Committee on Education
The committee on Revenue, Financial Institutions, and Rural Issues reports and recommends:
Senate Bill 40
Relating to: setoffs against tax refunds for debts related to providing ambulance services.
Ayes: 5 - Senators Marklein, Tiffany, Lassa, Ringhand and Stroebel.
Noes: 0.
Ayes: 5 - Senators Marklein, Tiffany, Lassa, Ringhand and Stroebel.
Noes: 0.
Committee on Revenue, Financial Institutions, and Rural Issues
Referrals and Receipt of Committee Reports Concerning Proposed Administrative Rules
The joint committee for review of Administrative Rules reports and recommends:
Relating to apprenticeship completion awards.
Relating to unprofessional conduct.
Relating to the cranberry agricultural marketing order and affecting small business.
Relating to the clean Water Fund program.
Relating to the Safe Drinking Water Loan Program.
Relating to various minor and technical rule changes.
Relating to boat rules and regulations.
Senate Chairperson