -- Campaign expense
Campaign finance, ethics, and lobbying violation settlements [Admin.Code GAB 22] - CR 09–035
Campaign finance reports: filing in electronic format [Admin.Code GAB 6.05] - CR 09–040
electric utilityElectric utility, see also Public utility
Adoption of the 2012 Edition of the National Electrical Safety Code into Volume 1 of the State Electrical Code [Admin.Code PSC 114] - CR 13–039
Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (CPCN): electronic delivery of applications [Admin.Code PSC 111.51] - CR 13–101
Certificate or approval prior to beginning a proposed utility project; displacement facility requirements and the displacement percentage that apply in renewable energy situations [Admin.Code PSC 112.05, 118.02, 118.03, 118.04, 118.09, 133.03, 184.03] - CR 14–053
Coal–fired electric generating units: control of mercury emissions [Admin.Code NR 446.12, 446.13, 446.14, 446.17, 446.185] - CR 13–089
Renewable resource credits [Admin.Code PSC 118.01, 118.02, 118.03, 118.04, 118.055, 118.06, 118.08, 118.09] - CR 13–040
Electricians: registration of those who are exempt from passing an examination and from acquiring continuing education credits [Admin.Code SPS Table 305.02, Table 305.06, 305.40, 305.437] - CR 14–049
Adoption of the 2012 Edition of the National Electrical Safety Code into Volume 1 of the State Electrical Code [Admin.Code PSC 114] - CR 13–039
Electrical construction [Admin.Code SPS 315.230, 316.004, 316.005 (note), 316.007, 316.009 (note), 316.010, 316.022, 316.023 (note), 316.090 (title), 316.110, 316.210, 316.220, 316.225, 316.230, 316.250, 316.300, 316.310 (title) (note), 316.314 (title), 316.334, 316.400 (title), 316.406, 316.450, 316.511 (title), 316.547, 316.620 (title), 316.675, 316.680 (title), 316.700] - CR 13–042
Electrical inspection [for rule numbers, see entry under ``Commerce, Department of"] - CR 09–029
Renewable resource credits [Admin.Code PSC 118.01, 118.02, 118.03, 118.04, 118.055, 118.06, 118.08, 118.09] - CR 13–040
electrologistElectrologist, see Cosmetology
electronic data processingElectronic data processing, see Data processing
electronic recordElectronic record, see specific subject
electronic signatureElectronic signature, see Data processing
elevatorElevator, see Public safety
elkElk, see Animal; Hunting
emission standardsEmission standards, see Air pollution