Fire protection requirements re hospitals, hospices, nursing homes, and facilities serving people with developmental disabilities [Admin.Code DHS 124.28, 131.38, 134.82] -
CR 16–087Vocational rehabilitiation services appeal procedures [Admin.Code DWD 75.01, 75.02, 75.03, 75.04, 75.05, 75.06, 75.07, 75.08 (intro), 75.09, 75.10, 75.11, 75.12 (intro), 75.13, 75.14 (title), 75.16, 75.17, 75.18, 75.19 (title), 75.19] -
CR 15–055Hazardous waste and used oil: incorporating EPA regulation changes re generation, transportation, recycling, treatment, storage, and disposal of [Admin.Code NR 660.10, 660.11, 660.31, 661 Table of Contents, 661.03, 661.04, 661.07, 661.09, 661.21, 661.216, 661.22, 661.32, 661.35, 661.38, 661.39, 661.40, 661.41, 661 Appendices I, II, III, VII, and VIII, 662 Table of Contents, 662.010, 662.021, 662.041, 662.190, 662.194, 662.200, 662.201, 662.202, 662.203, 662.204, 662.205, 662.206, 662.207, 662.208, 662.209, 662.210, 662.211, 662.212, 662.213, 662.214, 662.215, 662.216, 662.220, 663.10, 664.0001, 664.0016, 664.0052, 664.0056, 664.0065, 664.0072, 664.0073, 664 subch EE, 664.0098, 664.0099, 664.0100, 664.0113, 664.0115, 664.0120, 664.0143, 664.0144, 664.0145, 664.0147, 664.0151, 664.0190, 664.0191, 664.0192, 664.0193, 664.0195, 664.0196, 664.0251, 664.0314, 664.0340, 664.0343, 664.0347, 664.0554, 664.0571, 664.0573, 664.0574, 664.1034, 664.1050, 664.1061, 664.1062, 664.1063, 664.1101, 664 Appendix IX, 665.0001, 665.0016, 665.0052, 665.0056, 665.0072, 665.0073, 665.0090, 665.0093, 665.0113, 665.0115, 665.0120, 665.0143, 665.0145, 665.0147, 665.0184, 665.0190, 665.0191, 665.0192, 665.0193, 665.0195, 665.0196, 665.0200, 665.0221, 665.0224, 665.0259, 665.0301, 665.0303, 665.0314, 665.0340, 665.0441, 665.0443, 665.0444, 665.1034, 665.1050, 665.1061, 665.1062, 665.1063, 665.1081, 665.1084, 665.1101, 665.1102, 666.023, 666.070, 666.080, 666.100, 666.102, 666.103, 666.106, 666.112, 666.205, 666.902, 666.903, 666.905, 666 Appendix IX, 667, 668.01, 668.05, 668.07, 668.09, 668.20, 668.30, 668.32, 668.33, 668.35, 668.36, 668.38, 668.39, 668.40, 668.44, 668.45 Table 1, 668.48 Table, 668.49, 668.50, 668 Appendices VII, VIII, and IX, 670.001, 670.002, 670.010, 670.014, 670.016 670.019, 670.022, 670.024, 670.026, 670.032, 670.040, 670.041, 670.042, 670.051, 670.062, 670.066, 670.067, 670.235, 670 subch J, 670.405, 670.415, 670.431, 670.432, 670.504, 670 Appendices I and II, 673.01, 673.04, 673.09, 673.12, 673.13, 673.18, 673.32, 673.33, 673.34, 673.38, 673.61, 679.10, 679.44, 679.53, 679.63] -
CR 16–007Administration of drug products and devices other than vaccines by pharmacists [Admin.Code Phar 7.10] -
CR 16–079Compounding pharmaceuticals [Admin.Code Phar 15] -
CR 16–085Home medical oxygen providers [Admin.Code Phar 14] -
CR 16–072ID card required before dispensing certain controlled substances; inpatient hospice added to definition of a health care facility [Admin.Code Phar 8.13] -
CR 16–018Pharmacist license application and examination [Admin.Code Phar 1.02, 2.01, 2.02, 2.03, 2.04, 2.05, 2.06, 4.01, 4.03, 4.04, 4.045, 4.046, 4.05] -
CR 16–017Pharmacist license renewal and reinstatement revisions, home medical oxygen providers provision [Admin.Code Phar 5.01, 5.04, 5.05, 5.06] -
CR 15–081``Pharmacy" definition and dispensing certain controlled substances [Admin.Code Phar 1.02, 8.07] -
CR 15–064Prescription drug monitoring program: operation revisions [Admin.Code CSB 4.02, 4.03, 4.10, 4.11, 4.15] -
CR 15–101Prescription drug monitoring program: submitting name of persons to whom certain drugs are dispensed [Admin.Code CSB 4.04] -
CR 15–070Temperature and humidity re drug storage [Admin.Code Phar 6.075] -
CR 16–073General update and cleanup of MEB rules re licenses to practice medicine and surgery and biennial registration [Admin.Code Med 1.01, 1.015, 1.02, 1.06, 1.07, 1.08, 1.09, 14.03, 14.06] -
CR 16–047Physician licensure [Admin.Code Med 1.02, 3 (title), 3.01, 3.02, 3.04, 3.05, 3.06, 5 (title), 5.01, 5.02, 5.04, 5.05, 5.06] -
CR 15–022Physicians: continuing education audits [Admin.Code Med 13.06] -
CR 14–033Physicians: informed consent [Admin.Code Med 18 (title), 18.02, 18.03 (title), 18.04, 18.05] -
CR 14–040Prescribing hydrocodone combination products [Admin.Code SPS 10.01] -
CR 15–100Telemedicine definition and provisions established [Admin.Code Med 24] -
CR 15–087Import of certain plants, wood, and wood products restricted to prevent the introduction of the mountain pine beetle into Wisconsin [Admin.Code ATCP 21.22] -
CR 16–032Water treatment devices [Admin.Code SPS 384 Table 384.10] -
CR 14–056Overtreatment of patients [Admin.Code Pod 2.01] -
CR 15–075Podiatrists: biennial registration [Admin.Code Pod 4.01, 4.03] -
CR 14–065Podiatrists: continuing education audits [Admin.Code Pod 3.01, 3.04] -
CR 14–035Podiatrists: duty to obtain informed consent and licensure reinstatement clarification [Admin.Code Pod 1.02, 4.03, 4.04, 8] -
CR 15–076Egg grading, handling, and labeling; and affecting small business [Admin.Code ATCP 70.02, 70.04, 70.06, 70.09, 70.10, 75 Appendix 3–201.11, 75 Appendix 3–202.13, 88] -
CR 14–037Food warehouses and food processing plant licensing, and affecting small business [Admin.Code ATCP 70.03, 71.01, 71.02, 71.025, 71.03, 71.05] -
CR 15–093Inmate complaint procedures [Admin.Code DOC 303.82, 310, 327.26] -
CR 16–054Prison industries and correctional farms [Admin.Code DOC 313] -
CR 16–055Prison industries and correctional farms [Admin.Code DOC 313] -
CR 16–055Property tax administration [Admin.Code Tax 12.50, 20] -
CR 16–064TID annual report [Admin.Code Tax 12.60] -
CR 16–065Agricultural property: assessment [Admin.Code Tax 18.05] -
CR 13–102Private practice school psychologists licensure [Admin.Code Psy 3.01, 3.02, 3.03, 3.04, 3.05, 3.06, 3.07, 3.08, 3.09, 3.10] -
CR 16–062Psychologist licensure revisions [Admin.Code Psy 2.01, 2.013, 2.018, 2.02, 2.03, 2.04, 2.05, 2.08, 2.09, 2.10, 2.12, 2.13, 2.14] -
CR 15–102Psychology: continuing education [Admin.Code Psy 4 (title), 4.015, 4.02, 4.03, 4.04, 4.05] -
CR 13–103DSPS certification to inspect fire detection, prevention, and suppression devices in public buildings [Admin.Code SPS Table 305.02, Table 305.06, 305.627] -
CR 15–086SPD authority re attorney recertification and temporary suspension of certification [Admin.Code PD 1.03, 1.05] -
CR 16–029Hours worked and vacation calculations re public employees [Admin.Code ER 10.01, 18.02] -
CR 16–067Public–employee safety and health standards [Admin.Code SPS 332.002, 332.003, 332.01, 332.05, 332.06, 332.10, 332.11, 332.16, 332.205, 332.21, 332.22, 332.23, 332.24, 332.25, 332.26, 332.28, 332.29, 332.30, 332.32, 332.33, 332.34, 332.35, 332.36, 332.37, 332.38, 332.39, 332.40, 332.50, Table 332.50–1, Table 332.50–2] -
CR 14–060Hours worked and vacation calculations re public employees [Admin.Code ER 10.01, 18.02] -
CR 16–067Municipal and state employee bargaining units: initial annual certification elections [Admin.Code ERC 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 80] -
CR 12–001Campgrounds and affecting small businesses [Admin.Code DHS 178] -
CR 15–001DATCP agent status for local health departments to license, investigate, and inspect retail food, vending, lodging, and recreational establishments and ensure public health [Admin.Code ATCP 74] -
CR 16–082Mechanical ventilation systems for minor repair garages [Admin.Code SPS 361.03, 364.0502 (note)] -
CR 15–016