Tuesday, May 1, 2001
2:51 P.M.
May 2001 Special Session
Senate Journal
The Senate met.
The Senate was called to order by Senator Fred Risser.
The State of Wisconsin
office of the governor
executive order #7
Relating to a Special Session of the Legislature
I, Scott McCallum, the Governor of the State of Wisconsin, pursuant to Article IV, Section 11 and Article V, Section 4 of the Wisconsin Constitution, do hereby require the convening of a special session of the Legislature at the Capitol in Madison, beginning at 1:00 p.m. on May 1, 2001, solely to consider and act upon LRB-3093/8 relating to:
Water quality certification for nonfederal wetlands, time limits and procedures for processing applications for water quality certifications that are applicable to wetlands, granting rule-making authority, and providing a penalty.
IN TESTIMONY WHERE OF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Great Seal of the State of Wisconsin to be affixed. Done at the Capitol in the city of Madison this first day of May in the year two thousand and one.
By the governor:
Secretary of State
Senator Chvala, with unanimous consent, asked that the role, prayer and pledge for the regular session be applied to the special session.
report of committees
The committee on Senate Organization reports and recommends:
Senate Bill 1
Relating to: water quality certification for nonfederal wetlands, time limits and procedures for processing applications for water quality certifications that are applicable to wetlands, granting rule-making authority, and providing a penalty.
Ayes, 5 - Senators Chvala, Risser, Moen, Panzer and Farrow.
Noes, 0 - None.
To committee on Environmental Resources.
Charles Chvala
Senator Chvala, with unanimous consent, asked that the Senate recess until 4:05 P.M.
2:53 P.M.
4:05 P.M
The Senate reconvened.
Senator Risser in the chair.
report of committees
The committee on Environmental Resources reports and recommends:
Senate Bill 1
Relating to: water quality certification for nonfederal wetlands, time limits and procedures for processing applications for water quality certifications that are applicable to wetlands, granting rule-making authority, and providing a penalty.
Ayes, 5 - Senators Baumgart, Hansen, Wirch, Cowles and Schultz.
Noes, 0 - None.
Jim Baumgart
second reading and amendments of senate joint resolutions and senate bills
Senate Bill 1
Relating to: water quality certification for nonfederal wetlands, time limits and procedures for processing applications for water quality certifications that are applicable to wetlands, granting rule-making authority, and providing a penalty.
Read a second time.
Ordered to a third reading.
Senator Chvala, with unanimous consent, asked that the bill be considered for final action at this time.
Senate Bill 1
Read a third time.
The ayes and noes were demanded and the vote was: ayes, 33; noes, 0; absent or not voting, 0; as follows:
S172 Ayes - Senators Baumgart, Breske, Burke, Chvala, Cowles, Darling, Decker, Ellis, Erpenbach, Farrow, S. Fitzgerald, George, Grobschmidt, Hansen, Harsdorf, Huelsman, Jauch, A. Lasee, Lazich, M. Meyer, Moen, Moore, Panzer, Plache, Risser, Robson, Roessler, Rosenzweig, Schultz, Shibilski, Welch, Wirch and Zien - 33.
Noes - None.
Absent or not voting - None.