By Law Revision Committee
Relating to: access to public records (suggested as remedial legislation by the Legislative Reference Bureau).
By Law Revision Committee
Relating to: the effective date of administrative rules promulgated by state agencies (suggested as remedial legislation by the Legislative Reference Bureau).
By Law Revision Committee
Relating to: revising various provisions of the statutes to make corrections and reconcile conflicts (Correction Bill).
By Law Revision Committee
Chief Clerk Reports
The Chief Clerk records:
Presented to the Governor on Thursday, December 12.
Assembly Chief Clerk
Executive Communications
State of Wisconsin
Office of the Governor
December 12, 2013
To the Honorable Members of the Assembly:
The following bills, originating in the Assembly, have been approved, signed and deposited in the office of the Secretary of State:
Bill Number Act Number Date Approved
hist15172Assembly Bill 380 64 December 12, 2013 hist15174Assembly Bill 61 65 December 12, 2013 hist15176Assembly Bill 174 68 December 12, 2013 hist15178Assembly Bill 8 71 December 12, 2013 hist15180Assembly Bill 373 73 December 12, 2013 hist15182Assembly Bill 352 75 December 12, 2013 hist15184Assembly Bill 119 77 December 12, 2013 hist15186Assembly Bill 248 78 December 12, 2013 hist15223Assembly Bill 359 82 December 12, 2013 hist15225Assembly Bill 62 83 December 12, 2013 hist15227Assembly Bill 28 84 December 12, 2013 hist15229Assembly Bill 30 85 December 12, 2013 Respectfully submitted,
Pursuant to s. 35.095 (1)(b), Wisconsin Statutes, the following 2013 Acts have been published: Act Number Bill Number Publication Date
hist15173Wisconsin Act 64 Assembly Bill 380 ..December 13, 2013 hist15175Wisconsin Act 65 Assembly Bill 61 …December 13, 2013 hist15177Wisconsin Act 68 Assembly Bill 174 ..December 13, 2013 hist15179Wisconsin Act 71 Assembly Bill 8 …..December 13, 2013 hist15181Wisconsin Act 73 Assembly Bill 373 ..December 13, 2013 hist15183Wisconsin Act 75 Assembly Bill 352 ..December 13, 2013 hist15185Wisconsin Act 77 Assembly Bill 119 ..December 13, 2013 hist15187Wisconsin Act 78 Assembly Bill 248 ..December 13, 2013 hist15224Wisconsin Act 82 Assembly Bill 359.. December 13, 2013 hist15226Wisconsin Act 83 Assembly Bill 62 …December 13, 2013 hist15228Wisconsin Act 84 Assembly Bill 28… December 13, 2013 hist15230Wisconsin Act 85 Assembly Bill 30 …December 13, 2013 _____________
December 12, 2013
Patrick E. Fuller
Assembly Chief Clerk
17 West Main Street, Suite 401
Madison, WI 53703
Dear Chief Clerk Fuller:
hist15188Please add my name as a co-author of Assembly Bill 215, relating to the number of wastewater discharge permits required for a publicly owned sewage treatment facility or system. Sincerely,
State Representative
48th Assembly District