49. Stewardship Earmarks
Sections 1034h, 1034hm [as it relates to s. 23.197 (7)], 1034pm, 1039bv, 1039fm, 1039k, 1039km, 1039m, 1039s and 9107 [as it relates to (1) (i) 2.]
These provisions require the Department of Natural Resources to do the following under the Warren Knowles-Gaylord Nelson Stewardship 2000 Program:
Provide up to $175,000 SEG for the development of a recreational area on Keyes Lake in Florence County;
Provide $60,000 SEG to the city of Hillsboro and waive the 50 percent matching requirement for the development of a camping and recreational area near the Hillsboro and Northeastern Spur Trail;
Provide $135,000 SEG to acquire conservation easements along the Plover River in Marathon County and Portage County;
Provide $648,100 SEG to Milwaukee County to redevelop the beach at Grant Park;
Provide $25,000 to the city of Menasha for the purchase of land to be used for a skateboard park facility in Winnebago County; and
Provide up to $200,000 SEG in matching funds for the development of a conservation law enforcement museum.
I am vetoing these provisions because I object to the infringement on executive branch authority to manage programs and because these provisions are unnecessary. The department currently reviews grant applications under several criteria that take into account the importance of the property for recreational and conservation purposes. These criteria and the requirement for a local match for grants ensure that local projects are planned and supported by the communities affected by the projects. Circumventing this process undermines the integrity of the Stewardship 2000 Program.
50. Forest Legacy Program Funding
Section 1034k
This section requires the Department of Natural Resources to set aside not less than $12,000,000 from the land acquisition subprogram of the Warren Knowles-Gaylord Nelson Stewardship 2000 Program. These funds may be obligated only to provide matching funds for the purchase of land or easements under the federal Forest Legacy Program.
By striking the digit "1", I am partially vetoing this section to limit the set aside amount to not less than $2,000,000. I object to the amount of funding being set aside because this requirement limits the department's flexibility in determining the best use of the Stewardship 2000 Program funds. In addition, the Forest Legacy Program matching requirement is 25 percent of the program costs. Although I strongly support the conservation of Wisconsin's forested land, the state is not expected to receive enough federal funding for the department to obligate the total amount of the proposed set-aside. If additional federal funding becomes available, I am requesting the department to set aside additional Stewardship 2000 Program funds to maximize the amount of federal dollars coming to the state.
51. Stewardship Appraisal Requirements
Section 1035g
This section requires governmental units or nonprofit organizations to submit at least one appraisal to the Department of Natural Resources if they request a Warren Knowles-Gaylord Nelson Stewardship 2000 Program grant to purchase land which the department estimates has a fair market value exceeding $200,000. The department is required to also obtain a separate independent appraisal.
I am vetoing this section because it creates an unnecessary burden on the department. The department did not receive any additional resources to obtain and review these appraisals. Requiring the department to manage this requirement with existing funds may result in delays in awarding grants to applicants.
52. Stewardship Purchase Notification
Sections 1038q, 1038qc and 9437 (1z) [as it relates to s. 23.14 (1m)]
These sections require the Department of Natural Resources to notify, in writing, affected local units of government of any acquisition of land or interest in land at least thirty days prior to completion of the acquisition.
I am vetoing sections 1038q and 1038qc and partially vetoing section 9437 (1z) [as it relates to s. 23.14 (1m)] because they unduly limit the department's ability to work with sellers and to expedite the protection of sensitive environmental areas.
53. Chiwaukee Prairie-Carol Beach Acquisition
Section 1038saq
This section prohibits the Department of Natural Resources from promulgating administrative rules or establishing a department policy that imposes a specific maximum purchase price per parcel or per acre for real property that the department acquires within the Chiwaukee Prairie-Carol Beach National Natural Landmark.
I am vetoing this section because it limits the department's flexibility to determine how best to use limited resources to protect and preserve sensitive areas of the state.
54. Signage for Fishing Easements
Section 1038dg
This section requires the Department of Natural Resources to place a sign on any property where the department acquires an easement allowing public access for fishing. The sign must inform the public that the easement allows public access to the body of water for fishing.
S314 I am vetoing this section because it is unnecessary and infringes on the property owner's rights. The department may erect signs on property with fishing easements at its own discretion and in cooperation with the property owner.
55. Forestry Demonstration and Education Center
Sections 1038r, 1038sam and 9437 (1z) [as it relates to s. 23.14 (2)]
These provisions would require the Department of Natural Resources to notify the Joint Committee on Finance of any proposed acquisition, for a forestry demonstration and education center, of rights in lands that are part of Milwaukee County grounds.
I am vetoing these provisions because I object to legislative intrusion in this area. In addition, sufficient oversight procedures already exist in cases where large, expensive land purchases are being made and do not require additional legislative oversight.
56. World Paper Center
Sections 395 [as it relates to s. 20.370 (5) (ax)], 603rb and 9137 (8mk)
These provisions would allocate $250,000 SEG in fiscal year 2001-02 to the Paper International Hall of Fame, Inc., to renovate the Atlas Mill and retitle it the World Paper Center.
I am vetoing these provisions because I object to expending state fiscal resources for this purpose. By lining out the Department of Natural Resources' s. 20.370 (5) (ax) appropriation, I am vetoing that part of the bill which funds the renovation of the Atlas Mill. The effect of this veto will be to delete all funding for this purpose.
57. Great Lakes Forestry Museum
Sections 395 [as it relates to s. 20.375 (2) (rq)], 603q, 603r, 629do, 629dom, 9137 (5mk), 9437 (3mk) and 9437 (3mkx)
These sections require the Department of Natural Resources and the proposed Department of Forestry to award grants of up to $150,000 to an organization known as the Great Lakes Forestry Museum to develop a facility in the city of Rice Lake for educating the public about the history of forestry and logging in this state. In addition, within six months of receiving the grant, the grant recipient is required to submit a report to the Department of Natural Resources or the Department of Forestry detailing how the grant proceeds were used.
I am vetoing these sections because I object to expending state fiscal resources for this purpose. Forestry revenues should be focused on the protection, acquisition, development, operation and maintenance of forests of the state. Although Wisconsin's rich history of forestry and logging is important, other funds should be found to support this facility.
58. Managed Forest Land Eligibility
Sections 2247d, 2247h, 2247p, 2247t and 9337 (3f)
These sections modify criteria used to define a parcel of land that is capable of producing merchantable timber for designation as managed forestland.
I am vetoing these sections because they inappropriately expand the use of the managed forest land program. Managed forest land receives preferential tax treatment because it is dedicated to timber production and recreational use. Allowing more land that is not favorable to timber production to enroll in this popular program would endanger its original focus and purpose.
59. Urban Forestry Grant Earmarks
Sections 9137 (5vy), 9137 (5x) and 9137 (5y)
These sections earmark funding within the urban forestry grant program for tree planting demonstration projects in the cities of Waupaca, Milwaukee and Racine.
I am vetoing these sections because they are unnecessary and unduly infringe on executive branch authority to manage programs. The cities may continue to compete for grants through the established grant review process.
60. Urban Land Conservation Grant
Sections 395 [as it relates to ss. 20.370 (5) (ay) and 20.375 (2) (sm)], 1036bx, 1036c, 1036d, 1036e, 1036em [as it relates to the grant amount and the purposes of the grant], 1036f [as it relates to the grant amount and the purposes of the grant], 1036g, 1036h, 1036j, 1036k, 1036m, 1036n, 1036p, 1036q, 1036r, 1036s, 1036t, 1036u, 1036v, 1036w and 1036y
These sections increase the amount of an annual grant to the Urban Open Space Foundation and modify the requirements the foundation must comply with in order to receive the grant.
I am partially vetoing sections 395 [as it relates to ss. 20.370 (5) (ay) and 20.375 (2) (sm)], 1036em [as it relates to the grant amount and the purposes of the grant] and 1036f [as it relates to the grant amount and the purposes of the grant] because the increase is excessive and unnecessary. By striking "of $150,000" in the amended language of section 1036f and by lining out the appropriations under ss. 20.370 (5) (ay) and 20.375 (2) (sm) and writing in $75,000 for this purpose in each fiscal year, I am notifying the Legislature of my intent to veto the increase in the grant amount. I am also requesting the Department of Administration secretary not to allot these funds. In addition, I am requesting the Department of Natural Resources to continue to provide an annual grant of $75,000 to the foundation.
I am vetoing sections 1036bx, 1036c, 1036e, 1036g, 1036h, 1036j, 1036k, 1036m, 1036n, 1036p, 1036q, 1036r, 1036s, 1036t, 1036u, 1036v, 1036w and 1036y to retain the current requirements the foundation must meet to receive the grant. I object to the expansion of the activities the grant funds may support because they are redundant. The department already has an urban forestry grant program to address these issues and the foundation may compete with other nonprofit organizations for land acquisition grants through the Warren Knowles-Gaylord Nelson Stewardship 2000 Program.
S315 61. Sustainable Forestry Grant Program Rules
Section 1153s
This section allows the Department of Natural Resources to make grants to counties having forest land to fund the cost of activities related to improving the sustainable forestry on the land. The section specifies that the department will promulgate rules to include the following: establish criteria to award grants; maximum amount of grant available to each recipient; activities for which a grant may be awarded; required match from counties; and a method for establishing priorities for awarding grants or providing partial grants.
I am partially vetoing this section to eliminate the requirement for the department to promulgate rules to establish criteria and procedures for awarding sustainable forestry grants to provide the department with more flexibility in administering and establishing rules for this program.
62. Conservation Fund Transfers
Section 585m, 624m, 9237 (3k) and 9237 (5z)
These sections transfer $15,000 SEG from the fish and wildlife account to the endangered resources account and $200,000 SEG from the forestry account to the Natural Resources Magazine account. All accounts are within the conservation fund.
I am vetoing these sections because the transfers are inappropriate and unnecessary. Each account receives revenues collected from citizens of the state for a specific purpose. Although the transfers would enhance funding for endangered resources and Natural Resources Magazine activities, the monies were not collected for these purposes.
63. State Parks Concessions Report
Section 9137 (4z)
This section requires the Department of Natural Resources to submit a report to the Governor and the Joint Committee on Finance by October 1, 2002, on the operation and profitability of concession operations in the state parks. In addition, the department is to investigate the option of contracting with the private sector for concession services.
I am vetoing this section because this provision would limit the department's ability to effectively administer the operation of concession services at state parks. The department continually evaluates these operations and investigates options for providing concession operations. In addition, several of these operations are now provided by not-for-profit charitable organizations and such a provision could adversely affect their fund-raising capabilities.
64. Perrot State Park Bridge Study
Section 9137 (8m)
This section requires the Department of Natural Resources to conduct a study and submit a report to the Legislature by June 30, 2002, on the feasibility of constructing a bridge at Perrot State Park that would provide access by park users to Trempealeau Mountain.
I am vetoing this section because it is unnecessary. The department is already looking at the feasibility of the proposed bridge as part of the master planning process in cooperation with local units of government and other interest groups.
65. Mountain-Bay State Trail Access
Section 1153m
This section allows the town of Weston to establish a public access site to the Mountain-Bay State Trail and prohibits the Department of Natural Resources from requiring the closure of another public access site to offset the opening of the new site.
I am vetoing this section because opening another public access site along a state trail without closing an existing access site may pose a safety hazard for recreational users of the state trail system. I will support such a provision if it can be demonstrated that it will not pose a safety hazard.
66. Park and Forest Beaches
Sections 395 [as it relates to s. 20.370 (1) (es)], 585k, 600p and 9437 (1z) [as it relates to s. 20.370 (4) (aw)]
These provisions create an appropriation to provide $150,000 SEG annually from the Department of Natural Resources' Division of Land for the operation, development and maintenance of beaches at state park and southern forest properties.
I am partially vetoing section 395 [as it relates to s. 20.370 (1) (es)] to eliminate $150,000 SEG in fiscal years 2001-02 and 2002-03. I am vetoing these provisions because this is not an appropriate use of motor boat gas tax revenues.
67. State Trail Funding
Section 590m [as it relates to trail operation]
This section creates an appropriation funded by all-terrain vehicle (ATV) registration fee revenue for operation and maintenance of trails in state parks and southern forests.
I am partially vetoing this section to limit the expenditure of ATV revenue to the maintenance of these trails. I object to the use of this fee revenue for trails that may not be open to ATV riders. However, I recognize the need to maintain these heavily traveled trails. I encourage the Department of Natural Resources, to the extent possible, to focus these funds on trails open for recreational vehicle use.
68. Hunting and Fishing in State Parks
Sections 1162h, 1162p, 1162t, 1162w and 1162wm
These sections require the Department of Natural Resources to open all state parks to hunting and fishing if the park has received any funding from the fish and wildlife account of the conservation fund at any time during the preceding ten years. The Natural Resources Board may exempt a state park from this requirement.
S316 I am vetoing this provision because this is a policy issue that should be addressed by the Natural Resources Board as part of its public hearing process. In addition, I have concerns pertaining to the safety of other persons using the state parks during designated hunting seasons.
69. Recreational Boating Earmarks
Sections 605 [as it relates to Black Point Estate, a recreational fishing pier, the Wausau Whitewater Course and a museum in Racine], 605b, 605c, 848r, 962 [as it relates to s. 20.505 (5) (c)], 972m, 1036yr, 1036yt, 9107 [as it relates to (1) (p) 2. and 3.], 9137 (4x), 9137 (5e), 9137 (6g), 9137 (7f), 9137 (8k), 9437 (2q) and 9437 (2x)