Fishing regulations on inland, outlying, and boundary waters (the 2021
fisheries management spring hearing rule) [Admin.Code NR 20.16, 20.20] -
CR 21-021Inland Lakes Protection and Rehabilitation Council reference repealed [Admin.Code NR 60.02] -
CR 19-051Lake Michigan whitefish management and Great Lakes commercial harvest reporting; and affecting small business [Admin.Code NR 25.06, 25.07, 25.09, 25.10, 25.13] -
CR 21-099Lake trout harvest and season in Lake Michigan [Admin.Code NR 20.20] -
CR 21-064List of date-regulated wild rice harvesting waters amended [Admin.Code NR 19.09] -
CR 21-103Site-specific phosphorus criteria for Lac Courte Oreilles (lake) [Admin.Code NR 102.06] -
CR 22-082Agricultural development and market promotion re grazing lands conservation grant program [Admin.Code ATCP 161.50] -
CR 19-054Residential rental practices: consumer credit report [Admin.Code ATCP 134]] -
CR 20-033Authority of Examining Board of Architects, Landscape Architects, Professional Engineers, Designers, and Professional Land Surveyors rules committee [Admin.Code A-E 1.02, 1.03] -
CR 18-028Landscape architect registration [Admin.Code A-E 9.02, 9.025, 9.03, 9.04, 9.05, 9.06] -
CR 19-152Random audits re continuing education compliance of professional land surveyors, landscape architects, architects, and professional engineers [Admin.Code A-E 10.05, 11.05, 12.06, 13.06] -
CR 18-026Retired credential status and continuing education provision re Examining Board of Architects, Landscape Architects, Professional Engineers, Designers, and Professional Land Surveyors [Admin.Code A-E 2.045, 10.035, 11.035, 12.035, 12.08, 13.035, 13.08] -
CR 20-064Medicaid-covered services [Admin.Code DHS 107.03, 107.10] -
CR 20-063Bulk transfer UCC filings re certain lien notices, approval of indexes used for certain variable rate loans, and annual statements of savings banks [Admin.Code DFI-CCS 6.06, DFI-SL 13.04, DFI-SB 4] -
CR 19-057Agricultural development and market promotion re grazing lands conservation grant program [Admin.Code ATCP 161.50] -
CR 19-054Dairy manufacturing facility, meat processing facility, food processing plant, and food warehouse investment credits and woody biomass harvesting and processing credit [Admin.Code ATCP 163, 164, 165, 166] -
CR 21-040Credit unions: commercial and member business loans [Admin.Code DFI-CU 72] -
CR 17-063Settlement of potential campaign finance, lobbying, and ethics violations [Admin.Code ETH 26.02, 26.03, 26.04] -
CR 20-019Unprofessional conduct re marriage and family therapists, professional counselors, and social workers [Admin.Code MPSW 20.02] -
CR 19-166Application requirements for credentials revised re 2017 WisAct 278 and 2019 WisAct 143 [Admin.Code MPSW 3.12, 3.125, 11.04, 11.045, 17.02, 17.025] -
CR 21-053Degrees from programs accredited by the Commission for Accreditation of Counseling (CACREP) [Admin.Code MPSW 11.01] -
CR 20-032Professional counselor training license renewals [Admin.Code MPSW 11.015] -
CR 21-094Unprofessional conduct re marriage and family therapists, professional counselors, and social workers [Admin.Code MPSW 20.02] -
CR 19-166Massage and bodywork therapists: reciprocal credentials for service members, former service members, and their spouses [Admin.Code MTBT 2.03, 2.035] -
CR 21-001Massage and bodywork therapists: reciprocal credentials for service members, former service members, and their spouses [Admin.Code MTBT 2.03, 2.035] -
CR 21-001Screening of newborns for congenital disorders [Admin.Code DHS 115.04] -
CR 21-051Adult long-term care requirements [Admin.Code DHS 10.31, 10.32, 10.34, 10.44, 10.45] -
CR 21-081Complex rehabilitation technology and certification [Admin.Code DHS 101.03, 105.54, 107.24] -
CR 20-012Financial and other reporting requirement modifications for certain HMOs [Admin.Code Ins 9.08] -
CR 22-070Incentive payments to counties re MA [Admin.Code DHS 108.03] -
CR 18-046Long-term care services and MA fair hearing process [Admin.Code DHS 10.11, 10.13, 10.21, 10.22, 10.23, 10.31, 10.41, 10.42, 10.44, 10.52, 10.53, 10.54, 10.55, 10.56, 10.71, 73 (title), 73.01, 73.02, 73.03, 73.04, 73.05, 73.07, 73.10, 73.11, 104.01, 105.17] -
CR 22-026MA telehealth services [Admin.Code DHS 101.03, 105.24, 105.25, 105.27, 105.28, 105.48, 106.02 107.01, 107.02, 107.06, 107.07, 107.11, 107.13, 107.16, 107.24] -
CR 22-043Medicaid eligibility requirements [Admin.Code DHS 102.03, 102.04, 103.03, 103.08, 103.087, 103.09, 109.11] -
CR 21-067Telehealth services: MA reimbursement provisions [Admin.Code DHS 34.02, 34.11, 34.21, 34.22, 34.23, 35.03, 35.07, 35.15, 36.03, 36.07, 36.11, 36.17, 36.19, 40.03, 40.07, 40.08, 40.10, 40.14, 50.02, 50.06, 50.09, 50.12, 61.021, 61.075, 63.02, 63.06, 63.09, 75.03, 75.05, 75.12, 75.13, 75.16, 75.24] -
CR 22-053Continuing podiatric medical education [Admin.Code Pod 3.01, 3.02, 3.03, 3.04] -
CR 20-017Licensure of nurse midwives [Admin.Code N 4.01, 4.02, 4.025, 4.03, 4.04, 4.043, 4.05, 4.06, 4.07, 4.08, 4.10] -
CR 20-065Nurses: clinical learning simulations [Admin.Code N 1.08] -
CR 21-009Physicians: continuing medical education [Admin.Code Med 13.02, 13.03] -
CR 21-017Continuing education for physicians re opioid prescribing and controlled substances generally [Admin.Code Med 13.02, 13.03] -
CR 22-067Continuing medical education for physicians [Admin.Code Med 13.05] -
CR 20-053Performance of physical examinations and unprofessional conduct [Admin.Code Med 10.02, 10.03] -
CR 22-063Unprofessional conduct: failure to provide notice of criminal conviction [Admin.Code Med 10.03] -
CR 21-030Financial and other reporting requirement modifications for certain HMOs [Admin.Code Ins 9.08] -
CR 22-070Complex rehabilitation technology and certification [Admin.Code DHS 101.03, 105.54, 107.24] -
CR 20-012Complex rehabilitation technology prior authorization review [Admin.Code DHS 107.02] -
CR 21-050Dentists: requirements for class III permits for anesthesia [Admin.Code DE 11.025] -
CR 21-086Precertification sedation education requirements for dentists [Admin.Code DE 11.025, 11.035] -
CR 22-086Trauma care system [Admin.Code DHS 118.03, 118.04, 118.08, 118 Appendix A] -
CR 19-086Advanced EMT certification in advanced cardiac life support [Admin.Code DHS 110.13] -
CR 22-073