The Assembly reconvened.
Speaker Pro Tempore Kramer in the chair.
Representative Knodl asked unanimous consent for a quorum call. Granted.
A quorum was present.
Senate Bill 93
Relating to: going armed with weapons, possessing or transporting a firearm, bow, or crossbow under certain circumstances, disorderly conduct limitations, and electric weapons.
Representatives Jacque, Spanbauer, Litjens, Nerison, Williams, Klenke, Nygren, J. Ott, Marklein, Tranel, Petryk, Bernier, Endsley, Tiffany, Bies, Clark and Radcliffe asked unanimous consent to be added as cosponsors of Senate
Bill 93. Granted.
Assembly amendment 1 to Senate Bill 93 offered by Representatives Barca, Pasch, Seidel, Roys, Mason, Turner, Young and E. Coggs.
Representative Barca asked unanimous consent that Assembly amendment 1 to Senate Bill 93 be withdrawn and returned to the author. Granted.
Assembly substitute amendment 1 to Senate Bill 93 offered by Representatives Barca, Turner, Zepnick, D. Cullen, Pasch, Seidel, Bewley, Hulsey, Hintz, Berceau, Roys and E. Coggs.
Representative Suder moved that Assembly substitute amendment 1 to Senate Bill 93 be laid on the table.
The question was: Shall Assembly substitute amendment 1 to Senate Bill 93 be laid on the table?
The roll was taken.
The result follows:
Ayes - Representatives August, Ballweg, Bernier, Bies, Brooks, Craig, Endsley, Farrow, Honadel, Jacque, Kapenga, Kaufert, Kerkman, Kestell, Kleefisch, Klenke, Knilans, Knodl, Knudson, Kooyenga, Kramer, Krug, Kuglitsch, T. Larson, LeMahieu, Litjens, Loudenbeck, Marklein, Meyer, Mursau, Murtha, Nass, Nerison, Nygren, A. Ott, J. Ott, Petersen, Petrowski, Petryk, Pridemore, Radcliffe, Ripp, Rivard, Severson, Spanbauer, Steineke, Stone, Strachota, Stroebel, Suder, Tauchen, Thiesfeldt, Tiffany, Tranel, Van Roy, Vos, Vruwink, Weininger, Williams, Wynn, Ziegelbauer and Speaker Fitzgerald - 62.
Noes - Representatives Barca, Berceau, Bernard Schaber, Bewley, Clark, E. Coggs, D. Cullen, Danou, Doyle, Fields, Grigsby, Hebl, Hintz, Hulsey, Jorgensen, Kessler, Krusick, Mason, Milroy, Molepske Jr, Pasch, Pocan, Pope-Roberts, Richards, Ringhand, Roys, Seidel, Shilling, Sinicki, Staskunas, Steinbrink, Toles, Turner, Young, Zamarripa and Zepnick - 36.
Absent or not voting - None.
Motion carried.
Assembly amendment 2 to Senate Bill 93 offered by Representatives D. Cullen, Pasch, E. Coggs, Young, Sinicki, Staskunas, Toles and Zamarripa.
Representative Barca asked unanimous consent that Assembly amendment 2 to Senate Bill 93 be placed after Assembly amendment 3 to Senate Bill 93. Granted.
Representative Ballweg asked unanimous consent for a leave of absence for part of today's session for Representative Vos. Granted.
Assembly amendment 3 to Senate Bill 93 offered by Representatives Pasch, D. Cullen, Hintz, Roys, Young, Zamarripa, Turner, Clark, Hulsey, Pope-Roberts, Pocan, Ringhand, Bewley, Seidel, Berceau and Richards.
Representative Suder moved that Assembly amendment 3 to Senate Bill 93 be laid on the table.
The question was: Shall Assembly amendment 3 to Senate Bill 93 be laid on the table?
The roll was taken.
The result follows:
Ayes - Representatives August, Ballweg, Bernier, Bies, Brooks, Craig, Danou, Doyle, Endsley, Farrow, Honadel, Jacque, Kapenga, Kaufert, Kerkman, Kessler, Kestell, Kleefisch, Klenke, Knilans, Knodl, Knudson, Kooyenga, Kramer, Krug, Kuglitsch, T. Larson, LeMahieu, Litjens, Loudenbeck, Marklein, Meyer, Milroy, Mursau, Murtha, Nass, Nerison, Nygren, A. Ott, J. Ott, Petersen, Petrowski, Petryk, Pridemore, Radcliffe, Ripp, Rivard, Severson, Spanbauer, Steineke, Stone, Strachota, Stroebel, Suder, Tauchen, Thiesfeldt, Tiffany, Tranel, Van Roy, Vruwink, Weininger, Williams, Wynn, Ziegelbauer and Speaker Fitzgerald - 65.
Noes - Representatives Barca, Berceau, Bernard Schaber, Bewley, Clark, E. Coggs, D. Cullen, Fields, Grigsby, Hebl, Hintz, Hulsey, Jorgensen, Krusick, Mason, Molepske Jr, Pasch, Pocan, Pope-Roberts, Richards, Ringhand, Roys, Seidel, Shilling, Sinicki, Staskunas, Steinbrink, Toles, Turner, Young, Zamarripa and Zepnick - 32.
Absent or not voting - Representative Vos - 1.
Motion carried.
Representative Barca asked unanimous consent that Assembly amendment 2 to Senate Bill 93 be placed after Assembly amendment 4 to Senate Bill 93. Granted.
Assembly amendment 4 to Senate Bill 93 offered by Representatives Pasch, Bewley, Pope-Roberts, Bernard Schaber, Richards, Turner, Roys, Zamarripa, Young, E. Coggs, D. Cullen, Toles, Sinicki and Seidel.
Representative Suder moved that Assembly amendment 4 to Senate Bill 93 be laid on the table.
The question was: Shall Assembly amendment 4 to Senate Bill 93 be laid on the table?
The roll was taken.
The result follows:
Ayes - Representatives August, Ballweg, Barca, Bernier, Bies, Brooks, Clark, Craig, Danou, Doyle, Endsley, Farrow, Honadel, Jacque, Jorgensen, Kapenga, Kaufert, Kerkman, Kestell, Kleefisch, Klenke, Knilans, Knodl, Knudson, Kooyenga, Kramer, Krug, Kuglitsch, T. Larson, LeMahieu, Litjens, Loudenbeck, Marklein, Meyer, Milroy, Mursau, Murtha, Nass, Nerison, Nygren, A. Ott, J. Ott, Petersen, Petrowski, Petryk, Pridemore, Radcliffe, Ripp, Rivard, Severson, Spanbauer, Steineke, Stone, Strachota, Stroebel, Suder, Tauchen, Thiesfeldt, Tiffany, Tranel, Van Roy, Vruwink, Weininger, Williams, Wynn, Ziegelbauer and Speaker Fitzgerald - 67.
Noes - Representatives Berceau, Bernard Schaber, Bewley, E. Coggs, D. Cullen, Fields, Grigsby, Hebl, Hintz, Hulsey, Kessler, Krusick, Mason, Molepske Jr, Pasch, Pocan, Pope-Roberts, Richards, Ringhand, Roys, Seidel, Shilling, Sinicki, Staskunas, Steinbrink, Toles, Turner, Young, Zamarripa and Zepnick - 30.
Absent or not voting - Representative Vos - 1.
Motion carried.
Representative Molepske Jr. asked unanimous consent to be recorded as voting "Aye" on the previous question. Granted.
Representative Barca asked unanimous consent that Assembly amendment 2 to Senate Bill 93 be placed after Assembly amendment 5 to Senate Bill 93. Granted.
Assembly amendment 5 to Senate Bill 93 offered by Representatives Young, Sinicki, E. Coggs, Zamarripa and Turner.
Representative Suder moved that Assembly amendment 5 to Senate Bill 93 be laid on the table.
The question was: Shall Assembly amendment 5 to Senate Bill 93 be laid on the table?
The roll was taken.
The result follows:
Ayes - Representatives August, Ballweg, Barca, Bernier, Bies, Brooks, Clark, Craig, Danou, Doyle, Endsley, Farrow, Honadel, Jacque, Jorgensen, Kapenga, Kaufert, Kerkman, Kestell, Kleefisch, Klenke, Knilans, Knodl, Knudson, Kooyenga, Kramer, Krug, Kuglitsch, T. Larson, LeMahieu, Litjens, Loudenbeck, Marklein, Meyer, Milroy, Molepske Jr, Mursau, Murtha, Nass, Nerison, Nygren, A. Ott, J. Ott, Petersen, Petrowski, Petryk, Pridemore, Radcliffe, Ripp, Rivard, Severson, Spanbauer, Steineke, Stone, Strachota, Stroebel, Suder, Tauchen, Thiesfeldt, Tiffany, Tranel, Van Roy, Vruwink, Weininger, Williams, Wynn, Ziegelbauer and Speaker Fitzgerald - 68.
Noes - Representatives Berceau, Bernard Schaber, Bewley, E. Coggs, D. Cullen, Fields, Grigsby, Hebl, Hintz, Hulsey, Kessler, Krusick, Mason, Pasch, Pocan, Pope-Roberts, Richards, Ringhand, Roys, Seidel, Shilling, Sinicki, Staskunas, Steinbrink, Toles, Turner, Young, Zamarripa and Zepnick - 29.
Absent or not voting - Representative Vos - 1.
Motion carried.
Representative Suder moved that Assembly amendment 2 to Senate Bill 93 be laid on the table.
The question was: Shall Assembly amendment 2 to Senate Bill 93 be laid on the table?
The roll was taken.
The result follows:
Ayes - Representatives August, Ballweg, Barca, Bernier, Bies, Brooks, Clark, Craig, Danou, Doyle, Endsley, Farrow, Hintz, Honadel, Jacque, Jorgensen, Kapenga, Kaufert, Kerkman, Kestell, Kleefisch, Klenke, Knilans, Knodl, Knudson, Kooyenga, Kramer, Krug, Kuglitsch, T. Larson, LeMahieu, Litjens, Loudenbeck, Marklein, Meyer, Milroy, Molepske Jr, Mursau, Murtha, Nass, Nerison, Nygren, A. Ott, J. Ott, Petersen, Petrowski, Petryk, Pridemore, Radcliffe, Ripp, Rivard, Severson, Spanbauer, Steineke, Stone, Strachota, Stroebel, Suder, Tauchen, Thiesfeldt, Tiffany, Tranel, Van Roy, Vruwink, Weininger, Williams, Wynn, Ziegelbauer and Speaker Fitzgerald - 69.
Noes - Representatives Berceau, Bernard Schaber, Bewley, E. Coggs, D. Cullen, Fields, Grigsby, Hebl, Hulsey, Kessler, Krusick, Mason, Pasch, Pocan, Pope-Roberts, Richards, Ringhand, Roys, Seidel, Shilling, Sinicki, Staskunas, Steinbrink, Toles, Turner, Young, Zamarripa and Zepnick - 28.
Absent or not voting - Representative Vos - 1.
Motion carried.
The question was: Shall Senate Bill 93 be ordered to a third reading?
Motion carried.
Representative Suder asked unanimous consent that the rules be suspended and that Senate Bill
93 be given a third reading. Granted.
The question was: Senate Bill 93 having been read three times, shall the bill be concurred in?
The roll was taken.
The result follows:
Ayes - Representatives August, Ballweg, Bernier, Bewley, Bies, Brooks, Clark, Craig, Danou, Doyle, Endsley, Farrow, Honadel, Jacque, Jorgensen, Kapenga, Kaufert, Kerkman, Kestell, Kleefisch, Klenke, Knilans, Knodl, Knudson, Kooyenga, Kramer, Krug, Kuglitsch, T. Larson, LeMahieu, Litjens, Loudenbeck, Marklein, Mason, Meyer, Milroy, Molepske Jr, Mursau, Murtha, Nass, Nerison, Nygren, A. Ott, J. Ott, Petersen, Petrowski, Petryk, Radcliffe, Ripp, Rivard, Severson, Spanbauer, Steinbrink, Steineke, Strachota, Stroebel, Suder, Tauchen, Thiesfeldt, Tiffany, Tranel, Van Roy, Vruwink, Weininger, Williams, Wynn, Ziegelbauer and Speaker Fitzgerald - 68.
Noes - Representatives Barca, Berceau, Bernard Schaber, E. Coggs, D. Cullen, Fields, Grigsby, Hebl, Hintz, Hulsey, Kessler, Krusick, Pasch, Pope-Roberts, Pridemore, Richards, Ringhand, Roys, Seidel, Shilling, Sinicki, Staskunas, Toles, Turner, Young, Zamarripa and Zepnick - 27.
Paired for - Representative Vos - 1.
Paired against - Representative Pocan - 1.
Absent or not voting - Representative Stone - 1.
Motion carried.
Representative Stone asked unanimous consent to be recorded as voting "Aye" on the previous question. Granted.
Representative Suder asked unanimous consent that the rules be suspended and that Senate Bill
93 be immediately messaged to the Senate. Granted.
Representative Barca asked unanimous consent that the rules be suspended and that Assembly Bill
20 be withdrawn from the committee on Jobs, Economy and Small Business and taken up at this time.
Representative Kleefisch objected.
Representative Barca moved that the rules be suspended and that Assembly Bill 20 be withdrawn from the committee on Jobs, Economy and Small Business and taken up at this time.
Assembly Bill 20
Relating to: allowing refunds for the early stage seed and angel investment tax credits and making an appropriation.
The question was: Shall the rules be suspended and Assembly Bill 20 be withdrawn from the committee on Jobs, Economy and Small Business and taken up at this time?
The roll was taken.
The result follows:
Ayes - Representatives Barca, Berceau, Bernard Schaber, Bewley, Clark, E. Coggs, D. Cullen, Danou, Doyle, Fields, Grigsby, Hebl, Hintz, Hulsey, Jorgensen, Kessler, Mason, Milroy, Molepske Jr, Pasch, Pocan, Pope-Roberts, Radcliffe, Richards, Ringhand, Roys, Seidel, Shilling, Sinicki, Staskunas, Steinbrink, Toles, Turner, Vruwink, Young, Zamarripa and Zepnick - 37.
Noes - Representatives August, Ballweg, Bernier, Bies, Brooks, Craig, Endsley, Farrow, Honadel, Jacque, Kapenga, Kaufert, Kerkman, Kestell, Kleefisch, Klenke, Knilans, Knodl, Knudson, Kooyenga, Kramer, Krug, Krusick, Kuglitsch, T. Larson, LeMahieu, Litjens, Loudenbeck, Marklein, Meyer, Mursau, Murtha, Nass, Nerison, Nygren, A. Ott, J. Ott, Petersen, Petrowski, Petryk, Pridemore, Ripp, Rivard, Severson, Spanbauer, Steineke, Stone, Strachota, Stroebel, Suder, Tauchen, Thiesfeldt, Tiffany, Tranel, Van Roy, Weininger, Williams, Wynn, Ziegelbauer and Speaker Fitzgerald - 60.
Absent or not voting - Representative Vos - 1.
Motion failed.
Representative Jorgensen moved that the rules be suspended and that Assembly Bill 9 be withdrawn from the committee on Jobs, Economy and Small Business and taken up at this time.
Assembly Bill 9