August 2017 Special Session10:58 P.M. WEDNESDAY, September 13, 2017
The Assembly met in the Assembly Chamber located in the State Capitol.
Speaker Pro Tempore August in the Chair.
The Assembly dispensed with the call of the roll.
Message from the Senate
From: Jeffrey Renk, Senate Chief Clerk.
Mr. Speaker:
I am directed to inform you that the Senate has
Amended and concurred in as amended:
hist74648Assembly Bill 1, August 2017 Special Session (Senate substitute amendment 1 as amended by Senate amendment 1 to Senate substitute amendment 1 and Senate amendment 13 to Senate substitute amendment 1 adopted) _____________
Action on the Senate Message
hist0Assembly Bill 1, August 2017 Special Session Relating to: authorizing the creation of an electronics and information technology manufacturing zone, making changes to the enterprise zone tax credit program, authorizing limited use of the design-build construction process, granting contingent highway bonding authority, and making appropriations.
By committee on Assembly Organization
hist74649To calendar of Thursday, September 14 pursuant to Assembly Rule 93. _____________
Representative Steineke moved that the Assembly stand adjourned until 10:01 A.M. on Thursday, September 14.
The question was: Shall the Assembly stand adjourned?
Motion carried.
The Assembly stood adjourned.
10:59 P.M.