Senate Joint Resolution 69
Senate Joint Resolution 71
Passed and asks concurrence in:
Senate Bill 196
Senate Bill 286
Senate Bill 348
Senate Bill 458
Senate Bill 462
Senate Bill 497
Senate Bill 499
Senate Bill 504
Senate Bill 512
Senate Bill 517
Senate Bill 518
Senate Bill 527
Senate Bill 531
Senate Bill 534
Senate Bill 547
Senate Bill 553
Senate Bill 574
Concurred in:
Assembly Bill 107
Assembly Bill 288
Assembly Bill 368
Assembly Bill 422
Assembly Bill 445
Assembly Bill 446
Assembly Bill 447
Assembly Bill 448
Assembly Bill 512
Assembly Bill 515
Assembly Bill 516
Assembly Bill 536
Assembly Bill 565
Assembly Bill 589
Assembly Bill 592
Assembly Bill 637
Assembly Bill 683
Assembly Joint Resolution 88
Assembly Joint Resolution 94
Amended and concurred in as amended:
Assembly Bill 258 (Senate amendment 1 adopted)
Action on the Senate Message
Senate Joint Resolution 69
Relating to: honoring the life of Leo H. LaFernier Sr.
By Senator Jauch; cosponsored by Representatives Bewley and Milroy.
To committee on Rules.
Senate Joint Resolution 71
Relating to: proclaiming June as Pelvic Organ Prolapse Awareness Month.
By Senators Lazich and L. Taylor; cosponsored by Representatives Endsley, Skowronski and Johnson.
To committee on Rules.
Senate Bill 348
Relating to: the sales and use tax exemption for aircraft parts, maintenance, and labor.
By Senators Ellis, Lasee, Gudex, Grothman, Cowles and Farrow; cosponsored by Representatives Steineke, Kaufert, Hintz, Sinicki, Murphy, Kahl, Bies, A. Ott, Bernard Schaber, Pridemore, Sanfelippo, Kuglitsch, Tittl, Ohnstad, Wachs and Bernier.
To joint committee on Finance.
Senate Bill 458
Relating to: standards for admission into a course offered by a school district of a pupil enrolled in a home-based private educational program.
By Senator Grothman; cosponsored by Representative J. Ott.
To committee on Rules.
Senate Bill 497
Relating to: agency discretion in imposing penalties for minor violations of rules by small businesses and granting rule-making authority.
By Senators Gudex, Petrowski, L. Taylor, Grothman and Olsen; cosponsored by Representatives Kapenga, Born, Craig, Hutton, Kulp, LeMahieu, Murphy, Murtha, Schraa and Tittl.
To committee on Rules.
Senate Bill 517
Relating to: collection of certain utility arrearages by a municipal utility and the provision of municipal utility service to tenants.
By Senators Lasee, Schultz, Olsen, Grothman and L. Taylor; cosponsored by Representatives Jacque, Thiesfeldt, Kahl, Steineke, Kulp, Sanfelippo, Ballweg, Vruwink, Tittl, Bies, Strachota, Pridemore, Murtha, Jagler and Krug.
To committee on Rules.
Senate Bill 531
Relating to: eligibility for a broker's or salesperson's license or a time-share salesperson's certificate of registration following a criminal conviction, immunity for employing real estate brokers in certain actions, granting rule-making authority, and providing a penalty.
By Senators Farrow and Schultz; cosponsored by Representatives Knudson, Murtha, Brooks, Jacque, Kahl, Krug, A. Ott and Bernier.
To committee on Rules.
Senate Bill 534
Relating to: the regulation of mortgage loan originators, mortgage brokers, and mortgage bankers.
By Senators Lasee and Schultz; cosponsored by Representatives Weininger, Craig, Sanfelippo, Kahl, Steineke, Richards, Murphy, Goyke, Knodl and Ballweg.
To committee on Rules.
Senate Bill 547
Relating to: adaptive management plans for reducing discharges of phosphorus and total suspended solids to the waters of the state and a statewide variance to the water quality standard for phosphorus for certain dischargers.
By Senators Cowles, Farrow, Petrowski, Grothman and Darling; cosponsored by Representatives Loudenbeck, Krug, Steineke, Spiros, Bies, Marklein, Czaja, Ballweg, Tauchen, Thiesfeldt, LeMahieu, Weininger, Kaufert and Klenke.
To committee on Rules.
Assembly Bill 258
Relating to: maintenance and removal of vegetation obstructing the view of outdoor advertising signs along highways under the jurisdiction of the Department of Transportation.
By Representatives Honadel, Ballweg, Bernier, Bies, Brooks, Doyle, Jacque, Kolste, T. Larson, LeMahieu, A. Ott, Ripp, Spiros, Stone, Thiesfeldt and Weatherston; cosponsored by Senators Tiffany, Farrow and Hansen.
To committee on Rules.
During today’s session, the following visitors honored the Assembly by their presence and were welcomed by the presiding officer and the members:
Samantha Olsen, Alberto Rodriguez, Alyssa Young and Tammy Stahl from Lakeshore Technical College, guests of Representative Tittl.
Todd Hadler, Tiffani Schley and Ann Depagter of the Wisconsin Counselors Association in Manitowoc, guests of Representative Tittl.