Senate Journal
One-Hundred and First Regular Session
12:01 A.M.   FRIDAY, June 21, 2013
The Senate met.
The Senate was called to order by Senate President Ellis.
Call of Roll
The roll was called, disclosing the presence of a quorum.
Pursuant to Senate Rule 15, the official attendance for session was:
Senators Carpenter, Cowles, T. Cullen, Darling, Ellis, Erpenbach, Farrow, S. Fitzgerald, Grothman, Gudex, Hansen, Harris, Harsdorf, Jauch, Kedzie, C. Larson, Lasee, Lassa, Lazich, Lehman, Leibham, Miller, Moulton, Olsen, Petrowski, Risser, Schultz, Shilling, L. Taylor, Tiffany, Vinehout, Vukmir and Wirch - 33.
Absent with leave - None.
The Senate stood for a moment of silent meditation.
The Senate remained standing and Senator Risser led the Senate in the pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America.
Pursuant to Senate Rule 17 (6), the Chief Clerk makes the following entries under the above date.
Chief Clerk's Entries
Amendments Offered
hist7878Senate Amendment 1 to Senate Bill 203 offered by Senator Lasee.
Third reading of joint resolutions and bills
Assembly Bill 40
Relating to: state finances and appropriations, constituting the executive budget act of the 2013 legislature.
hist7857Read a third time.
hist7856Senator Fitzgerald moved to call the question.
The question was: Shall the Senate vote immediately on the current question?
The ayes and noes were demanded and the vote was: ayes, 20; noes, 13; absent or not voting, 0; as follows:
Ayes - Senators Cowles, Darling, Ellis, Farrow, S. Fitzgerald, Grothman, Gudex, Harsdorf, Jauch, Kedzie, Lasee, Lazich, Leibham, Miller, Moulton, Olsen, Petrowski, Schultz, Tiffany and Vukmir - 20.
Noes - Senators Carpenter, T. Cullen, Erpenbach, Hansen, Harris, C. Larson, Lassa, Lehman, Risser, Shilling, L. Taylor, Vinehout and Wirch - 13.
Absent or not voting - None.
Motion prevailed.
The question was: Concurrence of Assembly Bill 40?
hist7858The ayes and noes were required and the vote was: ayes, 17; noes, 16; absent or not voting, 0; as follows:
Ayes - Senators Cowles, Darling, Ellis, Farrow, S. Fitzgerald, Grothman, Gudex, Harsdorf, Kedzie, Lasee, Lazich, Leibham, Moulton, Olsen, Petrowski, Tiffany and Vukmir - 17.
Noes - Senators Carpenter, T. Cullen, Erpenbach, Hansen, Harris, Jauch, C. Larson, Lassa, Lehman, Miller, Risser, Schultz, Shilling, L. Taylor, Vinehout and Wirch - 16.
Absent or not voting - None.
Concurred in.
Senator Fitzgerald, with unanimous consent, asked that all action be immediately messaged to the Assembly:
hist7859Assembly Bill 40
Announcements, Adjournment Honors, and Remarks Under Special Privilege
Senator Tiffany, with unanimous consent, asked that when the Senate adjourn, it do so in honor of Representative Tom Larson, who is home recovering from surgery. His surgery went well and the Senator would like to wish him a speedy recovery and looks forward to seeing him back here soon.
Senator Tiffany, with unanimous consent, asked that when the Senate adjourn, it do so in honor of Frank Tomlanovich, the Vilas County Sheriff, who passed away Wednesday night. He proudly served 34 years with the Vilas County Sheriff’s Department and was elected Sheriff in 2010. Senator Tiffany sends condolences to his family and all those who serve with him.
Senator Fitzgerald, with unanimous consent, asked that the Senate stand adjourned pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1.
12:11 A.M.