hist149379To the committee on Government Operations, Legal Review and Consumer Protection. Relating to: implementation of talent attraction and retention initiatives.
By Senators Feyen, Ballweg, Darling and Felzkowski; cosponsored by Representatives Armstrong, Born, Callahan, Dittrich, Edming, Kuglitsch, Magnafici, Moses, Petersen, Thiesfeldt and Tranel.
hist149380To the committee on Economic and Workforce Development. Relating to: admission requirements at University of Wisconsin System institutions.
By Senators Feyen and Stroebel; cosponsored by Representatives Wittke, Vos, Armstrong, Brandtjen, Dittrich, Duchow, Horlacher, Kuglitsch, Magnafici, Moses, Murphy, Thiesfeldt and Wichgers.
hist149381To the committee on Universities and Technical Colleges. Relating to: funding for the address confidentiality program and making an appropriation.
By Senators Carpenter, Agard, Bewley, Johnson, Larson, Ringhand and Smith; cosponsored by Representatives Vining, Andraca, Conley, Considine, Drake, Emerson, Goyke, Hebl, Hesselbein, Hong, Milroy, Ohnstad, Pope, S. Rodriguez, Shankland, Shelton, Snodgrass, Spreitzer, Stubbs, Subeck and Vruwink.
hist149382To the committee on Judiciary and Public Safety. Relating to: peer recovery specialists.
By Senators Testin, Ballweg and Bewley; cosponsored by Representatives Zimmerman, Armstrong, Dittrich, Duchow, James and Plumer.
hist149383To the committee on Insurance, Licensing and Forestry. Relating to: battery or threat to jurors and providing a penalty.
By Senators Darling, Wanggaard, Feyen, Marklein and Stroebel; cosponsored by Representatives Steffen, Sortwell, Kuglitsch, Brandtjen, Wichgers, James, Gundrum, Duchow, Skowronski, Dittrich and Knodl.
hist149384To the committee on Judiciary and Public Safety. Relating to: a commercial driver recruitment program.
By Senators Wimberger and Felzkowski; cosponsored by Representatives Pronschinske, Armstrong, Born, Callahan, Dittrich, Edming, James, Kerkman, Kuglitsch, Magnafici, Oldenburg, Penterman, Petersen, Petryk and Thiesfeldt.
hist149385To the committee on Economic and Workforce Development. Relating to: certification requirements for building contractors.
By Senators Petrowski, Cowles, Feyen and Jagler; cosponsored by Representatives Spiros, Brooks, Sortwell, Thiesfeldt and Tittl.
hist149386To the committee on Housing, Commerce and Trade. Relating to: requiring certain efforts to expand and promote the apprenticeship and youth apprenticeship programs.
By Senators Stafsholt, Darling and Ballweg; cosponsored by Representatives Oldenburg, Brandtjen, Callahan, Dittrich, Edming, James, Kuglitsch, Magnafici, Moses, Penterman, Petersen, Petryk, Plumer, Thiesfeldt, Tranel and Wichgers.
hist149388To the committee on Economic and Workforce Development. Relating to: various changes to the unemployment insurance law, requiring an audit to be conducted by the Legislative Audit Bureau, requiring approval by the Joint Committee on Finance of certain federally authorized unemployment benefits, and authorizing the secretary of administration to transfer employees from any executive branch agency to the Department of Workforce Development for certain purposes.
By Senators Wimberger, Bernier, Darling, Felzkowski, Marklein, Nass and Stroebel; cosponsored by Representatives Armstrong, Petryk, Penterman, August, Born, Brandtjen, Cabral-Guevara, Callahan, Dittrich, Edming, James, Katsma, Kitchens, Knodl, Krug, Kuglitsch, Loudenbeck, Macco, Magnafici, Moses, Oldenburg, Petersen, Plumer, Schraa, Snyder, Sortwell, Steffen, Tittl, Tusler, Vorpagel, Wichgers and Zimmerman.
hist149389To the committee on Economic and Workforce Development. Relating to: the maximum life and allocation period for Tax Incremental District Number 1 in the village of Withee.
By Senators Bernier and Petrowski; cosponsored by Representative James.
hist149390To the committee on Government Operations, Legal Review and Consumer Protection. _____________
Petitions and Communications
hist149299Pursuant to Senate Rule 17 (5), Representative Kurtz added as a cosponsor of Senate Bill 167. hist149334Pursuant to Senate Rule 17 (5), Representative Brooks added as a cosponsor of Senate Bill 214. hist149347Pursuant to Senate Rule 17 (5), Representative Brooks added as a cosponsor of Senate Bill 393. hist149348Pursuant to Senate Rule 17 (5), Representative Brooks added as a cosponsor of Senate Bill 803. hist149332Pursuant to Senate Rule 17 (5), Representatives Kitchens, Spreitzer and Plumer added as cosponsors of Senate Bill 827. hist149395Pursuant to Senate Rule 17 (5), Representative Ramthun added as a cosponsor of Senate Bill 833. _____________
Legislative Reference Bureau Corrections
Corrections In:
2021 SENATE BILL 485
Prepared by the Legislative Reference Bureau
(January 31, 2022)
hist1493071. Page 10, line 16: delete “632.32.” and substitute “632.32”. _____________
State of Wisconsin
Office of the Senate President
February 1, 2022
The Honorable, the Senate:
Pursuant to Senate Rule 46 (2)(c), I am writing to inform you that I have directed the following proposal to be withdrawn from committee and rereferred. I have obtained the consent of the appropriate standing committee chairsperson and the chairperson of the committee on Senate Organization. hist149304Assembly Bill 203, relating to: indication of veteran status on an operator's license or identification card., withdrawn from the committee on Veterans and Military Affairs and Constitution and Federalism and rereferred to the committee on Senate Organization. Sincerely,
Senate President
State of Wisconsin
Office of the Senate Majority Leader
January 31, 2022
Dear Senate Chief Clerk Queensland,
Pursuant to Senate Rule 44m (2), the Senate Majority Leader may direct the chief clerk to present correctly enrolled legislation that originated in the Senate to the Governor. Please deliver the following bills to the Governor’s office. hist149509
Senate Bill 158, 242, 309, 332, 395, 412, 425, 453, 488, 571, 607, and 655 Please do not hesitate to contact my office with any questions.
Majority Leader
State of Wisconsin
Wisconsin Ethics Commission
February 1, 2022
The Honorable, the Senate:
Pursuant to Wis. Stats. §13.685 (7), we are providing the enclosed information. Please visit the Wisconsin Ethics Commission’s Eye on Lobbying website, https://lobbying.wi.gov, for more detailed information about lobbyists, lobbying principals (organizations), and state agency liaisons. Ayala, Alexander Milwaukee Police Association
Echeverri, Diego Secure Democracy
Ehlert, Tim Amazon.com Services LLC (FKA Amazon.com Services, Inc.)
Gardner, Shauna Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA)
Hubbard, Gregory Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN)
Kleefisch, Joel Union Supply Group