Ayes: 11 - Representatives Sanfelippo, Bernier, Edming, Skowronski, Wichgers, Murphy, Jacque, Kolste, Zamarripa, Subeck and C. Taylor.
Noes: 0.
Ayes: 11 - Representatives Sanfelippo, Bernier, Edming, Skowronski, Wichgers, Murphy, Jacque, Kolste, Zamarripa, Subeck and C. Taylor.
Noes: 0.
Assembly Bill 870
Relating to: temporary practice by physicians at camps.
Ayes: 11 - Representatives Sanfelippo, Bernier, Edming, Skowronski, Wichgers, Murphy, Jacque, Kolste, Zamarripa, Subeck and C. Taylor.
Noes: 0.
Ayes: 11 - Representatives Sanfelippo, Bernier, Edming, Skowronski, Wichgers, Murphy, Jacque, Kolste, Zamarripa, Subeck and C. Taylor.
Noes: 0.
Assembly Bill 871
Relating to: intensive care coordination program in the Medical Assistance program.
Ayes: 11 - Representatives Sanfelippo, Bernier, Edming, Skowronski, Wichgers, Murphy, Jacque, Kolste, Zamarripa, Subeck and C. Taylor.
Noes: 0.
Assembly Bill 920
Relating to: employer groups for self-funded health care coverage.
Ayes: 7 - Representatives Sanfelippo, Bernier, Edming, Skowronski, Wichgers, Murphy and Jacque.
Noes: 4 - Representatives Kolste, Zamarripa, Subeck and C. Taylor.
Ayes: 7 - Representatives Sanfelippo, Bernier, Edming, Skowronski, Wichgers, Murphy and Jacque.
Noes: 4 - Representatives Kolste, Zamarripa, Subeck and C. Taylor.
Committee on Health
The committee on Insurance reports and recommends:
Assembly Bill 876
Relating to: coverage of prescription eye drop refills.
Ayes: 12 - Representatives Petersen, Duchow, Steffen, Jagler, Petryk, Tranel, Katsma, August, Genrich, Young, Berceau and Doyle.
Noes: 0.
Assembly Bill 877
Relating to: disclosures to the commissioner of insurance and other changes to the insurance laws, extending the time limit for emergency rule procedures, providing an exemption from emergency rule-making procedures, and granting rule-making authority.
Ayes: 12 - Representatives Petersen, Duchow, Steffen, Jagler, Petryk, Tranel, Katsma, August, Genrich, Young, Berceau and Doyle.
Noes: 0.
Assembly Bill 884
Relating to: actions against certain third parties by injured employees under the worker's compensation law.
Ayes: 12 - Representatives Petersen, Duchow, Steffen, Jagler, Petryk, Tranel, Katsma, August, Genrich, Young, Berceau and Doyle.
Noes: 0.
Committee on Insurance
The committee on Jobs and the Economy reports and recommends:
Assembly Bill 759
Relating to: regulation of rental-purchase agreements and granting rule-making authority.
hist87391Assembly Substitute Amendment 1 adoption: Ayes: 12 - Representatives Neylon, E. Brooks, Zimmerman, Kulp, Tittl, Macco, Snyder, Kleefisch, Ballweg, Stuck, Fields and Sinicki.
Noes: 1 - Representative Ohnstad.
Ayes: 10 - Representatives Neylon, E. Brooks, Zimmerman, Kulp, Tittl, Macco, Snyder, Kleefisch, Ballweg and Sinicki.
Noes: 4 - Representatives Ohnstad, Stuck, Fields and Crowley.
Committee on Jobs and the Economy
The committee on Local Government reports and recommends:
Assembly Bill 606
Relating to: changes affecting a first class city board of fire and police commissioners, chiefs, officers, and fire fighters, police and fire departments and boards of police and fire commissioners in other cities, villages, and certain towns, veterans preference points awarded by first class cities, and granting rule-making authority.
Ayes: 6 - Representatives E. Brooks, Novak, Duchow, Steffen, Skowronski and Gundrum.
Noes: 3 - Representatives Subeck, Berceau and Spreitzer.
Ayes: 6 - Representatives E. Brooks, Novak, Duchow, Steffen, Skowronski and Gundrum.
Noes: 3 - Representatives Subeck, Berceau and Spreitzer.
Assembly Bill 836
Relating to: population standard for populous counties.
Ayes: 9 - Representatives E. Brooks, Novak, Duchow, Steffen, Skowronski, Gundrum, Subeck, Berceau and Spreitzer.
Noes: 0.
Assembly Bill 882
Relating to: the immobilization or removal, impoundment, and disposal of motor vehicles for multiple nonmoving traffic violations.