Read and referred:
Relating to: proclaiming April 2018 as Wisconsin Lions Eyeglass Recycling Month in Wisconsin.
By Senators LeMahieu, Marklein, Ringhand, Risser and L. Taylor; cosponsored by Representatives Tittl, Ballweg, Berceau, Fields, Jacque, Milroy, Mursau, Nerison, Petryk, Rohrkaste, Sinicki, Skowronski, Spiros, Spreitzer, Thiesfeldt, Tusler and Zepnick.
hist85435To the committee on Senate Organization. Relating to: commemorating the life and public service of Trooper Anthony J. Borostowski of the Wisconsin State Patrol.
By Senators Testin, Wanggaard, Carpenter, Darling, Feyen, Marklein, Nass, L. Taylor, Wirch and Vinehout; cosponsored by Representatives VanderMeer, Krug, Ballweg, E. Brooks, Crowley, Horlacher, Hutton, Kerkman, Kitchens, Kooyenga, Kulp, Milroy, Mursau, Pope, Rohrkaste, Sanfelippo, Sargent, Sinicki, Skowronski, Spiros, Spreitzer, Subeck, C. Taylor, Thiesfeldt, Tusler and Vruwink.
hist85451To the committee on Senate Organization. Relating to: proclaiming May 18, 19, and 20, 2018, Syttende Mai Weekend.
By Senators Shilling, Miller, Bewley, Wirch, Hansen, Erpenbach, Risser, Ringhand and Vinehout; cosponsored by Representatives Nerison, Hebl, VanderMeer, Petryk, Hesselbein, Zepnick, Genrich, Sinicki, Pope, Spreitzer, Berceau, Subeck and Tusler.
hist85452To the committee on Senate Organization. Relating to: proclaiming February 2018 to be American Heart Month in Wisconsin.
By Senators Darling, Shilling, Bewley, Carpenter, Cowles, Hansen, Johnson, Petrowski, Risser, L. Taylor, Testin, Vinehout, Vukmir and Wirch; cosponsored by Representatives Ballweg, Berceau, Duchow, Jagler, Kolste, Krug, Mursau, Petersen, Petryk, Pope, Pronschinske, Rohrkaste, Shankland, Sinicki, Skowronski, Spiros, Spreitzer, Subeck, Thiesfeldt, Tittl, Tusler, VanderMeer, Vruwink, Zepnick and Sargent.
hist85453To the committee on Senate Organization. Read first time and referred:
Relating to: methods of filing for claims for unemployment insurance benefits.
By Senators Vinehout, Bewley, Erpenbach, Ringhand, L. Taylor, Risser, Hansen and Carpenter; cosponsored by Representatives Sinicki, Hebl, Vruwink, Pope, Berceau, Wachs, Mursau, Crowley, Fields, Spreitzer, Subeck, Shankland, C. Taylor, Pronschinske and Sargent.
hist85430To the committee on Public Benefits, Licensing and State-Federal Relations. Relating to: the transfer of wild turkey hunting authorizations.
By Senator Moulton; cosponsored by Representatives Kleefisch, Horlacher, Kooyenga, Petersen and Tittl.
hist85431To the committee on Sporting Heritage, Mining and Forestry. Relating to: prohibiting the use of certain trapping devices in state parks.
By Senators Risser, Miller and Johnson; cosponsored by Representatives Berceau, Sinicki, Pope, Subeck, Crowley, Tusler and C. Taylor.
hist85432To the committee on Sporting Heritage, Mining and Forestry. Relating to: prohibiting hunting in state parks.
By Senators Risser, Miller and Johnson; cosponsored by Representatives Berceau, Hebl, Kolste, Sinicki, Pope, Subeck and Crowley.
hist85433To the committee on Sporting Heritage, Mining and Forestry. Relating to: eliminating depredation payments for hunting dogs injured or killed by wolves.
By Senators Risser, Miller and Johnson; cosponsored by Representatives Berceau, Hebl, Kolste, Subeck, Sargent and C. Taylor.
hist85434To the committee on Sporting Heritage, Mining and Forestry. Relating to: increasing the authority of a county executive from a populous county and other counties and reducing the authority of a county board, budgeting procedures for populous counties, certain other counties, and cities, villages, and towns, and the method for establishing the compensation of county supervisors and county elective officers.
By Senators Wanggaard and L. Taylor; cosponsored by Representatives Kooyenga and Fields.
hist85436To the committee on Government Operations, Technology and Consumer Protection. Relating to: billing practices for certain health care providers and granting rule-making authority.
By Senators Vinehout, Carpenter and Risser; cosponsored by Representatives Sargent, Kolste, Vruwink, Pope, Subeck, Berceau, Crowley, Mursau and Bernier.
hist85437To the committee on Insurance, Financial Services, Constitution and Federalism. Relating to: judicial disqualification based on campaign financial support.
By Senators Vinehout, Johnson, Miller, Hansen, L. Taylor and Risser; cosponsored by Representatives Hebl, Wachs, Anderson, Berceau, Bowen, Crowley, Kessler, Kolste, Pope, Sargent, Sinicki, Spreitzer, Subeck and C. Taylor.
hist85438To the committee on Government Operations, Technology and Consumer Protection. Relating to: grants for obtaining farm tractor rollover protective structures and making an appropriation.
By Senator Testin; cosponsored by Representatives Kulp, Horlacher, Spiros, Rohrkaste and Wichgers.
hist85439To the committee on Agriculture, Small Business and Tourism. Relating to: actions against certain third parties by injured employees under the worker's compensation law.
By Senators Stroebel and Cowles; cosponsored by Representative Duchow.
hist85440To the committee on Labor and Regulatory Reform. Relating to: legislative vacancies.
By Senators Shilling, Hansen, Risser, L. Taylor and Ringhand; cosponsored by Representatives Hintz, C. Taylor, Hesselbein, Zamarripa, Kolste, Sinicki, Berceau, Spreitzer, Pope, Anderson, Ohnstad, Considine, Sargent, Subeck, Crowley and Wachs.
hist85441To the committee on Elections and Utilities. Relating to: the fees for a foreign corporation's certificate of authority, withdrawal of a certificate of authority, and annual report.
By Senators Marklein and Stroebel; cosponsored by Representatives Zimmerman, Ott, Kuglitsch, Tauchen, Tusler, Knodl, Kulp, Spiros, Macco, Kooyenga and Horlacher.
hist85442To the committee on Revenue, Financial Institutions and Rural Issues. Relating to: licensure of dental therapists and granting rule-making authority.
By Senators Craig and Kapenga; cosponsored by Representatives Felzkowski, Swearingen, Tittl, Quinn, VanderMeer, Tauchen, Mursau, Born, Stafsholt, Horlacher and Hutton.
hist85443To the committee on Public Benefits, Licensing and State-Federal Relations. Relating to: providing funding, creating an individual income tax credit, and providing a levy limit exception for lead service line replacement and making an appropriation.
By Senators Larson, Carpenter, Johnson, L. Taylor, Ringhand and Vinehout; cosponsored by Representatives Sinicki, Brostoff, Bowen, Sargent, C. Taylor, Crowley, Goyke, Riemer, Hebl, Spreitzer, Wachs, Pope, Anderson, Considine, Ohnstad, Hesselbein, Berceau, Fields, Kolste and Zepnick.
hist85444To the committee on Natural Resources and Energy. Relating to: allowing certain youth membership organizations to speak to pupils during the school day.
By Senators Nass and Testin; cosponsored by Representatives Petryk, Kuglitsch, Kulp and Tusler.
Relating to: grants to the Center for Suicide Awareness, Inc., and making an appropriation.
By Senators L. Taylor, Darling, Bewley, Petrowski, Erpenbach, Carpenter, Shilling and Testin; cosponsored by Representatives Rohrkaste, Steineke, Jacque, Shankland, Anderson, Ballweg, Sinicki, Zepnick, Tittl, Spreitzer, Tusler, Berceau, Spiros, Mursau and VanderMeer.
Relating to: the I 94 east-west corridor project.
By Senators Darling, Craig, Wanggaard, Kapenga, Vukmir and L. Taylor; cosponsored by Representatives Sanfelippo, Kooyenga, Hutton, Allen, Duchow, Kuglitsch, Ott, Rodriguez, Skowronski, Wichgers, R. Brooks, Brandtjen, Knodl and Kleefisch.
hist85447To the committee on Transportation and Veterans Affairs. Relating to: an exemption from permit requirements for certain riparian owners who remove material from the bed of a navigable water.
By Senator Craig; cosponsored by Representatives Wichgers, Tauchen, Jacque, Weatherston and Horlacher.