Mark Meyer
State of Wisconsin
Office of the Governor
February 1, 2001
To the Honorable, the Senate:
The following bill(s), originating in the Senate, have been approved, signed and deposited in the office of the Secretary of State:
State of Wisconsin
Office of the Governor
February 1, 2001
The Honorable, The Legislature:
On January 4, 1999 I took the oath of office for the constitutional office of Governor of the State of Wisconsin. After careful deliberation, I have determined I will accept President George W. Bush's appointment and will take the oath of office to become Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services.
Consistent with sections 17.01(1) and (13), of the Wisconsin Statutes, I resign from the constitutional office of Governor of the State of Wisconsin. My resignation shall be effective on February 1, 2001 at 11:55 A.M.
There has been no greater privilege then to serve the people of the State of Wisconsin as their Governor for the past fourteen years.
Tommy G. Thompson
State of Wisconsin
February 1, 2001
The Honorable, The Senate:
Pursuant to Tour 2.05(1)(d), Wisconsin Administrative Code, I have appointed Senator Roger Breske to the Heritage Tourism Council.
Chuck Chvala
Senate Majority Leader
Office of the Governor
January 30, 2001
The Honorable, The Senate:
This is to inform you that I am withdrawing the following nominations:
Frederik W. Thiersen for appointment to the Physical Therapists Affiliated Credentialling Board.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Tommy G. Thompson
State of Wisconsin
Office of the Secretary of State
To the Honorable, the Senate:
Douglas La follette
Secretary of State
State of Wisconsin
Department of Administration
January 29, 2001
The Honorable, The Legislature:
This report is transmitted as required by sec. 20.002(11)(f) of the Wisconsin Statutes, (for distribution to the appropriate standing committees under sec. 13.172(3) Stats.), and confirms that the Department of Administration has found it necessary to exercise the "temporary reallocation of balances" authority provided by this section in order to meet payment responsibilities and cover resulting negative balances during the month of December 2000.
On December 1, 2000 the Wisconsin Health Education Loan Repayment Fund balance was -$9 thousand. This shortfall increased to -$11 thousand on December 19, 2000 and continued into the month of January. As of the date of this letter, it is expected to be resolved soon. This shortfall is due to the timing of revenues.
On December 1, 2000 the Utility Public Benefits Fund balance was -$3.63 million. This shortfall decreased to -$1.36 million on December 6, 2000, increased to -$2.16 million on December 19, to -$3.18 million on December 29, 2000, and continued into the month of January. As of the date of this letter, it is expected to be resolved soon. This shortfall is due to the timing of revenues.
On December 4, 2000 the General Fund balance was -$73.53 million. This shortfall increased to -$123.27 million on December 7, 2000, decreased to -$60.57 million on December 14, 2000, and continued until December 18, 2000 when the balance reached $98.94 million. This shortfall was due to the timing of revenues.
The Wisconsin Health Education Loan Repayment Fund, Utility Public Benefit Fund, and General Fund shortfalls were not in excess of the statutory interfund borrowing limitation and did not exceed the balances of the Funds available for interfund borrowing.
The distribution of interest earnings to investment pool participants is based on the average daily balance in the pool and each fund's share. Therefore, the monthly calculation by the State Controller's Office will automatically reflect the use of these temporary reallocations of balance authority.
George Lightbourn
Referred to the joint committee on Finance.
State of Wisconsin
Ethics Board
February 6, 2001
The Honorable, The Senate:
The following lobbyists have been authorized to act on behalf of the organizations set opposite their names.
For more detailed information about these lobbyists and organizations and a complete list of organizations and people authorized to lobby the 2001 session of the legislature, visit the Ethics Board's web site at
Bartkowski, John Sixteenth Street Community Health Center
Beardsley, Daniel Infiltrator Systems Inc
Becker, Dismas Wisconsin Coalition of Marriage & Family Therapists, Prof. Counselors &
Beil, Martin Wisconsin State Employees Union
Benson, Tracy United Council of UW Students Inc
Berger, David WorldCom Inc
Bloomingdale, Stephanie Wisconsin Federation of Nurses & Health Professionals
Blumenfeld, Michael Special Needs Adoption Network
Born, Gerald ARC - Wisconsin Disability Association, The
Bowen, Sarah Wisconsin Psychological Association
Boyce, Catherine Wisconsin Personal Services Alternatives, Inc. (WPSA)
Boyer, Amy Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers
Broydrick, William ARDA - WI
Broydrick, William BP (formerly BPAmoco) (formerly Amoco)
Brozek, Michael Carl A. Haas Racing Teams Ltd
Buchen, Elizabeth J Nextel Communications
Candy, Barbara Milwaukee Public Schools
Christensen, Jeffrey A Radtke Contractors Inc
Christianson, Peter C Corrections Corporation of America
Christianson, Peter C Wisconsin Land Title Association
Christianson, Peter C Recreation Vehicle Industry Association, Inc.
Cook, Sharon BP (formerly BPAmoco) (formerly Amoco)
Daggett, Dennis Oconomowoc Residential Programs Inc
DeBraska, Bradley Milwaukee Police Association
Dicus-Johnson, Coreen Blue Cross/Blue Shield United of Wisconsin
Dilweg, Sean AT&T Corporation