One-Hundred and Fifth Regular Session2:00 P.M. THURSDAY, March 25, 2021
The Assembly met in the Assembly Chamber located in the State Capitol.
Representative Vorpagel in the chair.
The Assembly dispensed with the call of the roll.
Amendments Offered
hist130613Assembly Amendment 1 to Assembly Substitute Amendment 1 to Assembly Bill 26 offered by Representative Tittl. Assembly Amendment 1 to Assembly Bill 82 offered by Representative Allen.
hist130512Assembly Amendment 2 to Assembly Bill 82 offered by Representative Allen. hist130526Assembly Amendment 1 to Assembly Bill 138 offered by Representative Brandtjen. _____________
Administrative Rules
Relating to emergency medical services licensing, certification, and training requirements.
Submitted by Department of Health Services.
hist129250Report received from Agency, March 12, 2021. hist130536To committee on Regulatory Licensing Reform. Referred on March 25, 2021.
Relating to sensory impairment terminology and deaf-blindness.
Submitted by Department of Public Instruction.
hist128980Report received from Agency, March 10, 2021. Referred on March 24, 2021.
Introduction and Reference of Proposals
Read first time and referred:
Relating to: proclaiming March 19 to be Wisconsin Celebrating Women in Public Office Day.
By Representative Subeck; cosponsored by Senator Bernier.
Relating to: observing Wednesday, March 24, 2021, as Equal Pay Day in Wisconsin.
By Representatives Sinicki, Milroy, Hintz, Hesselbein, Spreitzer, Subeck, Anderson, Andraca, Baldeh, Billings, Bowen, Brostoff, Cabrera, Conley, Considine, Doyle, Drake, Emerson, Goyke, Haywood, Hebl, Hong, McGuire, B. Meyers, Moore Omokunde, L. Myers, Neubauer, Ohnstad, Ortiz-Velez, Pope, Riemer, S. Rodriguez, Shankland, Shelton, Snodgrass, Stubbs, Vining and Vruwink; cosponsored by Senators Johnson, Wirch, Smith, Bewley, Ringhand, Carpenter, Agard, Larson, Roys and L. Taylor.
Relating to: proclaiming the month of March as Snowplow Driver Awareness Month.
By Representatives B. Meyers, Sinicki, Hebl, Drake, Vruwink, S. Rodriguez, Milroy, Hesselbein, Shelton, Subeck, Shankland, Thiesfeldt, Hintz, Neubauer, Spreitzer, Cabrera and Stubbs; cosponsored by Senators Bewley, L. Taylor, Cowles, Ringhand, Felzkowski and Erpenbach.
Relating to: honoring the life and service of Alfred J. “Cy” Tector, Jr., and commemorating his many accomplishments.
By Representatives Knodl, Andraca, Drake, Magnafici, Sinicki, Spreitzer, Subeck, Tranel and Skowronski; cosponsored by Senators Darling, Cowles and Carpenter.
Relating to: designating University of Wisconsin and technical college sports and athletic teams based on the sex of the participants.
By Representatives Dittrich, Brandtjen, Cabral-Guevara, Rozar, Tittl, Gundrum, Sortwell, Tusler, Plumer, Skowronski, James, Allen, Kuglitsch, Moses, Ramthun and Sanfelippo; cosponsored by Senators Bernier, Jacque and Nass.
hist130552To committee on Colleges and Universities. Relating to: designating athletic sports and teams operated or sponsored by public schools or private schools participating in a parental choice program based on the sex of the participants.
By Representatives Dittrich, Brandtjen, Cabral-Guevara, Rozar, Tittl, Gundrum, Sortwell, Tusler, Plumer, Skowronski, James, Allen, Kuglitsch, Moses, Ramthun and Sanfelippo; cosponsored by Senators Bernier, Jacque and Nass.
Relating to: pre-adoption training formats.
By Representatives Snodgrass, Billings, Baldeh, Tusler, Anderson, Andraca, Cabral-Guevara, Emerson, Hebl, Shelton, Sinicki, Spreitzer and Subeck; cosponsored by Senators Johnson, Roth, Carpenter, Darling, Larson, Ringhand and L. Taylor.
Relating to: defects on absentee ballot certificates, certain kinds of election fraud, and providing a penalty.
By Representatives Sanfelippo, Edming, Gundrum, Knodl, Krug, Murphy, Neylon, Skowronski, Steffen, VanderMeer and Wichgers; cosponsored by Senators Darling, Stroebel, Wimberger, Ballweg, Bradley, Felzkowski, Feyen, Jacque, Marklein, Nass and Wanggaard.
hist130555To committee on Campaigns and Elections. Relating to: conducting juvenile proceedings by telephone or audiovisual means and appearance at any criminal proceeding by telephone or audiovisual means.
By Representatives Thiesfeldt, Skowronski, Brooks, Knodl and Schraa; cosponsored by Senators Jacque, Ballweg and Felzkowski.
hist130556To committee on Criminal Justice and Public Safety. Relating to: depositing sales tax revenue from the sale of motor vehicles and motor vehicle parts, accessories, and services into the transportation fund.
By Representatives Wichgers, Horlacher, Allen, Brandtjen, Brooks, Edming, Knodl, Kuglitsch, Magnafici, Moses, Murphy, Ramthun, Rozar, Skowronski, Thiesfeldt and Plumer; cosponsored by Senators Jacque, Felzkowski and Nass.
Relating to: absentee ballot applications, unsolicited mailing or transmission of absentee ballot applications and absentee ballots, canvassing absentee ballots, electronic voter registration, and providing a penalty.
By Representatives Gundrum, Rozar, Edming, Spiros, Krug, Neylon, Brooks, Murphy, Jagler, Allen, Knodl and Wichgers; cosponsored by Senators Stroebel, Darling, Roth, Wanggaard, Bradley, Nass, Ballweg and Felzkowski.
hist130558To committee on Campaigns and Elections. Relating to: sourcing materials from within the right-of-way of a highway improvement project.
By Representatives Brandtjen, Allen, Gundrum, Knodl, Magnafici, Moses, Plumer, Ramthun, Rozar, Skowronski and Wichgers; cosponsored by Senators Jacque, Bernier, Felzkowski, Feyen, Nass, Stroebel and Wanggaard.
Relating to: indication of veteran status on an operator's license or identification card.
By Representatives Sortwell, Cabral-Guevara, Brandtjen, Brooks, Callahan, Gundrum, Horlacher, Knodl, Magnafici, Mursau, Ortiz-Velez and Sinicki; cosponsored by Senators Jacque, Darling, Carpenter, Felzkowski, Feyen and L. Taylor.
Relating to: prorated University of Wisconsin System housing and meal plan contracts.
By Representatives Sortwell, Brooks, Cabral-Guevara, Cabrera, Gundrum, Horlacher, Knodl, Kuglitsch, Magnafici, Moses, Murphy, Mursau, Rozar, Skowronski, Thiesfeldt and Wichgers; cosponsored by Senators Stroebel, Nass, Bradley, Felzkowski and Stafsholt.