Ayes: 11 - Representatives Pettis, Mursau, Gunderson, Hines, Van Roy, Moulton, Nerison, Ziegelbauer, Young, Van Akkeren and Seidel.
Noes: 0.
To committee on Rules.
Assembly Bill 1191
Relating to: sale of Olympic Ice Training Center and making an appropriation.
Ayes: 10 - Representatives Pettis, Mursau, Gunderson, Van Roy, Moulton, Nerison, Ziegelbauer, Young, Van Akkeren and Seidel.
Noes: 0.
To committee on Rules.
Mark Pettis
Committee on Tourism
From: Robert J. Marchant, Senate Chief Clerk.
Mr. Speaker:
I am directed to inform you that the Senate has
Passed and asks concurrence in:
Senate Bill 424
Senate Bill 575
Senate Bill 661
Senate Bill 677
Senate Bill 681
Senate Bill 685
Senate Bill 696
Senate Bill 699
Senate Bill 700
Senate Bill 701
Senate Bill 702
Senate Bill 704
Senate Bill 705
Senate Bill 706
Senate Bill 707
Senate Bill 708
Senate Bill 709
Senate Bill 710
Senate Bill 711
Senate Bill 712
Senate Bill 713
Senate Bill 714
Amended and concurred in as amended:
Assembly Bill 958 (Senate substitute amendment 1 adopted)
Concurred in:
Assembly Joint Resolution
Assembly Joint Resolution
Assembly Joint Resolution
Assembly Joint Resolution
Assembly Joint Resolution
Assembly Joint Resolution
Assembly Bill 172
Assembly Bill 842
Assembly Bill 1003
Assembly Bill 1021
Assembly Bill 1174
Recede from its position on:
Senate amendment 1 to Assembly Bill 539
Senate Bill 424
Relating to: abandoned and unclaimed property.
; cosponsored by Representative Suder
To committee on Rules.
Senate Bill 575
Relating to: applying cash deposited for bail to restitution payments or to recompense ordered in criminal cases.
Zien and Roessler; cosponsored by Representatives Suder, Wood, Gronemus, Musser, Townsend, Hines, Owens, LeMahieu, Albers, Petrowski and Van Roy.
To committee on Rules.
Senate Bill 661
Relating to: the establishment of a college savings program bank deposit trust fund and a college savings program credit union deposit trust fund and making appropriations.
Darling and Plale; cosponsored by Representatives Musser, Albers and Jeskewitz.
To committee on Rules.
Senate Bill 677
Relating to: the failure to publish certain notices relating to the creation, or attempted creation, of a tax incremental financing district in the village of Kimberly.
A. Lasee
; cosponsored by Representative Ott
To committee on Rules.
Senate Bill 681
Relating to: changes to the impact fee law and imposing certain requirements on other fees imposed by political subdivisions.
Stepp, Grothman and Brown; cosponsored by Representatives Suder, Gard, Musser, Vos, Newcomer, Albers, Krawczyk, J. Fitzgerald, Gundrum, Kestell, Van Roy, Wood, Montgomery, Pettis, Ott, McCormick, Honadel and Moulton.
To committee on Rules.
Senate Bill 685
Relating to: use of the proceeds from the sale of real property located in the city of Milwaukee and used for school purposes.
Plale, Darling, Kanavas and Taylor; cosponsored by Representatives Fields, Jeskewitz, Grigsby, Kessler, Young, Sinicki and Berceau.
To committee on Rules.
Senate Bill 696
Relating to: differential pay for activated state employees.
Brown, Miller, S. Fitzgerald and Zien; cosponsored by Representatives Musser and Turner.
To committee on Rules.
Senate Bill 699
Relating to: ratification of the agreement negotiated between the state of Wisconsin and the Wisconsin State Public Defenders Association, WFT/AFT, Local 4822, AFL-CIO, for the 2003-05 biennium, covering employees in the public defenders collective bargaining unit, and authorizing an expenditure of funds.